Spacecraft flight management Research Topics Ideas

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: February 3, 2024

Research Topics Ideas on spacecraft flight management

  1. A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach to Train Autonomous Space Debris Remediation Spacecraft
  2. An Improved In-Orbit Standardized Support Management Mode for Multiple Spacecraft
  3. Generation of Spacecraft Operations Procedures Using Deep Reinforcement Learning
  4. Autonomous Management and Control of Multi-Spacecraft Operations Leveraging Atmospheric Forces
  5. Advanced Materials for Thermal Management of Superconductor-Based Spacecraft Systems
  6. DikpolaSat Mission: Improvement of Space Flight Performance and Optimal Control Using Trained Deep Neural Network–Trajectory Controller for Space Objects …
  7. Patching Spacecraft using GMSEC and cFS, Assured Micropatching–January 2021 PI Meeting
  8. FRESCO: A Framework for Spacecraft Systems Autonomy
  9. Analysis of micro-acceleration requirements in the context of designing a small technological spacecraft
  10. Systematic approach to the implementation of navigation and ballistic technologies in the practice of spacecraft control
  11. Application status and prospect of digital twin for on-orbit spacecraft
  12. Spacecraft Line-of-Sight Jitter Management and Mitigation Lessons Learned and Engineering Best Practices
  13. Ball Aerospace Spacecraft and Systems for the Near-Earth Object Surveyor Mission
  14. Technology of the Management and Control of the Combination
  15. The STX4/SpotX Radio System: An Evolution From Global Simplex To Global Duplex Communications for 1U Cubesats And Larger Vehicles
  16. Technical Operations
  17. A Novel Approach to Small Spacecraft Electrical Energy Generation, Storage, and Distribution Through the Integration of Next Generation Technologies
  18. Design and Implementation of Health Management for Modular Spacecraft Avionics System
  19. Flexibility Management for Space Logistics via Decision Rules
  20. Model-Based Efficient and Safe Spacecraft Operations Planner Focusing on Battery State Management
  21. Research on Defect Classification and Analysis of Spacecraft Ground Software
  22. On-board model based fault diagnosis for cubesat attitude control subsystem: Flight data results
  23. Case Studies in Verifying Spacecraft Autonomy
  24. Guidance, Navigation, and Control for Spacecraft Rendezvous and Docking: Theory and Methods
  25. Two-timescale magnetic attitude control of Low-Earth-Orbit spacecraft
  26. Design and Validation of an Autonomous Mission Manager towards Coordinated Multi-Spacecraft Missions
  27. Spacecraft Electromagnetic Docking Control Using Nonsingular Terminal Sliding Mode
  28. Modular Spacecraft Architectures
  29. Prototyping Operational Autonomy for Space Traffic Management
  30. Legal aspects of space traffic management denis gugunskiy
  31. Advances in Integrated System Health Management for mission-essential and safety-critical aerospace applications
  32. Demonstrations of system-level autonomy for spacecraft
  33. Overall Technology of Manned Spacecraft
  34. Deep Learning Fault Diagnosis for Spacecraft Attitude Determination and Control
  35. Simultaneous Control of Relative Position and Absolute Attitude for Electromagnetic Spacecraft Swarm
  36. Powering Human Spaceflight Exploration of the Moon and Mars
  37. Satellite Formation Strategy Based on Bat Flight
  38. Development Model of a Gas Pressure Regulator for Spacecraft Propulsion: Design Enhancement and Testing
  39. A Generic Spacecraft FDIR System
  40. Small Body Proximity Operations & TAG: Navigation Experiences & Lessons Learned from the OSIRIS-REx Mission
  41. The LightSail 2 solar sailing technology demonstration
  42. State-of-the-Art Small Spacecraft Technology
  43. A methodical study of overall food system design for space shuttle flight-A Food Safety & Nutritional Requirement
  44. Overview of reusable space systems with a look to technology aspects
  45. Risk modelling and probability analysis of civil aircraft operation in suborbital disintegration accident
  47. Sagittarius A* Small Satellite Mission: Capabilities and Commissioning Preview
  48. Ontology generation for flight safety messages in air traffic management
  49. An Innovative Approach to Modeling VIPER Rover Software Life Cycle Cost
  50. Restructuring Avionics Engineering Curricula to Meet Contemporary Requirements and Future Challenges
  51. A Charge Management System for Gravitational Reference Sensors–Design and Instrument Testing
  52. Magnetic spacecraft attitude stabilisation with two torquers
  53. Use of network approaches to solve tasks of ballistic and navigation support for large-scale space systems mission control
