Research Topics of Space systems

Research area interest and ideas: Space systems for MS PhD Thesis

1. Spacecraft systems engineering
2. Deep space telecommunications systems engineering
3. System of systems engineering-New challenges for the 21st century
4. NASA systems engineering
5. Understanding the current state of US defense systems of systems and the implications for systems engineering
6. Systems of systems engineering: principles and applications
7. Decision making in systems engineering and management
8. Essentials of project and systems engineering management
9. Control and Systems Engineering
10. Telecommunication systems engineering
11. An implementers’ view of systems engineering for systems of systems
12. Introduction to systems engineering
13. Opportunities and challenges of the Internet of Things for healthcare: Systems engineering perspective
14. Communication systems engineering
15. Model-based systems engineering: An emerging approach for modern systems
16. When systems engineering fails-toward complex systems engineering
17. Control systems engineering
18. Systems engineering to improve the governance in complex project environments
19. The constructive systems engineering cost model (COSYSMO)

20. Twelve systems engineering roles
21. Probability methods for cost uncertainty analysis: A systems engineering perspective
22. Systems engineering: coping with complexity
23. Systems engineering: a 21st century systems methodology
24. Model-based systems engineering
25. Thermoelectric generators: Linking material properties and systems engineering for waste heat recovery applications
26. System of systems engineering
27. Principles of complex systems for systems engineering
28. Genetic algorithm tools for control systems engineering
29. Systems engineering principles and practice

30. A case for service systems engineering
31. Energy systems engineering
32. System of Systems (SoS) enterprise systems engineering for information‐intensive organizations
33. Petri nets for systems engineering: a guide to modeling, verification, and applications
34. A technology readiness levels (TRLs) calculator software for systems engineering and technology management tool
35. Satellite communications systems engineering: atmospheric effects, satellite link design and system performance

36. The emerging joint system of systems: A systems engineering challenge and opportunity for APL
37. Production systems engineering
38. Control systems engineering education
39. Architecture and principles of systems engineering
40. Aircraft design: A systems engineering approach
41. Survey of model-based systems engineering (MBSE) methodologies
42. Analytical methods for risk management: A systems engineering perspective
43. Human Factors is…
44. Genetic algorithms in control systems engineering
45. On the systems engineering and management of systems of systems and federations of systems

46. Control systems engineering
47. Battery systems engineering
48. Transportation systems engineering: theory and methods
49. Machine learning: Overview of the recent progresses and implications for the process systems engineering field
50. Systems engineering with SysML/UML: modeling, analysis, design
51. Digital systems engineering
52. Cognitive systems engineering: New wine in new bottles
53. Evolutionary algorithms in control systems engineering: a survey

54. The levels of conceptual interoperability model: applying systems engineering principles to M&S
55. Space mission analysis and design
56. Earth systems engineering and management
57. Photovoltaic systems engineering
58. Systems engineering for irrigation systems: Successes and challenges
59. Joint cognitive systems: Foundations of cognitive systems engineering
60. Nuclear reactor engineering: reactor systems engineering
61. Modeling and simulation of lithium-ion batteries from a systems engineering perspective
62. Process systems engineering: From Solvay to modern bio-and nanotechnology.: A history of development, successes and prospects for the future
63. Defining changeability: Reconciling flexibility, adaptability, scalability, modifiability, and robustness for maintaining system lifecycle value

64. Space nuclear power: opening the final frontier
65. Out of This World: The New Field of Space Architecture: The New Field of Space Architecture
66. Cognitive space and information space
67. Design methodologies for space transportation systems
68. Friction stir weld technology development at Lockheed Martin Michoud Space System–an overview
69. How much white-space capacity is there?
70. Fractionated space architectures: A vision for responsive space
71. Resiliency and disaggregated space architectures
72. Nonholonomic path planning of space robots via bi-directional approach
73. Free-space optical communications

