Research Topics Ideas on spacecraft flight management
- A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach to Train Autonomous Space Debris Remediation Spacecraft
- An Improved In-Orbit Standardized Support Management Mode for Multiple Spacecraft
- Generation of Spacecraft Operations Procedures Using Deep Reinforcement Learning
- Autonomous Management and Control of Multi-Spacecraft Operations Leveraging Atmospheric Forces
- Advanced Materials for Thermal Management of Superconductor-Based Spacecraft Systems
- DikpolaSat Mission: Improvement of Space Flight Performance and Optimal Control Using Trained Deep Neural Network–Trajectory Controller for Space Objects …
- Patching Spacecraft using GMSEC and cFS, Assured Micropatching–January 2021 PI Meeting
- FRESCO: A Framework for Spacecraft Systems Autonomy
- Analysis of micro-acceleration requirements in the context of designing a small technological spacecraft
- Systematic approach to the implementation of navigation and ballistic technologies in the practice of spacecraft control
- Application status and prospect of digital twin for on-orbit spacecraft
- Spacecraft Line-of-Sight Jitter Management and Mitigation Lessons Learned and Engineering Best Practices
- Ball Aerospace Spacecraft and Systems for the Near-Earth Object Surveyor Mission
- Technology of the Management and Control of the Combination
- The STX4/SpotX Radio System: An Evolution From Global Simplex To Global Duplex Communications for 1U Cubesats And Larger Vehicles
- Technical Operations
- A Novel Approach to Small Spacecraft Electrical Energy Generation, Storage, and Distribution Through the Integration of Next Generation Technologies
- Design and Implementation of Health Management for Modular Spacecraft Avionics System
- Flexibility Management for Space Logistics via Decision Rules
- Model-Based Efficient and Safe Spacecraft Operations Planner Focusing on Battery State Management
- Research on Defect Classification and Analysis of Spacecraft Ground Software
- On-board model based fault diagnosis for cubesat attitude control subsystem: Flight data results
- Case Studies in Verifying Spacecraft Autonomy
- Guidance, Navigation, and Control for Spacecraft Rendezvous and Docking: Theory and Methods
- Two-timescale magnetic attitude control of Low-Earth-Orbit spacecraft
- Design and Validation of an Autonomous Mission Manager towards Coordinated Multi-Spacecraft Missions
- Spacecraft Electromagnetic Docking Control Using Nonsingular Terminal Sliding Mode
- Modular Spacecraft Architectures
- Prototyping Operational Autonomy for Space Traffic Management
- Legal aspects of space traffic management denis gugunskiy
- Advances in Integrated System Health Management for mission-essential and safety-critical aerospace applications
- Demonstrations of system-level autonomy for spacecraft
- Overall Technology of Manned Spacecraft
- Deep Learning Fault Diagnosis for Spacecraft Attitude Determination and Control
- Simultaneous Control of Relative Position and Absolute Attitude for Electromagnetic Spacecraft Swarm
- Powering Human Spaceflight Exploration of the Moon and Mars
- Satellite Formation Strategy Based on Bat Flight
- Development Model of a Gas Pressure Regulator for Spacecraft Propulsion: Design Enhancement and Testing
- A Generic Spacecraft FDIR System
- Small Body Proximity Operations & TAG: Navigation Experiences & Lessons Learned from the OSIRIS-REx Mission
- The LightSail 2 solar sailing technology demonstration
- State-of-the-Art Small Spacecraft Technology
- A methodical study of overall food system design for space shuttle flight-A Food Safety & Nutritional Requirement
- Overview of reusable space systems with a look to technology aspects
- Risk modelling and probability analysis of civil aircraft operation in suborbital disintegration accident
- Sagittarius A* Small Satellite Mission: Capabilities and Commissioning Preview
- Ontology generation for flight safety messages in air traffic management
- An Innovative Approach to Modeling VIPER Rover Software Life Cycle Cost
- Restructuring Avionics Engineering Curricula to Meet Contemporary Requirements and Future Challenges
- A Charge Management System for Gravitational Reference Sensors–Design and Instrument Testing
- Magnetic spacecraft attitude stabilisation with two torquers
- Use of network approaches to solve tasks of ballistic and navigation support for large-scale space systems mission control
