Biology Multiple Choice Questions from latest book edition

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: April 19, 2024

1. The problem caused due to the loss of water leading to dehydration is:
A. Aerial life
B. Aquatic life
C. Terrestrial life
D. Both A & B

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2. Simple substances combined to form complex substances in which reactions?
A. Anabolic reactions
B. Metabolic reactions
C. Catabolic reactions
D. None of these

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3. Generation of wastes done at the metabolic level called:
A. Nitrogenous wastes
B. Metabolic wastes
C. Anabolic wastes
D. Catabolic wastes

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4. Organic compounds contain a basic element:
A. Sulphur
B. Carbon
C. Oxygen
D. Hydrogen

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5. _________ is the maintenance of internal temperature within a tolerable range:
A. Thermoregulation
B. Osmoregulation
C. Photoregulation
D. None of these

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6. The formation of bond when multiple bonds share electrons is:
A. Covalent bond
B. Electrovalent bond
C. Ionic bond
D. Hydrogen bond

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7. From _________ malpighian tubules remove nitrogenous waste:
A. Coelomic fluid
B. Hindgut
C. Lymph

D. Haemolymph

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8. Which one is the carbon atom?
A. Trivalent
B. Tetravalent
C. Monovalent
D. Divalent

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9. What is the term known for metabolic pathways involved in the production of urea?
A. Hydrogen cycle
B. Urea cycle
C. Ammonia cycle
D. Nitrogen cycle

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10. Which is stable to complex carbohydrate molecules?
A. C-C
B. C-N
C. C-H
D. C-O

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11. The arrangement of nephrons along the cortex called as:
A. Medullary nephrons
B. Pelvic nephrons
C. Cortical nephrons
D. Juxtamedullary nephrons

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12. How many percentages of water found in brain cells?
A. 85%
B. 95%
C. 25%
D. 55%

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