  54. Undergraduate and Graduate Programs in Bioastronautics
  55. Agile Development and Rapid Prototyping in a Flying Mission with Open Source Software Reuse On-Board the OPS-SAT Spacecraft
  56. Aalto-1, multi-payload CubeSat: Design, integration and launch
  57. Spring 2021 Flight Of The LinkStar-TRK System On A CubeSat
  58. Ontology Generation for Flight Safety Messages in Air Traffic Management (ATM)
  59. Sensor Noise in LISA Pathfinder: In-Flight Performance of the Optical Test Mass Readout
  60. Optimisation of controller reconfiguration instant for spacecraft control systems with additive actuator faults
  61. The formation of the target function in the design of a small spacecraft for technological purposes
  62. Solar Orbiter: Mission and spacecraft design
  63. Autonomous spacecraft tasking using monte carlo tree search methods
  64. Solid rocket propulsion technology for de-orbiting spacecraft
  65. Janus and Lunar Trailblazer: Lockheed Martin Deep Space SmallSats for NASA SIMPLEx Missions
  66. A Feature Selection Model to Filter Periodic Variable Stars with Data-sensitive Light-variable Characteristics
  67. Mission Operations Center for Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Space Science & Security Program
  68. A Novel Method to Characterize and Measure the Small-Signal Stability Margin of Spacecraft Power Systems
  69. Requirements Change Management
  70. Instrumentation for Exploring Mars with High Science Return Small Payload Missions
  71. Emergency Life-Saving Technology
  73. Overview of the Agile Microsat
  74. Concept of Operations for OSIRIS-REx Optical Navigation Image Planning
  75. Agile Spacecraft Imaging Algorithm Comparison for Earth Science
  76. «Amur mission control center»: Formation and modern development
  77. Design and Testing of a Propellant Management System for Bimodal Chemical-Electrospray Propulsion
  78. Management (III): Quality Management and Risk Control
  79. Evidence Supporting the Management of Medical Conditions During Long-Duration Spaceflight: Protocol for a Scoping Review
  80. Flight Tests of Trajectory Energy Management Systems Using a Vertical Takeoff and Landing Vehicle
  81. Autonomous Management and Tele-operation Technology
  82. Globalstar STX3 to STX4/SpotX: An Evolution From Global Simplex To Global Duplex Communications for 1U Cubesats And Larger Vehicles
  83. Towards the automated operations of large distributed satellite systems. Part 2: Classifications and tools
  84. Practices to Combat External Impact on the Aircraft Navigation Systems in Civil Aviation and Flight Regulatory Management
  85. Collision avoidance control for formation flying of multiple spacecraft using artificial potential field
  86. Virtual ground station for automated spacecraft operations
  87. Risk-based formal requirement elicitation for automatic spacecraft maneuvering
  88. Pre-flight calibration and near-earth commissioning results of the Mercury Plasma Particle Experiment (MPPE) onboard MMO (Mio)
  89. On the History of the Creation of the Spectr-R (RadioAstron) Complex
  90. Comparative analysis of a model‐based systems engineering approach to a traditional systems engineering approach for architecting a robotic space system through …
  91. Management innovation of Chang’e-5 project
  92. Towards the automated operations of large distributed satellite systems. Part 1: Review and paradigm shifts
  93. A Distributed Simulation-to-Flight Framework to Support Investigating Trust/Trustworthiness in Multi-Agent Systems
  94. REStRAIN: Conceptualization of Agile Process Tools Integration with Reference to the Aerospace Industry
  95. In-space operations
  96. Infusing Intelligence into CubeSats with ASTERIA
  97. Development of a software simulator for small satellite swarm control
  98. Construction and Application Research of Knowledge Graph in Spacecraft Launch
  99. Execution of Parker Solar Probe’s unprecedented flight to the Sun and early results
  101. Design and Realization of Recovery System of Chang’e-5 Reentry Spacecraft
  102. Challenges & Strategies for Supporting a Very Long Duration Mission
  103. Pointing Error Budget Development and Methodology on the Psyche Project
  104. Cislunar Space Traffic Management: Surveillance Through Earth-Moon Resonance Orbits
  105. Distributed output feedback nonlinear H∞ formation control algorithm for heterogeneous aerial robotic teams
  106. The effect of utilitarian website features on online Saudi Arabia consumers loyalty in the case of online flight booking
  107. Structural redesign of pilot training and the automated aircraft