- Undergraduate and Graduate Programs in Bioastronautics
- Agile Development and Rapid Prototyping in a Flying Mission with Open Source Software Reuse On-Board the OPS-SAT Spacecraft
- Aalto-1, multi-payload CubeSat: Design, integration and launch
- Spring 2021 Flight Of The LinkStar-TRK System On A CubeSat
- Ontology Generation for Flight Safety Messages in Air Traffic Management (ATM)
- Sensor Noise in LISA Pathfinder: In-Flight Performance of the Optical Test Mass Readout
- Optimisation of controller reconfiguration instant for spacecraft control systems with additive actuator faults
- The formation of the target function in the design of a small spacecraft for technological purposes
- Solar Orbiter: Mission and spacecraft design
- Autonomous spacecraft tasking using monte carlo tree search methods
- Solid rocket propulsion technology for de-orbiting spacecraft
- Janus and Lunar Trailblazer: Lockheed Martin Deep Space SmallSats for NASA SIMPLEx Missions
- A Feature Selection Model to Filter Periodic Variable Stars with Data-sensitive Light-variable Characteristics
- Mission Operations Center for Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Space Science & Security Program
- A Novel Method to Characterize and Measure the Small-Signal Stability Margin of Spacecraft Power Systems
- Requirements Change Management
- Instrumentation for Exploring Mars with High Science Return Small Payload Missions
- Emergency Life-Saving Technology
- Overview of the Agile Microsat
- Concept of Operations for OSIRIS-REx Optical Navigation Image Planning
- Agile Spacecraft Imaging Algorithm Comparison for Earth Science
- «Amur mission control center»: Formation and modern development
- Design and Testing of a Propellant Management System for Bimodal Chemical-Electrospray Propulsion
- Management (III): Quality Management and Risk Control
- Evidence Supporting the Management of Medical Conditions During Long-Duration Spaceflight: Protocol for a Scoping Review
- Flight Tests of Trajectory Energy Management Systems Using a Vertical Takeoff and Landing Vehicle
- Autonomous Management and Tele-operation Technology
- Globalstar STX3 to STX4/SpotX: An Evolution From Global Simplex To Global Duplex Communications for 1U Cubesats And Larger Vehicles
- Towards the automated operations of large distributed satellite systems. Part 2: Classifications and tools
- Practices to Combat External Impact on the Aircraft Navigation Systems in Civil Aviation and Flight Regulatory Management
- Collision avoidance control for formation flying of multiple spacecraft using artificial potential field
- Virtual ground station for automated spacecraft operations
- Risk-based formal requirement elicitation for automatic spacecraft maneuvering
- Pre-flight calibration and near-earth commissioning results of the Mercury Plasma Particle Experiment (MPPE) onboard MMO (Mio)
- On the History of the Creation of the Spectr-R (RadioAstron) Complex
- Comparative analysis of a model‐based systems engineering approach to a traditional systems engineering approach for architecting a robotic space system through …
- Management innovation of Chang’e-5 project
- Towards the automated operations of large distributed satellite systems. Part 1: Review and paradigm shifts
- A Distributed Simulation-to-Flight Framework to Support Investigating Trust/Trustworthiness in Multi-Agent Systems
- REStRAIN: Conceptualization of Agile Process Tools Integration with Reference to the Aerospace Industry
- In-space operations
- Infusing Intelligence into CubeSats with ASTERIA
- Development of a software simulator for small satellite swarm control
- Construction and Application Research of Knowledge Graph in Spacecraft Launch
- Execution of Parker Solar Probe’s unprecedented flight to the Sun and early results
- Design and Realization of Recovery System of Chang’e-5 Reentry Spacecraft
- Challenges & Strategies for Supporting a Very Long Duration Mission
- Pointing Error Budget Development and Methodology on the Psyche Project
- Cislunar Space Traffic Management: Surveillance Through Earth-Moon Resonance Orbits
- Distributed output feedback nonlinear H∞ formation control algorithm for heterogeneous aerial robotic teams
- The effect of utilitarian website features on online Saudi Arabia consumers loyalty in the case of online flight booking
- Structural redesign of pilot training and the automated aircraft
