1. The problem caused due to the loss of water leading to dehydration is:
A. Aerial life
B. Aquatic life
C. Terrestrial life
D. Both A & B
2. Simple substances combined to form complex substances in which reactions?
A. Anabolic reactions
B. Metabolic reactions
C. Catabolic reactions
D. None of these
3. Generation of wastes done at the metabolic level called:
A. Nitrogenous wastes
B. Metabolic wastes
C. Anabolic wastes
D. Catabolic wastes
4. Organic compounds contain a basic element:
A. Sulphur
B. Carbon
C. Oxygen
D. Hydrogen
5. _________ is the maintenance of internal temperature within a tolerable range:
A. Thermoregulation
B. Osmoregulation
C. Photoregulation
D. None of these
6. The formation of bond when multiple bonds share electrons is:
A. Covalent bond
B. Electrovalent bond
C. Ionic bond
D. Hydrogen bond
7. From _________ malpighian tubules remove nitrogenous waste:
A. Coelomic fluid
B. Hindgut
C. Lymph
D. Haemolymph
8. Which one is the carbon atom?
A. Trivalent
B. Tetravalent
C. Monovalent
D. Divalent
9. What is the term known for metabolic pathways involved in the production of urea?
A. Hydrogen cycle
B. Urea cycle
C. Ammonia cycle
D. Nitrogen cycle
10. Which is stable to complex carbohydrate molecules?
A. C-C
B. C-N
C. C-H
D. C-O
11. The arrangement of nephrons along the cortex called as:
A. Medullary nephrons
B. Pelvic nephrons
C. Cortical nephrons
D. Juxtamedullary nephrons
12. How many percentages of water found in brain cells?
A. 85%
B. 95%
C. 25%
D. 55%