Research Topics Satellite Communication

Research Area/ Research Interest: Satellite Communication

Research Paper Topics for: Masters and PhD Thesis and publication

  1. Satellite Communication
  2. Introduction to satellite communication
  3. Personal satellite communication: technologies and challenges
  4. Satellite communication systems
  5. Digital satellite communication
  6. The land mobile satellite communication channel-recording, statistics, and channel model
  7. Satellite communication systems: design principles
  8. Mobile satellite communication networks
  9. On the way to quantum-based satellite communication
  10. Laser satellite communication network-vibration effect and possible solutions
  11. Satellite communication—An overview of the problems and programs
  12. Satellite communication engineering
  13. The application of power-domain non-orthogonal multiple access in satellite communication networks
  14. Satellite communication
  15. Increased capacity using CDMA for mobile satellite communication
  16. Advanced technology in satellite communication antennas: electrical and mechanical design
  17. Analysis of system parameters for LEO/ICO-satellite communication networks
  18. Cognitive radio techniques for satellite communication systems
  19. Technology trends and challenges of antennas for satellite communication systems
  20. Application of cognitive radio techniques to satellite communication
  21. Optical scintillations and fade statistics for a satellite-communication system
  22. Survey of inter-satellite communication for small satellite systems: Physical layer to network layer view
  23. Inter-satellite communication and ranging link assignment for navigation satellite systems
  24. Satellite communication
  25. Optimization of a laser satellite communication system with an optical preamplifier
  26. Coding for satellite communication
  27. The challenge of using the W band in satellite communication
  28. Radio resource management in future terrestrial-satellite communication networks
  29. Inter-satellite ranging and inter-satellite communication links for enhancing GNSS satellite broadcast navigation data
  30. An authentication scheme for mobile satellite communication systems
  31. Optical inter-satellite communication operational
  32. Security approaches in machine learning for satellite communication
  33. Telemedicine using mobile satellite communication
  34. Prediction of the effects of rain on satellite communication systems
  35. Wearable circularly polarized antenna for personal satellite communication and navigation
  36. Propagation phenomena affecting satellite communication systems operating in the centimeter and millimeter wavelength bands
  37. Satellite communication systems design
  38. Long-distance free-space quantum key distribution in daylight towards inter-satellite communication
  39. RFin–RFout Linearizer System Design for Satellite Communication
  40. Using SDN and NFV to implement satellite communication networks
  41. Scintillation model for a satellite communication link at large zenith angles
  42. Secure satellite communication systems design with individual secrecy rate constraints
  43. Commercial optical inter-satellite communication at high data rates
  44. A software defined framework for integrated space-terrestrial satellite communication
  45. Prediction of fade durations due to rain in satellite communication systems
  46. Channel estimation and detection in satellite communication systems
  47. Passive satellite communication
  48. Satellite communication at millimeter waves: A key enabler of the 6G era
  49. A graph-based satellite handover framework for LEO satellite communication networks
  50. Design and development of ferroelectric tunable microwave components for Kuand K-band satellite communication systems
  51. Rain rate and rain attenuation prediction for satellite communication in Ku and Ka bands over Nigeria.
  52. Doppler applications in LEO satellite communication systems
  53. On the secrecy performance of land mobile satellite communication systems
  54. An efficient authentication protocol for mobile satellite communication systems
  55. Rubidium atomic clock with improved metrological characteristics for satellite communication system
  56. Optimizing the ground network of optical MEO satellite communication systems
  57. Power versus stabilization for laser satellite communication
  58. Robust secure beamforming for multibeam satellite communication systems
  59. A self-verification authentication mechanism for mobile satellite communication systems
  60. Near optimal timing and frequency offset estimation for 5G integrated LEO satellite communication system
  61. A new CubeSat design with reconfigurable multi-band radios for dynamic spectrum satellite communication networks
  62. A novel hybrid phased array antenna for satellite communication on-the-move in Ku-band
  63. Metasurface superstrate antenna with wideband circular polarization for satellite communication application
  64. Enhancing small satellite communication through effective antenna system design
  65. A simple and efficient authentication scheme for mobile satellite communication systems
  66. Homodyne BPSK-based optical inter-satellite communication links
  67. A compact lowpass filter for satellite communication systems based on transfer function analysis
  68. Interference and fade mitigation techniques for Ka and Q/V band satellite communication systems
  69. Satellite communication advancement, issues, challenges and applications
  70. Joint cooperative spectrum sensing and channel selection optimization for satellite communication systems based on cognitive radio
  71. The next generation heterogeneous satellite communication networks: Integration of resource management and deep reinforcement learning
