1. Protrusion of the tongue is taken out by …
a) Styloglossus
b) Genioglossus
d) none of these
2. Which bone divides the Lateral part of the middle cranial fossa and posterior cranial fossa?
a) Petrous temporal bone
b) Croista galli bone
c) Transverse groove bone
d) Sphenoid bone
3. Hypoglossal nerve supplies to all muscles except ...
a) Styloglossus
b) Genioglossus
c) Palatoglossus
d) none of these
4. Which of these have dual nerve supply?
a) Masseter
b) Lateral pterygoid
c) Digastric
d) none of these
5. The sumbandibular gland is located in …
a) Muscular triangle
b) Carotid triangle
c) Digastric triangle
d) all of these
6. Ptosis disease occur due to damage to...
a) Superior oblique muscle
b) Trochlear nerve
c) Oculomotor
d) all of these
7. A motor nerve fibre has a diameter of ...
a) 2-20 micrometere
b) 14 millimetre
c) 12-20 micrometres
d) 2-9-millimetres
8. The branch that deals with Cervical part of ICA is …
a) Opthalmic cordia
b) Anti-cerebral
c) Post communicating
d) None of these
9. From which embryonic processes upper and lower lips are formed?
a) Maxillary mandibular lateral nasal and median nasal
b) Maxillary and median nasal and lateral
c) Maxillary and lateral mandibular
d) none of these
10. Cricothyroid is being supplied by …
a) Superior laryngeal nerve
b) Hypoglossal nerve
c) Recurrent laryngeal nerve
d) none of these
11. All of these are motor nerves except …
a) trochlear
b) abducent
c) trigeminal
d) none of these
12. Mitral cells are present in the …
a) olfactory tract
b) Optic Valve
c) kidney
d) mitral nerve