Anatomy – II Universities Past Past Papers

Anatomy – II Universities Past Past Papers

Anatomy - II Universities Past Past Papers
Anatomy – II Universities Past Past Papers

Q1.      Describe the upper end of FEMUR bone along with muscular attachments.

Q2.      Enumerate the muscle of the GLUTEAL REGION. Discuss the attachments, nerve supply and actions of Gluteus maximus.

Q3.      Briefly describe the Histology of following tissues


Q4.      Enlist all the muscles of posterior abdominal wall

            Give a short account of gross anatomy of the SPLEEN

Q5.      Enumerate the boundaries of pelvic outlet. Discuss the anatomy of Pelvic floor.

Q6.      Write short notes on any TWO the following:

a: inguinal lymph nodes

b: movements at Talar and Subtalar joint of the foot

c: profunda fumoirs artery.


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