Research Area/ Research Interest: Probability & Random Processes in Electrical Engineering
Research Paper Topics for: Masters and PhD Thesis and publication
- Probability, Random Variables and Random Processes
- ECE 645 Background Material: LTI Systems, Probability, and Random Processes
- A generalized permutation entropy for noisy dynamics and random processes
- On a matrix method for calculating the probability of adjacent errors in a channel with Rayleigh fades
- Methods of Estimating the Form of the Probability Distribution Density in Tasks of Processing Measurement Results
- A Bayesian theory of change detection in statistically periodic random processes
- Time-variant seismic reliability analysis of slopes with combined uncertainties based on probability density evolution method
- Upper bounds for the probability of unusually small components in critical random graphs
- On the local time of a recurrent random walk on ℤ²
- Probability and Random Variables for Electrical Engineering: Probability: Measurement of Uncertainty
- Probability and statistical inference: from basic principles to advanced models
- Probability Model of Time to Collision Considering Sensor Accuracy
- Computation of time probability distributions for the occurrence of uncertain future events
- Stochastic dynamic response analysis and probability evaluation of subway station considering subjected to stochastic earthquake excitation
- Characterization of probability measures based on Q-independent generalized random fields
- Structured correlation detection with application to colocalization analysis in dual-channel fluorescence microscopic imaging
- Reflecting time-Space Gaussian random field on compact Riemannian manifold and excursion probability
- Developing the role of modelling in the teaching and learning of probability
- Probability Brackets Notation: Probability Spaces, Time evolution of Markov Processes and Transition Probabilities
- No-regret learning with high-probability in adversarial Markov decision processes
- Estimation of stationary probability of semi-Markov Chains
- Tail Measures and Regular Variation
- On Convergence and Compactness in Variation with a Shift of Discrete Probability Laws
- Application of Cognitive Modelling for Operation Improvement of Retail Chain Management System
- High Dimensional Probability (M16)
- The effect of high-frequency stochastic actions on the low-frequency behaviour of dynamic systems
- Beta Laguerre processes in a high temperature regime
- Slope system stability reliability analysis with multi-parameters using generalized probability density evolution method
- Continuous time random walks under Markovian resetting
- Distributed augmented Lagrangian method for link-based resource sharing problems of multi-agent systems
- Gap probability for products of random matrices in the critical regime
- Probability distribution of functional random variables
- Integral transforms related to Nevanlinna-Pick functions from an analytic, probabilistic and free-probability point of view
- Algebraization Levels in the Study of Probability
- The impact of probability density functions assessment on model performance for slope stability analysis
- Variable Length Memory Chains: characterization of stationary probability measures
- Confined random motion with Laplace and Linnik statistics
- Stochastic Modeling of an Infectious Disease Part II: Simulation Experiments and Verification of the Analysis
- Probability analysis of train-bridge coupled system considering track irregularities and parameter uncertainty
- Probabilistic analysis of random nonlinear oscillators subject to small perturbations via probability density functions: theory and computing
- Equilibrium and non-equilibrium statistical mechanics with generalized fractal derivatives: A review
- Fundamentals of Probability and Statistics
- The correction term in a small-ball probability factorization for random curves
- No-Regret Learning with High-Probability in Adversarial Markov Decision Processes (Supplementary Material/Full Version)
- Failure analysis of a transmission line considering the joint probability distribution of wind speed and rain intensity
- The probability of reaching a receding boundary by branching random walk with fading branching and heavy-tailed jump distribution
- Experimental elicitation of ambiguity attitude using the random incentive system
- An efficient importance sampling approach for reliability analysis of time-variant structures subject to time-dependent stochastic load
- Adaptive Hermite Distribution Model with Probability-Weighted Moments for Seismic Reliability Analysis of Nonlinear Structures
- Correction to: How linear reinforcement affects Donsker’s theorem for empirical processes