  108. Spacecraft collision avoidance challenge: design and results of a machine learning competition
  109. Assessment of the effects of isolation, confinement and hypoxia on spaceflight piloting performance for future space missions-The SIMSKILL experiment in Antarctica
  110. Interstellar Mapping and Acceleration Probe Mission Overview
  111. Human computer interaction system for manned spacecraft based on user experience research on design method
  112. On the possibility of expanding the landing areas within the Venera-D project by selecting launch Windows
  113. Recent advances in precision measurement & pointing control of spacecraft
  114. The AERO-VISTA Interactive Spectrogram (AVIS) Display: An Original Software Solution for Scientific Operations of Twin 6U CubeSats
  115. Reflection of Social Aspects of Professional Activity of Cosmonauts
  116. Power Management of Lunar CubeSat Mission EQUULEUS Under Uncertainties of Power Generation and Consumption
  117. SOC-i: A CubeSat Demonstration of Optimization-Based Real-Time Constrained Attitude Control
  118. Mechanisms of Information Support for the Digital Transformation of Space Complexes Based on the Concept of Socio-cyber-physical Self-organization
  119. SpaceCRAFT VR: an Event-Driven, Modular Simulation Platform with Fully-Asynchronous Physics
  120. A composite framework for co-optimization of spacecraft trajectory and propulsion system
  121. Technology of Orbital Propellant Refueling
  122. Precise orbit determination technique to refine spacecraft mechanical modeling
  123. Soil Moisture Monitoring Using Autonomous and Distributed Spacecraft (D-Shield)
  124. A Satellite-Ground Integration Test Scheme for Spacecraft Attitude and Orbit Control System Based on 1553B Bus Architecture
  126. Mental Health Challenges Faced by Medical Professionals in Manned Space Missions
  127. Investigation of orbital characteristics of spacecraft
  128. Light-sail photonic design for fast-transit Earth orbital maneuvering and interplanetary flight
  129. IXPE Mission System and Development Status
  130. Applied Stochastic Optimal Control for Spacecraft Guidance
  131. Simulation of Civil Aircraft Takeoff Scenario Based on MBSE
  132. Design of Spacecraft Thermal Control Subsystem
  133. Gateway Avionics Concept of Operations for Command and Data Handling Architecture
  134. Human Missions to Ceres: Tractable Low Risk Delta V Minimization Strategies
  135. Developing a remote team training program based on the space flight resource management model
  136. Results from the ASTERIA CubeSat Extended Mission Experiments
  137. On-orbit flight testing of the Roll-Out Solar Array
  138. Menstrual management considerations in the space environment
  139. Asymmetric Propellant Positioning in Symmetric Tanks and Propellant Management Devices
  140. A new spacecraft mission concept combining the first exploration of the Centaurs and an astrophysical space telescope for the outer solar system
  141. Increasing the reliability of software systems on small satellites using software-based simulation of the embedded system
  142. Reducing Risk of InSight Surface Operations Through High-Fidelity Command Sequence Modeling
  143. Relative Position and Attitude Estimation of Non-cooperative Spacecraft Based on Stereo Camera and Dynamics
  144. Flight Evaluation of Helicopter Curved Point-in-Space Approach Procedures
  145. Cislunar Autonomous Positioning System Technology Operations and Navigation Experiment (CAPSTONE)
  146. OASIS architecture: key features
  147. A Simplified Gravitational Reference Sensor for Satellite Geodesy
  148. Toward Human–Autonomy Teaming in Single-Pilot Operations: Domain Analysis and Requirements
  150. Mauldin, Lemuel, Salikhov, Rashid, Habib, Shahid
  151. Stereo Vision-Based Relative Position and Attitude Estimation of Non-Cooperative Spacecraft
  152. The roles of modeling and simulation in assessing spacecraft Integration Readiness Levels
  153. Typical Thermal Control Design Cases of Spacecraft
  154. Application of the Improved Grey Wolf Algorithm in Spacecraft Maneuvering Path Planning
  155. Access to Mars Surface Using a Low-Cost Rough Lander
  156. Forecasting the program for the modernization of the space system of Earth remote sensing and the creation of spacecraft modifications in the planned period
  157. OSIRIS-REx Extended Mission Trajectory Design & Target Search
  158. Melting behavior and heat transfer performance of gallium for spacecraft thermal energy storage application
  159. Agile methodologies applied to Integrated Concurrent Engineering for spacecraft design
  160. Lunar Terrain Vehicle (LTV): Center Capabilities: Silicon Valley NASA Ames Research Center
