AutoCAD Layouts and Viewports MCQs AutoCAD MCQs

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: September 24, 2024

1. What is the primary purpose of using layouts in AutoCAD?
A) To manage model space
B) To prepare drawings for printing and plotting
C) To create 3D models
D) To modify object properties
Answer: B

2. How do you create a new layout in AutoCAD?
A) By right-clicking on an existing layout tab and selecting New Layout
B) By using the LAYOUT command
C) By using the MODEL command
D) By duplicating an existing model space
Answer: A

3. Which of the following describes a viewport in AutoCAD?
A) A window that displays the model space
B) A tool for editing layers
C) A command for measuring distances
D) A method for plotting drawings
Answer: A

4. How can you switch between model space and paper space in AutoCAD?
A) By double-clicking inside a viewport or clicking the layout tab
B) By using the LAYOUT command
C) By using the TRIM command
D) By closing and reopening the drawing
Answer: A

5. What happens when you double-click inside a viewport?
A) You enter model space to edit the drawing
B) You exit model space and return to paper space
C) The viewport is deleted
D) The layer properties change
Answer: A

6. How can you create multiple viewports in a single layout?
A) By using the MV command
B) By right-clicking and selecting New Viewport
C) By using the LAYOUT command
D) By duplicating existing viewports
Answer: A

7. What is the purpose of the LOCK function for viewports?
A) To prevent changes to the viewport display
B) To hide the viewport
C) To modify the viewport scale
D) To delete the viewport
Answer: A

8. Which command is used to modify the size and shape of a viewport?
Answer: B

9. What does the command LAYOUT TAB do in AutoCAD?
A) It changes the active layout
B) It creates a new layer
C) It modifies object properties
D) It changes the current view
Answer: A

10. How do you set a specific scale for a viewport?
A) By selecting the viewport and adjusting the scale in the Properties palette
B) By using the SCALE command
C) By changing the layer properties
D) By modifying the drawing units
Answer: A

11. Which of the following best describes paper space in AutoCAD?
A) The area where you create and edit your model
B) The area where you prepare your drawing for printing
C) The area for managing layers
D) The area for plotting settings
Answer: B

12. What is the significance of the viewport border in AutoCAD?
A) It indicates the printable area
B) It shows the model space
C) It defines the layer properties
D) It measures distances
Answer: A

13. How do you adjust the view displayed in a viewport?
A) By double-clicking inside the viewport and panning or zooming
B) By resizing the viewport
C) By changing the layer properties
D) By using the TRIM command
Answer: A

14. What command would you use to create a viewport from an object?
Answer: A

15. How can you remove a viewport from a layout?
A) By selecting the viewport and pressing the Delete key
B) By using the MVIEW command
C) By using the TRIM command
D) By right-clicking and selecting Remove Viewport
Answer: A

16. What is the purpose of the Viewport Layer?
A) To control the visibility of objects in the viewport
B) To modify viewport borders
C) To manage plot settings
D) To change the drawing units
Answer: A

17. How do you restore a viewport to its default state?
A) By using the REGEN command
B) By using the PROPERTIES palette
C) By deleting and recreating the viewport
D) By resetting the drawing units
Answer: A

18. How can you print the layout with the viewports?
A) By using the PLOT command
B) By using the PRINT command
C) By saving the layout as a PDF
D) By exporting the layout
Answer: A

19. Which of the following actions can be performed on a locked viewport?
A) You cannot edit the viewport contents
B) You can change the layer properties
C) You can resize the viewport
D) You can delete the viewport
Answer: A

20. How do you create a title block in a layout?
A) By drawing it in model space
B) By using the LAYOUT command
C) By drawing it in paper space
D) By using the MV command
Answer: C

21. What does the command “MVSETUP” do in AutoCAD?
A) It creates and sets up viewports
B) It changes the layer properties
C) It modifies object properties
D) It defines new drawing units
Answer: A

22. How can you activate a specific viewport to make edits?
A) By double-clicking inside the viewport
B) By using the LAYOUT command
C) By resizing the viewport
D) By locking the viewport
Answer: A

23. What is the purpose of the “VP Freeze” option?
A) To hide objects in the viewport
B) To freeze layers in the viewport
C) To delete the viewport
D) To unlock the viewport
Answer: B

24. How do you change the viewport scale after it has been created?
A) By selecting the viewport and modifying the scale in the Properties palette
B) By using the LAYOUT command
C) By resizing the viewport
D) By changing the drawing units
Answer: A

