Bio-Informatic MCQS
1. The each record in a “Database” is called?
(a) Ticket
(b) Record
(c) File
(d) Entry
(e) All of these
(f) None of these
2. Which one of the following is maintained the “STAG”?
(a) European Molecular Biology Labortary (EMBL)
(b) National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI)
(c) DNA database of Japan (DDBJ)
(d) Brookhaven Labortary
(e) All of these
(f) None of these
3. Which of the following scientist coined the term “Bio-informatics”?
(a) Pauline Hogeweg
(b) Frederic Sanger
(c) J D Waston
(d) Margaret Dayhoff
(e) All of these
(f) None of these
4. Which of the following is not a protein sequence?
(a) PSD
(b) EMBL
(c) PIR
(e) All of these
(f) None of these
5. Who developed the “first secondary database” ?
(a) PIR
(b) PDB
(e) All of these
(f) None of these
6. Whcih one of the following is the “Sequence Alignment Tool”?
(c) PIR
(e) All of these
(f) None of these
7. What includes in the Application of “Bio-informatics”?
(a) Drug designing
(b) Data storage and Management
(c) Understand relationship between organisms
(d) C and D
(e) All of these
(f) None of these
8. The “Proteomics” is the study of ….
(a) Entire set of expressed proteins in a cell
(b) Set of proteins
(c) Set of proteins in a specific region of the cell
(d) B and D
(e) All of these
(f) None of these
9. When the “NCBI” was established?
(a) 1990
(b) 1989
(c) 1988
(d) 1988
(e) All of these
(f) None of these
10. The word “Invitro” is derived from lain means?
(a) outside the lab
(b) within the lab
(c) within the glass
(d) outside the glass
(e) All of these
(f) None of these
11. Which of the following is not a “Sqeuence alignment tools”?
(c) Clustal W
(d) Rasmol
(e) All of these
(f) None of these
12. Which one the following tool is provided by “NCBI”?
(c) Chime
(d) Clustal W
(e) All of these
(f) None of these