1. From the Krebs cycle, NADH is equal to:
A. 7 ATP
B. 5 ATP
C. 3 ATP
D. 9 ATP
2. What is a nucleoside?
A. Pyramidine + purine + phosphate
B. Purine + sugar + phosphate
C. purine/pyramidine + phosphate
D. purine/pyramidine + sugar
3. The final c acceptor in mitochondrial electron transport chains is:
C. H2O
D. None of these
4. ________ includes feather stigma in it:
A. Wheat
B. Poppy
C. Pea
D. Hibiscus
5. Water movement from cell to cell through plasmadesmata is:
A. Facilitated
B. Apoplastic
C. Transmembrane
D. Symplastic
6. What is the process of water exudation through hydathodes called:
A. Evaporation
B. Bleeding
C. Guttation
D. Transpiration
7. The CO2 fixation mechanism in maize plant is known as:
A. CAM pathway
B. C3 – C4 intermediate
C. C3 pathway
D. C4 pathway
8. In which family, basal placentation is found?
A. Fabaceae
B. Asteraceae
C. Malvaceae
D. Solanaceae
9. What are the salt-loving plants called:
A. Xerophytes
B. Mesophytes
C. Glycophytes
D. Halophytes
10. Where are the insectivorous plants grow:
A. Carbohydrate-rich soil
B. Potassium deficient soil
C. Nitrogen deficient soil
D. Nitrogen-rich soil
11. The water potential of the system _________ with the addition of the solution to a liquid system:
A. Decreases
B. Increases
C. Remains variable
D. Remains stable
12. What does benthos mean in a pond ecosystem?
A. All phytoplankton’s
B. Primary consumes in the bottom of a pond
C. Large fishes eating small ones
D. Zooplanktons on a water surface
SET 2: Botany MCQs
1. Method of water exudation through hydathodes is called__________:
A. Guttation
B. Transpiration
C. Evaporation
D. Bleeding
2. Basal placentation is originate in the___________ family?
A. Malvaceae
B. Solanaceae
C. Fabaceae
D. Asteraceae
3. Insectivorous plants grow in which of the following soil?
A. Nitrogen rich soil
B. Nitrogen deficient soil
C. Potassium deficient soil
D. Carbohydrate rich soil
4. In a pond ecosystem, benthos means________?
A. Zooplanktons on water surface
B. Large fishes eating small ones
C. Primary consumes in the bottom of a pond
D. All phytoplankton’s
5. Eyes on potato tubers signify¬______________?
A. Rootlets
B. Nodes with buds
C. Scars
D. Sutures
6. Fungus without mycelium is known as ?
A. Puccinia
B. Rhizopus
C. Saccharomyces
D. Mucor
7. In photorespiration, The organelles involved which of the followings?
A. Glyoxysomes, chloroplast and mithondria
B. Chloroplast, peroxisome and glythisome
C. Mitochondria, peroxisome and glyoxysomes
D. Chloroplast, mitochondria and peroxisome
8. ? X l74 has__________ DNA
A. Single stranded DNA
B. Single stranded RNA
C. Double stranded RNA
D. Double stranded DNA
9. Floridean starch is found in which of the following?
A. Chlorophyceae
B. Myxophyceae
C. Phaeophyceae
D. Rhodophyceae
10. The hormone reducing transpiration rate by inducing stomatal closure is know as:
