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Biology MCQs
Which of the following is the first trophic level in the food chain?
Which of the following is the first oxidation product of secondary alcohol?
Which of the following is the first step of glycolysis?
Which of the following is the first stage of the environmental clearance process?
Which of the following is considered the first biological database?
Which of the following is the first completed and published gene sequence?
Which of the following is the first antihistamine?
Which of the following is an example of a first-class lever in the human body?
Which one of the following is the first popular artificial sweetener?
Which of the following represents a correct sequence of events in a cardiac cycle?
Which of the following is not associated with first recombinant DNA molecule?
Which of the following is not the first line of defense?
Which of the following is the first enzyme of glycolysis?
Which of the following is the first phase of karyokinesis?
Which of the following is the first ISO certification related to anti-bribery?
Which of the following organ is differentiated first during development?
Which of the following is not a bird?
Which of the following is not an animal fibre?
Which of the following is not true for fertilizers?
Which of the following nutrients is not available in fertilizers?
Which out of the following is not a true fish?
Which one of the following is not an advantage of inbreeding?
Which of the following pollutants is not biodegradable?
which of the following is not a plant hormone?
Which of the following is not a function of vacuole?
Which of the following statement is not true about glucose?
Which of the following is not an essential amino acid?
Which of the following is not an epidemic?
Which of the following is not an antibiotic?
Which of the following is not a mineral?
Which of the following is not a fat soluble vitamin?
Which of the following is not a restriction enzyme?
Which of the following is not a sexually transmitted disease?
Which of the following is not a type of silk?
Which of the following is not actually a dairy product?
Which of the following is not an autoimmune disease?
Which one of the following is not a characteristic of minerals?
Which one of the following is not a Platyhelminthes?
Which of the following base is not present in DNA?
Which of the following hormone is not secreted by human placenta?
Which of the following is not a communicable disease?
Which of the following is not the function of conducting part of respiratory system?
Which of the following is not a hereditary disease?
Which of the following is not a lymphoid tissue?
Which of the following is not a renewable source of energy?
which of the following is not a sign of hypothermia?
Which of the following is not an involuntary action?
Which of the following is not RNA virus?
Which of the following is not an environmental problem?
Agriculture MCQs
Which of the following was the first transgenic crop to be developed?
Which of the following is associated with installing the first domain controller in a forest?
Which of the following is not a cash crop?
Which of the following is not a cereal?
Which of the following is the first neural network computer?
Which of the following is the first mobile phone released that ran the android OS?
Which of the following is not an application of depth first search?
Which of the following database object is created first before any other created?
Which of the following software is the first one to work when you switch on your laptop?
Which of the following is associated with the handoff in first generation analog cellular systems?
Which of the following is usually represented by the first parameters of the main function?
Which of the following is the first step to follow while doing SEO?
Which of the following is the first step in creating an ad campaign with Facebook Ads Manager?
Which of the following is the first law of inheritance?
Which of the following is the first step in hypothesis testing?
Which of the following is first step to make system more secure?
Which of the following is the first operating system developed using the C programming language?
Which of the following is the first completely open-source mobile operating system (OS)?
Which of the following “laws” is Asimov’s first and most important law of robotics?
Which of the following is true for first-generation wireless systems?
Which of the following is the first UNIX editor?
Which of the following is a LIFO (Last In, First Out) data structure?
The first step in troubleshooting many problems is to verify which of the following?
Which of the following is considered as first web browser?
Which of the following is not an application of breadth first search?
Which of the following is the first calculating device?
which of the following is the first computer to use stored program concept?
Which of the following is the first step of SDLC?
Which of the following is true about breadth first search?
Which one of the following is actually considered as the first computer virus?
General Knowledge MCQs
Which of the following is the first charter of human’s rights?
Which of the following is the first city in the world to have underground subway system?
Which of the following is the first country to grant citizenship to a robot?
Which of the following is not true about first anglo-mysore war?
Which of the following revolution is called as the first expression of nationalism?
