Electrical Engineering Research Topics Ideas

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: February 3, 2024

More Research Topics on Electrical Engineering

Power SystemsDesign of recording and stimulation neural electrodesFault tolerant autonomous aircraft
Spacecraft flight managementRobust and Secure System DesignHardware and Software Verification
Acoustics And Ultrasonics TransducersAnalog & Digital CommunicationAuditory Physiology
Design of Electrical MachineHigh Frequency Circuits and Systems For ImagingBio-Sensing
High Data Rate CommunicationExpitaxial GrowthMicro Electromechanical System(MEMS)
Computational Mechanics and Aeroelastic TailoringStructural Design AnalysisComputational Mechanics and Aeroelastic Tailoring
Electrical  material and devicesSpace plasma physicsSpace systems
Fluid thermal systemSolid MechanicsRenewable Energy
Mechanical Design and AnalysisMechanics of solids, materials, structures and surfacesFracture Mechanics
Design of recording and stimulation neural electrodesComplex Variable and TransformsSmart grid,power generation and transfer
statistical signal processingcomplementary interests in circuits and system for sensingProbability & Random Processes
smart materials and structuresHigh Performance Power ElectronicsFailure in Composite in mechanical engineering
piezoelectric devicesMicro actuators and SensorsControl of electrical Machines
Medical electronicsSatellite CommunicationGender mainstreaming
Non linear vibration dynamics and machine designSustainable Energy Engineeringflutter and computational fluid dynamics
visible light communicationMechatronicswireless power transfer
Micro fabrication and packagingPower Management CircuitsHyper spectical image analysis
Research Area Electrical Engineering
  1. Hyper-spectral Image Analysis
  2. Document Image Processing
  3. Satellite Communication
  4. Space Systems
  5. Mobile & Satellite Communication
  6. Electronic System Design
  7. Small Satellite Engineering
  8. Intra Spacecraft Communication Systems
  9. Spacecraft Engineering
  10. Visible light communication
  11. Signal Processing for Wireless Communication
  12. Cognitive Radios
  13. Software-defined radios
  14. 5G Networks
  15. Machine Learning and IoT
  16. Analog and mixed-signal IC Design
  17. Evolutionary Computing
  18. Satellite Navigation
  19. Compressed Sensing
  20. Engineering Management
  21. High frequency circuits and systems for imaging
  22. bio-sensing
  23. high data rate communication
  24. Epitaxial growth
  25. Micro Electromechanical Systems (MEMS),
  26. micro actuators and sensors
  27. mechatronics
  28. micro fabrication and packaging technologies
  29. energy harvesting
  30. power management circuits
  31. acoustic and ultrasonic transducers
  32. smart materials and structures
  33. piezoelectric devices
  34. Design of recording and stimulation neural electrodes simulation of electrodes in the brain
  35. auditory physiology
  36. Task and motion planning algorithms to enable opportunistic, fault-tolerant autonomous aircraft
  37. spacecraft flight management
  38. robust and secure system design
  39. hardware and software verification
  40. High Performance Power Electronics
  41. Wireless Power Transfer
  42. Complementary Interests in Circuits and Systems for Sensing, Electromagnetic Systems
  43. Renewable Energy
  44. Statistical signal processing
  45. Motion planning and machine learning for robotic manipulation
  46. Solid State Electronics
  47. Optics & Photonics
  48. Antennas and antenna arrays
  49. Electrical materials and devices
  50. Medical electronics
  51. Smart grid, power generation and transfer
  52. Space plasma physics
  53. space weather
  54. Linear Circuit Analysis
  55. Electronic Devices & Circuits
  56. Electrical Network Analysis
  57. Complex Variable and Transforms
  58. Probability & Random Processes
  59. Analog & Digital Communication
  1. A study on the mechanisms of change propagation in mechanical design
  2. Mechanical design and finite element analysis of live working robot for 10kV distribution power systems
  3. Magneto-mechanical Design and Development of a Coaxial Magnetic Coupling with Optimization of Torque to Mass Ratio
  4. Mechanical design and fabrication of a kinetic sculpture with application to bioinspired drone design
  5. Design and Analysis of a Multi-Legged Robot with Pitch Adjustive Units
  6. Advanced metaheuristic techniques for mechanical design problems