B. Ethylene
C. Cytokipin
D. Auxin
11. In bryophotes the female sex organ is called__________?
A. Archegonium
B. Antheridium
C. Carpogonium
D. Ascogonium
12. Pigment involved in photo morphogenetic movements is called ________:
A. Cytochrome
B. Phytochrome
C. Chromatin
D. Vernalin
13. First CO2receptor in C4plants is________ from the following?
14. In onion, the swollen underground structure is__________?
A. A. Root
B. Rhizome
C. Bulb
D. Tuber
15. Movement of leaves of sensitive plant, Mimosa pudica are due to_______ ?
A. Thernonasty
B. Seisnonasty
C. Hydrothpism
D. Chemo nasty
16. Fragrant flowers with well-developed nectarines are an adaptation for ______from the following?
A. Zoophily
B. Anemophily
C. Entornophily
D. Hydfophily
17. Cheese and yoghurt are products of?
A. Pasteurization
B. Fermentation
C. Dehydration
D. Distillation
18. Colchicines bring about__________?
A. Polyploidy
B. Cell division
C. Cell elongation
D. Cell differentiation
19. Select the components of an ecosystem from the following?
A. Trees and weeds
B. Plants and animals
C. Man and plants
D. Biotic and abiotic
20. The two great industrial tragedies MIC and Chemobyl occurred respectively in_________?
A. Bhopal 1984, Ukraine 1986
B. Madhya Pradesh 1980, Russia 1990
C. Bhopal 1980, Ukraine 1984
D. Ukraine 1990, Bhopal 1986
21. Tyloses are _________?
A. Lactiferous channels
B. Secretory cells
C. Sieve plates
D. Tracheal plugs plugging the lumen of vessels and tracheids
22. 10% energy transfer law of food chain was given by_________?
A. Lederberg
B. Lindmann
C. Weismann
D. Lindley
23. Reaction center of photo system-I in green plants is ______?
A. P680
B. P690
C. P700
D. P780
24. Number of cotyledons in Zea mays, Cycas and Pinus individually are_______?
A. 1, 2, 4
B. 1, 2, many
C. 2, 2, many
D. 2, 1, 4
25. Double fertilization is found in which of the following?
A. Bryophytes
B. Angiosperms
C. Gymnosperms
D. Pteridophytes
26. If a sporangium derived from a single cell is called___________?
A. Leptosporangiate
B. Eusporangiate
C. Heterosporangiate
D. None of the above
27. The term water potential was proposed by ______ which of the following?
A. Godlewski
B. Slatyer and Taylor
C. Dixon and Jolly
D. J. C. Bose
28. A plant has two types of haploid structures in its life cycle is called _________ from the following?
A. Haplobiontic
B. Diplobiontic
C. Haplontic
D. Diplontic
29. Ribozyme is________?
A. enzyme
B. RNA with enzymatic activity
C. Hormone
D. Protein
30. A chain of amino acids joined by peptide bonds is called ________
A. Peptide chain
B. Polypeptide chain
C. Polyamino acid chain
D. Nucleotide chain
31. The high yielding hybrid crop varieties to exploit hybrid vigour, the farmers need to Purchase fresh hybrid seed every year because of ______________?