- An algorithm to simulate nonstationary and non-Gaussian stochastic processes
- Connecting Statistics, Probability, Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
- The probability of a scaffolding failure on a construction site
- On two new systems: Probability structures and applications
- Comment on “Analysis of Helicopter Handling Quality in Turbulence with Recursive von Kármán Mode”
- Typhoon hazard analysis based on the probability density evolution theory
- Spatial prediction and mapping of the COVID-19 hotspot in India using geostatistical technique
- A semantic software development based on random probability distribution model
- Long range dependence of heavy-tailed random functions
- Bit Error Probability of VLC Systems in Underground Mining Channels with Imperfect CSI
- … niche for a mixed local/nonlocal dispersal: An evolution equation and a new Neumann condition arising from the superposition of Brownian and Lévy processes
- The bootstrap for network dependent processes
- Degenerate zero-truncated Poisson random variables
- Recurrence of two-dimensional queueing processes, and random walk exit times from the quadrant
- Statistical Inference and Probability
- Road Surface Profile Synthesis: Assessment of Suitability for Simulation
- Data Rate and Bit Error Probability in Narrowband PLC Systems: OCDM versus HS-OFDM
- How to beat the 1/e-strategy of best choice (the random arrivals problem)
- Blockchain Technologies: Probability of Double-Spend Attack on a Proof-of-Stake Consensus
- Intrapersonal heterogeneity in car-sharing decision-making processes by activity-travel contexts: A context-dependent latent class random utility–random regret model
- Introduction to SPDEs from Probability and PDE
- Robust Spectrum Sensing via Probability Measure Transform
- Shannon entropy rate of hidden Markov processes
- Ultra-efficient reconstruction of 3D microstructure and distribution of properties of random heterogeneous materials containing multiple phases
- Distributed learning dynamics of multi-armed bandits for edge intelligence
- Estimating the probability that a vehicle reaches a near-term goal state using multiple lane changes
- Parametric recurrence quantification analysis of autoregressive processes for pattern recognition in multichannel electroencephalographic data
- Prediction or Causation? Towards a Redefinition of Task Controllability
- Introduction to stochastic processes
- Statistics and probability
- Transformation of matter in living organisms during growth and evolution
- Internet of Things (IoT) Framework Deployment Template for Cloud-Based Harbor Surveillance and Ferry Monitoring System
- Uniform lower bounds on the dimension of Bernoulli convolutions
- Empirical dependence of the probability of blocks rotations on the diffusion coefficient in a cellular automaton with a Margolus neighbourhood
- The Expectation of a Solution of a Linear System of Differential Equations with Random Coefficients
- Hypothetical control of postural sway
- Mixing time of the Chung–Diaconis–Graham random process
- Rates of multivariate normal approximation for statistics in geometric probability
- Exact simulation of two-parameter Poisson-Dirichlet random variables
- On Sets of Laws of Continuous Martingales
- Algorithmic Probability of Large Datasets and the Simplicity Bubble Problem in Machine Learning
- A Comparative Analysis on Probability of Volatility Clusters on Cryptocurrencies, and FOREX Currencies
- The Smallest Probability Interval a Sequence Is Random for: A Study for Six Types of Randomness
- Sequential Maximum Likelihood Estimation for the Squared Radial Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Process
- Anchored expansion of Delaunay complexes in real hyperbolic space and stationary point processes
- Random walks and community detection in hypergraphs
- Statistical sequential hypotheses testing on para meters of probability distributions of random binary data
- Bayesian Non-parametric Priors Based on Random Sets
- Discovery of effective infrequent sequences based on maximum probability path
- Prospective mathematics teachers understanding of classical and frequentist probability
- Sets, Venn Diagrams, Probability, and Bayes’ Rule
- Limits of random walks with distributionally robust transition probabilities
- Quantum Tensor Networks, Stochastic Processes, and Weighted Automata
- Reinsurance and solvency capital: Mitigating insurance companies’ ruin probability
- Posing probability problems related to continuous and discrete sample space
- A return to stochasticity and probability in spiking neural P systems
- Credit scoring using neural networks and SURE posterior probability calibration