74. Metal-matrix composites for space applications
75. Performance and properties of a solid amine sorbent for carbon dioxide removal in space life support applications
76. Approximation of large-scale dynamical systems
77. CubeSat: A new generation of picosatellite for education and industry low-cost space experimentation
78. Resource use dynamics and interactions in the tropics: Scaling up in space and time
79. Space biospheres
80. The value proposition for fractionated space architectures
81. Coordinated control of space robot teams for the on-orbit construction of large flexible space structures
82. Dynamic singularities in free-floating space manipulators

83. Multi-attribute tradespace exploration as front end for effective space system design
84. SPHERES: a testbed for long duration satellite formation flying in micro-gravity conditions
85. Systems with infinite-dimensional state space: the Hilbert space approach
86. The Future of Public Space: Beyond Invented Streets and Reinvented Places
87. Quantum communications at ESA: towards a space experiment on the ISS
88. Perspectives, frontiers, and new horizons for plasma-based space electric propulsion
89. An approach to spacecraft anomaly detection problem using kernel feature space
90. A state space formulation for model predictive control
91. Pleiades fractionated space system architecture and the future of national security space
92. Stability of large space structure control systems using positivity concepts

93. Space vehicle mechanisms: elements of successful design
94. A generalized timeline representation, services, and interface for automating space mission operations
95. The design space of wireless sensor networks
96. Free-space laser communication performance in the atmospheric channel
97. Architectural support for translation table management in large address space machines
98. Evaluation of light emitting diode characteristics for a space-based plant irradiation source
99. The seductions of resistance: power, politics, and a performative style of systems
100. Linear scale-space has first been proposed in Japan
101. Distributed space missions for earth system monitoring
102. Demonstration of autonomous rendezvous technology (DART) project summary

103. Blind recognition of linear space–time block codes: A likelihood-based approach
104. Hardness assurance for low-dose space applications (MOS devices)
105. An efficient decomposition method for the approximate evaluation of tandem queues with finite storage space and blocking
106. Space weather: terrestrial perspective
107. Space stations: systems and utilization
108. Re-place-ing space: the roles of place and space in collaborative systems
109. Manifestations of classical phase space structures in quantum mechanics
110. Quantum transport by means of real-space methods
111. Discrete time LPV I/O and state space representations, differences of behavior and pitfalls of interpolation
112. SOLAR2000 irradiances for climate change research, aeronomy and space system engineering

113. Harsh Environments: Space Radiation
114. Multi-view space object recognition and pose estimation based on kernel regression
115. The first space war: the contribution of satellites to the Gulf War
116. A model for the social system for the multiman extended duration space ship
117. Landscape ecological assessment of green space fragmentation in Hong Kong
118. Space weather & telecommunications
119. Robustness of the independent modal-space control method
120. Performance characteristics of dielectrics in the presence of space charge
121. Space vehicle design
122. Multiconfigurational second-order perturbation theory restricted active space (RASPT2) method for electronic excited states: A benchmark study

123. L2-gain and passivity techniques in nonlinear control
124. On the dynamics and control of space manipulators
125. Status of solar sail technology within NASA
126. Promoting ecosystem and human health in urban areas using Green Infrastructure: A literature review
127. The nature of space
128. Space division multiplexing algorithms
129. Neural networks and physical systems with emergent collective computational abilities
130. Battle for space
131. Space-frequency-time coded OFDM for broadband wireless communications
132. Static response of a transversely isotropic and layered half-space to general surface loads

133. Optimal pricing for priority service and space allocation in container ports
134. High-reliability FPGA-based systems: space, high-energy physics, and beyond
135. Support vector machines versus fast scoring in the low-dimensional total variability space for speaker verification
136. Spacecraft Environments Interactive: Space Radiation and Its Effects on Electronic System
137. Tractable conflict risk accumulation in quadratic space for autonomous vehicles
138. The kinematics, dynamics, and control of free-flying and free-floating space robotic systems
139. Ionospheric effects on Earth-space propagation
140. Microbial characterization during the early habitation of the International Space Station
141. A multi-innovation state and parameter estimation algorithm for a state space system with d-step state-delay
142. Food in the Anthropocene: the EAT–Lancet Commission on healthy diets from sustainable food systems

