Research Topics Ideas on fault tolerant autonomous aircraft

Research Topics Ideas on Task and motion planning algorithms to enable opportunistic fault tolerant autonomous aircraft

1. SOSChain: self optimizing streamchain for last-mile 6G UAV-truck networks
2. Tardis: A Fault-Tolerant Design for Network Control Planes
3. Addressing disasters in smart cities through UAVs path planning and 5G communications: A systematic review
4. WASP: A Wearable Super-Computing Platform for Distributed Intelligence in Multi-Agent Systems
5. Dynamic Spectrum Management with Network Function Virtualization for UAV Communication
6. Performance Analysis of UAV‐Enabled Disaster Recovery Networks
7. Towards a Smarter Surveillance Solution: The Convergence of Smart City and Energy Efficient Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Technologies
8. An UAV-Enabled Intelligent Connected Transportation System With 6G Communications for Internet of Vehicles
9. Artificial intelligence and game theory controlled autonomous UAV swarms
10. Topology-Based Routing Protocols and Mobility Models for Flying Ad Hoc Networks: A Contemporary Review and Future Research Directions
11. Multi-UAV Navigation for Partially Observable Communication Coverage by Graph Reinforcement Learning
12. Decentralised Autonomous Navigation of a UAV Network for Road Traffic Monitoring
13. Topology management for flying ad hoc networks based on particle swarm optimization and software-defined networking
14. Mobile computing and communications-driven fog-assisted disaster evacuation techniques for context-aware guidance support: A survey
15. The Internet of Drones: Requirements, Taxonomy, Recent Advances, and Challenges of Research Trends
16. Search and rescue operation in flooded areas: A survey on emerging sensor networking-enabled IoT-oriented technologies and applications
17. Satellite-assisted UAV Trajectory Control in Hostile Jamming Environments
18. Swarm intelligence for next-generation networks: Recent advances and applications
19. Application of fault detection using distributed sensors in smart cities
20. AI-assisted Distributed Applications at Edge for Industrial Field Autonomous Systems
21. Demonstrations of system-level autonomy for spacecraft
22. Partitioned integration and coordination via the self-organising coordination regions pattern
23. Hierarchical Task Assignment and Path Finding with Limited Communication for Robot Swarms
24. Analysis and Design of Distributed Control Plane Mechanisms in SDN-based Industrial Networks
25. Integration of Vehicular Clouds and Autonomous Driving: Survey and Future Perspectives
26. Performance issues in wireless body area networks for the healthcare application: a survey and future prospects
27. Disruptive technologies as a solution for disaster risk management: A review
28. Results from the ASTERIA CubeSat Extended Mission Experiments
29. Fog computing: A taxonomy, systematic review, current trends and research challenges
30. Using Blockchains to protect Critical Infrastructures: a comparison between Ethereum and Hyperledger Fabric
31. Artificial Intelligence and Security: 7th International Conference, ICAIS 2021, Dublin, Ireland, July 19–23, 2021, Proceedings, Part I
32. The Next Generation Vehicular Networks, Modeling, Algorithm and Applications
33. Case Studies in Verifying Spacecraft Autonomy
34. Bespoke Security for Resource Constrained Cyber-Physical Systems
35. Some Studies on Performability Analysis of Safety Critical Systems
36. Non-terrestrial Communications Assisted by Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces
37. Resource scheduling in edge computing: A survey
38. A survey on recent contention-free MAC protocols for static and mobile wireless decentralized networks in IoT
39. A survey of fault tolerance in cloud computing
40. L2D2: Low latency distributed downlink for LEO satellites
41. Recent Advancement of Data-Driven Models in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey
42. Analysis of the likelihood of quantum computing proliferation
43. Current Trends on Green Wireless Sensor Networks
44. Software-Defined Wireless Networking for 5G and Beyond: From Indoor Cells to Non-Terrestrial UAV Networks
45. Wireless Sensor Networks and the Internet of Things
46. A Survey of Reconfigurable Optical Networks
47. Impact Assessment of Blockchain-Enabled Smart Contracts on the Visibility of Construction Payments
48. Survey on recent advances in IoT application layer protocols and machine learning scope for research directions
49. COMPSAC 2021
50. Towards effective offloading mechanisms in fog computing
51. The impact universe—a framework for prioritizing the public interest in the Internet of Things
52. Data Fusion for Intelligent Crowd Monitoring and Management Systems: A Survey
53. 2021 Index IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing Vol. 20
54. Edge computing in SDN-IoT networks: a systematic review of issues, challenges and solutions
55. Reusability, Dependability, and Software
56. Disaster resilience of optical networks: State of the art, challenges, and opportunities
57. The KICK-OFF of 6G Research Worldwide: An Overview
58. Vehicular Edge Computing: Architecture, Resource Management, Security, and Challenges
59. Becoming an ‘Adaptive’Expert
60. Intelligent Condition Monitoring of Wind Power Systems: State of the Art Review
61. ‘Un’-blocking the industry 4.0 value chain with cyber-physical social thinking
62. Cooperative Intention Detection using Machine Learning
63. Protocols and Architectures of IoT Networked Systems for Smart Spaces and Crowd Environments
64. A Holistic View of Software and Hardware Reuse: Dependable Reuse of Components and Systems
65. A Complete Bibliography of Publications in Computer Networks (Amsterdam, Netherlands: 2020–2029)
66. Towards effective offloading mechanisms in fog computing
67. A Comprehensive View of the Initiatives on the Research of Sixth-Generation Mobile Systems
68. A Holistic View of Software and Hardware Reuse
69. A general architecture for a real-time monitoring system based on the internet of things
70. A Heterogeneous Layer-Based Trustworthiness Model for Long Backhaul NVIS Challenging Networks and an IoT Telemetry Service for Antarctica
71. An overview of wireless communication technology using deep learning
72. Synchronization schemes for internet of things and edge intelligence applications
73. A Heterogeneous Layer-Based Trustworthiness Model for Long Backhaul NVIS Challenging Networks and an IoT Telemetry Service for Antarctica
75. An overview of signal processing techniques for terahertz communications
76. SmartDetour: Defending Blackhole and Content Poisoning Attacks in IoT NDN Networks
77. A Systematic Review on Recent Trends, Challenges, Privacy and Security Issues of Underwater Internet of Things
78. Understanding Communications Networks for Emerging Cybernetics Applications
79. Cyber-resilience
81. Information Security Management
82. A Complete Bibliography of ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks
83. Information Centric Networks (ICN): Architecture & Current Trends
84. Survivable and Reliable Design of Cellular and Vehicular Networks for Safety Applications
85. Proactive Content Placement in Information-Centric Connected Vehicle Environments
86. A Complete Bibliography of Publications in the International Journal of Parallel Programming
87. Information Centric Networks (ICN)
88. Mercury Lander: Planetary Mission Concept Study for the 2023-2032 Decadal Survey
89. Promoting Systematic Practices for Designing and Developing Edge Computing Applications via Middleware Abstractions and Performance Estimation
90. A Complete Bibliography of ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS
91. A Complete Bibliography of Publications in ACM Computing Surveys
92. A Complete Bibliography of Publications in the Journal of Network and Computer Applications
93. A Bibliography of Publications about Virtual Machines
94. A Survey of Efficient Trust Management Schemes in Mobile Ad-Hoc Network: Reliable Trust Management Framework of MANET
95. A Bibliography of Publications in IEEE Software
96. A Complete Bibliography of ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review

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