Which of the following is India’s first electric car?
Which of the following is the world’s largest volcano erupted for the first time in 38 years?
In which of the following countries English is not the first language?
Which of the following is the first active satellite?
Which of the following is generally not a part of the first aid kit?
Which of the following is the first Bengali newspaper?
Which of the following is the model of the first train?
Which of the following statements is NOT true about the First Round Table Conference?
Which of the following revolutions is called as the first expression of nationalism?
Which of the following is the first step in the licensing process?
Which of the following science is considered the first and the most ancient?
Which of the following is the first human made object to reach the surface of the moon?
Which of the following scientists is known for recording the ECG for the first time?
Which of the following is the first indigenously built light combat aircraft?
Which of the following is the first beach in India to get blue flag certification?
Which of the following is the first satellite sent to space?
Which one of the following power companies is going to build India’s first floating solar plant?
Which of the following is not a primary color?
Which one of the following is not a natural disaster?
Regional General Knowledge MCQs
Which of the following is the first nuclear plant in India?
Which of the following is India’s first credit information company?
Which of the following is the first color movie produced in India?
Which one of the following is the first government college in Assam?
Which of the following is the first national park of India?
Which of the following periods is known as the first Green Revolution period in India?
Which of the following is the First-ever payment bank set up in India?
Which of the following is India’s first national marine park?
Which of the following is the first Hyundai product introduced in India?
which of the following airport is India’s first airport to be fully powered by renewable energy?
Which of the following is the first and largest depository presently operational in India?
Which of the following is the first coal mine in India?
Which of the following is considered the first woman ruler of India?
Which of the following is India’s first supercomputer?
Chemistry MCQs
Which of the following is not a first order reaction?
Which of the following is the first oxidation product of secondary alcohol?
Which of the following is a correct relation for first order reaction?
The first member of the ester homologous series is
Which of the following is the first step to create a formula?
Which of the following is not a constituent of petroleum?
Which of the following is not a salt?
Mechanical engineering/civil MCQs
Which of the following operation is first performed?
Research Methods MCQs
Which of the following is the first step in the scientific method of problem solving?
Which of the following is the first step in starting the research process?
Which of the following is the first step in the questionnaire design process?
Which of the following is the first step in starting the research process?
C++ MCQs
Which of the following function is used to find the first occurrence of a string in another string?
Data structures MCQs
In breadth first search of graph, which of the following data structure is used?
Which of the following is useful in traversing a given graph by breadth first search?
Web MCQs
Which one of the following is the very first task executed by a session enabled page?
Physics MCQs
Based on the first law of thermodynamics, which one of the following is correct?
During embryonic development which of the following is formed first?
Which of the following is the application of Newton’s first law of motion?
Which of the following is the use of Castigliano’s first theorem?
Which of the following is the first law of thermodynamics?
General MCQs
Which of the following is the first-ever openly gay character in the Marvel Comics universe?
Management sciences MCQs
Which of the following is the first step in MBO?
Which of the following is the first-order condition for profit maximization in economics?
Which of the following is the first step in the process of developing a succession plan?
Which of the following financial statements is generally prepared first?
Economics MCQs
Which of the following is the first-order condition for profit maximization in economics?
Education MCQs
Which one of the following is the first source for the socialization of a child?
Which of the following is the first stage in the process of creativity?
English MCQs
Which of the following texts is considered the first example of postcolonial criticism?
Chemistry MCQs
Which of the following is a member of first transition series?
Civil Engineering MCQs
Which of the following is the first principle of surveying?
Mix MCQs
- Constitutional design of india – class 9 MCQs
- Control and coordination class 10 MCQs
- Crop production and management class 8 MCQs
- Determiners class 10 MCQs
- Federalism class 10 MCQs – Indian Federalism
- Federalism class 10 MCQs – Indian Federalism
- Forest and wildlife resources class 10 MCQs – Indian Boards
- Improvement in food resources class 9 MCQs
- Lost Spring MCQs
Indian Law MCQs