Set of Important MCQs on BioTechnology for the preparation of tests for chemistry and biology.
The most effective treatment for a genetic disorders in the present times is
- Genetic counseling
- Cloning
- Gene mapping
- Gene therapy
Question Answer: Gene therapy
DNA is a code for making which of the following?
- Proteins
- Vitamins
- Nucleosomes
Question Answer: Proteins
Modern Biotechnology relied on advances in which of the following?
- Biochemistry and Physics
- Biosciences and ancient techniques
- Biology and chemical engineering
- Molecular Biology and computer technology
Question Answer: Molecular Biology and computer technology
In many electrophoresis units, the gel is mounted between two buffer chambers containing separate electrodes, so that electrical connection between chambers is through the
- Tubes
- Slab
- Gel
- Small Tub
Question Answer: Gel
In comparison to agarose gels, polyacrylamide gels are
- Large
- Small
- Internally linked.
- Tougher
Question Answer: Tougher
By Sandwich ELISA all these are determined excluding
- Polystyrene
- Tumor markers
- Biotin
- Hormones
Question Answer: Polystyrene
The global biotechnology market size in 2019 was valued around _______.
- Around USD 10 Million
- Around USD 200 Million
- Around USD 100 Million
- Around USD 450 billion
Question Answer: Around USD 450 billion
Major Breakthrough in history of biotechnology in 20th century was
- 3-D Structure of DNA
- Discovery of PCR
- Discovery of Penicillin
- All of these
Question Answer: All of these
Structure of DNA and genetic code, as well as transcription ad translation was explained
- Between 1900 and 1905
- Between 1945 and 1980
- Between 1960 and 1972
- Between 1952 and 1966
Question Answer: Between 1952 and 1966
Structure of Individual genes can be determined by Which of the following?
- Genetic Engineering
- DNA Sequencing
- Gene cloning
- Recombinant DNA technology
Question Answer: DNA Sequencing
Applications of the polymerase chain reaction include
- Obtaining pure samples of genes
- Sequences of annealing sites is not necessary long strands of DNA can be obtained
- Isolate genes not discovered before
- PCR saves time from months to weeks
Question Answer: Obtaining pure samples of genes
Inn Northern Blotting detection is performed by one of these
- Lem-ms
- Chemiluminescence
- Spectrophotometer
- Chromatography
Question Answer: Chemiluminescence
Standard method for the direct study of gene expression at the level of mRNA is
- Northern Blotting
- Reverse Transcription
- Southern Blotting
Question Answer: Northern Blotting
DNA at a crime scene can be recovered from any substance having
- Knife
- Cloth
- Dust
- Cella
Question Answer: Cella
Biotechnology targets to enhance the product yield from living organism by
- Employing principles of bio-engineering
- Employing principles bio-process technology
- By genetically modifying the organisms
- All of these
Question Answer: All of these
Which of the following are the applications of biotechnology?
- Production of new enzymes and their immobilization for industrial use
- Production of transgenic in animal and plants, and tissue culture
- Applications in medicine as tools and therapeutics,
- All of these
Question Answer: All of these
One of the early applications of biotechnology in animal sciences was _____.
- To develop methods for production of GMOs for better food products
- To separate cheese and other food products from milk by bacteria
- To separate cheese and other food products from milk by enzyme and microbes
- To develop methods for production GMOs of ornamental value
Question Answer: To separate cheese and other food products from milk by enzyme and microbes
Which is the Principle of PCR?
- Probing
- DNA Replication
- Replication
- Hybridization
Question Answer: DNA Replication
Plants or animals created through the gene splicing or genetic engineering are called as;
- GMOs
- GMPs
- GMAs
Question Answer: GMOs
Yellow biotechnology is also known as ______.
- Desert Biotechnology
- Purple biotechnology
- Insect biotechnology
- Arid Biotechnology
Question Answer: Insect biotechnology
What is the Mutation rate in mitochondrial genome?
- 20 times higher than nuclear genome
- 80 times higher than nuclear genome
- 100 times higher than nuclear genome
- 15,000 times higher than nuclear genome
Question Answer: 100 times higher than nuclear genome
For the construction of genetic libraries, usually the DNA can be stored in which of the following?
- Plasmids
- Animals
- Plants
- Probe
Question Answer: Plasmids
Short strands of the primer are helpful and used in DNA replication in which part of cell?
- Histone
- Protein
Question Answer: RNA
Fungi are those which contain metabolites to develop drugs.
