Research Topics of Mechatronics
Research Area/ Research Interest: Mechatronics
Research Paper Topics for: Masters and PhD Thesis and publication
- Mechatronics-an industrial perspective
- Mechatronics system design
- Motion control for advanced mechatronics
- Mechatronics: an integrated approach
- Mechatronics: from the 20th to 21st century
- Japanese innovation in mechatronics technology
- Introduction to mechatronics and measurement systems
- Sensors for mechatronics
- Mechatronics: principles and applications
- Engineering education for mechatronics
- Mechatronics: a foundation course
- Is anything really new in mechatronics education?
- The science and education of mechatronics engineering
- Automotive mechatronics
- Mechatronics: electronics in products and processes
- Mechatronics, Identification Tehnology, Industry 4.0 and Education
- Mechatronics: electromechanics and contromechanics
- Fundamentals of mechatronics
- Mechatronics: electronic control systems in mechanical and electrical engineering
- Micro mechatronics and micro actuators
- A theoretical approach to mechatronics design
- An overview
- Mechatronics with experiments
- Automotive Mechatronics
- Mechatronics in action
- Hard disk drive: mechatronics and control
- Control and mechatronics
- Assessment of project-based learning in a mechatronics context.
- Mechatronics: a multidisciplinary approach
- The what, why and how of mechatronics
- Automotive Mechatronics: Operational and Practical Issues: Volume I
- What is mechatronics and why teach it?
- Model-integrated mechatronics-toward a new paradigm in the development of manufacturing systems
- Electromechanical systems, electric machines, and applied mechatronics
- Getting a hold on mechatronics
- Review Article Tactile sensing for mechatronics—a state of the art survey
- Medical mechatronics—An application to haptic forceps
- Applied mechatronics
- Mechatronics-A unifying interdisciplinary and intelligent engineering science paradigm
- Mechatronics and ASICS
- Mechatronics: from the 20th to 21st Century
- Bettering operation of dynamic systems by learning: A new control theory for servomechanism or mechatronics systems
- Modeling, design, and control integration: a necessary step in mechatronics
- Snake robots: modelling, mechatronics, and control
- A mechatronics approach to the design of light-weight arms and multifingered hands
- The design of high performance mechatronics-: high-Tech functionality by multidisciplinary system integration
- Mechatronics and the design of intelligent machines and systems
- Multisensor fusion and integration: A review on approaches and its applications in mechatronics
- Development of training content for master students in course” mechatronics and robotics” at the University
- Essentials of mechatronics
- Mechatronics challenge for the higher education world
- Power engineering and motion control web laboratory: Design, implementation, and evaluation of mechatronics course
- Non-identifier based adaptive control in mechatronics: Theory and Application
- Spin-mechatronics
- Mechatronics and control of electromechanical systems
- A mechatronics security system for the construction site
- Classical mechanics: applied mechanics and mechatronics
- Mechatronics and intelligent systems for off-road vehicles
- Mechatronics-a powerful concurrent engineering framework
- Mechatronics engineering the evolution, the needs and the challenges
- Calculation of regulators for the problems of mechatronics by means of the numerical optimization method
- Paper mechatronics: present and future
- Sensor technologies and microsensor issues for mechatronics systems
- Using LEGO NXT mobile robots with LabVIEW for undergraduate courses on mechatronics
- The Internet of Things–The future or the end of mechatronics
- Control of pendulum: From super mechano-system to human adaptive mechatronics
- Advanced motion control for precision mechatronics: Control, identification, and learning of complex systems
- A mechatronics approach to laser powder deposition process
- A multidisciplinary industrial robot approach for teaching mechatronics-related courses
- Novel mechatronics design for a robotic fish
- Human adaptive mechatronics
- I-AUV mechatronics integration for the TRIDENT FP7 project
- Education, knowledge and innovation from a mechatronics perspective
- Can agile methods enhance mechatronics design education?