143. Input-output and state-space representations of finite-dimensional linear time-invariant systems
144. Application of Hilbert-space coupled-cluster theory to simple ( model systems. II. Nonplanar models
145. Composite system in deformed space with minimal length
146. Propagation data and prediction methods required for the design of Earth-space telecommunication systems
147. Space Sanctuary. A Viable National Strategy
148. Interaction of large, high power systems with operational orbit charged particle environments
149. Phoenix program status-2013
150. Atomic clocks and oscillators for deep-space navigation and radio science
151. Information systems effectiveness: The construct space and patters of application
152. State-space representation for fractional order controllers

153. The Space Environment: Implications for Spacecraft Design-Revised and Expanded Edition
154. Realization theory in Hilbert space
155. Modeling and prediction of global magnetic disturbance in near‐Earth space: A case study for Kp index using NARX models
156. Time-space, spiking neural networks and brain-inspired artificial intelligence
157. Development of space vector modulation strategies for five phase voltage source inverters
158. Nonlinear State Space H∞ Control Theory
159. Opal: a single address space system for 64-bit architecture address space
160. The Maupertuis principle and canonical transformations of the extended phase space
161. International reference guide to space launch systems
162. Space environment effects on polymers in low earth orbit

163. Disturbed space environment may have been related to pager satellite failure
164. Foundations 2025: A value model for evaluating future air and space forces
165. Imaging spectrometry of the Earth and other solar system bodies
166. A space‐time channel simulator for MIMO channels based on the geometrical one‐ring scattering model
167. Identification of nonlinear systems using polynomial nonlinear state space models
168. Space–time coordination dynamics in basketball: Part 2. The interaction between the two teams
169. Demonstratives in space and interaction: Data from Lao speakers and implications for semantic analysis
170. The occurrence of operational anomalies in spacecraft and their relationship to space weather
171. Model-based programming of intelligent embedded systems and robotic space explorers
172. Autonomous rendezvous, capture and in-space assembly: past, present and future

173. A low-cost femtosatellite to enable distributed space missions
174. Harmonic state-space based small-signal impedance modeling of a modular multilevel converter with consideration of internal harmonic dynamics
175. Nanocomposite and nanostructured tribological materials for space applications
176. Software system safety
177. Space debris removal system using a small satellite
178. Urban open space planning in South Africa: A biogeographical perspective.
179. System mass optimization of hydrogen/oxygen based regenerative fuel cells for geosynchronous space missions
180. Dynamic probabilistic systems: Markov models
181. The effect of dispersal on population stability in one-species, discrete-space population growth models
182. A general outline of the genesis of vector space theory

183. Life in Configuration Space.
184. Latent heat thermal energy storage tanks for space heating of buildings: comparison between calculations and experiments
185. Combined state and parameter estimation for a bilinear state space system with moving average noise
186. Detecting mining subsidence from space
187. Space applications of automation, robotics and machine intelligence systems (ARAMIS) phase II
188. Methodology for requirements definition of complex space missions and systems
189. Design challenges and guidelines for free-space optical communication links using orbital-angular-momentum multiplexing of multiple beams
190. Optical space communications
191. Dynamics and control of large space structures
192. The H control problem: a state space approach

193. Effects of space weather on technology infrastructure
194. International missions to lunar vicinity and surface-near-term mission scenario of the Global Space Exploration Roadmap
195. High rate space-time block coded spatial modulation with cyclic structure
196. Space solar power programs and microwave wireless power transmission technology
197. The secret of Apollo: Systems management in American and European space programs
198. Creating space for sustainable food systems: Lessons from the field
199. Probabilistic risk analysis for the NASA space shuttle: a brief history and current work
200. Urban open space in the 21st century
201. China’s military space strategy
202. Satellite anomalies due to space storms

