Biology Test MCQs
1. A dialyzer in a machine of blood circulation in haemodialysis is known as:
A. Artificial kidney
B. Temporary kidney
C. Natural kidney
D. Permanent kidney
2. What is the treatment for a cancer patient?
A. Gene therapy
B. Antibiotic therapy
C. Radiotherapy
D. None of these
3. Land mammals react to cold by raising their:
A. Bristles
B. Spines
C. Skin
D. Furs
4. Which is correct regarding cloning?
A. Division of single egg into one or more embryos
B. The individual is the mirror image of the parent organism
C. It involve methods of sexual reproduction
D. Both A & B
5. Maximum marine invertebrates are:
A. Osmoconformers
B. Osmobreakers
C. Osmoorganizers
D. Osmoregulators
6. Determine the non-viral disease:
A. Tetanus
B. Smallpox
C. Cowpox
D. Mumps
7. Nitrogen excreted by animals as:
A. Uric acid
B. Ammonia
C. Urea
D. All of the above
8. 99% of total mass is formed of __________ in a human body:
A. 19 bioelements
B. 6 bioelements
C. 11 bioelements
D. None of these
9. Simple tubular excretory system in Planaria is called:
A. Prenephridium
B. Protonephridium
C. Metanephridium
D. Mesonephridium
10. Biological organization is __________:
A. Complex
B. Highly complex
C. Simple
D. Advance
11. Large vacuoles in plants cells can be used for:
A. Storage of waste substances
B. Storage of useful compounds
C. Removal of wastes
D. Both A & B
12. Collection of organisms in communities is:
A. Dynamic
B. Static
C. Both A & B
D. None of these