Quantitative research Examples, Methods, Characteristics, Advantages, Disadvantages

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: December 23, 2022

Quantitative research

In quantitative research data is represented in the quantitative from in the form of numbers. Statistical analysis is conducted in quantitative research.

Quantitative research investigates numerical data that can be measured in quantity. This data is used to see the averages, and patterns, test relationships, and make predictions for the future. There are several fields in which quantitative research is required such as social sciences, chemistry, biology, economics, sociology, psychology, marketing, etc.

Techniques of qualitative research

  • Surveys
  • Experiments
  • Using Existing Statistics

Examples of quantitative research

A survey conducted for the performance of tutorials of T4Tutorials;

T4Tutorials.com is a website that provies easy and simple tutorials for the boring subjects?

1. strongly agree
2. agree
3. disagree
4. strongly disagree

Methods of quantitative research

There are different methods used for quantitative research:

  • Survey

A survey is done by asking questions to individuals or groups of people. The survey can be made on a call, online, or in person.

  • Observation

In quantitative research, the observation is conducted in a real-world setting to monitor the behavior and response of people regarding specific situations.

Note: Obersrvation can be quantitative or qualitative.

  • Experiment

In this method, experiments on variables are done to measure their effect among them. The researcher tests the variables and collects data from the result that is further investigated.

  • Secondary research

In this method, data is used that has been collected for different purposes. This means primary data is used for further inquiry.

Characteristics of quantitative research

Below are some characteristics of quantitative research:

  • Close-ended questions

During the survey, the researcher asks close-ended questions from the respondents. These questions are related to the research topic and the participants have limited options to choose from.

  • Quantitative data

In this research, quantitative data is collected that is in different forms such as graphs, tables, charts, or other numerical forms. This numerical data is easy to analyze. In addition, it gives accurate findings of the research.

  • Prior study

Before gathering data from the participants, the research topic and other factors related to the topic being studied thoroughly so that data is collected and analysis can be made appropriate and reliable.

  • Generalization of results

Findings of quantitative research are generalized to the whole population rather than limited individuals or a group. This generalization helps to make improvements or solve the issues faced by the entire population.

Example of quantitative research

A company or organization wants the feedback of its customers. For this purpose, it collects quantitative data from the people. The company distributes several questionnaires or conducts surveys. It can be an in-person or online survey when the customers log in to the company’s website. The same is the case with application developers. The customers can be asked the questions like how much you satisfied with our service? They can also be asked to give the rate to the website, company, or application.

Advantages of quantitative research

  1. Quick data collection
  2. Eliminate bias
  3. Wider scope of data analysis
  4. Large samples
  5. Reliable and accurate data

Disadvantages of quantitative research

  1. Narrow focus
  2. Superficiality
  3. Structural bias
  4. Lack of context
  5. Limited choice in feedback by participants

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