203. LIII. On lines and planes of closest fit to systems of points in space
204. Space and the military
205. Heuristics for retail shelf space allocation problem with linear profit function
206. Survey of modeling, planning, and ground verification of space robotic systems
207. Life support dependability for distant space missions
208. Anthropology, space, and geographic information systems
209. ‘SVET’space greenhouse onboard experiment data received from ‘MIR’station and future prospects
210. Fundamentals of space medicine
211. 3D printing of food for space missions
212. Sharing and protection in a single-address-space operating system

213. Modeling and hazard analysis using STPA
214. Applied nonlinear control
215. Understanding space: An introduction to astronautics
216. Design, testing and evaluation of latching end effector
217. Techsat 21 and revolutionizing space missions using microsatellites
218. Strategy for capturing of a tumbling space debris
219. Risks and issues in fire safety on the space station
220. Systematic renormalization scheme in light-front dynamics with Fock space truncation
221. Problems Experienced and Envisioned for Dynamical Physical Systems
222. Robonaut: NASA’s space humanoid

223. Designing for human presence in space: an introduction to environmental control and life support systems
224. Virtual space teleconferencing: Real-time reproduction of 3d human images
225. Rethinking communication in innovation processes: creating space for change in complex systems
226. From theory to practice: An overview of MIMO space-time coded wireless systems
227. Techsat 21-space missions using collaborating constellations of satellites
228. H8-Control for Distributed Parameter Systems: A State-Space Approach: A State Space Approach
229. Dynamics of space tether systems
230. Linear state-space control systems
231. Radiation effects on electronic devices in space
232. 1.9-THz multiflare angle horn optimization for space instruments

233. A learning controller for nonrepetitive robotic operation
234. As time goes by: Evidence for two systems in processing space→ time metaphors
235. Exploiting space and location as a design framework for interactive mobile systems
236. Adaptive structure concept for future space applications
237. Space micropropulsion systems for Cubesats and small satellites: From proximate targets to furthermost frontiers
238. Correlations in space and time and Born approximation scattering in systems of interacting particles
239. Damped Lyα Systems at z< 1.65: The Expanded Sloan Digital Sky Survey Hubble Space Telescope Sample
240. Challenges to developing and producing MMCs for space applications
241. Equation of state for chain molecules: continuous‐space analog of Flory theory
242. The determination of state-space representations for linear multivariable systems

243. State space modeling of random drift rate in high-precision gyro
244. Space-time codes and MIMO systems
245. Geographic information systems for the social sciences: investigating space and place
246. A space-frequency transmitter diversity technique for OFDM systems
247. On the stability radius of a generalized state-space system
248. Mathematical systems theory I: modelling, state space analysis, stability and robustness
249. Space Antenna
250. Radio propagation for space communications systems



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High Data Rate CommunicationExpitaxial GrowthMicro Electromechanical System(MEMS)
Computational Mechanics and Aeroelastic TailoringStructural Design AnalysisComputational Mechanics and Aeroelastic Tailoring
Electrical  material and devicesSpace plasma physicsSpace systems
Fluid thermal systemSolid MechanicsRenewable Energy
Mechanical Design and AnalysisMechanics of solids, materials, structures and surfacesFracture Mechanics
Design of recording and stimulation neural electrodesComplex Variable and TransformsSmart grid,power generation and transfer
statistical signal processingcomplementary interests in circuits and system for sensingProbability & Random Processes
smart materials and structuresHigh Performance Power ElectronicsFailure in Composite in mechanical engineering
piezoelectric devicesMicro actuators and SensorsControl of electrical Machines
Medical electronicsSatellite CommunicationGender mainstreaming
Non linear vibration dynamics and machine designSustainable Energy Engineeringflutter and computational fluid dynamics
visible light communicationMechatronicswireless power transfer
Micro fabrication and packagingPower Management CircuitsHyper spectical image analysis
Research Area Electrical Engineering

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