Biology MCQs for job test preparation
1. What is used for non-surgical removal of kidney stone?
A. Lithotripsy
B. Lithogipsy
C. Lithotrophy
D. Lithography
2. For pasteurization, which statement is the correct one?
A. It was developed by Louis Pasteur
B. It is used to preserve milk & yogurt
C. It is used to preserve meat & vegetables
D. Both A & B
3. For the elimination of waste products in man primary organs are:
A. Stomach
B. Liver
C. Kidneys
D. Both B & C
4. What is the mean of transmission of Hepatitis?
A. Skin penetration
B. Aerosol
C. Parental
D. None of these
5. Lizards gain ________ while basking in sun:
A. Air
B. Moisture
C. Heat
D. Cold
6. Vaccination controls:
A. Diabetes
B. Heart attack
C. Measles
D. Cancer
7. Flying insects, fishes & mammals are:
A. Endotherms
B. Homotherms
C. Ectotherms
D. Heterotherms
8. Vaccine was developed by:
A. Jaber Ibn Hayan
B. Aristotle
C. Edward Jenner
D. None of these
9. Multiple xerophytes possess thick leaves to limit the loss of ________:
A. Oil
B. Minerals
C. Water
D. Heat
10. Which disease has been vanished completely because of appropriate vaccination?
A. Small pox
B. Hepatitis
C. Measles
D. Polio
11. __________ demands moderate water availability:
A. Mesophytes
B. Zerophytes
C. Hydrophytes
D. Xerophytes
12. Which is correct regarding antibiotics?
A. They are used in pneumonia & tuberculosis
B. They are effective against bacteria
C. They are derived from bacteria only
D. Both A & B
Topic Covered: Biology MCQs for job test preparation.