  72. A compact 5-bit phase-shifter MMIC for K-band satellite communication systems
  73. In-orbit verification of optical inter-satellite communication links based on homodyne BPSK
  74. Satellite communication for rural health care in Alaska
  75. Dynamic power allocation for broadband multi-beam satellite communication networks
  76. Ka-Band–the future of satellite communication?
  77. DS-CDMA satellite diversity reception for personal satellite communication: Satellite-to-mobile link performance analysis
  78. Construction of a flexibility analysis model for flexible high-throughput satellite communication systems with a digital channelizer
  79. SIW-based array antennas with sequential feeding for X-band satellite communication


  1. A fast link assignment algorithm for satellite communication networks
  2. Metamaterial array based meander line planar antenna for cube satellite communication
  3. A preliminary look at using satellite communication for collaboration in the supply chain
  4. Predistortion technique for cross-coupled filters and its application to satellite communication systems
  5. Spectrum trading for satellite communication systems with dynamic bargaining
  6. Centralized rainfall estimation using carrier to noise of satellite communication links
  7. GEO satellite communication link budgets calculation and analysis
  8. A broadband linearizer for Ka-band satellite communication
  9. Satellite payloads pay off
  10. Recent trends in IP/NGEO satellite communication systems: transport, routing, and mobility management concerns
  11. Improving spectrum management for satellite communication systems with hunger marketing
  12. A novel authentication and key‐agreement scheme for satellite communication network
  13. Optimization of power allocation for multiusers in multi-spot-beam satellite communication systems
  14. Adaptive modulation and coding techniques for global navigation satellite system inter-satellite communication based on the channel condition
  15. A model of a domestic satellite communication system
  16. Design and analysis of rectangular and U slotted patch for satellite communication
  17. ITU regulation of satellite communication
  18. Physical layer security for multiuser satellite communication systems with threshold-based scheduling scheme
  19. Design of microstrip patch antenna for Ku-band satellite communication applications
  20. Satellite communication and spectrum allocation
  21. Design of compact Ku band microstrip antenna for satellite communication
  22. Textile antenna for C-band satellite communication application
  23. Development and application of INMARSAT satellite communication system
  24. Cloud free line of sight prediction modeling for optical satellite communication networks
  25. Random access preamble design and detection for mobile satellite communication systems
  26. Adaptive power resource allocation with multi-beam directivity control in high-throughput satellite communication systems
  27. Metamaterial inspired quad band circularly polarized antenna for WLAN/ISM/Bluetooth/WiMAX and satellite communication applications
  28. Channel modeling for satellite communication channels at Q-band in high latitude
  29. Q-and E-band amplifier MMICs for satellite communication
  30. Flexible resource allocation with inter-beam interference in satellite communication systems with a digital channelizer
  31. The performance analysis of downlink NOMA in LEO satellite communication system
  32. An improved authentication scheme for mobile satellite communication systems
  33. Performance analysis of series: shunt configuration based RF MEMS switch for satellite communication applications
  34. Satellite Communication
  35. Satellite communication and propagation experiments through the alphasat Q/V band Aldo Paraboni technology demonstration payload
  36. Metamaterial-based energy harvesting for GSM and satellite communication frequency bands
  37. Evolution of satellite communication antennas on mobile ground terminals
  38. 25- BiCMOS System-on-Chip for K-/Ka-Band Satellite Communication Transmit–Receive Active Phased Arrays
  39. Improvement frequency stability of caesium atomic clock for satellite communication system
  40. Passive maritime surveillance using satellite communication signals
  41. Radio propagation channel measurements for multi-antenna satellite communication systems: A survey
  42. Outage constrained robust multigroup multicast beamforming for multi-beam satellite communication systems
  43. On the complexity of decomposing matrices arising in satellite communication
  44. Characterization of rain specific attenuation and frequency scaling method for satellite communication in South Korea
  45. Robust beamforming for multibeam satellite communication in the face of phase perturbations
  46. Raindrop size distribution using method of moments for terrestrial and satellite communication applications in Singapore
  47. Spread slotted ALOHA techniques for mobile and personal satellite communication systems
  48. A novel quantum N-Queens solver algorithm and its simulation and application to satellite communication using IBM quantum experience
  49. Conformal phased array with beam forming for airborne satellite communication
  50. An FSS-backed 20/30 GHz circularly polarized reflectarray for a shared aperture L-and Ka-band satellite communication antenna
  51. A survey paper on security issues in satellite communication network infrastructure
  52. A compact broadband dual-polarized patch antenna for satellite communication/navigation applications
  53. A gradual neural-network approach for frequency assignment in satellite communication systems