- Mechatronics: Fundamentals and Applications
- Mechatronics/microcontroller education for mechanical engineering students at the University of South Carolina
- A framework for computer-aided conceptual design and its application to system architecting of mechatronics products
- Magnetic resonance–compatible robotic and mechatronics systems for image-guided interventions and rehabilitation: a review study
- Mechatronics as an engineering science
- A competition-based approach for undergraduate mechatronics education using the arduino platform
- Human adaptive mechatronics
- Mechatronics and robotics for service applications
- Interdisciplinary collaborative learning in mechatronics at Bucknell University
- The role of bond graph modeling and simulation in mechatronics systems: An integrated software tool: CAMP-G, MATLAB–SIMULINK
- Mechatronics—the evolution of an academic discipline in engineering education
- Engaging high school and engineering students: A multifaceted outreach program based on a mechatronics platform
- A novel hybridization design principle for intelligent mechatronics systems
- Understanding electro-mechanical engineering: an introduction to mechatronics
- Mechatronics–More questions than answers
- The mechatronics control kit for education and research
- Survey and introduction to the focused section on bio-inspired mechatronics
- The development of a controller for mechatronics equipment
- Electromechanical systems in microtechnology and mechatronics: electrical, mechanical and acoustic networks, their interactions and applications
- New development of servo technology in mechatronics
- Development and control of a single-wheel robot: Practical Mechatronics approach
- Mechatronics education
- Design and implementation of a mechatronics learning module in a large first-semester engineering course
- Stability and sensitivity analysis of fuzzy control systems. Mechatronics applications
- A model for concept evaluation in design––an application to mechatronics design of robot grippers
- Real-Time Control Prototyping in MATLAB/Simulink: Review of tools for research and education in mechatronics
- Mechatronics in the Netherlands
- Multi-disciplinary system decomposition of complex mechatronics systems
- Human adaptive and friendly mechatronics (HAFM)
- Project based learning in mechatronics education in close collaboration with industrial: methodologies, examples and experiences
- Human adaptive mechatronics-interaction and intelligence
- A mixed learning approach in mechatronics education
- Mechatronics engineering education
- Dielectric elastomer actuators for binary robotics and mechatronics
- What is mechatronics?: Proposing a didactical approach to mechatronics
- A multi-disciplinary mechatronics course with assessment—Integrating theory and application through laboratory activities
- Recent advances in mechatronics
- Design for the unexpected: From holonic manufacturing systems towards a humane mechatronics society
- Control for precision mechatronics
- Advanced mechatronics and MEMS devices II
- Python in robotics and mechatronics education
- The role of control in mechatronics
- Mechatronics, robotics and components for automation and control: IFAC milestone report
- Education in mechatronics
- Contributions to non-identifier based adaptive control in mechatronics
- MARVEL: A mixed-reality learning environment for vocational training in mechatronics
- Mechatronics by bond graphs: an object-oriented approach to modelling and simulation
- Haptics-enabled interactive neuroRehabilitation mechatronics: classification, functionality, challenges and ongoing research
- Mechatronics modeling and vibration analysis of a 2-DOF parallel manipulator in a 5-DOF hybrid machine tool
- Schemebuilder mechatronics
- An embedded PLC development for teaching in mechatronics education
- Guest editorial introduction to the focused section on wireless mechatronics
- Influence of industrial Internet of Things on mechatronics
- Development of a mechatronics-based citizen science platform for aquatic environmental monitoring
- Transformation to advanced mechatronics systems within new industrial revolution: A novel framework in automation of everything (AoE)
- Grasping the interdisciplinarity of mechatronics
- Development and implementation of didactic sets in mechatronics and industrial engineering courses
- Combining aspects and object-orientation in model-driven engineering for distributed industrial mechatronics systems
- Education 4.0 for mechatronics–agile and smart
- Modeling, simulation and dynamics analysis issues of electric motor, for mechatronics applications, using different approaches and verification by MATLAB …
- Mechatronics, systems, elements, and technology: a perspective
- Mechatronics, Integronics and Adaptronics
- A proposed approach to mechatronics design education: Integrating design methodology, simulation with projects
- Mechatronics of electrostatic microactuators for computer disk drive dual-stage servo systems
- Mechatronics for the design of human-oriented machines
- Sensors and actuators in mechatronics: design and applications
- An open source hardware-based mechatronics project: The replicating rapid 3-D printer
- Mechatronics for a new robot generation
- Optoshield: A low-cost tool for control and mechatronics education
