Gynecology Interview Questions Answers for Gynecologist
Here there are initial 20 Questions Answers for Gynecologist related to Gynecology.
1. ______ is Mean age for menopause.
A. 45 years.
B. 40 years.
C. 48 years.
D. 51 years.
E. 39 years.
F. None of These
2. A young 22 years old girl has come with complaints of menorrhagia, abdominal pain and 18 weeks’ size mass arising from hypogastrium. The most expected diagnosis is:
A. Ovarian cyst.
B. Pelvic inflammatory disease.
C. Endometriosis.
D. Mesenteric cyst.
E. Fibroid uterus.
F. None of These
3. A woman, 39 years old has come with complaint of post-coital bleeding for the past two months. Your first inquiry should be:
A. Pap smear.
B. Dilatation & Curettage.
C. Colposcopy.
D. Cone biopsy of the cervix.
E. Laparoscopy.
F. None of These
4. ______ is the best effective treatment of pruritis vulvae related with atrophic vulvitis is:
A. Hydrocortisone.
B. Antihistamines.
C. Topical estrogen therapy.
D. Tranquilizers.
E. Alcohol injections.
F. None of These
5. ______ is the most common reason of rectovaginal fistula.
A. Irradiation of the pelvis.
B. Obstetrical.
C. Carcinoma.
D. Endometriosis.
E. Crohn’s disease.
F. None of These
6. _______ provides support to the uterus and cervix.
G. Cardinal ligaments
H. Broad ligaments
I. Round ligaments
J. Scarpa fascia
K. Uterosacral ligaments
L. None of These
7. ________ provides sensation to the skin over the suprapubic area.
A. Superior hypogastric plexus
B. Pudendal nerve
C. Iliohypogastric nerve
D. Femoral nerve
E. Ilioinguinal nerve
F. None of These
8. Which of the following is not a possible symptom of Premenstrual syndrome?
A. Constipation
B. Abdominal bloating
C. Anxiety
D. Weight loss
E. Breast tenderness
F. None of These
9. _________ produces gonadotropins.
A. Endometrium
B. Hypothalamus
C. Ovaries
D. Posterior pituitary
E. Anterior pituitary
F. None of These
10. Which of the following is NOT a risk factor for ectopic pregnancy?
A. Prior history of ectopic pregnancy
B. Prior history of uterine fibroids
C. Prior history of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
D. Prior history of infertility
E. Prior history of tubal surgery
F. None of These
11. At what age the maximum number of oogonia are formed?
A. At birth.
B. One month intrauterine.
C. At puberty.
D. Five months intrauterine.
E. At 21 years of age.
F. None of These
12. ______ is usual age of menarche.
A. 14 and 16 years.
B. 8 and 10 years.
C. 17 and 18 years.
D. 18 and above.
E. 11 and 13 years.
F. None of These
13. _______ is used to take cervical smear.
A. Vaginoscope.
B. Colposcope.
C. Laparoscope.
D. Ayre’s spatula.
E. Forceps.
F. None of These
14. ______ is the normal duration of menstrual cycle.
A. 2-7 days.
B. 1-3 days.
C. 7-10 days.
D. 1-4 days.
E. 1-2 days.
F. None of These
15. A newly married girl comes with a history of burning, dysuria, sore perineum and micturition. What is your diagnosis?
G. Trauma due to coitus.
H. Trichomonas vaginalis.
I. Candida infection.
J. Genital herpes.
K. Honeymoon cystitis.
L. None of These
16. A 46-year-old woman with a several-year history of low pelvic pain. Which of these is the least possible cause?
A. Ectopic pregnancy
B. Herniated disc
C. Interstitial cystitis
D. Inflammatory bowel disease
E. Adenomyosis
F. None of These
17. _______ is not a risk factor for pelvic inflammatory disease (PID).
A. Multiple partners
B. Frequent vaginal douching
C. Recent IUD/IUS placement
D. Use of a diaphragm for contraception
E. Prior episode of PID
F. None of These
18. ______ is not a structural anomaly seen in diethylstilbestrol (DES) – exposed women?
A. Cervical hypoplasia
B. Vaginal stenosis
C. Cervical cockscomb
D. Vaginal adenosis
E. Cervical ectropion
F. None of These
19. ______ is derived from all three germ cell layers.
A. Mature cystic teratoma(Dermoids)
B. Endometrioma
C. Hydrosalpinx
D. Paratubal cyst
E. Ovarian fibroma
F. None of These
20. ______ (non-malignant adnexal masses) can increase to Meigs syndrome?
A. Hydrosalpinx
B. Mature cystic teratoma
C. Paratubal cyst
D. Ovarian fibroma
E. Endometrioma
F. None of These
21. GnRH stimulates the release of _______.
A. Growth hormone.
B. Leutinising Hormone (LH).
D. Opiate peptides.
E. Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH).
F. None of These
22. In _______ Serum prolactin levels are highest.
A. Ovulation.
B. Menopause.
C. Sleep.
D. Parturition.
E. Running.
F. None of These
23. ______ is the main uterine support.
