What is HTML?
- HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language.
- Starting of tags are represented by operators < >
- Ending of tags are represented by operators < / >
- For example <p> is the starting tag for putting paragraph on the web page.
- For example </p> is the ending tag for closing the paragraph.
- Every tag should have starting and ending.
- For example <p> is the starting of paragraph tag and </p> is the closing of the tag.
- Early starting tag should be late closed and late started tag should be early close. An example is shown in the diagram below.
How to make an HTML file?
- Open any code editing tool.
- For example, you can open notepad, notepad++, Dreamweaver, etc.
- Type your code
- Save file as .html
- For example you assign a name to the file as myt4file, then save this file with extension .html, Finally, your file name looks like myt4file.html
- Open the file with your internet browser.
- For example, you can open the file with google chrome, internet explorer or some else tool.
Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 3:
Step 4:
Dreamweaver download link
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