A. Hybrid vigour is not long-standing due to inbreeding depression
B. It is always associated with 4ncreased heterozygosity
C. Government has accepted Dunkel’s proposals
D. None of these
32. Soil salinity is measured by_______ from the following?
A. Potometer
B. Porometer
C. Conductivity meter
D. Calorimeter
33. Which one of the following is the earliest land plant?
A. Rhynia
B. Cycas
C. Ulothrix
D. Synchytrium
34. The scutellum of the gram embryo is a________________?
A. Vestigial organ
B. Photosynthetic organ
C. Absorptive organ
D. Protective organ
35. In Bignonia eapreolata pollination is carried out by__________?
A. Bat
B. Bird
C. Insect
D. Wind
36. Fragrant flowers with well-developed nectarines are an adaptation for_________ from the following?
A. Anemophily
B. Ornithophily
C. Entamophily
D. Hydrophily
37. Genetic engineering is related with_______ of the following?
A. Eugenics
B. Euphenics
C. Euthenics
D. All of these
38. Floating roots are the characteristics feature of which of the following?
A. Viscum
B. Vanda
C. Cuscuta
D. Jussiaea
39. Various fungi are known to accumulate considerable quantities of divalent metals ___________?
A. Cd
B. Zn
C. Pb
D. All of these
40. The diameter of Z-DNA is______________
A. 34 A
B. 20A
C. 18A
D. 45A
41. The genes which remain confined to differential region of ‘Y’ chromosome, are called _______ genes.
A. Autosomal genes
B. Holandric genes
C. Sex linked genes
D. Mutant genes
42. The hormone responsible for ripening of fruits is called ___________?
A. Ethylene
B. Cytokinin
C. Auxin
43. Coir is the commercial product of coconuts__________?
A. Mesocarp
B. Pericarp
C. Endocarp
D. Endosperm
44. Polygenic genes show__________?
A. Different phenotype
B. Different genotype
C. Similar phenotype
D. Similar genotype
45. Select the correct statement:
A. Legumes are incapable of fixing nitrogen
B. Legumes fix nitrogen through bacteria living in fruits root
C. Legumes fix nitrogen only by bacteria present in nodules
D. None of the above
46. Hormogonia are the vegetative reproductive structures of_______ from the following?
A. Chlamydomonas
B. Spirogyra
C. Oscillatoria
D. Ulothrix
47. Azotobacter and Beijerinckia are the examples of________ from the following?
A. Symbiotic nitrogen-fixers
B. Non-symbiotic nitrogen-fixers
C. Ammonifying bacteria
D. Disease causing bacteria
48. Smilax a climbing genus belongs to______ of the following?
A. Cucurbitaceae
B. Solanaceae
C. Liliaceae
D. Cruciferae
49. If a dwarf pea plant was treated with gibberellic acid, it became as tall, as tall pea plants. If these pea plants are crossed with pure tall pea plants, what will be the phenotypic ratio in F1 generation?
A. All dwarf plants
B. 50% tall and 50% dwarf plants
C. 75% tall and 25% dwarf plants
D. 100% tall plants
50. Coichicine is obtained from Colchicum autumnal. It belongs to family
A. Leguminoceae
B. Solanaceae
C. Asteraceae
D. Liliaceae
51. Moll’s experiment clarifies that___________
A. Carbon dioxide is essential for photosynthesis
B. Chlorophyll and water are necessary for photosynthesis
C. Light and water are essential for photosynthesis
D. All of the above are correct
52. Energy transfer from one traphic level to other in a food chain is_____%?
A. 10%
B. 20%
C. 1%
D. 2%
53. Stem is reduced in______ of the following?
A. Rhizome
B. Corm
C. Bulb
D. Tuber
54. Heterophilly of Limnophila is_______?
A. Environmental
B. Developmental
C. Habitual
D. Adaptive
55. Synandrous condition is the fusion of _________?
A. Filaments only
B. Both filaments and anthers
C. Anthers only
D. Petals
56. Which one of the following yields sunn hemp?
A. Corchorus
B. Hibiscus-.
C. Crotolaria
D. Cannabis
Rod-shaped elongated thick-walled lignified dead cells found in seed coat of pulses
57. (Legumes) are_______________ .Select from the following.
A. Macrosciereids
B. Astrosclereids
C. Brachysclereids
D. Osteosclereids
58. Decot root having more than six vascular bundles are found in _______ of the following?
A. Pea
B. Sunflower
C. Ficus
D. Ranunculus
A. Inhibiting transcription of mRNA
B. Inhibiting enzymes
C. Inhibiting passage of mRNA
D. Inhibiting substrate enzyme reaction
60. ‘Illegitimate crossing over’ is another _______ term.
A. Transition
B. Transversion
C. Reciprocal translocation
D. None of the above
61. A substance unrelated to substrate but capable of reversibly changing activity of enzyme by binding to a site other than active site is called_______?
A. Competitive inhibitor
B. Non-competitive inhibitor
C. Catalytic inhibitor
D. Allosteric modulator/inhibitor
62. Golgi apparatus is absent in which of the following?
A. Higher plants
B. Yeast
C. Bacteria and blue-green algae
D. Liver cells
63. Which one of the following is common amongst nucleus, chloroplast and mitochondria?
A. Cristae
B. Thylakoids
C. Nucleic acid
D. Carbohydrate metabolism
64. From the following________ is the a reproductive structure of Sporocarp ?
A. Some algae
B. Some aquatic ferns
C. Angiosperms having spores
D. Bryophytes
65. Pond ecosystem shows _______?
A. Inverted pyramid of number
B. Inverted pyramid of biomass
C. Upright pyramid of biomass
D. Inverted pyramid of energy
66. Under anaerobic conditions, bacterium Pseudomonas changes__________ Select from the following?
A. Nitrate to molecular nitrogen
B. Nitrate to ammonia
C. Nitrate to nitrite
D. Nitrite to nitrate
67. Deciduous forests have _________ from the following?
A. Variety of grasses
B. Broad-leaved trees
C. narrow-leaved trees
D. Variety of crocodiles
68. __________ is the Physiologically active form of Phytochrome ?
