MCQs of Introduction Of Biotechnology

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: April 18, 2024

1. The end product of translation is.

A. Amino acids
B. Lipids
C. Polypeptides
D. All of these
E. None of the above

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2. Which one of the following has first use of the pure microbiological process in an industrial procedure was made by Chaim Weizmann in.

A. 1917
B. 1925
C. 1921
D. 1907
E. None of the above

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3. Which of the following has all viruses consists of.

A. DNA and protein coat
B. RNA and protein coat
C. Polysaccharides and proteins
D. Nucleic acid and a protein coat
E. None of the above

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4. Application of biotechnology procedures in medical processes is classified as.

A. White biotechnology
B. Red biotechnology
C. Blue biotechnology
D. Green biotechnology
E. None of the above

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5. In bacteria, a small circle of DNA found outside the main chromosome is called a.

A. Plasmid
B. Protein
C. Genetic fingerprint
D. Episome
E. None of the above

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6. Field of biotechnology which is applied to industrial processes is known as.

A. Blue biotechnology
B. Green biotechnology
C. White biotechnology
D. Red biotechnology
E. None of the above

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7. The DNA of an elephant and the DNA of a mango tree will probably differ in all of the following.

A. A sequence of DNA nucleotides
B. Length of DNA molecules
C. Number of DNA molecules

D. Kinds of nucleotides utilized in forming DNA
E. None of the above

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8. Which of the following is an example of green biotechnology?

A. Industrial antibiotics
B. BT corn and pesticides
C. Industrial catalysts
D. Industrial chemicals
E. None of the above

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9. Which of the following is the true statement?

A. Ribosomes contain RNA nucleotides and amino acids
B. A messenger RNA molecule has the form of a double helix
C. The uracil nucleotide consists of the uracil nitrogen base, a deoxyribose sugar and a phosphate group
D. In eukaryotes, DNA is manufactured in the nucleus and RNA is manufactured in the cytoplasm
E. None of the above

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10. Mold Penicillium was discovered by the scientist Alexander Fleming in which year?

A. 1931
B. 1928
C. 1935
D. 1939
E. None of the above

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11. Which of the following is the example of red biotechnology?

A. Industrial catalyst
B. Pesticides
C. Antibiotics
D. Bt corn
E. None of the above

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12. Which of the following scientist was discovered Mold Penicillium?

A. Alexander Fleming
B. Louis Pasteur
C. Charles Darwin
D. Chaim Weizmann
E. None of the above

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