Anesthesiology MCQs

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: September 13, 2024

  1. Which of the following is a commonly used inhalational anesthetic?
    • A) Isoflurane
    • B) Propofol
    • C) Fentanyl
    • D) Ketamine
      Answer: A
  2. What is the mechanism of action of local anesthetics?
    • A) Inhibition of acetylcholine release
    • B) Blockade of sodium channels
    • C) Activation of opioid receptors
    • D) Inhibition of NMDA receptors
      Answer: B
  3. Which of the following is used as a reversal agent for opioid overdose?
    • A) Naloxone
    • B) Neostigmine
    • C) Sugammadex
    • D) Atropine
      Answer: A
  4. Which muscle relaxant is depolarizing?
    • A) Succinylcholine
    • B) Rocuronium
    • C) Vecuronium
    • D) Atracurium
      Answer: A
  5. Which of the following drugs is a short-acting intravenous anesthetic?
    • A) Propofol
    • B) Isoflurane
    • C) Desflurane
    • D) Nitrous oxide
      Answer: A
  6. Which inhalational anesthetic has the fastest onset and recovery?
    • A) Isoflurane
    • B) Sevoflurane
    • C) Desflurane
    • D) Halothane
      Answer: C
  7. Which of the following agents is most likely to cause malignant hyperthermia?
    • A) Nitrous oxide
    • B) Desflurane
    • C) Succinylcholine
    • D) Midazolam
      Answer: C
  8. Which of the following drugs is commonly used for conscious sedation?
    • A) Midazolam
    • B) Ketamine
    • C) Etomidate
    • D) Halothane
      Answer: A
  9. The maximum safe dose of lidocaine without epinephrine is:
    • A) 2 mg/kg
    • B) 5 mg/kg
    • C) 7 mg/kg
    • D) 10 mg/kg
      Answer: B
  10. Which drug is used to reverse the effects of non-depolarizing muscle relaxants?
  • A) Neostigmine
  • B) Sugammadex
  • C) Naloxone
  • D) Flumazenil
    Answer: A
  1. The main advantage of using sevoflurane in pediatric anesthesia is:
  • A) Lower cost
  • B) Rapid induction
  • C) Less postoperative nausea
  • D) Long-lasting effects
    Answer: B
  1. Which of the following can cause an increase in intracranial pressure?
  • A) Propofol
  • B) Ketamine
  • C) Etomidate
  • D) Midazolam
    Answer: B
  1. Which of the following is an opioid agonist-antagonist?
  • A) Fentanyl
  • B) Morphine
  • C) Buprenorphine
  • D) Methadone
    Answer: C
  1. The use of nitrous oxide should be avoided in:
  • A) Pregnancy
  • B) Pneumothorax
  • C) Asthma
  • D) Hypertension
    Answer: B
  1. The primary site of action of propofol is:
  • A) GABA receptors
  • B) NMDA receptors
  • C) Opioid receptors
  • D) Serotonin receptors
    Answer: A
  1. Which of the following is a non-depolarizing neuromuscular blocking agent?
  • A) Succinylcholine
  • B) Vecuronium
  • C) Ketamine
  • D) Midazolam
    Answer: B
  1. Which of the following anesthetics is associated with adrenal suppression?
  • A) Propofol
  • B) Ketamine
  • C) Etomidate
  • D) Midazolam
    Answer: C
  1. Which of the following is the safest option for anesthesia in patients with a history of malignant hyperthermia?
  • A) Sevoflurane
  • B) Propofol
  • C) Succinylcholine
  • D) Isoflurane
    Answer: B
  1. Which of the following agents can cause tachycardia and hypertension during induction?
  • A) Ketamine
  • B) Propofol
  • C) Midazolam
  • D) Etomidate
    Answer: A
  1. What is the mechanism of action of succinylcholine?
  • A) Blockade of sodium channels
  • B) Depolarization of neuromuscular junction
  • C) Competitive inhibition of acetylcholine
  • D) Activation of NMDA receptors
    Answer: B
  1. Which of the following opioids is the most potent?
  • A) Morphine
  • B) Fentanyl
  • C) Codeine
  • D) Hydromorphone
    Answer: B
  1. Which of the following is a contraindication for spinal anesthesia?
  • A) Hypertension
  • B) Increased intracranial pressure
  • C) Asthma
  • D) Diabetes
    Answer: B
  1. Which of the following is an advantage of epidural over spinal anesthesia?
  • A) Faster onset
  • B) Ability to titrate dose
  • C) Less risk of hypotension
  • D) Longer duration of action
    Answer: B
  1. Which of the following agents is used for rapid-sequence induction?
  • A) Ketamine
  • B) Etomidate
  • C) Propofol
  • D) Midazolam
    Answer: B
  1. Which of the following local anesthetics has the longest duration of action?
  • A) Lidocaine
  • B) Bupivacaine
  • C) Procaine
  • D) Ropivacaine
    Answer: B
  1. Which of the following is most likely to cause postoperative nausea and vomiting?
  • A) Propofol
  • B) Nitrous oxide
  • C) Ketamine
  • D) Midazolam
    Answer: B
  1. What is the typical MAC (minimum alveolar concentration) of isoflurane?
  • A) 0.8%
  • B) 1.2%
  • C) 1.8%
  • D) 2.0%
    Answer: A
  1. Which of the following is the treatment for local anesthetic systemic toxicity (LAST)?
  • A) Epinephrine
  • B) Atropine
  • C) Lipid emulsion therapy
  • D) Naloxone
    Answer: C
  1. Which of the following agents is used for analgesia and sedation in labor?
  • A) Fentanyl
  • B) Nitrous oxide
  • C) Midazolam
  • D) Isoflurane
    Answer: B
  1. Which opioid has the fastest onset of action?
  • A) Morphine
  • B) Fentanyl
  • C) Hydromorphone
  • D) Methadone
    Answer: B
  1. Which of the following is NOT a side effect of opioids?
  • A) Constipation
  • B) Respiratory depression
  • C) Hypertension
  • D) Sedation
    Answer: C
  1. What is the primary use of dexmedetomidine in anesthesia?
  • A) Sedation
  • B) Muscle relaxation
  • C) Analgesia
  • D) Anti-nausea
    Answer: A
  1. Which of the following local anesthetics can cause methemoglobinemia?
  • A) Lidocaine
  • B) Prilocaine
  • C) Bupivacaine
  • D) Ropivacaine
    Answer: B
  1. Which of the following is a characteristic of propofol infusion syndrome?
  • A) Hypotension
  • B) Hyperkalemia
  • C) Bradycardia
  • D) All of the above
    Answer: D
  1. Which of the following agents is best for pediatric induction due to its pleasant odor?
  • A) Halothane
  • B) Sevoflurane
  • C) Isoflurane
  • D) Desflurane
    Answer: B

Topic-wise Anesthesia MCQs

  1. Anesthesiology MCQs
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  3. Anesthesia Agents MCQs:
  4. Airway Management:
  5. Anesthesia Monitoring MCQs – Anesthesia:
  6. Regional Anesthesia MCQs :
  7. Patient Assessment and Optimization:
  8. Anesthesia Delivery Systems MCQs:
  9. Pediatric Anesthesia MCQs :
  10. Obstetric Anesthesia MCQs – Anesthesia:
  11. Anesthesia Complications and Emergencies MCQs:
  12. Post-Anesthesia Care MCQs:
  13. Geriatric Anesthesia:
  14. Ethics and Professionalism in Anesthesia MCQs:
  15. Simulation and Skills Training MCQs :