- Biological
- Chemical
- Macro fungi
- Medicinal
Question Answer: Medicinal
Insulin produced in bacterial expression system is called
- Bacterial Insulin
- Insulin
- Humulin
- Therapeutic Insulin
Question Answer: Humulin
Which of the following is the biotechnology that deals with aquatic organisms?
- White
- Green
- Blue
- Yellow
Question Answer: Blue
which of the following is the process in which Gene transfer from a donor to a recipient by way of a bacteriophage?
- Conjugation
- Transduction
- Transformation
- Translation
Question Answer: Transduction
Which of the following determines that in what amount each cell makes specific proteins?
- Nucleosides
- Amino acids
Question Answer: DNA
How much letters long is Mitochondrial DNA ?
- Three trillion
- 200-250
- 16,569
- 3270
Question Answer: 16,569
Stem cells can be obtained from Which of the following?
- Brain only
- Body tissues only
- From an embryo or body tissues
- Embryo only
Question Answer: From an embryo or body tissues
Which of the following bacterium is helpful in the production of insulin by genetic engineering?
- Saccharomyces
- Escherichia
- Rhizobium
- Mycobacterium
Question Answer: Escherichia
DNA Replication in cell is ____.
- Conservative and always bidirectional
- Semiconservative unique and unidirectional
- Semiconservative and bidirectional
- Conservative and unidirectional
Question Answer: Semiconservative and bidirectional
A stem cell line is composed of a population of cells that can replicate themselves for long periods of time;
- In Silico
- In Situ
- In Vitro
- In Vivo
Question Answer: In Vitro
The DNA ladder is made up of building blocks called;
- Amino acids
- Nucleotides
- Proteins
- Fatty acids
Question Answer: Nucleotides
To re-establish ecological wellbeing by improving regular biodegradation by local life forms is a general way to deal with;
- Bio-warfare
- Bio-terrorism
- Bio-remediation
- Bio-fertilizer
Question Answer: Bio-remediation
Recombinant DNA technology is a method for insertion of from one organism into another _____.
- Body fluids
- Essential minerals
- Genetic material
- Protein
Question Answer: Genetic material
Gregor Mendel an Austrian monk conducted the first genetics experiments using which of the following?
- Bt cotton
- Bt Corn
- Pea plant
- Yeast
Question Answer: Pea plant
Which of the following are included in Applications of the polymerase chain reaction?
- Sequences of annealing sites is not necessary
- Obtaining pure samples of genes
- Isolate genes not discovered before
- PCR saves time from months to week
Question Answer: Obtaining pure samples of genes
Patents on biotechnological products are to be granted only on;
- Inventions
- Discoveries
- Detections
- All
Question Answer: Inventions
Prerequisite for transplantation of allogeneic stem cells is
- Allergy test
- Compatibility
- Blood type
- Histocompatibility
Question Answer: Histocompatibility
Which of the following s study is known for Changing the DNA in living organisms to no create something new?
- Genetic mutation
- Genetic expression
- Genetic engineering
- Grey Biotechnology
Question Answer: Genetic engineering
Electrophoresis is a technique helpful and used to purify ____.
- Macromolecules
- Nucleic Acids
- Proteins
- Charged particle in solution
Question Answer: Macromolecules
Restriction enzyme cuts the DNA fragments leaving _____
- No ends
- Sticky ends
- Rounded ends
- Coiled ends
Question Answer: Sticky ends
Development in genetic engineering has been possible due to the discovery of which of the following?
- Stem Cells Technology
- Oncogenes
- DNA discovery
- Restriction Enzymes
Question Answer: Restriction Enzymes
which of the following study is related withexcision and insertion of a gene from one organism to the other?
- Biotechnology
- Genetic engineering
- Cytogenetic
- Gene therapy
Question Answer: Genetic engineering
Which of the following is the process of using a natural predator to control a pathogen?
- Biological control
- Genetic engineering
- Confusion technique
- artificial control
Question Answer: Biological control
Mouse iPSCs demonstrate important characteristics of
- Unipotent stem cells
- Tumorigenic stem cells
- Pluripotent stem cells
- Follicular stem cells
Question Answer: Pluripotent stem cells
Agarose gel has a gelling temperature of
- 75-85 °C
- 60-70 °C
- 20-30 °C
- 35-42 °C
Question Answer: 35-42 °C
Genetically modified organisms are called;
- Microbes
- Micro-organisms
- Transgenic organism
- Pure-bred organisms
Question Answer: Transgenic organism
For biochemical function analysis of protein reaction recommended is
- Protein-protein
- Enzyme-substrate
- Antigen-Antibodies
- Receptor-Ligand enzyme.
