Zoology MCQs Solved Questions Answers CSS

Zoology MCQs Solved Questions Answers CSS

Zoology MCQs Solved Questions Answers CSS is the set of frequently asked Multiple Choice questions and these MCQs are asked in different test in the past in different test. Here, we are presenting those MCQs in a different style. Let’s begin with Set 1.


(1) Insects are characterized by:

A. 3 pairs of legs
B. Two pairs of antennae
C. Wings on body
D. Large-sized eggs
E. None of these

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(2) metamorically Body is segmented in:

A. Porifera
B. Annelida
C. Coelentrata
D. None of these

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(3) which one is totally aquatic arthropod?
A. Crustaceans
B. Insects
C. Millipedes
D. None of these

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(4) Dorsal tubular nerve cord is a feature of:

A. Some chordates
B. Some nonchordates
C. All nonchordates
D. All chordates
E. None of these

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(5) characteristic of Opposable thumbs are:

A. Lagomorpha
B. Primates
C. Edentata
D. None of these

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(6) Differences in the reptiles lies and scales of fishes in their being:

A. Endodermal and dry
B. Epidermal and dry
C. Epidermal and wet
D. Endodermal and wet
E. None of these

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(7) which one carries oxygenated blood?

A. Renal veins
B. Pulmonary veins
C. Pulmonary artery
D. Hepatic portal veins
E. None of these

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(8) The bone of scapula is?

A. Skull
B. Pelvic girdle
C. Pectoral girdle
D. Vertebral column
E. None of these

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(9)___________ is the digestive formed in vertebrates.

A. Ectoderm only
B. Endoderm only
C. Mesoderm only
D. None of these

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(10) chief excretory product of ammonia is

A. Reptiles
B. Turtles
C. Mammals
D. Fish
E. None of these

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SET 2: Zoology MCQs for CSS Test

(11) Origination of life during.

A. Pre-cambrian period
B. Mesozoic era
C. Coenozoic era.
D. Proterozoic era
E. None of these

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(12) which one is Pancreas secrete:

A. Pepsin
B. Only hormones
C. Only enzymes
D. Both (a) and (b)
E. None of these

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(13) Louis Pasture is known as:

A. The germ theory of disease
B. Germplasm theory
C. Mutation theory
D. Cell theory
E. None of these

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(14) which particle is used for Life origination:

A. In air
B. On land
C. In water
D. In all (a), (b) and (c)
E. None of these

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(15) which term is used for a Virus ?

A. Unicellular
B. Acellular
C. Multicellular
D. Free-living
E. None of these

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(16) Wings of bats and insects are examples of:

A. Homologous organs
B. Analogous organs
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. Vestigial organs
E. None of these

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(17) Archeopteryx is an interconnection between:

A. Amphibians and reptiles
B. Reptiles and birds
C. Birds and mammals
D. Amphibians and birds
E. None of these

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(18) The theory of Lamarck’s theory of evolution is based on.

A. Effect of environment
B. Use and disuse of body parts
C. Inheritance of Acquired characters
D. All of these
E. None of these

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(19) Digested food is absorbed mainly in :

A. Colon
B. Small intestine
C. Large intestine
D. Stomach
E. None of these

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(20) A renal portal system is found inside :

A. Man
B. Horse
C. Rabbit
D. Frog
E. None of these

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SET 2: Zoology MCQs for CSS Test

(21) Tangoreceptors respond to:

A. Heat
B. Smell
C. Chemicals
D. Touch
E. None of these

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(22) The third ventricle is found in:

A. Brain of Rabbit
B. Heart of Rabbit
C. Kidney of Frog
D. Heart of Frog
E. None of these

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(23) Blood from glomerulus returns by:

A. Afferent renal arteriole
B. Efferent renal arteriole
C. Both of these
D. Renal vein
E. None of these

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(24) Vital Physiological and Vital morphological units of Mammalian Kidney are:

A. Ureters
B. Seminiferous tubules
C. Uriniferous tubules
D. All of these
E. None of these

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(25) Which one is the secretes Oxytocin:

A. Adrenals
B. Pituitary
C. Thyroid
D. Ovaries
E. None of these

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(26) which is the largest cell found in the animals are :

A. Nerve cells
B. Egg cells
C. Kidney cells
D, Liver cells
E. None of these

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(27) what is the function of centromere?

