Research Topics Ideas of High Data Rate Communication

Research Area: High Data Rate Communication

  1. Wireless sub-THz communication system with high data rate
  2. Space-time codes for high data rate wireless communication: Performance criterion and code construction
  3. Data throughput of CDMA-HDR a high efficiency-high data rate personal communication wireless system
  4. Development of 60-GHz front-end circuits for a high-data-rate communication system
  5. Information-guided channel-hopping for high data rate wireless communication
  6. Generalized code index modulation technique for high-data-rate communication systems
  7. Space-time coded OFDM for high data-rate wireless communication over wideband channels
  8. Millimeter-wave photonic wireless links for very high data rate communication
  9. Space-time codes for high data rate wireless communication: performance criteria in the presence of channel estimation errors, mobility, and multiple paths
  10. High data rate for coherent optical wired communication using DSP
  11. Permutation index DCSK modulation technique for secure multiuser high-data-rate communication systems
  12. Code index modulation: A high data rate and energy efficient communication system
  13. Joint transmit and receive optimization for high data rate wireless communication using multiple antennas
  14. Space-time codes for high data rate wireless communication: Mismatch analysis
  15. The lunar laser communication demonstration: NASA’s first step toward very high data rate support of science and exploration missions
  16. Space-time codes for high data rate wireless communication: Performance criteria
  17. Space-time coding and signal processing for high data rate wireless communications
  18. Commercial optical inter-satellite communication at high data rates
  19. 20-meter underwater wireless optical communication link with 1.5 Gbps data rate
  20. High-rate communication for underwater acoustic channels using multiple transmitters and space–time coding: Receiver structures and experimental results
  21. 5 m underwater optical wireless communication with 2.70 Gbps data rate based on a green laser diode with NRZ-OOK modulation
  22. Going beyond 4 Gbps data rate by employing RGB laser diodes for visible light communication
  23. Underwater optical wireless communication network
  24. Joint LED dimming and high capacity visible light communication by overlapping PPM
  25. Wideband communication for implantable and wearable systems
  26. Improvement of date rate by using equalization in an indoor visible light communication system
  27. Visible light communication: opportunities, challenges and the path to market
  28. An ultra low power, high performance medical implant communication system (MICS) transceiver for implantable devices
  29. Visible light communication using mobile-phone camera with data rate higher than frame rate
  30. A new circularly polarized rectenna for wireless power transmission and data communication
  31. Carrier aggregation for LTE-advanced mobile communication systems
  32. Space-time codes for wireless communication: code construction
  33. High-speed integrated visible light communication system: Device constraints and design considerations
  34. High-speed transmission of overlay coding for road-to-vehicle visible light communication using LED array and high-speed camera
  35. Distributed consensus with limited communication data rate
  36. An eigenpath underwater acoustic communication channel model
  37. Future trends in fiber optics communication
  38. 6G wireless communication systems: Applications, requirements, technologies, challenges, and research directions
  39. AquaOptical: A lightweight device for high-rate long-range underwater point-to-point communication
  41. Narrowband LTE-M system for M2M communication
  42. Improved analysis of 2.5 Gbps-inter-satellite link (ISL) in inter-satellite optical-wireless communication (IsOWC) system
  43. Robust quantization for digital finite communication bandwidth (DFCB) control
  44. Long-range LiDAR and free-space data communication with high-performance optical phased arrays
  45. High speed imaging 3× 3 MIMO phosphor white-light LED based visible light communication system
  46. Review of medical implant communication system (MICS) band and network
  47. BiDirectional optical communication with AquaOptical II
  48. Semiconductor devices for optical communication
  49. Bandwidth on demand for inter-data center communication
  50. System design considerations for ultra-wideband communication
  51. Fundamental analysis for visible-light communication system using LED lights
  52. A multi-band OFDM system for UWB communication
  53. Cellular architecture and key technologies for 5G wireless communication networks
  54. Part 1: Optical communication over the clear turbulent atmospheric channel using diversity
  55. Enabling UAV cellular with millimeter-wave communication: Potentials and approaches
  56. A CMOS serial link for fully duplexed data communication
  57. Limits on data communication along the drillstring using acoustic waves
  58. Reference-modulated DCSK: a novel chaotic communication scheme
  59. Network topology and communication data rate for consensusability of discrete-time multi-agent systems
  60. Multivariate modulation and coding for wireless communication
  61. Optical communication over the turbulent atmospheric channel using spatial diversity
  62. Wireless communication technologies for ITS applications [Topics in Automotive Networking]
  63. Dummy sequence insertion (DSI) for PAPR reduction in the OFDM communication system
  64. Performance evaluation of visible-light wireless communication system using white LED lightings
  65. TeraNets: Ultra-broadband communication networks in the terahertz band
  66. Advanced optical wireless communication systems
  67. High-speed underwater optical wireless communication using a blue GaN-based micro-LED
  68. A comparative study of wireless communication network configurations for medical applications
  69. Safeguarding 5G wireless communication networks using physical layer security
  70. Design of a short reference noncoherent chaos-based communication systems
  71. A comparative study between 802.11 p and mobile WiMAX-based V2I communication networks
  72. Indoor MIMO optical wireless communication using spatial modulation
  73. A high-speed railway mobile communication system based on LTE
