Anesthesia MCQs

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: September 13, 2024

Topic-wise Anesthesia MCQs

  1. Anesthesiology MCQs
  2. Anesthesia Basics:
  3. Anesthesia Agents MCQs:
  4. Airway Management:
  5. Anesthesia Monitoring MCQs – Anesthesia:
  6. Regional Anesthesia MCQs :
  7. Patient Assessment and Optimization:
  8. Anesthesia Delivery Systems MCQs:
  9. Pediatric Anesthesia MCQs :
  10. Obstetric Anesthesia MCQs – Anesthesia:
  11. Anesthesia Complications and Emergencies MCQs:
  12. Post-Anesthesia Care MCQs:
  13. Geriatric Anesthesia:
  14. Ethics and Professionalism in Anesthesia MCQs:
  15. Simulation and Skills Training MCQs :

Important MCQs on Anesthesia Basics

1.  Main purpose of anesthesia during surgery is?

A) Pain relief
B) Rapid recovery
C) Wound healing
D) Muscle strengthening

Answer: A) Pain relief

2. A kind of anesthesia that is used to numbs a particular part of the body?

A) Local anesthesia
B) General anesthesia
C) Regional anesthesia
D) Systemic anesthesia..

Answer: C) Regional anesthesia

Type of Anesthesia to remember

Type of AnesthesiaFunction
– Epidural AnesthesiaBlocks sensation in a specific region, often used in childbirth and certain surgeries.
– Peripheral Nerve BlocksBlocks sensation in a specific peripheral nerve distribution for localized anesthesia.
– Spinal AnesthesiaNumbs the lower part of the body, commonly used in lower abdominal and leg surgeries.
General AnesthesiaInduces unconsciousness and loss of sensation throughout the entire body.
Local AnesthesiaNumbs a specific small area of the body, commonly used for minor procedures or surgeries.
Monitored Anesthesia CareInvolves sedation and monitoring of vital signs during a procedure without general anesthesia.
Regional AnesthesiaBlocks sensation in a specific region of the body, often used for surgeries on limbs.
Sedation AnesthesiaProduces a state of relaxation and reduced consciousness without complete unconsciousness.

3. ___ is frequently used in surgery as an inhalation anesthetic?

A) Nitrous oxide
B) Oxygen
C) Carbon dioxide
D) Hydrogen

Answer: A) Nitrous oxide

4. Reason for preoperative assessment in anesthesia is?

A) To diagnose postoperative complications
B) To determine the patient’s financial status
C) To evaluate the patient’s overall health and plan anesthesia care
D) To assess the surgeon’s skills

Answer: C) To evaluate the patient’s overall health and plan anesthesia care

5. In anesthesia, term “induction” refer to?

A) Recovery from anesthesia
B) The process of preparing the patient for surgery
C) Administration of anesthesia to induce unconsciousness
D) Monitoring the patient’s vital signs during surgery

Answer: C) Administration of anesthesia to induce unconsciousness

6. _____ is a common side effect of general anesthesia.

A) Increased heart rate
B) Elevated blood pressure
C) Respiratory depression
D) Hypoglycemia

Answer: C) Respiratory depression

7. Primary responsibility of an anesthesiologist during surgery is?

A) Performing the surgery
B) Monitoring and managing the patient’s vital functions
C) Administering postoperative care
D) Prescribing pain medications

Answer: B) Monitoring and managing the patient’s vital functions

8. Drug that is often used for conscious sedation during minor procedures includes?

A) Opioids
B) Benzodiazepines
C) Antibiotics
D) Anticoagulants

Answer: B) Benzodiazepines

9. What is the primary benefit of patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) in postoperative pain management?

A) Reduced risk of respiratory depression
B) Lower cost of medication
C) Decreased patient comfort
D) Limited accessibility to pain relief

Answer: A) Reduced risk of respiratory depression

10. Stage of anesthesia that is characterized by unconsciousness, amnesia and analgesia is?

A) Induction
B) Maintenance
C) Emergence
D) Recovery

Answer: B) Maintenance

11. Which of the following factor is essential for determining the appropriate dosage of anesthetic drugs for a patient?

A) Patient’s age
B) Surgeon’s preference
C) Time of day
D) Patient’s weight

Answer: D) Patient’s weight

12. Endotracheal intubation during general anesthesia helps in?

A) Facilitating communication with the patient
B) Administering intravenous medications
C) Ensuring a patent airway and facilitating mechanical ventilation
D) Monitoring blood pressure

Answer: C) Ensuring a patent airway and facilitating mechanical ventilation

13. Which inhalation anesthetic is known for its sweet odor and is often used in combination with oxygen?

A) Desflurane
B) Sevoflurane
C) Isoflurane
D) Nitrous oxide

Answer: B) Sevoflurane

14. Primary role of neuromuscular blocking agents used in anesthesia?

A) Inducing amnesia
B) Facilitating pain relief
C) Promoting muscle relaxation
D) Enhancing respiratory function

Answer: C) Promoting muscle relaxation

15. Acronym “ASA” in anesthesia stand for?

A) Anesthetic and Surgical Association
B) American Society of Anesthesiologists
C) Anesthesia Safety Accreditation
D) Anesthesiology Standards Agency

Answer: B) American Society of Anesthesiologists

16. Potential complication of epidural anesthesia includes?

A) Increased risk of bleeding
B) Respiratory depression
C) Nausea and vomiting
D) Hypertension

Answer: A) Increased risk of bleeding

17. What is the role of a nerve block in anesthesia?

A) Inducing unconsciousness
B) Blocking pain sensation in a specific region of the body
C) Facilitating muscle relaxation
D) Enhancing blood circulation

Answer: B) Blocking pain sensation in a specific region of the body

18. ____ is primarily responsible for eliminating many anesthetic drugs from the body.

A) Kidneys
B) Liver
C) Lungs
D) Heart

Answer: B) Liver

19. Benefit of using intravenous anesthesia as compared to inhalation anesthesia is ?

A) Rapid onset of action
B) Prolonged duration of effect
C) Minimal risk of allergic reactions
D) Enhanced patient awareness

Answer: A) Rapid onset of action