- Mechatronics education in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Utah
- Mechatronics design of a mobile robot system
- Embedded computing and mechatronics with the PIC32 microcontroller
- Virtual Reality-Based Training: Case Study in Mechatronics
- Mechatronics education at CDHAW of Tongji University: Laboratory guidelines, framework, implementations and improvements
- Effectiveness and efficiency criteria for strategic application of mechatronics in business processes
- Preparing for the next century: The state of mechatronics education
- A design-oriented undergraduate curriculum in mechatronics education
- Challenge-based learning: An I-semester for experiential learning in Mechatronics Engineering
- Guest editorial an overview of biomedical robotics and bio-mechatronics systems and applications
- Mechatronics-A boon for technological development
- Mechatronics in ground transportation-current trends and future possibilities
- PID controllers and algorithms: Selection and design techniques applied in mechatronics systems design-Part II
- Short informative title: Towards a new tendency in embedded systems in mechatronics for the engineering curricula
- Mechatronics in university and professional education: Is there anything really new here
- PLM for Mechatronics integration
- Mechatronics design—The key to performance enhancement
- Modelling and simulation in mechatronics
- E-training in mechatronics using innovative remote laboratory
- Mechatronics
- Development of 4WS/4WD Experimental Vehicle: platform for research and education in mechatronics
- No more differentiator in PID: Development of nonlinear lead for precision mechatronics
- Interactive and virtual/mixed reality applications for mechatronics education developed in unity engine
- Design of a labVIEW application for the teaching of mechanical vibrations in a mechatronics engineering program
- Bistable antagonistic dielectric elastomer actuators for binary robotics and mechatronics
- The role of computers in mechatronics
- Mechatronics engineering on the example of an innovative production vehicle
- Magnetic leviation.; Challenge for control design in mechatronics
- The formation of motion laws for mechatronics objects along the paths with the desired speed
- Development of an undergraduate curriculum in mechatronics systems engineering
- Electrical Systems and Mechatronics
- A new index based on mechatronics abilities for the conceptual design evaluation
- Applications of mechatronics to animal production
- An Arduino kit for learning mechatronics and its scalability in semester projects
- An integrated framework for mechatronics based product development in a fuzzy environment
- Using a didactic manipulator in mechatronics and industrial engineering courses
- SysML-based uniform behavior modeling and automated mapping of design and simulation model for complex mechatronics
- Mechatronics in fuel cell systems
- Interdisciplinary Mechatronics engineering and science: problem-solving, creative-thinking and concurrent design synergy
- Recent advances in sliding modes: from control to intelligent mechatronics
- Using mechatronics to teach mechanical design and technical communication
- Mechatronics Engineering: A critical need for this interdisciplinary approach to engineering education
- Mechatronics in engineering design and product development
- The mechatronics workbench
- Mechatronics—basics, objectives, examples
- Teaching control system design through mechatronics: academic and industrial perspectives
- Factors influencing the uptake of a mechatronics curriculum initiative in five Australian secondary schools
- A 10-year mechatronics curriculum development initiative: Relevance, content, and results—Part I
- Experiences in developing labs for a supervisory control and data acquisition course for undergraduate Mechatronics education
- Development of mechatronics engineering degree program: challenges and prospects
- Overview of human adaptive mechatronics
- Paper mechatronics: a design case study for a young medium
- Laser‐self‐mixing interferometry for mechatronics applications
- An undergraduate mechatronics project class at Philadelphia University, Jordan: Methodology and experience
- Development of a mechatronics laboratory-eliminating barriers to manufacturing instrumentation and control
- Real time models of automotive mechatronics systems: Verifications on “toy models”
- Development of remote monitoring and a control system based on PLC and webaccess for learning mechatronics
- Physical activity promotion for apprentices in nursing care and automotive mechatronics–competence counts more than volume
- Engineering design and mechatronics: The schemebuilder project
- Inverted pendulum systems: rotary and arm-driven-a mechatronic system design case study
- 5R 2dof parallel kinematic manipulator–A multidisciplinary test case in mechatronics
- Mechatronics: recent technological and scientific advances
- The integration of old and new technological paradigms in low-and medium-tech sectors: The case of mechatronics
- Cloud E-learning for Mechatronics: CLEM
- Transdisciplinary approach of the mechatronics in the knowledge based society
- Modelling in mechanical engineering and mechatronics: towards autonomous intelligent software models