25. What happens if you double-click outside of a viewport?
A) You return to paper space
B) You enter model space
C) The viewport is deleted
D) The layer properties change
Answer: A

26. How can you copy a viewport from one layout to another?
A) By using the COPY command
B) By right-clicking on the viewport and selecting Copy
C) By using the PASTE command
D) By using the MV command
Answer: A

27. What is the effect of using the “Clip” option on a viewport?
A) It allows you to define a specific area of the viewport to display
B) It locks the viewport
C) It removes the viewport entirely
D) It adjusts the layer properties
Answer: A

28. How do you display viewports in a specific layout?
A) By using the MVIEW command to create them
B) By modifying the layout properties
C) By changing the layer settings
D) By using the TRIM command
Answer: A

29. What is the default paper size for a new layout in AutoCAD?
A) A4
B) Letter
C) A3
D) It varies based on settings
Answer: D

30. How do you activate the viewport for editing?
A) By double-clicking inside the viewport
B) By resizing the viewport
C) By using the TRIM command
D) By locking the viewport
Answer: A

31. How can you display gridlines within a viewport?
A) By turning on the grid in the viewport settings
B) By drawing them manually
C) By using the TRIM command
D) By changing the layer properties
Answer: A

32. What is the function of the “Viewport Scale” in AutoCAD?
A) To determine the size of objects displayed in the viewport
B) To set the drawing units
C) To manage layer visibility
D) To create 3D models
Answer: A

33. How do you modify the boundary of a viewport?
A) By using the VPEDIT command
B) By resizing the viewport manually
C) By changing layer properties
D) By using the LAYOUT command
Answer: A

34. Which tool allows you to create a viewport that displays a specific part of your drawing?
Answer: A

35. What is the advantage of using multiple viewports in a layout?
A) To display different views of the model simultaneously
B) To create 3D models
C) To manage layer properties
D) To modify object properties
Answer: A

36. How do you change the appearance of viewports in a layout?
A) By modifying their layer properties
B) By using the TRIM command
C) By exploding the viewports
D) By using the LAYOUT command
Answer: A

37. What command is used to set up the view in a viewport?
Answer: A

38. How can you show or hide the border of a viewport?
A) By using the Properties palette to toggle visibility
B) By using the TRIM command
C) By resizing the viewport
D) By changing the drawing units
Answer: A

39. Which layout tab allows you to see all existing layouts?
A) The Layout Manager tab
B) The Model tab
C) The View tab
D) The Properties tab
Answer: A

40. What is the main difference between model space and paper space?
A) Model space is for creating objects, while paper space is for layout and printing
B) Model space is for 3D models, and paper space is for 2D drawings
C) Model space has no limits, while paper space has defined limits
D) Model space is only for architects, while paper space is for engineers
Answer: A

41. How do you print a layout with multiple viewports?
A) By using the PLOT command and selecting the desired layout
B) By printing each viewport individually
C) By using the EXPORT command
D) By using the TRIM command
Answer: A

42. How can you align multiple viewports on a layout?
A) By using the ALIGN command
B) By resizing each viewport individually
C) By copying and pasting
D) By locking the viewports
Answer: A

43. What is the benefit of using viewport annotations?
A) To add notes and dimensions specific to the viewport view
B) To change layer properties
C) To delete unnecessary objects
D) To modify object colors
Answer: A

44. How do you change the orientation of a viewport?
A) By using the PROPERTIES palette to adjust the rotation
B) By resizing the viewport
C) By using the TRIM command
D) By changing the drawing units
Answer: A

45. What command can be used to scale a viewport?
Answer: C

46. What happens if you try to plot an empty layout?
A) The plot will be blank
B) An error message appears
C) The plot will show the model space
D) The plot will show default settings
Answer: A

47. How do you create a new layout tab from an existing layout?
A) By right-clicking the existing layout tab and selecting Duplicate Layout
B) By using the LAYOUT command
C) By creating a new layer
D) By resizing the existing layout
Answer: A

48. What can you use to control the visibility of layers in a viewport?
A) Layer Properties Manager
B) Model Space
C) Layout Command
D) MVIEW Command
Answer: A

49. How can you measure the size of a viewport?
A) By selecting the viewport and checking the Properties palette
B) By using the DIM command
C) By using the TRIM command
D) By resizing the viewport
Answer: A

50. What is the default behavior of a viewport when you copy it to another layout?
A) It retains the same scale and view
B) It becomes a separate object
C) It loses its properties
D) It deletes the original viewport
Answer: A