Botany books MCQs
1. Who was the writer of the book “Origin of Species”?
A. Mendel
B. Darwin
C. Linnaeus
D. Lamarck
2. In photo morphogenetic movements, the pigment involved is:
A. Chromatin
B. Vernalin
C. Cytochrome
D. Phytochrome
3. For the formation of lichen, the interaction between fungi and algae is known as:
A. Amensalism
B. Commensalism
C. Mutalism
D. Parasitism
4. In C4 plants 1st CO2 receptor is:
5. An organism lives in the actual place or location known as:
A. Ecosystem
B. Habitat
C. Biome
D. Niche
6. An ecosystem has the components:
A. Plants and animals
B. Trees and weeds
C. Biotic and abiotic
D. Man and plants
7. By human activities, Which biomes have been increased in an area?
A. Desert
B. Coniferous forest
C. Savanna
D. Grassland
8. Chernobyl & MIC, the two industrial tragedies occurred respectively in:
A. Ukraine 1990, Bhopal 1986
B. Bhopal 1980, Ukraine 1984
C. Madhya Pradesh 1980, Russia 1990
D. Ukraine 1986, Bhopal 1984
9. phyto-and zoo-planktons are present in which zone of the lake ecosystem?
A. Water deep layers
B. Profundal zone
C. Limnetic zone
D. Littoral zone
10. What are Tyloses?
A. Sieve plates
B. Tracheal plugs plugging the lumen of vessels and tracheids
C. Lactiferous channels
D. Secretory cells
11. _________ is abiotic component of an ecosystem?
A. Consumers
B. Decomposers
C. Producers
D. All of these
12. 10% energy transfer law of food chain was introduced by:
A. Lindmann
B. Lederberg
C. Lindley
D. Weismann
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