Research Topics of Mechatronics

Research Area/ Research Interest: Mechatronics

Research Paper Topics for: Masters and PhD Thesis and publication

  1. Mechatronics-an industrial perspective
  2. Mechatronics system design
  3. Motion control for advanced mechatronics
  4. Mechatronics: an integrated approach
  5. Mechatronics: from the 20th to 21st century
  6. Japanese innovation in mechatronics technology
  7. Introduction to mechatronics and measurement systems
  8. Sensors for mechatronics
  9. Mechatronics: principles and applications
  10. Engineering education for mechatronics
  11. Mechatronics: a foundation course
  12. Is anything really new in mechatronics education?
  13. The science and education of mechatronics engineering
  14. Automotive mechatronics
  15. Mechatronics: electronics in products and processes
  16. Mechatronics, Identification Tehnology, Industry 4.0 and Education
  17. Mechatronics: electromechanics and contromechanics
  18. Fundamentals of mechatronics
  19. Mechatronics: electronic control systems in mechanical and electrical engineering
  20. Micro mechatronics and micro actuators
  21. A theoretical approach to mechatronics design
  22. An overview
  23. Mechatronics with experiments
  24. Automotive Mechatronics
  25. Mechatronics in action
  26. Hard disk drive: mechatronics and control
  27. Control and mechatronics
  28. Assessment of project-based learning in a mechatronics context.
  29. Mechatronics: a multidisciplinary approach
  30. The what, why and how of mechatronics
  31. Automotive Mechatronics: Operational and Practical Issues: Volume I
  32. What is mechatronics and why teach it?
  33. Model-integrated mechatronics-toward a new paradigm in the development of manufacturing systems
  34. Electromechanical systems, electric machines, and applied mechatronics
  35. Getting a hold on mechatronics
  36. Review Article Tactile sensing for mechatronics—a state of the art survey
  37. Medical mechatronics—An application to haptic forceps
  38. Applied mechatronics
  39. Mechatronics-A unifying interdisciplinary and intelligent engineering science paradigm
  40. Mechatronics and ASICS
  41. Mechatronics: from the 20th to 21st Century
  42. Bettering operation of dynamic systems by learning: A new control theory for servomechanism or mechatronics systems
  43. Modeling, design, and control integration: a necessary step in mechatronics
  44. Snake robots: modelling, mechatronics, and control
  45. A mechatronics approach to the design of light-weight arms and multifingered hands
  46. The design of high performance mechatronics-: high-Tech functionality by multidisciplinary system integration
  47. Mechatronics and the design of intelligent machines and systems
  48. Multisensor fusion and integration: A review on approaches and its applications in mechatronics
  49. Development of training content for master students in course” mechatronics and robotics” at the University
  50. Essentials of mechatronics
  51. Mechatronics challenge for the higher education world
  52. Power engineering and motion control web laboratory: Design, implementation, and evaluation of mechatronics course
  53. Non-identifier based adaptive control in mechatronics: Theory and Application
  54. Spin-mechatronics
  55. Mechatronics and control of electromechanical systems
  56. A mechatronics security system for the construction site
  57. Classical mechanics: applied mechanics and mechatronics
  58. Mechatronics and intelligent systems for off-road vehicles
  59. Mechatronics-a powerful concurrent engineering framework
  60. Mechatronics engineering the evolution, the needs and the challenges
  61. Calculation of regulators for the problems of mechatronics by means of the numerical optimization method
  62. Paper mechatronics: present and future
  63. Sensor technologies and microsensor issues for mechatronics systems
  64. Using LEGO NXT mobile robots with LabVIEW for undergraduate courses on mechatronics
  65. The Internet of Things–The future or the end of mechatronics
  66. Control of pendulum: From super mechano-system to human adaptive mechatronics
  67. Advanced motion control for precision mechatronics: Control, identification, and learning of complex systems
  68. A mechatronics approach to laser powder deposition process
  69. A multidisciplinary industrial robot approach for teaching mechatronics-related courses
  70. Novel mechatronics design for a robotic fish
  71. Human adaptive mechatronics
  72. I-AUV mechatronics integration for the TRIDENT FP7 project
  73. Education, knowledge and innovation from a mechatronics perspective
  74. Can agile methods enhance mechatronics design education?
  75. Mechatronics: Fundamentals and Applications
  76. Mechatronics/microcontroller education for mechanical engineering students at the University of South Carolina
  77. A framework for computer-aided conceptual design and its application to system architecting of mechatronics products
  78. Magnetic resonance–compatible robotic and mechatronics systems for image-guided interventions and rehabilitation: a review study
  79. Mechatronics as an engineering science
  80. A competition-based approach for undergraduate mechatronics education using the arduino platform
  81. Human adaptive mechatronics
  82. Mechatronics and robotics for service applications
  83. Interdisciplinary collaborative learning in mechatronics at Bucknell University