A. P730/Fr
B. P660/Pr
C. P700
D. P680
69. The archesporium of ovule is _________ from the following ?
A. Single celled terminal
B. Single celled central
C. Single celled hypodermal
D. Single celled lateral
70. Which is correct statement?
A. Seed can not be formed after on fertilization
B. Seed is formed after one fertilization
C. Seed is formed before double fertilization
D. Fruit is produced after double fertilization
71. Hormone used in tissue culture for better growth is_____________?
A. Auxin
B. Gibberellin
C. Cytokinin
D. Vernalin
72. Grafting is employed for better and quicker yield of varieties of _______?
A. Apple
B. Mango
C. Citrus
D. Tea
73. Primary root is__________ of following?
A. Positively geotropic
B. Positive hydrotropic
C. Negative geotropic
D. Negative hydrotropic
74. Cholodny-Went theory is connected with________ of the following?
A. Photo morphogenesis
B. Phototropism
C. Nastic movement
D. Geotropism
75. Photorespiration is related to which of the following?
A. Chloroplast
B. Mitochondria
C. Peroxisome
D. Glyoxysomes
76. 2-4-diphenoxyacetic acid is a________?
A. Herbicide
B. Weedicide
C. Pesticide
D. Fungicide
77. Ergot is obtained from which of the following?
A. Albugo
B. Yeast
C. Claviceps Purpurea
D. Alternaria
78. B-DNA is___________?
A. Antiparallel and right handed
B. Antiparallel and left handed
C. Parallel and right handed
D. Parallel and left handed
79. Stomata in bryophytes are present in the of__________?
A. Capsule
B. Leaf
C. Stem
D. Seta
80. Haploid cells belong to _______ of the following?
A. Integument, pollen grain, endosperm
B. Embryo, endosperm and pollen grain
C. Megaspore, pollen grain, antipodal
D. Integument, pollen grain and antipodal
81. Rubber is commercially obtained from which of the following?
A. Euphorbia
B. Betula
C. Hibiscus
D. Pinus
82. Endoplasmic reticulum remain in continuation with______ of the following?
A. nucleus
B. Ribosomes
C. Mitochondria
D. Golgi bodies
83. Chondriosome is discovered by_______ of the following?
A. Benda
B. Messelson
C. Dujardin
D. Taylor
84. The cell wall of both bacteria and cyanobactena contains________ of the following?
A. Lipid
B. Pectin
C. Protein
D. muramic acid
85. Development of saprophyte from gametophyte, is known as__________?
A. Apomixis
B. Apospory
C. Apogamy
D. Dip1ospory
86. Chiropterophily is seen in_______ of the following?
A. Kigelea
B. Salvia
C. Orchid
D. Vallesneria
87. Thermal algae can live in___________?
A. Saline soil
B. Hot water streams of 70°C
C. Deserts
D. Snow balls
88. Law of limiting factor was given by______ of the following?
A. Blackman
B. Hill
C. Taylor
D. Amon
89. Haploid plants can be obtained from which of the following?
A. Leaf culture
B. Bud culture
C. Root culture
D. Anther culture
90. Embryo sac represents____________?
A. Megaspore
B. Megagamete
C. Megasporophyll
D. megagametophyte
91. Deficiency of molybdenum causes by ______?
A. Wilting
B. Mottling
C. Reclamation
D. Necrosis
92. The first reaction in photorespiration is_______ of the following?
A. Decarboxylation
B. Oxygenation
C. Carboxylation
D. Phosphorylation
93. The specific characters of C4 plant is_________ of the following?
A. Bulliform cells
B. Kranz anatomy
C. Parallel venation
D. Isobilateral leaf
94. The ovule in which embryo sac become horse shoe shaped in_______ of the following?
A. Amphitropous
B. Camphylotropous
C. Orthotropous
D. Anatropous
95. Caruncle develops-from ______ of the following?
A. Outer integument
B. Ctyledon
C. Funiculus
D. Inner integuments
96. Coir of commerce is obtained from______ of the following?
A. Endocarp of coconut
B. Mesocarp of coconut
C. Stem of jute
D. Leaves of coconut
97. In a national park protection is provided to______?
A. Entire ecosystem
B. Flora and fauna
C. Fauna only
D. Flora only
98. Morphine is obtained from_____ of the following?
A. Aconitum nacelles
B. Papaver somniferum
C. Rauwolffia serpentine
D. Cinchona officinalis
99. Azides and cyanide inhibit in which of the following?
A. Metaphase
B. Prophase
C. Anaphase
D. Telophase
100. Cell organelle covered by single unit membrane is_______ of the following?
A. Glyoxisome
B. Lysosome