  74. Towards MMIC-based 300GHz indoor wireless communication systems
  75. The AN/GSC-10 (KATHRYN) variable rate data modem for HF radio
  76. Demonstration of vehicular visible light communication based on LED headlamp
  77. Performance of dimming control scheme in visible light communication system
  78. Review of communication technologies for smart homes/building applications
  79. High-bandwidth white-light system combining a micro-LED with perovskite quantum dots for visible light communication
  80. Equalization in high-speed communication systems
  81. Spatio-temporal coding for wireless communication
  82. Power line communication networks for large-scale control and automation systems
  83. A 550 Mbit/s real-time visible light communication system based on phosphorescent white light LED for practical high-speed low-complexity application
  84. Weather effects on hybrid FSO/RF communication link
  85. Performance comparison of OFDM signal and CAP signal over high capacity RGB-LED-based WDM visible light communication
  86. Comparison of microwave and light wave communication systems in space applications
  87. Indoor visible communication utilizing plural white LEDs as lighting
  88. Assessment of communication technologies and network requirements for different smart grid applications
  89. Optical wireless communication for underwater wireless sensor networks: Hardware modules and circuits design and implementation
  90. Beam tracking for mobile millimeter wave communication systems
  91. Low-power, high-speed transceivers for network-on-chip communication
  92. Enabling technologies for high-speed visible light communication employing CAP modulation
  93. I-DCSK: An improved noncoherent communication system architecture
  94. All active MMIC-based wireless communication at 220 GHz
  95. A 2.75 mW wideband correlation-based transceiver for body-coupled communication
  96. High bandwidth underwater optical communication
  97. Proximity communication
  98. Free-space laser communication activities in Europe: SILEX and beyond
  99. Internet of Things (IoT) communication protocols
  100. Spin nano–oscillator–based wireless communication
  101. Visible light communication system for outdoor applications
  102. Perovskite nanocrystals as a color converter for visible light communication
  103. Line-of-sight visible light communication system design and demonstration
  104. Opportunities and challenges of wireless communication technologies for smart grid applications
  105. Indoor optical wireless communication: potential and state-of-the-art
  106. Impulse response modeling for underwater wireless optical communication links
  107. A ubiquitous mobile communication architecture for next-generation heterogeneous wireless systems
  108. An experimental evaluation of the reliability of lora long-range low-power wireless communication
  109. Developing architectures and technologies for an evolvable NASA space communication infrastructure
  110. Fundamental analysis of a car to car visible light communication system
  111. V-BLAST: An architecture for realizing very high data rates over the rich-scattering wireless channel
  112. On the capacity of radio communication systems with diversity in a Rayleigh fading environment
  113. High-efficiency differential-chaos-shift-keying scheme for chaos-based noncoherent communication
  114. A survey on 5G: The next generation of mobile communication
  115. Communication delays in wide area measurement systems
  116. A 24-Gb/s double-sampling receiver for ultra-low-power optical communication
  117. On the performance of different OFDM based optical wireless communication systems
  118. Design and analysis of a multi-carrier differential chaos shift keying communication system
  119. 4 Gbps direct modulation of 450 nm GaN laser for high-speed visible light communication
  120. 22-Gb/s WDM visible light communication of a single RGB LED employing carrier-less amplitude and phase modulation
  121. Overview of the IEEE 802.15. 4/4a standards for low data rate Wireless Personal Data Networks
  122. Underwater optical wireless communication
  123. A 60 GHz wireless network for enabling uncompressed video communication
  124. Modeling and performance analysis of DWDM based 100 Gbps low power inter-satellite optical wireless communication (LP-IsOWC) system
  125. Power efficient gigabit communication over capacitively driven RC-limited on-chip interconnects
  126. 5-Gb/s RGB-LED based WDM visible light communication system employing CAP modulation and RLS based adaptive equalization
  127. Mobile responder communication networks for public safety
  128. Undersampled phase shift ON-OFF keying for camera communication
  129. Underwater wireless optical communication; recent advances and remaining challenges
  130. Device-to-device communication in 5G cellular networks
  131. 5G wireless communication systems
  132. Optical communication in space: Challenges and mitigation techniques
  133. A new automotive VLC system using optical communication image sensor
  134. Millimeter-wave vehicular communication to support massive automotive sensing
  135. 10m/500Mbps WDM visible light communication syste
  136. High-speed colour-converting photodetector with all-inorganic CsPbBr 3 perovskite nanocrystals for ultraviolet light communication
  137. A 3-Gb/s optical detector in standard CMOS for 850-nm optical communication
  138. Performance evaluation of the IEEE 802.11 p WAVE communication standard
  139. Network architecture of a high-speed visible light communication local area network
  140. Wireless communication tradeoffs in distributed control
  141. 1-Gb/s white-LED-based visible light communication employing carrier-less amplitude and phase modulation
  142. Control system with high-speed and real-time communication links
  143. A study of shadowing on indoor visible-light wireless communication utilizing plural white LED lightings
  144. A 96 Mbit/sec, 15.5 pJ/bit 16-QAM modulator for UHF backscatter communication
  145. A hybrid power line and visible light communication system for indoor hospital applications
  146. ISI mitigation techniques in molecular communication
  147. A cross-layer QoS-aware communication framework in cognitive radio sensor networks for smart grid applications

Presentation Topic: High Data Rate Communication

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