Which one of the following is not a factor of soil formation?

QUESTION: Which one of the following is not a factor of soil formation?

A  Time

B  Soil texture

C  Organic matter

D Inorganic matter

ANSWER:     Soil texture


Factor Description       Role in Soil Formation
Relief The topography or landscape features of an area, including elevation, slope, and drainage. ·        Steep slopes can lead to erosion, while flat areas accumulate sediment.

·        Influences water movement and soil moisture.

Time The duration over which soil-forming processes interact to develop mature soil characteristics. ·        Longer periods allow for the accumulation of organic matter, weathering and soil horizon formation.
Parent Rock The original geological material from which soil forms, influencing mineral composition. ·        Determines the initial mineral composition of the soil.
Flora Plant life in an area, which contributes to organic matter, root activity and soil stability. ·        Plants contribute to organic material through litter and root decay.

·        Roots help to bind soil particles.

Fauna Animal life within the soil ecosystem, influencing soil structure, aeration and nutrient cycling. ·        Soil fauna create burrows that improve soil aeration.

·        Fauna contribute to decomposition and nutrient availability.

Microorganisms Microscopic organisms such as bacteria and fungi play key roles in nutrient cycling and decay process. ·        Microorganisms break down organic matter, releasing nutrients.

·        Microbes help in nutrient transformation.