Pediatrics MCQs – Interviews Questions Answers for Jobs Tests
Pediatrics MCQs – Interviews Questions Answers for Jobs Tests
1. For rheumatic fever, which of the following is not considered a major Jones criterion?
A. Erythema Marginatum
B. Carditis
C. Arthralgia
D. Subcutaneous Nodules
E. None of These
2. Which of the following can be seen in both bacterial acute rheumatic and endocarditis fever?
A. Subcutaneous Nodules
B. Erythema Marginatum
C. Petechiae
D. Congestive Heart Failure
E. None of These
3. Infants begin to drain their iron stores by ______ months if dietary iron is not provided.
A. 2 months
B. 4 months
C. 6 months
D. 1 month
E. 12 months
F. None of These
4. Patients lacking in initial complement elements have an exposure to _________.
A. encapsulated bacteria
B. viruses
C. gonococcus and meningococcus
D. intracellular bacteria
E. protozoa
F. fungus
G. None of These
5. Patients lacking in late complement are vulnerable to ________.
A. fungus
B. viruses
C. intracellular bacteria
D. encapsulated bacteria
E. Meningococcus and gonococcus
F. protozoa
G. None of These
6. A patient presents with recurrent infections with Serratia marcescens and S. aureus in the form of lymphadenitis, pneumonia complicated by empyema, peri-rectal abscess, and cutaneous abscesses. In which enzyme his defect is?
B. Super-oxide dismutase (SOD)
C. phosphofructokinase (PFK)
D. NADPH oxidase
E. catalase
F. None of These
7. For neonatal osteomyelitis, _______ is the most common bacterial pathogens.
A. Group B Streptococcus, E. coli, S. Aureus
B. influenza, Moraxella catarrhalis, and Pneumococcus
C. Salmonella, Shigella, Campylobacter
D. N. gonorrhea, Bacteroides and Enterobacter
E. Actinomycetes Isralei, Pseudomonas, Peptostreptococcus
F. None of These
8. Which of the following defects is not related with Tetrology of Fallot?
A. right ventricular hypertrophy
B. pulmonary stenosis
C. over-riding dextroposed aorta
D. ventricular septal defect
E. atrial septal defect
F. None of These
9. ________ is the most common congenital obstructive lesion of the left side of the heart.
A. accessory chordae tendinae
B. mitral stenosis
C. aortic stenosis
D. coarctation of the aorta
E. pre-aortic septal hypertrophy
F. None of These
10. A well-child developmental assessment of a 3-year-old boy reveals that he is able to dress himself and pedal a tricycle; however, his vocabulary skills consist of “dada”, “mama”, and “cattie”. You would classify his development as:
A. Completely normal
B. Developmental dissociation
C. Developmental deviancy
D. Constitutional developmental delay
E. None of These
11. Neonates usually acquire ________ infection during delivery through the birth canal. W.R.T. TORCH infections.
A. Syphilis
B. Rubella
C. Herpes Simplex
D. Trichinosis
E. None of These
12. The vaccine against Neisseria meningitides is recommended to all of the following except _______.
A. Children under 2 years’ old
B. Persons in the military
C. Children lacking complement factor C6
D. Patients with asplenia
E. None of These
13. In which age group, the rates of meningococcal disease are highest?
A. Ages: 65-69 years’ old
B. Ages: 20-24 years’ old
C. Ages: 10-14 years’ old
D. Ages: 0-4 years’ old
E. None of These
14. Which of the following is not true about Otitis?
A. One of the most common causes of bacterial otitis media is S.pneumoniae.
B. Treatment of choice is clindamycin
C. Bottle feeding can predispose children to ear infections
D. Chronic or recurrent ear infections lead to conductive hearing loss.
E. None of These
15. Which of the following is not associated with Downs Syndrome?
A. Radial aplasia
B. Epicanthal fold and single palmar crease
C. transposition between chromosome 14 and 21 (t14:21)
D. Trisomy 21 from maternal disjunction
E. Increased risk of Leukemia and Alzheimers disease
F. None of These
16. Which of the following is an incorrect statement about congenital syphilis?
A. A placental examination may show mononuclear infiltrate with spirochetes present
B. Late symptoms of the untreated child include keratitis, blindness, saber shin, and mulberry molars
C. At birth chronic rhinitis and desquamating rash may be the only symptoms
D. A large percentage of fetuses will die in-utero
E. The Tertiary syphilis stage is more likely to infect a fetus than either the primary or secondary stages
F. None of These
17. Which of the following is the correct statement for HIV positive mothers?
A. Must insist their HIV positive child be immunized with all vaccines scheduled for a non-HIV positive
B. 90-100% will infect the child during delivery
C. Must not take zidovudine (AZT) due to its teratogenicity
D. Should not breastfeed their children
E. None of These
18. A father of a 3-week old infant is concerned that his child is having difficulty breathing. He states she is a noisy breather but has remained sleep/feeds well and afebrile. After a gentle history/physical exam, it would be wise to:
A. reassure father and send home with saline nasal spray
B. begin iv antibiotics
C. begin albuterol nebs prn
D. prescribe a decongestant
E. None of These
19. A newborn girl is noted to have edema of the feet and hands. Which of these should be included in the differential?
A. sepsis
B. Developmental Dysplasia of the hip
C. Turners syndrome
D. neuroblastoma
E. None of These
20. Which of these is typically found in the CBC of a pt with Kawasaki’s?
A. high RBCs
B. high WBCs
C. low RBCs
D. low plts
E. high plts
F. None of These
21. A 9 months old child who drinks extreme amounts of only cow’s milk with the blue sclera and no history of trauma, What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Fe deficiency anemia
B. Tay-Sachs
C. osteogenesis imperfecta
D. Wilson’s disease
E. None of These
22. _______ is the common congenital heart defect in children with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.
B. coarctation of the Aorta
D. tet of Fallot
E. None of These
23. If you mistakenly treat a pt with infectious mono by giving her/him ampicillin, What typically happens?
A. nothing
B. severe anaphylactic reaction
C. excessive nausea/vomiting
D. a rash develops
24. Which of these is not related with Neurofibromatosis-1?
A. lisch nodules
B. optic gliomas
C. axillary freckling
D. all of the following are associated with NF-1
E. ash-leaf spots
F. None of These
25. Which of the following skin lesion is most likely not to spontaneously resolve?
A. lymphangioma
B. milia
C. mongolian spot
D. hemangioma
E. None of These
26. 14 years old comes to you for a football physical. Which finding below in this child’s history would prevent her from a contact sport?
A. Asthma
B. sickle cell disease
C. patient has one kidney
D. A heart murmur
E. None of These
27. A 2-year-old comes in for a well-baby check-up. Which of the following he should not be able to do?
A. follow two-step commands
B. participate in group play.
C. use 2-3 word phrases
D. turn pages one at a time
E. None of These
28. A child has lately started to babble, transfer objects and use the raking grasp. She should also be able to:
A. say “mama” and “dada”
B. build a tower of two blocks
C. walk with support
D. sit unsupported
E. None of These
29. Which of the following is not seen in anorexia nervosa?
A. bradycardia
B. lanugo hair
C. delayed growth velocity
D. amenorrhea
E. increased T3
F. None of These
30. ________ is the first sign of puberty in a normal male.
A. appearance of facial hair
B. increase in the size of the testes
C. appearance of body hair
D. appearance of auxiliary hair
E. appearance of pubic hair
F. None of These