Immunology MCQs – Interviews Questions Answers
1. By which process immunity would be most likely to be acquired by active immunity?
A. vaccination
B. drinking colostrum
C. natural birth
D. recovery for infection caused by any disease-causing follows organisms
E. none of these
2. Long-lasting immunity to an infectious agent can be followed by which convey?
A. Naturally acquired passive immunity
B. Naturally acquired active immunity
C. Artificially acquired passive immunity
D. All of these
E. None of these
3. Which substance of an immune response system will not stimulate until they make a bond with large molecules?
A. Antigen
B. Virus
C. Miligen
D. Hapten
E. Antibody
4. Which is formed when B and T cells are produced by stem cells?
A. The spleen
B. The liver
C. The circulatory system
D. Bone marrow
E. The lymph nodes
5. T cells mature in the _______ while B cells mature in the______.
A. Thymus/Bone marrow and GALT
B. Spleen/bone marrow and GALT
C. Thymus/bone marrow and gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT)
D. Liver/Kidneys
E. none of these
6.pathogens intracellular are most effectively destroyed by which cells/molecules of an immune?
A. T cytolytic cells
B. B cells
C. Antibodies
D. Complement
E. T helper cells
7. Used for vaccination a living microbe with reducing virulence?
A. A toxoid
B. Denatured
C. Virulent
D. Attenuated
E. Dormant
8. Produced and released a large number of antibodies by B cells.
A. Memory cells
B. Basophils
C. Neutrophils
D. Killer cells
E. Plasma cells
9.The antibody is specified by.
A. its valence
B. The Fc portion of the molecule
C. The heavy chains
D. The heavy and light chain portion variable
E. none of these
10.In precipitation reactions, the antigen is a______In agglutination reactions, the antigen is a_____
A. soluble molecule/whole cell
B. whole-cell/Soluble molecule
C. Protein/carbohydrates
D. Bacterium/virus
E. Protein/Antibody
11. The activation process of B cells is by.
A. Complement
B. Antigen
C. Interferon
D. Memory cells
E. Antibody
12.Fusion between a tumor cell and a plasma cell creates a
A. Myeloma
B. Hybridoma
C. Lymphoblast
D. Lymphoma
E. Natural killer cell
13.__________is recognized by a single Monoclonal antibodies.
A. Antigen
B. Bacterium
C. Virus
D. B cell
E. Epitope
14. Humoral immunity is mainly carried out by………………..while cell-mediated immunity is carried out by
A. T cells/B cells
B. Epitopes/Antigens
C. B cells/T cells
D. Antibodies/Antigens
E. Antibodies/Phagocytes
15.which is the example of nonself anti genverses self-antigens to recognize the ability of an immune system
A. Specific immunity
B. Antigenic immunity
C. Cell-mediated immunity
D. Tolerance
E. Humoral immunity
16. Resist infections ability of an organism by pathogens is known as ___________ .
A) Infection
B) Hypersensitivity
C) Allergy
D) Immunity
E) None of these
17. Innate immunity has no memory and present since birth.
A) True
B) False
C) none of these
D)all of these
18. which of the compound is not found in tears?
A) Lysozyme
B) Lactoferin
C) IgE
D) IgA
E) none of these
19. what will be released in response to virus infection tell the3 name of cytokines?
A) Lymphokines
B) Monokines
C) Interferons
D) Interleukins
20.s which one can perfoam functions exclusively as a signaling receptor name the group of pattern recognition molecule?
C) Toll-like receptor
E) none of these
21.which cell is being created at the time of infection which the first cell, tell the name of it?
A) Nk cells
B) Basophils
C) Macrophages
D) Nutrophils
22. Which is responsible for the pain of the inflammation also defines its name of nerve stimulator?.
A) Kinins
B) Prostaglandin
C) Histamines
D) Bradykinin
E) None of these