  84. The role of bond graph modeling and simulation in mechatronics systems: An integrated software tool: CAMP-G, MATLAB–SIMULINK
  85. Mechatronics—the evolution of an academic discipline in engineering education
  86. Engaging high school and engineering students: A multifaceted outreach program based on a mechatronics platform
  87. A novel hybridization design principle for intelligent mechatronics systems
  88. Understanding electro-mechanical engineering: an introduction to mechatronics
  89. Mechatronics–More questions than answers
  90. The mechatronics control kit for education and research
  91. Survey and introduction to the focused section on bio-inspired mechatronics
  92. The development of a controller for mechatronics equipment
  93. Electromechanical systems in microtechnology and mechatronics: electrical, mechanical and acoustic networks, their interactions and applications
  94. New development of servo technology in mechatronics
  95. Development and control of a single-wheel robot: Practical Mechatronics approach
  96. Mechatronics education
  97. Design and implementation of a mechatronics learning module in a large first-semester engineering course
  98. Stability and sensitivity analysis of fuzzy control systems. Mechatronics applications
  99. A model for concept evaluation in design––an application to mechatronics design of robot grippers
  100. Real-Time Control Prototyping in MATLAB/Simulink: Review of tools for research and education in mechatronics
  101. Mechatronics in the Netherlands
  102. Multi-disciplinary system decomposition of complex mechatronics systems
  103. Human adaptive and friendly mechatronics (HAFM)
  104. Project based learning in mechatronics education in close collaboration with industrial: methodologies, examples and experiences
  105. Human adaptive mechatronics-interaction and intelligence
  106. A mixed learning approach in mechatronics education
  107. Mechatronics engineering education
  108. Dielectric elastomer actuators for binary robotics and mechatronics
  109. What is mechatronics?: Proposing a didactical approach to mechatronics
  110. A multi-disciplinary mechatronics course with assessment—Integrating theory and application through laboratory activities
  111. Recent advances in mechatronics
  112. Design for the unexpected: From holonic manufacturing systems towards a humane mechatronics society
  113. Control for precision mechatronics
  114. Advanced mechatronics and MEMS devices II
  115. Python in robotics and mechatronics education
  116. The role of control in mechatronics
  117. Mechatronics, robotics and components for automation and control: IFAC milestone report
  118. Education in mechatronics
  119. Contributions to non-identifier based adaptive control in mechatronics
  120. MARVEL: A mixed-reality learning environment for vocational training in mechatronics
  121. Mechatronics by bond graphs: an object-oriented approach to modelling and simulation
  122. Haptics-enabled interactive neuroRehabilitation mechatronics: classification, functionality, challenges and ongoing research
  123. Mechatronics modeling and vibration analysis of a 2-DOF parallel manipulator in a 5-DOF hybrid machine tool
  124. Schemebuilder mechatronics
  125. An embedded PLC development for teaching in mechatronics education
  126. Guest editorial introduction to the focused section on wireless mechatronics
  127. Influence of industrial Internet of Things on mechatronics
  128. Development of a mechatronics-based citizen science platform for aquatic environmental monitoring
  129. Transformation to advanced mechatronics systems within new industrial revolution: A novel framework in automation of everything (AoE)
  130. Grasping the interdisciplinarity of mechatronics
  131. Development and implementation of didactic sets in mechatronics and industrial engineering courses
  132. Combining aspects and object-orientation in model-driven engineering for distributed industrial mechatronics systems
  133. Education 4.0 for mechatronics–agile and smart
  134. Modeling, simulation and dynamics analysis issues of electric motor, for mechatronics applications, using different approaches and verification by MATLAB …
  135. Mechatronics, systems, elements, and technology: a perspective
  136. Mechatronics, Integronics and Adaptronics
  137. A proposed approach to mechatronics design education: Integrating design methodology, simulation with projects
  138. Mechatronics of electrostatic microactuators for computer disk drive dual-stage servo systems
  139. Mechatronics for the design of human-oriented machines
  140. Sensors and actuators in mechatronics: design and applications
  141. An open source hardware-based mechatronics project: The replicating rapid 3-D printer
  142. Mechatronics for a new robot generation
  143. Optoshield: A low-cost tool for control and mechatronics education
  144. Mechatronics education in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Utah
  145. Mechatronics design of a mobile robot system
  146. Embedded computing and mechatronics with the PIC32 microcontroller
  147. Virtual Reality-Based Training: Case Study in Mechatronics
  148. Mechatronics education at CDHAW of Tongji University: Laboratory guidelines, framework, implementations and improvements
  149. Effectiveness and efficiency criteria for strategic application of mechatronics in business processes