- Spacecraft collision avoidance challenge: design and results of a machine learning competition
- Assessment of the effects of isolation, confinement and hypoxia on spaceflight piloting performance for future space missions-The SIMSKILL experiment in Antarctica
- Interstellar Mapping and Acceleration Probe Mission Overview
- Human computer interaction system for manned spacecraft based on user experience research on design method
- On the possibility of expanding the landing areas within the Venera-D project by selecting launch Windows
- Recent advances in precision measurement & pointing control of spacecraft
- The AERO-VISTA Interactive Spectrogram (AVIS) Display: An Original Software Solution for Scientific Operations of Twin 6U CubeSats
- Reflection of Social Aspects of Professional Activity of Cosmonauts
- Power Management of Lunar CubeSat Mission EQUULEUS Under Uncertainties of Power Generation and Consumption
- SOC-i: A CubeSat Demonstration of Optimization-Based Real-Time Constrained Attitude Control
- Mechanisms of Information Support for the Digital Transformation of Space Complexes Based on the Concept of Socio-cyber-physical Self-organization
- SpaceCRAFT VR: an Event-Driven, Modular Simulation Platform with Fully-Asynchronous Physics
- A composite framework for co-optimization of spacecraft trajectory and propulsion system
- Technology of Orbital Propellant Refueling
- Precise orbit determination technique to refine spacecraft mechanical modeling
- Soil Moisture Monitoring Using Autonomous and Distributed Spacecraft (D-Shield)
- A Satellite-Ground Integration Test Scheme for Spacecraft Attitude and Orbit Control System Based on 1553B Bus Architecture
- Mental Health Challenges Faced by Medical Professionals in Manned Space Missions
- Investigation of orbital characteristics of spacecraft
- Light-sail photonic design for fast-transit Earth orbital maneuvering and interplanetary flight
- IXPE Mission System and Development Status
- Applied Stochastic Optimal Control for Spacecraft Guidance
- Simulation of Civil Aircraft Takeoff Scenario Based on MBSE
- Design of Spacecraft Thermal Control Subsystem
- Gateway Avionics Concept of Operations for Command and Data Handling Architecture
- Human Missions to Ceres: Tractable Low Risk Delta V Minimization Strategies
- Developing a remote team training program based on the space flight resource management model
- Results from the ASTERIA CubeSat Extended Mission Experiments
- On-orbit flight testing of the Roll-Out Solar Array
- Menstrual management considerations in the space environment
- Asymmetric Propellant Positioning in Symmetric Tanks and Propellant Management Devices
- A new spacecraft mission concept combining the first exploration of the Centaurs and an astrophysical space telescope for the outer solar system
- Increasing the reliability of software systems on small satellites using software-based simulation of the embedded system
- Reducing Risk of InSight Surface Operations Through High-Fidelity Command Sequence Modeling
- Relative Position and Attitude Estimation of Non-cooperative Spacecraft Based on Stereo Camera and Dynamics
- Flight Evaluation of Helicopter Curved Point-in-Space Approach Procedures
- Cislunar Autonomous Positioning System Technology Operations and Navigation Experiment (CAPSTONE)
- OASIS architecture: key features
- A Simplified Gravitational Reference Sensor for Satellite Geodesy
- Toward Human–Autonomy Teaming in Single-Pilot Operations: Domain Analysis and Requirements
- Mauldin, Lemuel, Salikhov, Rashid, Habib, Shahid
- Stereo Vision-Based Relative Position and Attitude Estimation of Non-Cooperative Spacecraft
- The roles of modeling and simulation in assessing spacecraft Integration Readiness Levels
- Typical Thermal Control Design Cases of Spacecraft
- Application of the Improved Grey Wolf Algorithm in Spacecraft Maneuvering Path Planning
- Access to Mars Surface Using a Low-Cost Rough Lander
- Forecasting the program for the modernization of the space system of Earth remote sensing and the creation of spacecraft modifications in the planned period
- OSIRIS-REx Extended Mission Trajectory Design & Target Search
- Melting behavior and heat transfer performance of gallium for spacecraft thermal energy storage application
- Agile methodologies applied to Integrated Concurrent Engineering for spacecraft design
- Lunar Terrain Vehicle (LTV): Center Capabilities: Silicon Valley NASA Ames Research Center