  161. Guiding DART to Impact—the FPGA SoC Design of the DRACO Image Processing Pipeline
  162. Necessity: The Mother of Invention? The Tension Between Management Control and Creativity: Lessons from Apollo 13
  163. Cislunar autonomous positioning system technology operations and navigation experiment (Capstone)
  164. Co-designing Cryogenic System with Pulse Tube Cryocooler and Loop Heat Pipe for Infrared Energy Management
  165. Maintainability Technology of Manned Spacecraft
  166. AutoNav Mark3: Engineering the Next Generation of Autonomous Onboard Navigation and Guidance
  167. Implementation of the cFS framework for the development of software in aerospace missions: first application in an undergraduate program in Mexico
  168. Robot-assisted surgery in space: pros and cons. A review from the surgeon’s point of view
  169. Realtime Satellite Component Recognition with yolov5
  170. A Wide-field Optical System for Detecting Space Debris Based on a Cubesat-Type Spacecraft
  171. Details of the Spacecraft Integrated System Model For Nuclear Thermal Propulsion Applications
  172. Design Technology Research of Aircraft Engine Health Management (EHM) Technologies
  174. Spacecraft Thermal Control Technologies
  175. Launch Management of a Nanosatellite for Bolivia
  176. Design of an Imaging Payload for Earth Observation from a Nanosatellite
  177. A verifiable multi-agent framework for dependable and adaptable avionics
  178. Metal additive manufacturing in aerospace: A review
  179. Dynamic Spectrum Management with Network Function Virtualization for UAV Communication
  180. Calculation of the optimal diameter of the air intake of the propulsion system for small spacecraft
  181. Initial Results from the BOLT Flight Experiment
  182. A Radio-Frequency-Based Propellant Slosh Sensor for Spacecraft Tanks
  183. AstroSat mission operations management
  184. Dynamics and Optimal Control for Free-Flight and Tethered Arrays in Low Earth Orbit
  185. A Platform for Real-Time Space Health Analytics as a Service Utilizing Space Data Relays
  186. Communications Management Plan for Apollo 13
  187. INTEGRAL reloaded: Spacecraft, instruments and ground system
  188. Review of space habitat designs for long term space explorations
  189. Development of a Ground Segment Software for microsatellite operations
  190. Space Traffic Management (STM)–Legal Aspects1
  191. Construction of wide-purpose space complexes based on the SXC6 platform
  192. Formal Specification and Analysis of Spacecraft Collision Avoidance Run Time Assurance Requirements
  193. APL’s Spacecraft Reliability Performance
  194. Optical observations of the BepiColombo spacecraft as a proxy for a potential threatening asteroid
  195. Place of Aviation Airborne Radio-Electronic Equipment in Composition of Complexes and Systems
  196. Steady-state rotational motion of the Photon M-2 satellite
  197. Methods and algorithms for the synthesis of technologies and programs for control-ling the reconfiguration of on-board systems of small-sized spacecrafts
  198. Precautionary Planetary Defence
  199. Measurement and evaluation of the earth’s magnetic field parameters using the ECUADOR-UTE small cameras (HC1PX)
  200. The Study of Data-driven Automatic Operation Experimental System for Hardware-in-the-loop Simulation of Aerocraft Control System
  201. System Validation on the Europa Clipper mission in Early Implementation Phase
  202. Specifying Exported Force and Torque Requirements for Precision Pointing Spacecraft
  203. The Design and Verification of the DART Single Board Computer FPGA
  204. Application Prospect of Fission-Powered Spacecraft in Solar System Exploration Missions
  205. The Efficacy of Limiting Catastrophic Fragmentations in Low Earth Orbit by Regulating Probability of Collision with Large Objects
  206. Kessler: A machine learning library for spacecraft collision avoidance
  207. Analysis of requirements for modern spacecraft onboard network protocols
  208. Interdisciplinary Space Logistics Optimization Framework for Large-Scale Space Exploration
  209. Operational Space Medicine 49
  210. Introduction to the Virtual Collection of Best Papers from Air Traffic Management Seminar 2019
  211. Accurate ephemeris reconstruction for comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko from Rosetta data analysis
  212. Design and sensitivity analysis of spacecraft swarms for planetary moon reconnaissance through co-orbits
  214. NanoSat MO Framework: Enabling AI Apps for Earth Observation
  215. Hot Reservoir Variable Conductance Heat Pipe with Advanced Fluid Management

Presentation topics on spacecraft flight management

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