C. Peroxisomes
D. All of these
101. Blue-green alga that causes red blooms is __________ of the following?
A. Anabaena
B. Gleacapsa
C. Trichodesmium
D. Nostoc
102. Gingerly oil (till) is got from________ of the following options?
A. Linus usitatissimum
B. Cocos nucifera
C. Sesamum indicum
D. Brassica rapa
103. In meios-I, the Centro mere undergoes_______?
A. The division between anaphase and Interphase
B. The division between prophase and metaphase
C. None of these
D. No division
104. which one of the following is Prokaryotic genetic material?
A. Liner DNA + his tones
B. Circular DNA + his tones
C. Liner DNA without his tones
D. Circular DNA without his tones
105. Mary’s biological concept of species is mainly based on ____________ of the following?
A. Morphological traits
B. Reproductive isolation
C. Modes of reproduction
D. Morphology and reproduction
106. NADH is produced in________ of the following?
A. Photosystem-II
B. Photosystem-I
C. Glycolysis
D. Both (a) and (b)
107. Abscission layer developed during leaf fall is made of________?
A. Cork cells
B. Sclerenchymatous cells
C. Both a and b
D. Parenchymatous cells
108. The process by which the amount of DNA, RNA, and protein can be known at a time is called?
A. Cell fractionation
B. Autoradiography
C. Phase-contrast microscopy
D. Tissue culture
109. Retort cells are found in which of the following?
A. Funaria
B. Pogonatum
C. Sphagnum
D. Porella
110. The net gain of energy from one gram mole of glucose during aerobic respiration is________ of the following?
A. 2 ATP
B. 4 ATP
C. 38 ATP
D. 40 ATP
111. Chief function of phloem is conduction of __________.
A. Food
B. Minerals
C. Water
D. Air
112. Pyrenoids are the centers for formation of_______ from the following options?
A. Proteins
B. Enzymes
C. Fat
D. Starch
113. Sexual reproduction in Rhizopus occurs through which of the following?
A. Gametangial contact
B. Gametangial copulation
C. Planogametic copulation
D. Spermatogamy
114. Organelles involved in photorespiration are
A. Mitochondria, chloroplasts and ribosomes
B. Mitochondria, Peroxisomes and chloroplasts
C. Mitochondria, nucleus and ribosomes
D. Mitochondria, proxisomes and glyoxisomes
115. Pith is produced by the activity of________ of the following?
A. Lateral metistem
B. Protodern
C. Procambium
D. Ground meristem
116. Which of the following tissue is present in leaves of Pinus conducts food and water laterally?
A. Transfusion tissue
B. Phloem
C. Xylem
D. Medullary rays
117. The site for light reaction of photosynthesis is_________ of the following?
A. Grana
B. Stoma
D. Cytoplasm
118. Swollen placenta, oblique septum and conniving anthers are characteristics of family__________?
(a) Brassicaceae
(b) Asterácéae
(c) Poaceae
(d) Solatiaceae
119. Development of shoot and root is determined by which of the following?
A. Cytokinin and auxin ratio
B. Enzymes
C. Temperature
D. Plant nutrients
120. Pyramid of number in a grassland/true ecosystem is________?
A. Always inverted
B. Always upright
C. Both (A) and (B)
D. Spindle-shaped
121. The empirical formula for chlorophyll-a is__________?
A. C35 H72 O5N4 Mg
B. C65 H70 O6N4 Mg
C. C55 H72 O5N4 Mg
D. C45 H70 O6N4 Mg
122. Which one of the following yields oil from seeds and orange dye from petals?
A. Helioanthus annus
B. Calendulla officinalis
C. Carthamus tinctorius
D. Tagetus erecta
123. A fern differ from a moss in prossessing which of the following?
A. Swimming/flagellated anitherozoids
B. Flask-shaped archegonia
C. Independent Sporophyte
D. Independent gametophyte
124. The species of Pinus, seeds of which are edible is/ chilgoza comes from_________?
A. P. roxburghii
B. P. gerardiand
C. P. monophylla
D. P. sylvestris
125. A petroleum plant is_________?
A. Sugarcane
B. Maize
C. Potato
D. Euphorbia
126. Operon model of gene regulation and organisation of prokaryotes was proposed by__________?
A. Messelson and Stahl
B. Wilkins and Franklin
C. Beadle and Tatum
D. Jacob and Monod
127. Artificial ripening of fruits is accomplished by treatment with______?
A. Sodium chloride
C. Ethylene gas
D. Kinetin
128.Individuals of species which occur in a particular area constitute_______?