- Guiding DART to Impact—the FPGA SoC Design of the DRACO Image Processing Pipeline
- Necessity: The Mother of Invention? The Tension Between Management Control and Creativity: Lessons from Apollo 13
- Cislunar autonomous positioning system technology operations and navigation experiment (Capstone)
- Co-designing Cryogenic System with Pulse Tube Cryocooler and Loop Heat Pipe for Infrared Energy Management
- Maintainability Technology of Manned Spacecraft
- AutoNav Mark3: Engineering the Next Generation of Autonomous Onboard Navigation and Guidance
- Implementation of the cFS framework for the development of software in aerospace missions: first application in an undergraduate program in Mexico
- Robot-assisted surgery in space: pros and cons. A review from the surgeon’s point of view
- Realtime Satellite Component Recognition with yolov5
- A Wide-field Optical System for Detecting Space Debris Based on a Cubesat-Type Spacecraft
- Details of the Spacecraft Integrated System Model For Nuclear Thermal Propulsion Applications
- Design Technology Research of Aircraft Engine Health Management (EHM) Technologies
- Spacecraft Thermal Control Technologies
- Launch Management of a Nanosatellite for Bolivia
- Design of an Imaging Payload for Earth Observation from a Nanosatellite
- A verifiable multi-agent framework for dependable and adaptable avionics
- Metal additive manufacturing in aerospace: A review
- Dynamic Spectrum Management with Network Function Virtualization for UAV Communication
- Calculation of the optimal diameter of the air intake of the propulsion system for small spacecraft
- Initial Results from the BOLT Flight Experiment
- A Radio-Frequency-Based Propellant Slosh Sensor for Spacecraft Tanks
- AstroSat mission operations management
- Dynamics and Optimal Control for Free-Flight and Tethered Arrays in Low Earth Orbit
- A Platform for Real-Time Space Health Analytics as a Service Utilizing Space Data Relays
- Communications Management Plan for Apollo 13
- INTEGRAL reloaded: Spacecraft, instruments and ground system
- Review of space habitat designs for long term space explorations
- Development of a Ground Segment Software for microsatellite operations
- Space Traffic Management (STM)–Legal Aspects1
- Construction of wide-purpose space complexes based on the SXC6 platform
- Formal Specification and Analysis of Spacecraft Collision Avoidance Run Time Assurance Requirements
- APL’s Spacecraft Reliability Performance
- Optical observations of the BepiColombo spacecraft as a proxy for a potential threatening asteroid
- Place of Aviation Airborne Radio-Electronic Equipment in Composition of Complexes and Systems
- Steady-state rotational motion of the Photon M-2 satellite
- Methods and algorithms for the synthesis of technologies and programs for control-ling the reconfiguration of on-board systems of small-sized spacecrafts
- Precautionary Planetary Defence
- Measurement and evaluation of the earth’s magnetic field parameters using the ECUADOR-UTE small cameras (HC1PX)
- The Study of Data-driven Automatic Operation Experimental System for Hardware-in-the-loop Simulation of Aerocraft Control System
- System Validation on the Europa Clipper mission in Early Implementation Phase
- Specifying Exported Force and Torque Requirements for Precision Pointing Spacecraft
- The Design and Verification of the DART Single Board Computer FPGA
- Application Prospect of Fission-Powered Spacecraft in Solar System Exploration Missions
- The Efficacy of Limiting Catastrophic Fragmentations in Low Earth Orbit by Regulating Probability of Collision with Large Objects
- Kessler: A machine learning library for spacecraft collision avoidance
- Analysis of requirements for modern spacecraft onboard network protocols
- Interdisciplinary Space Logistics Optimization Framework for Large-Scale Space Exploration
- Operational Space Medicine 49
- Introduction to the Virtual Collection of Best Papers from Air Traffic Management Seminar 2019
- Accurate ephemeris reconstruction for comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko from Rosetta data analysis
- Design and sensitivity analysis of spacecraft swarms for planetary moon reconnaissance through co-orbits
- NanoSat MO Framework: Enabling AI Apps for Earth Observation
- Hot Reservoir Variable Conductance Heat Pipe with Advanced Fluid Management
Presentation topics on spacecraft flight management