Question Answer: Enzyme-substrate
The order of ___ determines what type of protein is made;
- Mineral
- Vitamins
- Amino acids
Question Answer: Amino acids
Gene cloning includes all of the mentioned excluding ____
- A fragment of DNA, containing the gene to be cloned, is inserted into vector
- A recombinant DNA molecule is produced.
- Colony or clone of identical host cells is produced
- The vector transports the gene into a host cell, which is usually a fungus
Question Answer: The vector transports the gene into a host cell, which is usually a fungus
Stem cells can be all excluding Which of the following?
- Pluripotent
- Semipotent
- Unipotent
- Multipotent
Question Answer: Unipotent
The concept that genes reside on chromosome was first proposed by
- O. T. Avery
- W. Sutton
- McCarty
- Hugh Macleod
Question Answer: W. Sutton
Enzyme that is helpful and used to join nicks during DNA replication
- Primase
- DNA polymerase
- Endonuclease
- DNA ligase
Question Answer: DNA ligase
Gene cloning includes all of these excluding _.
- A fragment of DNA, containing the gene to be cloned, is inserted into vector
- A recombinant DNA molecule is produced.
- The vector transports the gene into a host cell, which is usually a fungus.
- Colony or clone of identical host cells is produced
Question Answer: The vector transports the gene into a host cell, which is usually a fungus
Which of the following PCR step is most variable with respect to temperature?
- Annealing
- Denaturation
- Extension
- Initial denaturation
Question Answer: Annealing
PCR can be helpful and used for the identification of following agents excluding
- Hormonal
- Parasitic
- Fungal
- Bacterial
Question Answer: Hormonal
The calculated Tm of this Primer 5′-CC ACA GAG GAC TCT TGG TCT-3′, is:
- 44 °C
- 54 °C.
- 62 °C
- 58 °C.
Question Answer: 62 °C
Agarose and polyacrylamide differ in
- Physical Structure
- Making Porous Gels
- Two dimensional Structure
- Ionic Bonding
Question Answer: Physical Structure
Porous size of agarose gel helps to separate which of the followings?
- Most proteins
- Small oligonucleotides
- MicroRNA
- Large protein complexes
Question Answer: Large protein complexes
Roles of stem cells in our bodies
- They fight against infections
- They produce new specialized cells to replace damaged cells
- They perform specialized roles in the body
- They produce antibodies
Question Answer: They produce new specialized cells to replace damaged cells
DNA fragments can be joined together with the strong action of which of the following enzyme
- Ligase
- Polymerase
- Gyrase
- Helicase
Question Answer: Ligase
Western blot test is referred to as the
- Gold Standard
- Preliminary Teat
- Confirmatory Test
- Rapid Test
Question Answer: Gold Standard
In Nested PCR primers are helpful and used in
- Double Stranded Primers
- Forward and Reverse Primers
- Two Sets
- One Set
Question Answer: Two Sets
Multiplex PCR is helpful and used for detection of
- Multiple Pathogens
- Genomic DNA
- Viral DNA
- Pathogen
Question Answer: Multiple Pathogens
Cloning is a form of Which of the following?
- Meiosis
- Sexual reproduction
- Asexual
- Fertilization
Question Answer: Asexual
Phosphate buffer is helpful and used for which of the following?
- Low conductivity.
- Nucleic Acid Separation
- High buffering capacity
- Enzyme separation
Question Answer: Enzyme separation
Subtye of Zone Electrophoresis is _____.
- Moving Boundary
- Cellulose acetate
- Micro electrophoresis
- Free Electrophoresis
Question Answer: Cellulose acetate
Polyacrylamide gel is
- Non-toxic
- Bufotoxin
- Potent Neurotoxic
- diphtheria toxic
Question Answer: Potent Neurotoxic
True replication of DNA is due to which of the following?
- Phosphate backbone
- Hydrogen bonding
- Complementary base pairing rule.
