Psychology MCQs
Let’s begin with some most important and repeated MCQs of Psychology.
Sample Paper of Psychology MCQs
1. In an experiment the group which receives no treatment is called:
A. Experimental group
B. No group
C. Control group
D. None of these
2. Between the degree of coffee drinking if one finds a positive correlation and the likelihood of heart attacks. One can conclude that:
A. Heart attack caused by Coffee drinking
B. To drink a lot of coffee causes Individuals prone to heart attacks
C. Heart attacks caused by an active lifestyle of certain people.
D. None of these
3. ______ are largely a result of motor skills :
A. Maturational process
B. Observing
C. Learning
D. other Practice
4. Which controls breathing and digestion the portion of body is called ______.
A. Autonomic
B. Linear circuit
C. Axon
D. None of these
5. In part on classical conditioning Which of the following clinical procedures are based?
A. Two chair technique
B. Token economy
C. Transference
D. Systematic desensitization
6. From an interaction of physical and psychological factors that results to seem illness are called :
A. Conversion disorder
B. Psychosomatic
C. Hysterical
D. Somatic
7. Which method of gathering information about the brain indicates the overall activity of the brain?
A. Electroencephalogram
B. Electrical stimulation
C. Studying damage to the brain
D. Positron Emission Tomography
8. The response of physiological and psychological to stress referred to as :
A. Strain
B. Hypertension
C. Stressors
D. Transition
9. Rational-emotive therapy’s example which is developed by :
A. Albert Ellis
B. Carl Rogers
C. Allen Bergin
D. Joseph Wolpe
10. Society explicit and implicit norm’s violation can be viewed as not normal in the sense that the violation is :
A. Distressful
B. Dysfunctional
C. Deviant
D. A danger to one’s self or to others
11. A society establishes to govern conduct according to rule of implicit and explicit are referred to as :
A. Morality
B. Culture
C. Conventions
D. Norms
12. peoples lost touch with reality when they are _______.
A. Psychopathic
B. Psychotic
C. Manic
D. Neurotic
13. We can define intelligence as:
A. The ability to think abstractly and learn from experience
B. Include all the factors that make one person different from another
C. Knowledge of a great many facts
D. The ability to get good grades in school
14. Brain part that sends the signal that we named “alert” to higher centers of the brain in response to incoming massage is :
A. Reticular formation
B. Hippocampus
C. amygdala
D. Limbic system
15. Control of reflexes handled by the ____ :
A. Frontal lobe
B. Hypothalamus
C. Medulla
D. Spinal cord
16. As the occipital lobe is to vision, the _____ lobe is to hear.
A. Temporal
B. cerebeller
C. Frontal
D. Parietal
17. Definition of abnormality which includes unhappiness contain _____ aspect.
A. Deviance
B. Dysfunction
C. Danger to self or others
D. Distress

18. distinguish fine details, the ability of the eye is called:
A. visual sensitivity
B. visual acuity
C. adaptation
D. visual dilation
19. _____ is control by the thyroid gland :
A. Metabolism
B. Sexuality
C. Emotions
D. Glucose absorption
20. A theory named as “Gestalt theory” emphasized:
A. Environmental stimuli
B. A flow of consciousness
C. Our tendency to see pattern
D. The atoms of thought
More MCQs of Psychology
- Psychology MCQs Main page
- Clinical Psychology MCQs
- Psychology MCQ’s from Past Papers
- Education Psychology MCQs
- Theories of Personality Psychology MCQs
- Biological Psychology MCQs
- Psychosocial Psychology MCQs
- Advance Social Psychology MCQs
- Positive Psychology MCQs
- Psychology General MCQs
- PSYCHOLOGY important MCQ’s
- Advanced Psychology MCQ’s
- Psychology Repeated MCQs
- Psychopathology MCQs
- Psychopathology MCQs 2
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