Environmental Biotechnology Past Papers Exam Questions

Guess Paper 1: Environmental Biotechnology Fall – 2020 Past Papers

Time Allowed: 3 hours

Total Marks:    70, Passing Marks (35)


Q1. Choose the correct option.                                                                     (07)

  1. A microbial degradation process in which the degraded chemical is not the source of nutrient and energy is called:
  2. Microremediation
  • Nanoremediation
  1. Cometabolism
  2. None of the above
  3. Mineralization of hydrocarbons by microorganisms means:
  4. Their conversion into CO2 and H2O
  5. Their conversion into more complex compounds
  6. Their conversion into NH2 and CO2
  7. All of these
  8. Which of the following hydrocarbons is most biodegradable:
  9. Linear alkanes
  10. Branched alkanes
  11. Small aromatics
  12. Cyclic alkanes
  13. Catechol is:
  14. an ortho phenol
  15. Para phenol
  16. meta phenol
  17. Amino benzoic acid
  18. Creosote is:
  19. A herbicide
  20. Fertilizer
  21. Petroleum contaminant
  22. Wood preservative
  23. Phytochemical sequestration involves:
  24. Transportation of pollutants from plant roots to leaves through xylum
  25. Phytochemical complexation of pollutant in the root zone
  26. Metabolic degradation of the pollutant inside plant leaves
  27. None of the above
  28. Phytostabilization of pollutants takes place:
  29. In soil near the roots
  30. Inside roots
  31. Inside stem
  32. Inside leaves


Q2.  Mark the following statement either as True or False.          (07)

  1. Thiobacillusferrooxidans is used for copper bioleaching.(True / False)
  2. Microorganisms use reductive dechlorination for degradation of DDT.(True / False)
  3. PIPs mean microorganisms engineered against pests.(True / False)
  4. Meor refers to an oil recovery process using microorganisms.(True /False).
  5. Environmental concerns is the major hurdle in practical use of genetically engineered organisms. (True /False)
  6. Composting is conducted at low temperature. (True /False)
  7. Biodegradation is always faster than chemical degradation of pollutants . (True /False)



(Industrial Microbiology)

(Attempt any FOUR questions)

Q2.      A. What is meant by environmental biotechnology? Write note on the scope of environmental biotechnology(7)

  1. Write note on methods of isolating microorganisms capable of degrading a specific pollutant. (7)

Q3.      A. What is meant by phytoremediation? Explain different types of phytoremediation techniques. (10)

  1. How are plants used to detoxify soil of heavy metals?

Q4.     Write a detailed note on Biological pesticides. How are they different from chemical


Q5.      A. Define and differentiate between insitu and exsitu bioremediation techniques.(4)

  1. Write detailed note on ex-situ bioremediation methods.(10)

Q6.      A. What is meant by genetically modified microorganisms for bioremediation? How are

GMMs created? (7)

  1. What ethical concerns are related to use of GMMs in bioremediation? (7)

Q7.  (a) What is meant by the following terms. (14)

  1. Bioaugmentation Consortium            iii. Enrichment culturing         iv. Pure culture v. BT-Cottonvi.      Organophosphates      vii. PIPs

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