- Primer
Question Answer: Complementary base pairing rule.
cDNA synthesis from RNA is performed by the enzyme
- Reverse transcriptase
- DNA polymerase
- DNA synthetase
- DNA convertase
Question Answer: Reverse transcriptase
During DNA replication the synthesis of the in fragments leading strand of DNA results known as
- Double-helix segment
- Okazaki fragments
- Kornberg segment
- Satellite segments
Question Answer: Okazaki fragments
The mRNA codon of alanine are all excluding
Question Answer: GUU
The gene formed by combination of DNA segments from two different origins is called.
- Recombinant DNA
- Pseudo gene
- Linked
- Chimeric Gene.
Question Answer: Chimeric Gene
Enzyme immunoassay (EIA) was the first screening test commonly employed for
- Hep A
- Hep C
Question Answer: HIV
Specimen for ELISA can be all excluding
- Stem Cells
- Sputum
- Blood
Question Answer: Stem Cells
In competitive ELISA bound enzyme conjugate reacts with the chromogenic substrate added to produce
- Yellow to blue color
- Blue to grey color
- Blue to yellow color
- Red to blue color
Question Answer: Blue to yellow color
Which of the following are the Enzymes most commonly helpful and used in Elisa?
- Replicas
- Helicase
- Alkaline Phosphatase
- Horseradish peroxidase
Question Answer: Horseradish peroxidase
In ELISA, which of the following is not helpful and used as primary antibody?
- Antihuman IgA
- IgA
- IgM
- Human serum IgG
Question Answer: Antihuman IgA
Which of the following is the process of replacing a mutated gene that causes disease with a healthy copy of the gene?
- Gene Physiology
- Gene editing
- Gene Therapy
- Allele morphology
Question Answer: Gene Therapy
Which of the following is an allele?
- One of several possible forms a gene
- A homozygous genotype
- A heterozygous genotype
- Another word for a gene
Question Answer: One of several possible forms a gene
When the genotype consists of a dominant and a recessive allele, the phenotype will be like ___ allele.
- The dominant
- The recessive
- None of these
- It is random
Question Answer: The dominant
The concept that different pairs of alleles are passed to offspring independently is principle of:
- Independent assortment
- Segregation
- Blending inheritance
- Unit inheritance
Question Answer: Independent assortment
The concept that for any particular trait, the pair of alleles of each parent separate and only one allele from each parent passes to an offspring is Mendel’s principle of:
- Independent assortment
- Hybridization
- Inbreeding
- Segregation
Question Answer: Segregation
The innate tendency of offspring to resemble their parents is called:
- Variation
- Heredity
- Inheritance
- Resemblance
Question Answer: Inheritance
If different alleles are present in the same genotype then it is known as ______.
- Heterozygous
- Polygenic
- Diallelic
- Homozygous
Question Answer: Heterozygous
A heterozygous individual can produce how many types of gametes?
- 1
- 3
- Many
- 2
Question Answer: 2
All of these obey Mendel’s law excluding:
- Segregation
- Dominance
- Linkage
- Independent assortment
Question Answer: Linkage
Each gamete carries
- Only one of the alleles
- Only dominant allele
- Only recessive allele
- None of these
Question Answer: Only one of the alleles
A test cross is helpful and used to determine which of the following?
- Phenotype
- Genotype
- Both of these
- None of these
Question Answer: Genotype
Polyploidy refers to which of the following?
- Extra copies of a gene adjacent to each other on a chromosome
- An individual with complete extra sets of chromosomes
- A chromosome which has replicated but not divided
- Multiple ribosomes present on a single mrna
Question Answer: An individual with complete extra sets of chromosomes
Gene showing dominance:
- Has alleles that are recessive to
- Has one allele dominant to the other
- Has alleles tightly linked on the same chromosome
- each Has both alleles independently expressed in the heterozygote
Question Answer: Has both alleles independently expressed in the heterozygote
Independent assortment refers to which of the following?
- Expression at the same stage of development
- Unlinked transmission of genes in crosses resulting from being located on different chromosomes, or far apart on the same chromosome.
- Independent location of genes from each other in an interphase cell
- Association of a protein and a DNA sequence implying related function
Question Answer: Unlinked transmission of genes in crosses resulting from being located on different chromosomes, or far apart on the same chromosome
Mendel’s law of segregation, as applied to the behavior of chromosomes in meiosis, means that:
- Pairing of homologs will convert one. allele into the other, leading to separation of the types.
- Alleles of a gene separate from each other when homologe separate in meiosis i, or in meiosis ii if there in a single crossover between the gene and the centromere.