  150. Preparing for the next century: The state of mechatronics education
  151. A design-oriented undergraduate curriculum in mechatronics education
  152. Challenge-based learning: An I-semester for experiential learning in Mechatronics Engineering
  153. Guest editorial an overview of biomedical robotics and bio-mechatronics systems and applications
  154. Mechatronics-A boon for technological development
  155. Mechatronics in ground transportation-current trends and future possibilities
  156. PID controllers and algorithms: Selection and design techniques applied in mechatronics systems design-Part II
  157. Short informative title: Towards a new tendency in embedded systems in mechatronics for the engineering curricula
  158. Mechatronics in university and professional education: Is there anything really new here
  159. PLM for Mechatronics integration
  160. Mechatronics design—The key to performance enhancement
  161. Modelling and simulation in mechatronics
  162. E-training in mechatronics using innovative remote laboratory
  163. Mechatronics
  164. Development of 4WS/4WD Experimental Vehicle: platform for research and education in mechatronics
  165. No more differentiator in PID: Development of nonlinear lead for precision mechatronics
  166. Interactive and virtual/mixed reality applications for mechatronics education developed in unity engine
  167. Design of a labVIEW application for the teaching of mechanical vibrations in a mechatronics engineering program
  168. Bistable antagonistic dielectric elastomer actuators for binary robotics and mechatronics
  169. The role of computers in mechatronics
  170. Mechatronics engineering on the example of an innovative production vehicle
  171. Magnetic leviation.; Challenge for control design in mechatronics
  172. The formation of motion laws for mechatronics objects along the paths with the desired speed
  173. Development of an undergraduate curriculum in mechatronics systems engineering
  174. Electrical Systems and Mechatronics
  175. A new index based on mechatronics abilities for the conceptual design evaluation
  176. Applications of mechatronics to animal production
  177. An Arduino kit for learning mechatronics and its scalability in semester projects
  178. An integrated framework for mechatronics based product development in a fuzzy environment
  179. Using a didactic manipulator in mechatronics and industrial engineering courses
  180. SysML-based uniform behavior modeling and automated mapping of design and simulation model for complex mechatronics
  181. Mechatronics in fuel cell systems
  182. Interdisciplinary Mechatronics engineering and science: problem-solving, creative-thinking and concurrent design synergy
  183. Recent advances in sliding modes: from control to intelligent mechatronics
  184. Using mechatronics to teach mechanical design and technical communication
  185. Mechatronics Engineering: A critical need for this interdisciplinary approach to engineering education
  186. Mechatronics in engineering design and product development
  187. The mechatronics workbench
  188. Mechatronics—basics, objectives, examples
  189. Teaching control system design through mechatronics: academic and industrial perspectives
  190. Factors influencing the uptake of a mechatronics curriculum initiative in five Australian secondary schools
  191. A 10-year mechatronics curriculum development initiative: Relevance, content, and results—Part I
  192. Experiences in developing labs for a supervisory control and data acquisition course for undergraduate Mechatronics education
  193. Development of mechatronics engineering degree program: challenges and prospects
  194. Overview of human adaptive mechatronics
  195. Paper mechatronics: a design case study for a young medium
  196. Laser‐self‐mixing interferometry for mechatronics applications
  197. An undergraduate mechatronics project class at Philadelphia University, Jordan: Methodology and experience
  198. Development of a mechatronics laboratory-eliminating barriers to manufacturing instrumentation and control
  199. Real time models of automotive mechatronics systems: Verifications on “toy models”
  200. Development of remote monitoring and a control system based on PLC and webaccess for learning mechatronics
  201. Physical activity promotion for apprentices in nursing care and automotive mechatronics–competence counts more than volume
  202. Engineering design and mechatronics: The schemebuilder project
  203. Inverted pendulum systems: rotary and arm-driven-a mechatronic system design case study
  204. 5R 2dof parallel kinematic manipulator–A multidisciplinary test case in mechatronics
  205. Mechatronics: recent technological and scientific advances
  206. The integration of old and new technological paradigms in low-and medium-tech sectors: The case of mechatronics
  207. Cloud E-learning for Mechatronics: CLEM
  208. Transdisciplinary approach of the mechatronics in the knowledge based society
  209. Modelling in mechanical engineering and mechatronics: towards autonomous intelligent software models
  210. Usage of agile practices in mechatronics system design potentials, challenges and actual surveys
  211. Mechatronics in Japanese rail vehicles: active and semi-active suspensions
  212. Mechatronics in medicine: A biomedical engineering approach
  213. Mechatronics systems