  7. Analysis of mechanical properties of lattice structures with stochastic geometric defects in additive manufacturing
  8. Origami-based cellular mechanical metamaterials with tunable Poisson’s ratio: Construction and analysis
  9. Mechanical analysis of flexible integrated energy storage devices under bending by the finite element method
  10. Mechanical Vibration Analysis of a Gantry 3D Printer
  11. Development of mono leaf spring with composite material and investigating its mechanical properties
  12. Artificial intelligence-enabled smart mechanical metamaterials: advent and future trends
  13. Thermal and mechanical design of tangential hybrid microchannel and high-conductivity inserts for cooling of disk-shaped electronic components
  14. Thermal and mechanical analyses of compliant thermoelectric coils for flexible and Bio-Integrated devices
  15. Mechanical characterisation for numerical simulation of extrusion-based 3D concrete printing
  16. Molecular dynamics simulation and thermo-mechanical characterization for optimization of three-phase epoxy/TiO2/SiO2 nano-composites
  17. Dual-Gap Dual-Pole Composite Machine for Mechanical Rotor Position Estimation
  18. Investigating the Mechanical Behavior of Clot Analogues Through Experimental and Computational Analysis
  19. Efficiency analysis of mechanical reducer equipment of material handling industry using Sunflower Optimization Algorithm and Material Generation Algorithm
  20. Effect of surface on nano-beam mechanical behaviors: a parametric analysis
  21. Considerations from the Benchmark Comparison of OXBOW against IWGFR Mechanical Analysis Codes
  22. Artificial intelligence: prospect in mechanical engineering field—a review
  23. Analysis of mechanical property of electrically assisted friction stir welding to enhance the efficiency of joints
  24. Multiscale analysis and mechanical characterization of open-cell foams by simplified FE modeling
  25. Ensuring the collection of mechanical engineering products, taking into account the tolerances for computer-aided design in “GePARD. 3D”
  26. Mechanical Strength Design Analysis of Molecular Sieve Vessel of Helium Purification Systems in RDE
  27. Effectiveness of treatments for acute and subacute mechanical non-specific low back pain: a systematic review with network meta-analysis
  28. A Novel Mechanical Flux Weakening Method for Flux Switching Permanent Magnet Machine
  29. Electro–Thermal–Mechanical Coupled Analysis on Two High-Current Composite Umbilical Cable Cross Sections
  30. Design and analysis of a broadband three-beam impact piezoelectric energy harvester for low-frequency rotational motion
  31. Interval dynamic reliability analysis of mechanical components under multistage load based on strength degradation
  32. Fracture Mechanical Analysis of Thin-Walled Cylindrical Shells with Cracks
  33. Mechanical thrombectomy versus intravenous thrombolysis for distal large-vessel occlusion: a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies
  34. Mechanical Ventilation and Coronavirus Disease 2019: A Case-Control Analysis of Clinical Characteristics, Lung Mechanics, and Mortality
  35. Mechanical properties of foam-filled hexagonal and re-entrant honeycombs under uniaxial compression
  36. Design and Analysis of Permanent Magnetic Gears
  37. Long-term mechanical properties of in situ semi-rigid base materials
  38. … : A systematic review and meta-analysis of trueness of fit, biocompatibility, mechanical properties, surface characteristics, color stability, time-cost analysis …
  39. Numerical Analysis of Mechanical Characteristics of Joint Structure of Steel Pipe Sheet Pile Foundation
  40. Inter-hospital transfer for mechanical thrombectomy within the supraregional stroke network NEVAS

Electrical Engineering Presentation Topics

Power Systems

spacecraft flight management

Presentation topics on Robust and Secure System Design

Presentation topics on Hardware and Software Verification

Acoustics And Ultrasonics Transducers

Analog & Digital Communication

Auditory Physiology

Design of Electrical Machine

High Frequency Circuits and Systems For Imaging


High Data Rate Communication

Expitaxial Growth

Micro Electromechanical System(MEMS)

Computational Mechanics and Aeroelastic Tailoring

Structural Design Analysis

Computational Mechanics and Aeroelastic Tailoring

Electrical  material and devices

Space plasma physics

Space systems

Fluid thermal system

Solid Mechanics

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