MCQs Test Questions Answers for ENT Dr and Specialists

MCQs Test Questions Answers for ENT Dr and Specialists

Let us start with the frequently asked important MCQs test of ENT Specialization.

SET 4: MCQs Test Questions Answers for ENT Dr and Specialists

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31. In which part4 of the ear Otosclerosis occurs?

A) Lateral wall of the middle ear

B) The roof of the middle ear

C) The floor of the middle ear

D) The medial wall of the ear

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32.which is used for the treatment of acute suppurative otitis media?

A) erythromycin

B) penicillin

C) streptomycin

D) chloramphenicol

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33. Before attempting operation of tympanoplasty the surgeon must look for

A) Disruption of the ossicular chain

B) no infection in the sinuses

C) the ear has been dry

D) cochlear reserve

E) none of these

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34. CSOM with cholesteatoma present with acute onset of vertigo A patient treatment is

A) Immediate exploration

B) antibiotics steroids

C) Labyrinthine sedatives

D) Labyrinthine sedatives only

E) none of these

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35.Where is monoaural diplacusis present in alesion ?

A) acoustic nerve

B) pontine glioma

C) cochlea

D) efferent auditory neurons

E) none of these

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36.Where is blue drum allocated ?

A) tympanosclerosis

B) secretory otitis media

C) otosclerosis

D) myringitis bullosa

E) none of these

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37. where is the supply of nerve tympanic membrane ?

A) auricular branch of vagus

B) auriculo temporal

C) lesser occipital

D) greater occipital

E)none of these

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38.Sound occurs in _____________ appreciation.

A) organ of corti

B) Basilar membranae m

C) transverse temporal gyrus

D) cochlear nuclei

E) none of these

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39.The assosiation of Meniers disease is with.

A) cochlear deafness

B) conductive deafness

C) retrocochlear deafness

D) mixed

E)none of these

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40.which carnival nerve commonly affects Acoustic neuroma?

A) 5th

B) 6th ‘

C) 7tb

D) 8th

E)none of these

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SET 5: MCQs Test Questions Answers for ENT Dr and Specialists

41.which disease is commonly used as a eustachian tube?

A) otitis media

B) sinusitis

C) adenoids

D) pharyngitis

E) None of these

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42.which treatment is being used for the case that is a 3year old child presents with fever and earache on examination there is congested tympanic membrane with a slight bulge.

A) myringotomy with penicillin

B) myringotomy with grommet

C) only antibiotics

D) wait and watch

E) None of these

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43.which one is not the feature of acute mastoiditis?

A) clouding of air cells

B) Deafness

C) outward and downward displacement of pinna

D) obliteration of retroauricular sulcus

E) None of these

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44.which type of medication is used to prevent cochlear otosclerosis with rapid action?

A) steroids

B) antibiotics

C) Fluorides

D) vitamins

E)none of these

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45) The process of Maxillary Sinus Opens .

A). Superior Meatus
B). Infundibulum
C). Inferior Meatus
D). None of the above

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46) Define Tensor of the Vocal cord?

A). Cricothyroid
B). Posterior Crisco arytenoids
C). Lateral cricoid arytenoids
D). Thyro arytenoids

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47)what is the prime modality of Nasopharyngeal of Rx with Ca?

A). Radiotherapy
B). Surgery
C). Chemotherapy
D). None of these

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48) During emergency access to the airway is gained by.

A). Endotracheal tube
B). Emergency Tracheostomy
C). Crisco thyroidotomy
D). All of these

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49) which structure defines the oro pharynx.

A). Pharyngotympanic tube
B). Fossa of Rosenmuller
C). Palatine Tonsil.
D). Piriform Fossa

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50) where is organ of corti is located?

A). Basilar membrane
B). Utricle
C). Saccule
D). None of the above

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SET 6: MCQs Test Questions Answers for ENT Dr and Specialists

51) what are the desired symptoms of Acoustic Neuroma?

A). Hearing Loss
B). Vertigo
C). Signs of Space occupying lesions
D). None of the above

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52) Dacryocystorhinostomy is made in which opening cases.

A). Superior Meatus
B). Middle Meatus
C). Inferior Meatus
D). None of the above

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53) Concerns with the history of profuse nasal bleeding what are the mo0st common diagnosis in a young boy.

A). Juvenile Nasopharyngeal angiofibroma
B). Nasal polyp
C). Deviated nasal septum
D). Cirrhosis

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54) Left sided vocal cord palsy occurs when

A). Left hilar bronchial carcinoma
B). Mitral Stenosis
C). Thyroid Malignancy
D). Thyroid Surgey

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55. In childhood, Commonest cause of deafness is by.



C) deaf-mutism

D) foreign body

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56. In all except Otosclerosis is associated with .

A) conductive deafness

B) Run in families

C) Mostly affects stapes

D) common in males

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57. which of the following is the facial palsy common cause.

A) Gillian Barre syndrome

B) Mastoid surgery

C) Bell’s palsy

D) Injury to the facial nerve

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58. which acts as a guide to surgery to the antrum of the landmark on the lateral surface of the temporal bone is the

A) trauma’s triangle

B) supramental spine of Henle

C) temporal line

D) notch of Rivinus

E) None of the above

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59. Causes nystagmus Destruction of right labyrinth to

A) right side

B) Left side

C) rotatory nystagmus

D) No nystagmus

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60. characteristically Carhart’s notch seeh at


B) 4000hz

C) 2000hz


E) None of these

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61. Which of the following doesnot consists ofGradenigo’s syndrome ?

A) abducent nerve palsy

B) Palatal palsy

C) aural discharge

D)Retro orbital pain

E) none of these

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62 Which one is not seen in Acoustic neuroma ?

A) Motor aphasia

B) Sensory aphasia

C) Auditory defect

D) Changes in audiometry

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