Biology MCQS for Pre- Medical
1.The “Forebrain” is further divided into …….
(a) Cerebrum
(b) Thalamus
(c) Limbic System
(d) B and C
(e) All of these
(f) None of these
2. What is the simplest form of Learning?
(a) Insight Learning
(b) Imprinting
(c) Latent Learning
(d) Habituation
(e) All of these
(f) None of these
3. Which of the following is the Mode of transmission of Hepatitis A?
(a) Sexual contact
(b) Serum
(c) Faeco-oral
(d) C and D
(e) All of these
(f) None of these
4. Which one of the following is the smallest known virus?
(a) Polio virus
(b) Hepatitis virus
(c) Pox virus
(d) Retro virus
(e) All of these
(f) None of these
5. Which of the following includes in the “Hindbrain”?
(a) Cerebellum
(b) Pons
(c) Medulla
(d) C and D
(e) All of these
(f) None of these
6. What does the Hydra shows?
(a) Centralized nervous system
(b) Diffused nervous system
(c) Nervous system
(d) C and A
(e) All of these
(f) None of these
7. The imprinting is best known in Birds such as?
(a) Chickens
(b) Geese
(c) Ducks
(d) C and D
(e) All of these
(f) None of these
8. Waht are the numbers of Capsomers in the Herpes virus?
(a) 162
(b) 172
(c) 100
(d) 152
(e) All of these
(f) None of these
9. What do you mean by “Virions”?
(a) A Viral protein
(b) A viral lysozyme
(c) A viral gene
(d) A virus
(e) All of these
(f) None of these
10. Which of the following scientist discovered the “Vaccine”?
(a) Stanely
(b) Louis Pasteur
(c) Ivanowski
(d) Edward Jennar
(e) All of these
(f) None of these
11. What the aderneal cortex secretes?
(a) Progestrone
(b) Androgenic Hormones
(c) Aldosterone
(d) B and C
(e) All of these
(f) None of these
12. The Resting membrane potential is ……..
(a) 0.05
(b) 0.03
(c) 0.07
(d) 0.09
(e) All of these
(f) None of these
Topic Covered: Biology MCQS for Pre- Medical.