- Genes on the same chromosome will show 50% recombination
- Alleles of a gene will be linked and passed on together through meiosis
Question Answer: Alleles of a gene separate from each other when homologe separate in meiosis i, or in meiosis ii if there in a single crossover between the gene and the centromere
Southern blotting is named after which of the following?
- W.S. Southern
- Edwin Southern
- South American Scientist
- South pole
Question Answer: Edwin Southern
Southern blotting method Involves all of these excluding
- Transfer
B: Separation
- Absorption
- Hybridization
Question Answer: Absorption
Formation of a double-stranded DNA molecule between a single-stranded DNA probe and a single-stranded target DNA
- Blotting
- Hybridization
- Migration
- Annealing
Question Answer: Hybridization
In southern blotting probe bound to the filter is detected by
- Hybridization probe
- Auto immunology
- Radiography.
- Autoradiography
Question Answer: Autoradiography
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) can be detected by which of the following?
- Blotting methods
- Southern Blotting
- Northern Blotting
Question Answer: Southern Blotting
Which of the following is the technique that is a prerequisite for immunoblotting
- Chromatography
- Sandwich ELISA
- Multiplex PCR
Question Answer: SDS PAGE
In Western Blotting proteins are transferred from the gel to the surface of a nitrocellulose membrane by which of the following?
- Blotting
- Autioradiography
- Adsorption
- Electroblotting
Question Answer: Electroblotting
A Western blot is also helpful and used as the definitive test for
- Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH)
- Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE)
- Leukemias
Question Answer: Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE)
DNA or cDNA is quantified by
- Molecular beacons probes
- qPCR
- TaqMan probes
Question Answer: qPCR
All are true about PAGE excluding
- Cannot be helpful and used as support media.
- It is a subtype of the gel electrophoresis
- Most widely helpful and used technique of electrophoresis.
- Made by free radical-induced polymerization
Question Answer: Cannot be helpful and used as support media
Types of PAGE include
- Native PAGE
- Vertical Gel
- Horizontal GEL
- Triton PAGE
Question Answer: Native PAGE
Colorimetric detection system is helpful and used for all these techniques excluding
- Northern Blotting
- Western Blotting
- Southern Blotting
Question Answer: PCR
ELISA can detect in solution up to
- mg/mL
- pg/mL
- g/ml
- kg/l
Question Answer: pg/mL
Environment Biotechnology involves
- The Study of Benefits and hazards associated with GMO
- Bioremediation
- Use of microbes to clean environment
- All of these
Question Answer: All of these
Environmental biotechnologists improve and optimize conditions to make efficient-existing
- Species
- Variety of organisms
- Microbes
- Biological Systems
Question Answer: Biological Systems
Better environment and workplace safety is offered to manufacturing industries in terms of applications of environmental biotechnology other than
- Essential careful monitoring and process control
- Compliance with environmental legislation and codes.
- Cost effective means of reducing the pollution potential
- Highly specific enzymatic processes typically functioning at high temperature and pressure
Question Answer: Cost effective means of reducing the pollution potential
Gene therapy in humans was first practiced by Blease and Andresco to cure
- Cystic Fibrosis
- Thalassemia
- Hemophilia
Question Answer: SCID
Short strands of the _____ in DNA replication in cell.
- Protein
- Histone
Question Answer: RNA
Human DNA is 98% similar to which of the following?
- Fish
- Chimpanzees
- Mouse
- Chicken
Question Answer: Chimpanzees
What is the gelling temperature of Agarose gel?
- 75-85 °C
- 40-50 °C
- 35-42 °C
- 60-70 °C
Question Answer: 35-42 °C
Which of the following is most controversial approach in gene therapy
- Antisense therapy
- Ex Vivo gene therapy
- Somatic cell gene therapy
- Germ line gene therapy
Question Answer: Germ line gene therapy
Bioaugmentation involves
- Eliminating sludge
- Plants usage for bioremediation
- Addition of microbes to a cleanup site
- Bioventing
Question Answer: Addition of microbes to a cleanup site
Asprgilus fumiatus uses ______ as substrate for Single Cell Protein production
- Glucose
- Sulphite waste liquor
- Starch
- None of these
Question Answer: Glucose
With the development of the modern corporation, patent rights are always assigned to;
- University
- Individual
- Company
- None
Question Answer: Company
Bioinformatics has been utilized for ______ examinations of natural inquiries;
- In Situ
- In Silico
- In Vivo
- In Vitro
Question Answer: In Silico
Which of these biosensors use the principle of heat released or absorbed by a reaction?
