Functional Genomics MCQs
1. Human genome draft of working introduced in____year
A. 2000
B. 2012
C. 1991
D. 1988
E. None of these
2. Genomics introduced____
A. Thomas Roder
B. craig venter
C. Thomas cech
D. None of these
3. NIH stand_____.
A. National institute of hospital
B. National interaction host
C. National Institute of health
D. None of these
4. International human genome introduced ______.
A. NOH and US doE
B. celera genomics
D. None of these
5. HGP stands_____.
A. human gene project
B. homogeneous genome project
C. human genome project
D. human genetic project
E. None of these
6. DNA sequencing step is____genomics
A. structural
B. functional
C. comparative
D. Both A and B
E. None of these
7. Size of rice genome is____Mb.
A. 500
B. 300
C. 430
D. 534
E. None of these
8. one of the following is not a gene expression database?.
A. flyview
B. GenBank
C. Bodymap
D. None of these
9. STS stands____.
A. simple tagged sequence
B. sequence tagged sites
C. simple tagged service
D. None of these
10. one of the following use of repetitive DNA.
D. Both A and B
E. None of these