Environmental Biotechnology Past Papers Exam Questions
Guess Paper 1: Environmental Biotechnology Fall – 2020 Past Papers
Time Allowed: 3 hours
Total Marks: 70, Passing Marks (35)
Q1. Choose the correct option. (07)
- A microbial degradation process in which the degraded chemical is not the source of nutrient and energy is called:
- Microremediation
- Nanoremediation
- Cometabolism
- None of the above
- Mineralization of hydrocarbons by microorganisms means:
- Their conversion into CO2 and H2O
- Their conversion into more complex compounds
- Their conversion into NH2 and CO2
- All of these
- Which of the following hydrocarbons is most biodegradable:
- Linear alkanes
- Branched alkanes
- Small aromatics
- Cyclic alkanes
- Catechol is:
- an ortho phenol
- Para phenol
- meta phenol
- Amino benzoic acid
- Creosote is:
- A herbicide
- Fertilizer
- Petroleum contaminant
- Wood preservative
- Phytochemical sequestration involves:
- Transportation of pollutants from plant roots to leaves through xylum
- Phytochemical complexation of pollutant in the root zone
- Metabolic degradation of the pollutant inside plant leaves
- None of the above
- Phytostabilization of pollutants takes place:
- In soil near the roots
- Inside roots
- Inside stem
- Inside leaves
Q2. Mark the following statement either as True or False. (07)
- Thiobacillusferrooxidans is used for copper bioleaching.(True / False)
- Microorganisms use reductive dechlorination for degradation of DDT.(True / False)
- PIPs mean microorganisms engineered against pests.(True / False)
- Meor refers to an oil recovery process using microorganisms.(True /False).
- Environmental concerns is the major hurdle in practical use of genetically engineered organisms. (True /False)
- Composting is conducted at low temperature. (True /False)
- Biodegradation is always faster than chemical degradation of pollutants . (True /False)
(Industrial Microbiology)
(Attempt any FOUR questions)
Q2. A. What is meant by environmental biotechnology? Write note on the scope of environmental biotechnology(7)
- Write note on methods of isolating microorganisms capable of degrading a specific pollutant. (7)
Q3. A. What is meant by phytoremediation? Explain different types of phytoremediation techniques. (10)
- How are plants used to detoxify soil of heavy metals?
Q4. Write a detailed note on Biological pesticides. How are they different from chemical
Q5. A. Define and differentiate between insitu and exsitu bioremediation techniques.(4)
- Write detailed note on ex-situ bioremediation methods.(10)
Q6. A. What is meant by genetically modified microorganisms for bioremediation? How are
GMMs created? (7)
- What ethical concerns are related to use of GMMs in bioremediation? (7)
Q7. (a) What is meant by the following terms. (14)
- Bioaugmentation Consortium iii. Enrichment culturing iv. Pure culture v. BT-Cottonvi. Organophosphates vii. PIPs