  54. Specification and forecasting of outages on satellite communication and navigation systems
  55. Designing satellite communication networks by zero—one quadratic programming
  56. Study of rain attenuation in Ka band for satellite communication in South Korea
  57. Velocity‐aware handover prediction in LEO satellite communication networks
  58. Jenő Egerváry: from the origins of the Hungarian algorithm to satellite communication
  59. Interbeam interference constrained resource allocation for shared spectrum multibeam satellite communication systems
  60. Modeling of an acousto-optic laser veam steering system intended for satellite communication
  61. Study on ISL network structure in LEO satellite communication systems
  62. Satellite Communication Experiments in the Country
  63. Laser Satellite Communication: The Third Generation
  64. Analysis on selection of beam material for novel step structured RF-MEMS switch used for satellite communication applications
  65. Rain induced attenuation studies for V-band satellite communication in tropical region
  66. Large‐scale site diversity for satellite communication networks
  67. Scheduling design and performance analysis of carrier aggregation in satellite communication systems
  68. Utility of light emitting diodes for inter-satellite communication in multi-satellite networks
  69. Formation of optimal composition of the modules of single-function multiversion software for automated control system of the satellite communication system
  70. High speed inter-satellite communication system by incorporating hybrid polarization-wavelength division multiplexing scheme
  71. Implementation of cmac authentication algorithm on fpga for satellite communication
  72. Diversity and diaspora: Arab communities and satellite communication in Europe
  73. Satellite communication systems for ocean observational platforms: Societal importance and challenges.
  74. Perspectives in the Emerging Law of Satellite Communication
  75. Terrestrial-Satellite Communication Networks
  76. A novel FSK demodulation method using short-time DFT analysis for LEO satellite communication systems
  77. The maritime satellite communication channel–channel model, performance of modulation and coding
  78. Prediction of Channel Excess Attenuation for Satellite Communication Systems at Q-Band Using Artificial Neural Network
  79. Reliability characteristics of a satellite communication system including earth station and terrestrial system
  80. Design of concentric circular ring patch with DGS for dual-band at satellite communication and radar applications
  81. Cognitive interference cancellation with digital channelizer for satellite communication
  82. High gain-density K-band P-HEMT LNA MMIC for LMDS and satellite communication
  83. An orthogonal cognitive radio for a satellite communication link
  84. Satellite communication scheduling, optimization, and deconfliction using artificial intelligence techniques
  85. Link budget analysis for future E-band gigabit satellite communication links (71–76 and 81–84 Ghz)
  86. Modulation classification of satellite communication signals using cumulants and neural networks
  87. A cost-effective 100 Gbps SAC-OCDMA–PDM based inter-satellite communication link
  88. Connexion by Boeing/sup SM/-broadband satellite communication system for mobile platforms
  89. An enhanced authentication with key agreement scheme for satellite communication systems
  90. Influences of mesoscale sandstorm on the quantum satellite communication channel and performance simulation
  91. Efficient helicopter− satellite communication scheme based on check-hybrid LDPC coding
  92. Analysis and synthesis of a printed array for satellite communication with moving vehicles
  93. Integrating small satellite communication in an autonomous vehicle network: A case for oceanography
  94. Spectrum optimization for satellite communication systems with heterogeneous user preferences
  95. A simple real-time handover management in the mobile satellite communication networks
  96. Satellite communication over quantum channel
  97. The investigation of MF-TDMA satellite communication system
  98. Combination of turbo coding and cryptography in NONGEO satellite communication systems
  99. Transformation of rain attenuation statistics from fixed to mobile satellite communication systems
  100. Antenna array elements for Ka-band satellite communication on the move
  101. Applications of high-temperature-superconducting filters and cryoelectronics for satellite communication
  102. Multi-layer patch antenna array design for Ka-band satellite communication
  103. A highly secure identity-based authenticated key-exchange protocol for satellite communication
  104. Hybrid beamforming, user scheduling, and resource allocation for integrated terrestrial-satellite communication
  105. Evaluation of diversity and power control techniques for satellite communication systems in tropical and equatorial rain climates
  106. Physical layer security of multiuser satellite communication systems with channel estimation error and multiple eavesdroppers
  107. Wideband analysis of the satellite communication channel at Ku-and X-bands
  108. Planetary gearbox condition monitoring of ship-based satellite communication antennas using ensemble multiwavelet analysis method
  109. Dual-band circularly-polarised Spidron fractal microstrip patch antenna for Ku-band satellite communication applications
  110. Effects of rain attenuation on satellite communication link
  111. Packet switching in a multi-access broadcast channel with application to satellite communication in a computer network.