  214. Development of low cost educational material for learning fundamentals of mechatronics
  215. A mechatronics educational laboratory–Programmable logic controllers and material handling experiments
  216. Balancing control of a single-wheel inverted pendulum system using air blowers: evolution of mechatronics capstone design
  217. Virtual embedded mechatronics system
  218. Educational Methodology Based on Active Learning for Mechatronics Engineering Students: Towards Educational Mechatronics
  219. Designing mechatronics equipment based on the example of the Stewart platform
  220. A comprehensive review of select smart polymeric and gel actuators for soft mechatronics and robotics applications: fundamentals, freeform fabrication, and motion …
  221. Take-home mechatronics control labs: A low-cost personal solution and educational assessment
  222. Mechatronics design in Japan
  223. Project-based high school mechatronics course
  224. A complex network-based importance measure for mechatronics systems
  225. Mechatronics education in Turkey
  226. Mechatronics engineering education in India
  227. A bottom-up approach to teaching robotics and mechatronics to mechanical engineers
  228. A road to practical dielectric elastomer actuators based robotics and mechatronics: discrete actuation
  229. Ch—A Source Network for VE in Mechatronics
  230. Design and development of an autonomous mobile smart vehicle: a mechatronics application
  231. Enhanced automotive engine cooling systems-a mechatronics approach
  232. Didactical aspects of mechatronics education
  233. Piezomechanics as a subsystem of mechatronics: present state of the art, problems, future developments
  234. Manufacturing mechatronics using thermal spray shape deposition
  235. Asynchronous hands-on experiments for Mechatronics education
  236. Recent advances in mechatronics
  237. Mechatronics and machine vision in practice
  238. History of mechatronics
  239. A mechatronics approach to copier paperpath design
  240. Mechatronics instruction in the Mechanical Engineering curriculum at Georgia Tech
  241. Mechatronics in rotating machinery
  242. Mechatronics vs. cyber physical systems: Towards a conceptual framework for a suitable design methodology
  243. Optical and electronic NOx sensors for applications in mechatronics
  244. Expectations and challenges from scaling agile in mechatronics-driven companies–a comparative case study
  245. Mechatronics: Japan’s newest threat
  246. Mechatronics curriculum development at Philadelphia University in Jordan
  247. Integration of V-model and SysML for advanced mechatronics system design
  248. Remote access for education and control of mechatronics systems
  249. Practical control enhancement via mechatronics design
  250. Hands-On Mechatronics: Problem-Based Learning for Mechatronics
  251. Mechatronics technology in mobile devices
  252. Intelligent systems: Robotics versus mechatronics
  253. Development of mechatronics course in the school of mechanical engineering at Georgia Tech
  254. Curriculum, equipment and student project outcomes for mechatronics education in the core mechanical engineering program at Kettering University
  255. The roots of automation before mechatronics
  256. Hardware in the loop simulation of robot manipulators through Internet in mechatronics education
  257. Mechatronics using piezoelectric actuators
  258. Holistic system modeling in mechatronics
  259. Using mechatronics for the interpretation and modelling of the pressure filter cycle
  260. A new accurate discretization method for high-frequency component mechatronics systems
  261. Modelling and control of mechatronics lines served by complex autonomous systems
  262. Integrating negative dependencies assessment during mechatronics conceptual design using fuzzy logic and quantitative graph theory
  263. ViMeLa Project: An innovative concept for teaching mechatronics using virtual reality
  264. Future of mechatronics and human
  265. Beyond advanced mechatronics: new design challenges of Social-Cyber-Physical systems
  266. Intelligent mechatronics
  267. Robotics, Mechatronics, and Artificial Intelligence: Experimental circuit blocks for designers
  268. An approach for teaching automatic control in a laboratory of mechatronics
  269. Intelligent mechatronics and robotics
  270. A novel constrained H2 optimization algorithm for mechatronics design in flexure-linked biaxial gantry
  271. Systematic educational program for robotics and mechatronics engineering in OUS using robot competition
  272. Badminton playing robot-a multidisciplinary test case in mechatronics
  273. Virtual Prototyping of Mechatronics for 21 st Century Engineering and Technology
  274. The role of mechatronics in crop product traceability
  275. Intelligent mechatronics
  276. Gowanus voyage: where mechatronics, public art, community members, and environmental science meet
  277. Interdisciplinary mechatronics: engineering science and research development
  278. Methodology of Education and R&D in Mechatronics.
  279. Reconfigurable simulation and research toolset for building mechatronics
  280. Recent advances of mechatronics
  281. MR fluid, foam and elastomer devices
  282. Improving program outcome attainments using project based learning approach for: UG course-mechatronics
  283. Mechatronics design for product enhancement


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