A. Initiate cell division
B. Inhibit cell division
C. Provide a site for cell division
D. Do all of these
E. None of these

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(28) which of the following has extranuclear DNA:

A. Mitochondria
B. Lysosomes
C. Golgi complex
D. All of these
E. None of these

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(29) Who gave laws of Dominance and segregation?
A. Mendel
B. Morgan
C. Darwin
D. Muller
E. None of these

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(30) Adrenal glands are found in assosiation with:

A. Testes
B. Spleen
C. Liver
D. Ovaries
E. None of these

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SET 3: Zoology MCQs for MCAT GRE

(31) AMOEBA mode in nutrition is

A. Holozoic
B. Saprozoic
C. Saprophytic
D. None of these
E.both a&b

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(32) The coelom in PLATYHELMINTHYES is:

A. Pseudocoele
B. Haemocoele
C. Metacoele
D. None of these
E.both a&b

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(33) EXCRETORY organs in earthworms are:

A. Nephron
B. Flame cells
C. Malpighian Tubules
D. Nephridia
E. None of these

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(34) Foot organ is used as locomotion in which animals?

A. Freshwater mussel
B. Octopus
C. Sepia
D.None of these
E.both a&b

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(35) select the DIPLOBLASTIC animals group?
A. Platyhelminthes
B. Echinodermata
C. Coelenterata
D. None of these

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(36) Which of the following has the maximum of deoxygenated and oxygenated blood in the ventricle of its heart?

A. Fish
B. Frog
C. Crocodile
D. None of these
E.both a&b

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(37) Reptiles are defined as :

A. Oviparous
B. Viviparous
C. Ovo-viviparous
D. None of these
E.both a&b

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(38) The formation of urea takes place in.

A. Kidneys
B. Spleen
C. Liver
D. None of these
E. both a&b

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(39) In which Vertebrate’s placenta is formed during the development of the fetus.

A. Reptiles
B. Aves
C. Mammals
D. None of these
E.both a&b

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(40) Lymph relates with:

A. Plasma
B. Interstitial fluid
C. Blood
D. None of these
E. both a&b

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SET 4: Zoology MCQs for NTS Gat Subject

(41) taking milk products and get ill as lack of.

A. Bacteria in their intestines
B. Rennin
C. both a&b
D. Lactase
E. None of these

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(42) Which substance cause to move across membranes without the expenditure of cellular energy?

A. Active transport
B. Endocytosis
C. Diffusion
D. None of these
E. both a&b

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(43) In muscles, Respiratory pigment called

A. Hemoglobin
B. Myoglobin
C. Haemocyanins
D. both a&b
E. None of these

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(44) Which one is not a viral disease?

A. Tetanus
B. Small-pox
C. Cow-pox
D.both a&b
E. None of these

ans =A

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(45) Animals get Carbohydrates from:

A. Sucrose
B. Glycogen
C. Starch
D. both a&b
E. None of these

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(46) Internal extensions of Mesosomes are:

A. Cell Wall
B. Chromatin body
C. Cell Membrane
D. None of these
E.both a&b

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(47) Each nucleotide of Sugar the DNA is:

A. Deoxyglucose
B. Deoxyribose
C. Glucose
D. both a&b
E. None of these

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(48) Species is the basic unit of:

A. Genetics
B. Zoology
C. Ecology
D. Universe
E. None of these

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(49) False statement about AIDS

C. T-lymphocytes
D. both c&d
E.None of these

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(50) select the best statement about plastids.

A. They contain DNA and ribosomes
B. They are the powerhouse of the cell
C. They are found in all organisms
D. both a&b
E. None of these

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SET 5: Zoology MCQs Solved Questions Answers

(51) Which one is not found in all bacterial cells?

A. A nucleoid
B. Capsule
C. Cell membrane
D. both a&b
E. None of these

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(52) virion means.