A. Flora
B. Fauna
C. Population
D. Flora and fauna
129. Transpiration differs from evaporation in which of the following?
A. Rate of water loss
B. Transpiration is a physiological process while evaporation is physical process
C. Transpiration is physical process while evaporation is physiological process
D. Frequency of water loss
130. Arrangement of leaves on a stem branch is_______?
A. Venation
B. Venation
C. Ptyxis
D. Phyllotaxy
131. Water potential in leaf tissue is “positive” (near zero) during________ of the following?
A. Low transpiration
B. Excessive absorption
C. Excessive transpiration
D. Gestation
132. Cell ‘A’ with O.P = 10 atm and T.P =5 atm is in contact with cell ‘B’ having O.P = 15 atm and T.P = 12 atm. The flow of water will be_________?
A. From A to B
B. Equal flow
C. From B to A
D. No flow
133. Select the one from the following, which is pitcher plant________?
A. Drosera
B. Utricularia
C. Sarracenia
D. Aldrovanda
134. Nucleotide found free in the cells is________?
135. Which one of the following does not occur is Seleaginella?
A. Heterospory
B. Hetorophylly
C. Homospory
D. Ligulate Leaves
136. Development of Sporophyte from gametophyte tissue without fusion of gametes is_________?
A. Apospory
B. ApogamY
C. Apomixis
D. Parthenogenesis
137. First bionisecticide developed on commercial scale was_______ of the following?
A. Quinine
C. Organophosphates
D. Sporeine
138. Cross between hybrid and recessive parent is _____ of the following?
A. Back cross
B. Test cross
C. Monohybrid cross
D. Dihybrid cross
139. Largest egg of plant kingdom belongs to which of the following ?
A. Cycas
B. Pinus
C. Psidium
D. Mangfera
140. Air spaces are present in ________?
A. Hydrophytes
B. Xerophytes
C. Mesophytes
D. Al1these
141. Thick cuticle, sunken stomates are found in leaves of_______ from the following?
A. Hydrophytes
B. Mesophytes
C. Xerophytes
D. Epiphytes
142. Cyanide resistant respiration is characteristic of________ ?
A. Viruses
B. Bacteria
C. Plants
D. Animals
143. Which of the following can function as a carrier in active ion absorption?
A. Feradoxin
B. Plastoquinone
C. Cytochrome
D. Lecithin
144. In germinating castor seed the RQ is________ from the following?
A. One
B. More than one
C. Less than one
D. Infinite
145. The factor influencing process of flowerings is__________?
A. Amount of chlorophyll
B. Soil water
C. Soil pH
D. Photoperiod
146. The storage pathogen of rice is______ from the following?
A. Xanthomanas oryzae
B. Helminthosporiurn oryzae
C. Pyricularia oryzae
D. Calanoluca oryzae
147. The study of interelationship b/w species and its environment of a forest is called______?
A. Autecology
B. Syneocology
C. Forest ecology
D. Co-operation
148. In moss, the middle sterile part of capsule is called______?
A. Foot
B. Protonema
C. Columella
D. Spore sac
149. In fern, vascular bundles are which of the following?
A. Radial
B. Hadrocentric
C. Open
D. Leptocentric
150. Leptome is used for______ from the following?
A. Phloem
B. Fibres
C. Xylem
D. Parenhyma
151. In angiosperm, triple fusion is necessary for the formation of which of the following?
A. Embryo
B. Pollen
C. Endosperm
D. Leaf
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- SET 1: Botany MCQs
- SET 2: Botany MCQs
- SET 3: Botany MCQs
- SET 4: Botany MCQs
- Plant Kingdom MCQs
- Physiology Of Plants Pathogens MCQs