- Piezo-electric biosensors
- Optical biosensors
- Calorimetric biosensors
- Potentiometric biosensor
Question Answer: Calorimetric biosensors
Which of the following biosensors use the movement of electrons produced during redox reactions?
- Piezo-electric biosensors
- Potentiometric biosensors
- Optical biosensors
- Amperometric biosensor
Question Answer: Amperometric biosensor
Father of biosensor:
- Louis Pasteur
- Alexander Fleming
- Leeland C Clark
- Karry Mullis
Question Answer: Leeland C Clark
Which one of the following is helpful and used as a microbial insecticide?
- polymixa
- Bacillus thuringenesis
- Neem extracts
- Honey
Question Answer: Bacillus thuringenesis
Which of the following Technology was adopted quickly in the history of agriculture?
- Genetic engineering
- Somatic hybridization
- Tissue culturing
- Biotechnology
Question Answer: Biotechnology
Biotechnology is the summation of activities involving technological tools and living organism to
- Enhance the efficiency of the production
- Use of microbes for betterment of environment
- Use Animals and plants as human food sources
- Use of living organisms for industrial purposes
Question Answer: Enhance the efficiency of the production
Enzyme substrate TMB stands for ________.
- Tetramethylbenzidine
- 35’3’5-tetramethylbenzidine
- 3,3,5,5-tetramethylbenzidine
- 3’5′ tetramethylbenzidine
Question Answer: 3,3,5,5-tetramethylbenzidine
Phenotype refers to the _____ of an individual
- Genetic makeup
- Actual physical appearance
- Recessive alleles
- Shared haplotype
Question Answer: Actual physical appearance
How much letters long is genetically modified organism?
- Rice
- Brinjal
- Cotton
- Bt-cotton
Question Answer: Bt-cotton
Polyacrylamide gel is ______.
- Potent Neurotoxic
- Bufotoxin
- diphtheria toxic
- Nontoxic
Question Answer: Potent Neurotoxic
For treatment of bones and wounds, Which of the following are being helpful and used to create a source of medical grade collagen?
- Jellyfish
- Algae
- Bone Marrow
- Jelly Beans
Question Answer: Jellyfish
Which of the following is the first step in genetic engineering?
- Growth of GMO
- Insertion of gene into vector
- Expression of gene
- Isolation of gene of interest
Question Answer: Isolation of gene of interest
Short strands of the primer are helpful and used in DNA replication in which part of cell?
- Protein
- Histone
Question Answer: RNA
Which of the following are the Small animals that float on the surface of water?
- Zooplanktona
- Limnos
- Plankton
- benthos
Question Answer: Zooplanktona
Biotechnology (MCQs)
- Biotechnology MCQs
- Intro to Biotechnology MCQs
- Agricultural Biotechnology MCQs
- Repeated Agricultural Biotechnology MCQs
- inorganic Chemistry MCQs
- Organic Chemistry MCQs
- Ecology MCQs
- Biodiversity MCQs
- Environmental Policy MCQs
- Psychology MCQs
- Microbiology ( Agricultural microbiology MCQs)
- Cell Biology MCQs
- Genetics MCQs
- Analytical Chemistry MCQs
- Molecular Biology MCQs
- Microbiology and Immunology MCQs
- Biodiversity And Conservation MCQs
- Agriculture Biotechnology MCQs
- Genomics MCQs,
- Fungal Biotechnology MCQs
- Cell and Tissue Culture MCQs
- Virology MCQs
Physical Chemistry
Biological Physics
Foundation Courses
Probability &
Methods in Molecular Biology
Genetic Resources & Conservation
Microbial Biotechnology
Principles of Biochemical Engineering
Health Biotechnology Environmental
Food Biotechnology
Industrial Biotechnology
Research Methodology &
Skill Enhancement
Principles of Biochemical Engineering
Methods in Molecular Biology
Analytical Chemistry & Instrumentation
Probability & Biostatistics
Biological Physics
Genetic Resources & Conservation
Microbial Biotechnology
Health Biotechnology
Environment Biotechnology
Genomics and Proteomics
Industrial Biotechnology
Biosafety & Bioethics
Animal Biotechnology
Marine Biotechnology
Nano Biotechnology
Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
Biofuels and Bio-refineries
Molecular Diagnostics
Fermentation Biotechnology