A. Viral protein
B. Viral gene
C. Virus
D. both a&b
E. None of these

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(53) Study of fossils and evolution relationshipin terms of life on earth

A. Fossilization
B. Paleontology
C. Palaeozoology
D. None of these
E. both a&b

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(54) Animal tissue used to connect and support purpose.

A. Muscle
B. Connective
C. Nerve
D. both a&b
E. None of these

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(55) Interstitial fluid closely relates to:

A. Rainwater
B. Seawater
C. Lake water
D. Pond water
E. None of these

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(56) when the amount of lactic acid increasing it lacks off.

A. CO2
B. Oxygen
C. Energy
D. both a&b
E. None of these

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(57) what should be increased when more protein is taken then the required need .

A. Hormones
B. Lactic acid
C. Urea
D. both a&b
E. None of these

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(58) In which continent the population increases rapidily.

A. Asia
B. Europe
C. North America
D. None of these
E. both a&b

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(59) Glands are formed by the tissues of.

A. Connective
B. Epithelial
C. Muscle
D. both a&b
E. None of these

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(60) In amino acid, linkage carbon combines with nitrogen to form.

A. Ester bonds
B. Peptide bonds
C Ionic bonds
D. None of these
E.both a&b

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(61) Contractile vacuole in Protozoa is basically relateable with:

A. Excretion
B. Respiration
C. Osmoregulation
D. None of these
E. both a&b

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(62) Gammules are produced in:

A. Porifera
B. Arthropoda
C. both a&b
D. None of these

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(63) Reptiles originate from Scales of :

A. Ectoderm
B. Mesoderm
C. both a&b
D. None of these

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(64) The Chordates are dissected from:

A. Dorsal side
B. Lateral side
C. Ventral side
D. Both (a) and (b)
E. None of these

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(65) Open type of blood vascular system is present in:

A. Molluses
B. Chordates
C. both a&b
D. None of these

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(66) A number of Neck Vertebrae of frogs:

A. Seven
B. Nine
C. Four
D. Zero
E. None of these

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(67) Insects do not be adapted to the environment:

A. Aquatic
B. Freshwater
C. both a&b
D. None of these

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(68) The true jaw is not present in:

A. Agnatha
B. Boney Fish
C. both a&b
D. None of these

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(69) Sea Horse is included in:

A. Pisces
B. Mammals
C. Insects
D. both a&b
E. None of these

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(70) A housefly has the following number of legs:

A. Four
B. Eight
C. both a&b
D. None of these

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(71) The general division of the chromosomes takes place in:

A. Prophase
B. Metaphase
C. Anaphase
D. both a&b
E. None of these

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(72) The protein synthesis occurs in:

A. Ribosomes
B. Endoplasmic reticulum
C. Mitochondria
D. both a&b
E. None of these

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(73) Blood antigens are located in:

A. Blood serum
B. RBC’s
C. WBC’s
D. both a&b
E. None of these

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(74) location of sex-linked genes in

A. X-chromosome only
B. Y-chromosome only
C. Both X and Y-chromosomes
D. both a&b
E. None of these

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(75) transcription phenomenon is associated with .

A. Synthesis of new DNA
B. Formation of mRNA and DNA
C. both a&b
D. None of these

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(76) Gene occurs in Segregation of alleles:

A. Heterozygous individual
B. Homozygous individual
C. Diploid individual
D. All of the above
E. None of these

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(77) Pepsin is an enzyme responsible for breaking:

A. Proteins
B. Lipids
C. both a&d
D. None of these

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(78) The pacemaker is located in:

B. Brain
C. Heart
D. both a&b
E. None of these

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(79)Produced in the making of Follicle-stimulating hormones :

A. Pituitary
B. Thyroid
C. Ovaries
D. Kidney
E. None of these

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(80) The strongly association of genetic dominance is.

A. Personality dominance
B. Population distribution
C. Adaptive value
D. None of these
E. both a&b

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(81) The physical exchange between chromosomes is the crossing over of.