- Usage of agile practices in mechatronics system design potentials, challenges and actual surveys
- Mechatronics in Japanese rail vehicles: active and semi-active suspensions
- Mechatronics in medicine: A biomedical engineering approach
- Mechatronics systems
- Development of low cost educational material for learning fundamentals of mechatronics
- A mechatronics educational laboratory–Programmable logic controllers and material handling experiments
- Balancing control of a single-wheel inverted pendulum system using air blowers: evolution of mechatronics capstone design
- Virtual embedded mechatronics system
- Educational Methodology Based on Active Learning for Mechatronics Engineering Students: Towards Educational Mechatronics
- Designing mechatronics equipment based on the example of the Stewart platform
- A comprehensive review of select smart polymeric and gel actuators for soft mechatronics and robotics applications: fundamentals, freeform fabrication, and motion …
- Take-home mechatronics control labs: A low-cost personal solution and educational assessment
- Mechatronics design in Japan
- Project-based high school mechatronics course
- A complex network-based importance measure for mechatronics systems
- Mechatronics education in Turkey
- Mechatronics engineering education in India
- A bottom-up approach to teaching robotics and mechatronics to mechanical engineers
- A road to practical dielectric elastomer actuators based robotics and mechatronics: discrete actuation
- Ch—A Source Network for VE in Mechatronics
- Design and development of an autonomous mobile smart vehicle: a mechatronics application
- Enhanced automotive engine cooling systems-a mechatronics approach
- Didactical aspects of mechatronics education
- Piezomechanics as a subsystem of mechatronics: present state of the art, problems, future developments
- Manufacturing mechatronics using thermal spray shape deposition
- Asynchronous hands-on experiments for Mechatronics education
- Recent advances in mechatronics
- Mechatronics and machine vision in practice
- History of mechatronics
- A mechatronics approach to copier paperpath design
- Mechatronics instruction in the Mechanical Engineering curriculum at Georgia Tech
- Mechatronics in rotating machinery
- Mechatronics vs. cyber physical systems: Towards a conceptual framework for a suitable design methodology
- Optical and electronic NOx sensors for applications in mechatronics
- Expectations and challenges from scaling agile in mechatronics-driven companies–a comparative case study
- Mechatronics: Japan’s newest threat
- Mechatronics curriculum development at Philadelphia University in Jordan
- Integration of V-model and SysML for advanced mechatronics system design
- Remote access for education and control of mechatronics systems
- Practical control enhancement via mechatronics design
- Hands-On Mechatronics: Problem-Based Learning for Mechatronics
- Mechatronics technology in mobile devices
- Intelligent systems: Robotics versus mechatronics
- Development of mechatronics course in the school of mechanical engineering at Georgia Tech
- Curriculum, equipment and student project outcomes for mechatronics education in the core mechanical engineering program at Kettering University
- The roots of automation before mechatronics
- Hardware in the loop simulation of robot manipulators through Internet in mechatronics education
- Mechatronics using piezoelectric actuators
- Holistic system modeling in mechatronics
- Using mechatronics for the interpretation and modelling of the pressure filter cycle
- A new accurate discretization method for high-frequency component mechatronics systems
- Modelling and control of mechatronics lines served by complex autonomous systems
- Integrating negative dependencies assessment during mechatronics conceptual design using fuzzy logic and quantitative graph theory
- ViMeLa Project: An innovative concept for teaching mechatronics using virtual reality
- Future of mechatronics and human
- Beyond advanced mechatronics: new design challenges of Social-Cyber-Physical systems
- Intelligent mechatronics
- Robotics, Mechatronics, and Artificial Intelligence: Experimental circuit blocks for designers
- An approach for teaching automatic control in a laboratory of mechatronics
- Intelligent mechatronics and robotics
- A novel constrained H2 optimization algorithm for mechatronics design in flexure-linked biaxial gantry
- Systematic educational program for robotics and mechatronics engineering in OUS using robot competition
- Badminton playing robot-a multidisciplinary test case in mechatronics
- Virtual Prototyping of Mechatronics for 21 st Century Engineering and Technology
- The role of mechatronics in crop product traceability
- Intelligent mechatronics
- Gowanus voyage: where mechatronics, public art, community members, and environmental science meet
- Interdisciplinary mechatronics: engineering science and research development
- Methodology of Education and R&D in Mechatronics.
- Reconfigurable simulation and research toolset for building mechatronics
- Recent advances of mechatronics
- MR fluid, foam and elastomer devices
- Improving program outcome attainments using project based learning approach for: UG course-mechatronics
- Mechatronics design for product enhancement