  112. Geometric analysis of low-earth-orbit satellite communication systems: covering functions
  113. A lightweight authentication and key sharing protocol for satellite communication
  114. Propagation considerations in satellite communication systems
  115. Optimal multiple access protocol for inter-satellite communication in small satellite systems
  116. A tunable Si3N4 integrated true time delay circuit for optically-controlled K-band radio beamformer in satellite communication
  117. Ka band active phased array antenna system for satellite communication on the move terminal
  118. Secure performance analysis of satellite communication networks in shadowed Rician channel
  119. FPGA implementation of M-PSK modulators for satellite communication
  120. Channel model for satellite communication links above 10GHz based on Weibull distribution
  121. On effectiveness of routing algorithms for satellite communication networks
  122. An efficient and secure anonymous authentication scheme for mobile satellite communication systems
  123. Interference cancellation system for satellite communication earth station
  124. Adaptive compensation method using the prediction algorithm for the Doppler frequency shift in the LEO mobile satellite communication system
  125. Physical layer security of interference-limited land mobile satellite communication systems
  126. Dual-circular-polarized high-efficiency antenna for Ku-band satellite communication
  127. RPAS satellite communication channel based on IEEE 802.11 b standard
  128. Analysis of satellite communication network characteristics
  129. Broadband conformal phased array with optical beam forming for airborne satellite communication
  130. A NOMA-PSO based cooperative transmission method in satellite communication systems
  131. Solutions improve signal processing in digital satellite communication channels
  132. Portable optical ground stations for satellite communication
  133. Disaster assessment and satellite communication: on the threshold of a new era
  134. Optical satellite communication space terminal technology at TNO
  135. Adaptive antenna array for satellite communication systems
  136. PSK and DPSK trellis codes for fast fading, shadowed mobile satellite communication channels
  137. Chaos over chaos: A new approach for satellite communication
  138. The role of satellite communication in the ISDN era
  139. Optical scintillations and fade statistics for a satellite-communication system: errata
  140. A proposed method for dust and sand storms effect on satellite communication networks
  141. Smart antenna system and its application in low-earth-orbit satellite communication systems
  142. Satellite communication system’s detection
  143. Method for the evaluation of ionospheric diffractive and dispersive properties impact on the interference immunity of satellite communication systems
  144. Measurement, characterization, and modeling of the helicopter satellite communication radio channel
  145. Laser-based satellite communication systems stabilized by non-mechanical electro-optic scanners
  146. Trends in a military satellite communication networks
  147. Optimal bandwidth allocation for multi-spot-beam satellite communication systems
  148. The parallel cmac authenticated encryption algorithm for satellite communication
  149. A smart microcontroller-based iridium satellite-communication architecture for a remote renewable energy source
  150. Techno-economic viability of integrating satellite communication in 4G networks to bridge the broadband digital divide
  151. A satellite communication system for interactive multimedia networks
  152. … -scale space-time stochastic simulation tool of rain attenuation for the design and optimization of adaptive satellite communication systems operating between …
  153. Active subarray module development for Ka band satellite communication systems
  154. Equalization of the non-linear satellite communication channel with an echo state network
  155. Research on recognition of modulation signals in satellite communication
  156. Prediction of fading phenomena in land-satellite communication links
  157. Enabling inter-satellite communication and ranging for small satellites
  158. Frequency scaling of rain attenuation for satellite communication links
  159. Optimization of high speed and long haul inter-satellite communication link by incorporating differential phase shift key and orthogonal frequency division multiplexing …
  160. Wideband and low RCS circularly polarized slot antenna based on polarization conversion of metasurface for satellite communication application
  161. Graphene-based multimode inspired frequency reconfigurable user terminal antenna for satellite communication
  162. Design of a microstrip balanced mixer for satellite communication
  163. Performance limitation of laser satellite communication due to vibrations and atmospheric turbulence: down‐link scenario
  164. Carrier synchronization under doppler shift of the nongeostationary satellite communication systems
  165. Radio resource management techniques for high throughput satellite communication systems
  166. Shaped prime-focus reflector antenna for satellite communication