A. Homologous
B. Non-Homologous
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. None of these

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(82) XXY individual in man is refer to which sect:

A. female
B. male
C. Inter sex
D. None of these
E. both a&b

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(83)Organic compound of amino acids behaves like :

A. Acid
B. Base
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. None of these

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(84) Which of the following is the first living organism on the surface of earth:

A. Protozoan
B. Algae
C. Virus
D. None of these

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(85) In the history of organisms which represents ontogeny part.

A. Revolutionary
B. Embryonic
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. None of these

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(86) The similar structure of the nuclear membrane is

A. Cell membrane
B. Mitochondrion
C. Endoplasmic reticulum
D. All of these
E.none of these

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(87) The movement of osmosis through a membrane of solutes.

A. Permeable
B. Semi-permeable
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. None of these
E. all of these

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(88) where the RBC’s deflate in the condition of sickle cell anemia.

A. Under Oxygen
B. Absence of Oxygen
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. None of these
E. all of these

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(89) In the ecosystem, a pond is an example of

A. Complete
B. Incomplete
C. Almost complete
D. None of these
E. both a&b

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(90) protected by calcareous shell developing from the mantle layer Despite of the structural diversities they are characterized by having a soft body.

A. Corals
B. Foraminiferous
C. Molluses
D. None of these
E. both a&b

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(91) Exclusively Marinemembers of phylum are

A. Porifera
B. Coelenterata
C. Echino-dermata
D. None of these
E.both a&b

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(92) In Arachnids how many are paired legs?

A. 2 pairs
B. 3 pairs
C. 4 pairs
D. None of these
E.both a&b

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(93) Absence of true coelom is in.

A. Platyhelminthes
B. Mollusca
C. Insects
D. None of these
E. all of these

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(94)Where is a single aperture is located?

A. Nematoda
B. Criteria
C. Annelida
D. None of these
E. All of these

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(95) which of the following represents Enterocoelous phylum.
A. Annelida
B. Mollusca
C. both a&b
D. None of these
E. Echinodermata

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(96)which one is a Parasitic group.

A. Ciliata
B. Mastigophoran
C. Rhizopoda
D. Sporozoa
E. None of these

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(97) Mostly species of Animal Kingdom belong to which Class:

A. Acazina
B. Hexapoda
C. Crustacea
D. None of these
E. all of these

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(98) serially homologous of insects in mouthparts are.

A. Claspers
B. Sting apparatus
C. Cerci
D. Legs
E. None of these

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(99) which are diploblastic in nature lie in which group of animals?

A. Platy helminths
B. Coelenterata
C. Porifera
D. None of these
E. all of these

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100) When the larva becomes sexually mature.

A. Retrogressive Metamorphosis
B. Neoteny
C. Both ‘a’ and ‘b’
D. None of these
E. all of these

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(101)How many numbers of chambers in the heart of an amphibian.

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
E. None of these

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(102) The state in which the birth of a young is in less developed condition.

A. Monotremes
B. Marsupials
C. Placentals
D. None of these
E. all of these

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(103) Which are the product of Limbs of Sea Cows and Sea Lions:

A. Convergent Evolution
B. Divergent Evolution
C. Parallel Evolution
D. None of these
E. both a&b

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(104) which of the following animal’s teeth are reduced to molars without enamel or no teeth are present.

A. Moles
B. Bats
C. Sloths
D. None of these
E.both a&b

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(105) Only hind limbs are lost in:

A. Snakes
B. Whales
C. Bats
D. None of these
E. all of these

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(106) which snake is non-poisonous?

A. Krait
B. Python
C. Viper
D. None of these
E. both a&b

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(107) Which one is not from the Phylum Chordata.

A. Urochordata
B. Hemichordata
C. Cephalochordata
D. None of these
E. all of these

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(108) which one is the earliest known species of birds:

A. Archaeopteryx
B. Hesperornis
C. Ichthyornis
D. None of these
E.all of these

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(109) which living objects have a muscular diaphragm helps to move air into and out of the lungs in:

A. Amphibians
B. Reptilians
C. Avians
D. Mammalians
E. None of these

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