A. Round ligaments.
B. Transverse cervical ligaments.
C. Uterosacral ligaments.
D. Broad ligaments.
E. Ovarian ligaments.
F. None of These
24. _______ is the most possible reason of abnormal uterine bleeding in 13 years old girl.
A. Ectopic pregnancy.
B. Uterine cancer.
C. Trauma.
D. Anovulation
E. Systemic bleeding diatheses.
F. None of These
25. Which of these pubertal events would happen even in the absence of ovarian estrogen production?
A. Menarche.
B. Pubarche.
C. Thelarche.
D. Vaginal cornification.
1. ______ is Mean age for menopause.
A. 45 years.
B. 40 years.
C. 48 years.
D. 51 years.
E. 39 years.
F. None of These
2. A young 22 years old girl has come with complaints of menorrhagia, abdominal pain and 18 weeks’ size mass arising from hypogastrium. The most expected diagnosis is:
A. Ovarian cyst.
B. Pelvic inflammatory disease.
C. Endometriosis.
D. Mesenteric cyst.
E. Fibroid uterus.
F. None of These
3. A woman, 39 years old has come with complaint of post-coital bleeding for the past two months. Your first inquiry should be:
A. Pap smear.
B. Dilatation & Curettage.
C. Colposcopy.
D. Cone biopsy of the cervix.
E. Laparoscopy.
F. None of These
4. ______ is the best effective treatment of pruritis vulvae related with atrophic vulvitis is:
A. Hydrocortisone.
B. Antihistamines.
C. Topical estrogen therapy.
D. Tranquilizers.
E. Alcohol injections.
F. None of These
5. ______ is the most common reason of rectovaginal fistula.
A. Irradiation of the pelvis.
B. Obstetrical.
C. Carcinoma.
D. Endometriosis.
E. Crohn’s disease.
F. None of These
6. _______ provides support to the uterus and cervix.
G. Cardinal ligaments
H. Broad ligaments
I. Round ligaments
J. Scarpa fascia
K. Uterosacral ligaments
L. None of These
7. ________ provides sensation to the skin over the suprapubic area.
A. Superior hypogastric plexus
B. Pudendal nerve
C. Iliohypogastric nerve
D. Femoral nerve
E. Ilioinguinal nerve
F. None of These
8. Which of the following is not a possible symptom of Premenstrual syndrome?
A. Constipation
B. Abdominal bloating
C. Anxiety
D. Weight loss
E. Breast tenderness
F. None of These
9. _________ produces gonadotropins.
A. Endometrium
B. Hypothalamus
C. Ovaries
D. Posterior pituitary
E. Anterior pituitary
F. None of These
10. Which of the following is NOT a risk factor for ectopic pregnancy?
A. Prior history of ectopic pregnancy
B. Prior history of uterine fibroids
C. Prior history of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
D. Prior history of infertility
E. Prior history of tubal surgery
F. None of These
11. At what age the maximum number of oogonia are formed?
A. At birth.
B. One month intrauterine.
C. At puberty.
D. Five months intrauterine.
E. At 21 years of age.
F. None of These
12. ______ is usual age of menarche.
A. 14 and 16 years.
B. 8 and 10 years.
C. 17 and 18 years.
D. 18 and above.
E. 11 and 13 years.
F. None of These
13. _______ is used to take cervical smear.
A. Vaginoscope.
B. Colposcope.
C. Laparoscope.
D. Ayre’s spatula.
E. Forceps.
F. None of These
14. ______ is the normal duration of menstrual cycle.
A. 2-7 days.
B. 1-3 days.
C. 7-10 days.
D. 1-4 days.
E. 1-2 days.
F. None of These
15. A newly married girl comes with a history of burning, dysuria, sore perineum and micturition. What is your diagnosis?
G. Trauma due to coitus.
H. Trichomonas vaginalis.
I. Candida infection.
J. Genital herpes.
K. Honeymoon cystitis.
L. None of These
16. A 46-year-old woman with a several-year history of low pelvic pain. Which of these is the least possible cause?
A. Ectopic pregnancy
B. Herniated disc
C. Interstitial cystitis
D. Inflammatory bowel disease
E. Adenomyosis
F. None of These
17. _______ is not a risk factor for pelvic inflammatory disease (PID).
A. Multiple partners
B. Frequent vaginal douching
C. Recent IUD/IUS placement
D. Use of a diaphragm for contraception
E. Prior episode of PID
F. None of These
18. ______ is not a structural anomaly seen in diethylstilbestrol (DES) – exposed women?
A. Cervical hypoplasia
B. Vaginal stenosis
C. Cervical cockscomb
D. Vaginal adenosis
E. Cervical ectropion
F. None of These
19. ______ is derived from all three germ cell layers.
A. Mature cystic teratoma(Dermoids)
B. Endometrioma
C. Hydrosalpinx
D. Paratubal cyst
E. Ovarian fibroma
F. None of These
20. ______ (non-malignant adnexal masses) can increase to Meigs syndrome?
A. Hydrosalpinx
B. Mature cystic teratoma
C. Paratubal cyst
D. Ovarian fibroma
E. Endometrioma
F. None of These