  167. Circularly polarized textile antenna for personal satellite communication
  168. Orbital diversity in resource-shared satellite communication systems above 10 GHz
  169. Study of LiTiMg-ferrite radome for the application of satellite communication
  170. Fatigue characteristics of a surface antenna structure designed for satellite communication
  171. Common‐band satellite communication system
  172. An annular-ring microstrip antenna fed by a co-planar feed circuit for mobile satellite communication use
  173. Investigation of Ka-band satellite communication propagation in equatorial regions
  174. A stackelberg differential game based bandwidth allocation in satellite communication network
  175. Depiction and analysis of a modified H-shaped double-negative meta atom for satellite communication
  176. Quantitative evaluation of time diversity as a novel attenuation mitigation technology for future high speed satellite communication
  177. An IP‐based satellite communication system architecture for interactive multimedia services
  178. Helicopter-satellite communication system developed for transmission of disaster and emergency information
  179. Counselling in the satellite communication era
  180. Development and validation of time‐series synthesizers of rain attenuation for Ka‐band and Q/V‐band satellite communication systems
  181. Vibration noise control in laser satellite communication
  182. Design and implementation of quadrifilar helix antenna for satellite communication
  183. Decentralized control in packet switched satellite communication
  184. Performance analysis of non‐orthogonal multiple access based‐satellite communication networks with hardware impairments and channel estimations
  185. Characterisation and channel modelling for satellite communication systems
  186. Cross‐layer approach for an air interface of GEO satellite communication networks
  187. Planar phased array antenna for nomadic satellite communication in Ka-Band
  188. Rain height statistics for satellite communication in Malaysia
  189. Signal Interception Method for Asymmetric PCMA Satellite Communication Systems
  190. A traffic-awareness dynamic resource allocation scheme based on multi-objective optimization in multi-beam mobile satellite communication systems
  191. Key generation for secure inter-satellite communication
  192. An improvement on the self-verification authentication mechanism for a mobile satellite communication system
  193. Comparative performance evaluation of TCP Hybla and TCP Cubic for satellite communication under low error conditions
  194. Nonlinear revised error aided feedback equalization in high-speed satellite communication
  195. Improving noise immunity of QPSK demodulation of signals in digital satellite communication systems
  196. A controlled multiaccess protocol for packet satellite communication
  197. On the virtualization and dynamic orchestration of satellite communication services
  198. Next generation broadband satellite communication systems
  199. Asynchronous cooperative Aloha for multi-receiver satellite communication networks
  200. A TDMA satellite communication system for ISDN services
  201. Modeling of the tracking system components of the laser satellite communication systems
  202. Results on CRL’s mobile satellite communication experiments using ETS-V satellite
  203. Towards pan-African cooperation in satellite communication: An analysis of the RASCOM project
  204. E-band downlink wireless data transmission for future satellite communication
  205. Adaptive beamforming for satellite communication with selective earth coverage and jammer nulling capability
  206. Role of turbulences in WDM-polarization interleaving scheme based inter-satellite communication system
  207. Convergence of satellite and terrestrial networks: A comprehensive survey
  208. Iris waveguide bandpass filter using substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) for satellite communication
  209. Wireless body area network combined with satellite communication for remote medical and healthcare applications
  210. Efficient dynamic authentication for mobile satellite communication systems without verification table
  211. Optimum power allocation based on traffic demand for multi-beam satellite communication systems
  212. Cognitive radio testbed for Digital Beamforming of satellite communication
  213. Development of the SANDRA antenna for airborne satellite communication
  214. Ceramic microwave circuits for satellite communication
  215. Modeling of satellite communication systems design with physical layer security
  216. An experimental multimedia mobile satellite communication system using the ETS-VIII satellite
  217. Bidirectional satellite communication under same frequency transmission with non-linear self-interference reduction algorithm
  218. Improving information dissemination in sparse vehicular networks by adding satellite communication
  219. Design of connectivity simulation model of satellite communication link
  220. Adaptation algorithms for satellite communication systems equipped with hybrid reflector antennas.


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