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Agricultural Biotechnology MCQ’s

1. The mixture of two immiscible liquids shaken up is?

a) an emulsion

b) saturated solution

c) colloid

d) a suspension

e) none of these

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2. what deteriorates drastically upon inbreeding?

a) broccoli

b) carrot

c) okara

d) brinjal

e) none of these

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3. If we increase in temperature, the solubility of solid in a liquid is...

a) decreases

b) increases

c) Both a & b

d) none of the these

e) none of these

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4. —– criss-cross inheritance is shown by?

a) polygamy

b) ex-influenced character

c) sex-quantitative character

d) sex-linked character

e) all of these

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5. Wind pollination is also called is?

a) hydrophyly

b) zoophyly

c) Anemophilous

d) entomophyly

e) none of these

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6. A hybrid is also known as?

a) often homozygous

b) heterozygous

c) homozygous

d) all of these

e) none of these

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7. A alternative forms of a gene is also called?

a) genotype

b) mutation

c) gamete

d) allele

e) none of these

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8. The bacteria, protozoa and other living plants and animals are called?

a) topographic factors

b) biotic factors

c) edaphic factors

d) limatic factors

e) none of these

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9. What is the characteristic feature of the hydrophytes?

a) feebly developed root system

b) spongy stem

c) reduced protective tissues

d) all of these

e) none of these

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10. What is the characteristic feature of the xerophytes?

a) leaves and stem with thick cuticle

b) sunken stomata

c) long taproot

d) none of these

e) all of these

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11. China rose is a…

a) climber

b) herb

c) shrub

d) tree

e) none of these

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12. CIMMYT is located at…

a) nigeria

b) miexico

c) england

d) spain

e) none of these

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