Which enzyme breaks down protein?

which enzyme breaks down protein?
(A). Amylases
(B). Lipases
(C). Proteases (Proteolytic enzymes )
(D). Nucleases
Answer: Proteases

What are Proteases?

Proteases (Proteolytic enzymes ) are the enzymes that are helpful to break down the protein.

How Proteases are made?

Proteases are made by the followings;

  • Fungi
  • Animals
  • Plants
  • Bacteria

Proteases break down proteins in the skin or in the body.

Classification of Proteases

We can classify Proteases According to the followings;

  1. Proteases Classification According to optimal pH
  2. Proteases Classification According to catalytic residue

1. Proteases Classification According to optimal pH

  • Acid proteases: proteases with optimal pH in acidic solutions. Examples are chymosin and pepsin.
  • Alkaline proteases (Basic proteases): active from neutral to alkaline pH range.
  • Neutral proteases: an extremely stable Zn-metalloendopeptidase that is produced by Paenibacillus polymyxa.

2. Proteases Classification According to catalytic residue

  • Serine proteases: Examples of Serine proteases are Plasmin, Thrombin, Keratinase, Acrosomal protease, Complement C1, Chymotrypsin, Trypsin, Elastase, Fibrinolysin, Cocoonase, Collagenase
  • Cysteine proteases
  • Threonine proteases
  • Aspartic proteases
  • Glutamic proteases
  • Metalloproteases
  • Asparagine peptide lyases

which of the following is the Pancreatic digestive enzyme?
(A). Chymotrypsin
(B). Trypsin
(C). both a and b
(D). Plasmin
Answer: both a and b

Which of the following enzyme is helpful for the Digestion of hair & connective tissue?
(A). Keratinase
(B). Trypsin
(C). Fibrinolysin
(D). Plasmin
Answer: Keratinase

Which enzyme dissolves blood clots?
(A). Keratinase
(B). Trypsin
(C). Fibrinolysin
(D). Plasmin
Answer: Plasmin

Which enzyme activates fibrinogen to form blood clots?
(A). Acrosomal protease
(B). Trypsin
(C). Thrombin
(D). Plasmin
Answer: Thrombin

Which enzyme is useful in cell lysis in immune reactions?
(A). Acrosomal protease
(B). Trypsin
(C). Thrombin
(D). Complement C1
Answer: Complement C1

Which enzyme is used in cell transformation?
(A). Fibrinolysin
(B). Trypsin
(C). Thrombin
(D). Complement C1
Answer: Fibrinolysin

Which enzyme is used in the dissolution of cocoons in moth metamorphosis?
(A). Fibrinolysin
(B). Trypsin
(C). Thrombin
(D). Cocoonase
Answer: Cocoonase

What is the role of the Collagenase enzyme?
(A). dissolves blood clots
(B). Digestion of hair & connective tissue
(C). dissolution of the cocoon in moth metamorphosis
(D). sperm penetration of ova
Answer: Digestion of hair & connective tissue

What is the role of the Elastase enzyme?
(A). Pancreatic digestion
(B). Digestion of hair & connective tissue
(C). dissolution of the cocoon in moth metamorphosis
(D). sperm penetration of ova
Answer: Pancreatic digestive enzyme

which enzyme breaks down complex carbohydrates?
(A). Amylases
(B). Nucleases
(C). Proteases (Proteolytic enzymes )
(D). Lipases
Answer: Amylases
which enzyme breaks down fats?
(A). Nucleases
(B). Lipases
(C). Proteases (Proteolytic enzymes )
(D). Amylases
Answer: Lipases
Proteases can be classified according to which of the followings?
(A). Based on optimal pH
(B). Based on catalytic residue
(C). both of these
(D). None of these
Answer: both of these

Which enzyme digests carbohydrates?

Which enzyme breaks down protein?