Introduction to Phenomenology Qualitative Research:
A qualitative research strategy known as “phenomenological research” aims to recognize and define a phenomenon’s fundamental characteristics. The methodology examines people’s interactions in daily life while putting aside the researchers’ prior notions about the phenomenon. In other words, phenomenology research investigates actual events to learn more about how people interpret them.
Investigators that employ phenomenological study make the underlying assumption that individuals interpret their experiences in terms of a common pattern or essence. To elucidate the essence of the event under inquiry, they examine the respondents’ emotions, thoughts, and views. The researcher must set aside any preconceived notions that they previously have while using a phenomenological inquiry approach.
Interpretive and Descriptive Phenomenological Approach:
There are two primary phenomenological methods: interpretative and descriptive. Husserl created descriptive phenomenology while interpretive phenomenology commonly recognized as hermeneutic was generated by Husserl. But later one of Husserl’s students updated and expanded Husserl’s work.
The way bracketing is treated is one of the variations between the two forms of phenomenology. Qualitative researchers do not start their research until they do not find all of the prior research and assumptions about the phenomenon. To ensure that these assumptions or biases don’t influence the investigation, descriptive phenomenologists make every effort to box or reserve these assumptions or preconceptions.
According to interpretive phenomenologists, the researcher can only be aware of these concepts and whatever implications they may have for the research. They do not believe that these concepts can be ignored as these ideas or beliefs are ingrained in every human being. Descriptive phenomenology was the strategy taken by Jaromahum and Fowler who also employed the bracketing methodology and referenced Husserl. In their phenomenological study researchers should be very clear and precise about the methodology they are employing and they also should have information on how their research relates to the objectives of the study.
Features of Phenomenology Qualitative Research :
There are four key features of phenomenological qualitative research.
- Narrative Research:
The design of phenomenology research design is narrative in its sense. The reason for its narrative design is to precisely and effectively describe the framework of a phenomenon.
- Seeking Experience:
Through Phenomenology Qualitative Research, the researcher aims to seek out and revealed several people’s experiences and meanings towards a specific situation.
- Focus on Immediate Experience:
In Phenomenology Qualitative Research, researchers should have kept behind their preconceived notions and preconceptions so that they may engage themselves and focus on the immediate experience rather than on the previous experience.
- Objective Approach:
This method demands the researchers adopt an objective approach and explain the actual events before evaluating the account in light of the phenomenon’s preexisting hypotheses.
Strategies to Gather Data for Phenomenology Qualitative Research:
In phenomenological studies, researchers can employ a wide range of techniques. The following are a few of the most popular techniques.
- Surveillance of attendees.
- Conducted an interview.
- Discussion with participants.
- Evaluation of specific writings.
- Applied research method.
- Responsive gatherings and meetings.
Regardless of the technique you choose for qualitative phenomenological study design, your focus must be on your study questions and you should also keep this thing in mind participants must not be influenced. To obtain a thorough understanding of the participants’ perspectives, you must also demonstrate compassion and build a strong connection.
Objectives of Phenomenological Qualitative Research:
Objectives of Phenomenological Qualitative Research employed by societal researchers are as under.
- Human Experience: Develop an understanding of people’s behavior and reasons through researching their life experiences.
- Increase Understanding: Try to increase understanding of people through knowledge about a specific phenomenon.
- Raise Awareness: Take steps to raise awareness of the phenomenon.
- Actual Experiences and Theories: Define the similar aspects of actual occurrences and the theories that were utilized to account for such experiences.
- Novel Theories: Contribute to the creation of novel theories.