- Calculation of Technological Dimensional Chains by Probability Method
- Multiplicative up-drift
- Removing leakage-induced correlated errors in superconducting quantum error correction
- Palm theory, random measures and Stein couplings
- Probability-related naïve ideas across physics topics
- A Ray–Knight representation of up-down Chinese restaurants
- A Bayesian machine learning approach to rapidly quantifying the fatigue probability of failure for steel catenary risers
- The Current State of Teaching Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics in Secondary Schools in Kazakhstan
- Probability theory and mathematical statistics: syllabus of the academic discipline for students specialty 051 «Economics» of the first (bachelor’s) level academic …
- Characterization of the probability and information entropy of a process with an increasing sample space by different functional forms of expansion, with an application …
- Development of an algorithm for estimating the probability of receiving and transmitting a signal without distortion using the Monte Carlo method
- Size Optimization of Distributed Generation Resources in Microgrids with Considering Uncertainty Units Based on Scenario Tree
- Quantum stochastic processes and quantum non-Markovian phenomena
- Barren plateaus preclude learning scramblers
- Shot noise processes with randomly delayed cluster arrivals and dependent noises in the large-intensity regime
- Stability of time-varying hybrid stochastic delayed systems with application to aperiodically intermittent stabilization
- On the dual nature of adoption processes in complex networks
- The security of medical data on Internet based on differential privacy technology
- Maximum Conditional Probability Stochastic Controller for Linear Systems with Additive Cauchy Noises
- Grad-tts: A diffusion probabilistic model for text-to-speech
- A novel notion of barycenter for probability distributions based on optimal weak mass transport
- Diffusion–Advection Equations on a Comb: Resetting and Random Search
- A monad for probabilistic point processes
- Rough invariance principle for delayed regenerative processes
- Zeros of smooth stationary Gaussian processes
- Quadratic-exponential functionals of Gaussian quantum processes
- Poisson-Kingman distribution generated by negative binomial processes
- Communication theory
- Outage Probability for Directional Beamforming in High Density Wireless Networks
- Arcsine laws for random walks generated from random permutations with applications to genomics
- Channel current fluctuations conclusively explain neuronal encoding of internal potential into spike trains
- Bayesian inference of the viscoelastic properties of a Jeffrey’s fluid using optical tweezers
- On collision of multiple eigenvalues for matrix-valued Gaussian processes
- A distributed density estimation algorithm and its application to naive Bayes classification
- Coherence resonance in neuronal populations: Mean-field versus network model
- On the Analysis of PM/FM Noise Radar Waveforms Considering Modulating Signals with Varied Stochastic Properties
- Freeness over the diagonal for large random matrices
- Scaling exponents of step-reinforced random walks
- On the principle of load combination of structures
- Outage probability analysis in multi-user FSO/RF and UAV-enabled MIMO communication networks
- Analytic and Monte Carlo random walk assessments of neutron fission chains and the probability of extinction
- Random autoregressive models: A structured overview
- Competing growth processes with random growth rates and random birth times
- Performance analysis of PoUW consensus mechanism: Fork probability and throughput
- Some asymptotic properties between smooth empirical and quantile processes for dependent random variables
- Inverse probability of censoring weighting for visual predictive checks of time‐to‐event models with time‐varying covariates
- Using data analytics results in practice: challenges and solution directions
- Flood probability zonation using a comparative study of two well-known random forest and support vector machine models in northern Iran
- Statistical Inference on the Hilbert Sphere with Application to Random Densities
- Coverage Probability and Energy Efficiency of Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface-Assisted mmWave Networks
- A molecular communication perspective on airborne pathogen transmission and reception via droplets generated by coughing and sneezing
- Tail-behavior roadmap for sharp restart
- Response and first passage probability of linear elastic SDOF systems subjected to nonstationary stochastic excitation modelled through S-transform
- Measure invariance of ergodic symbolic systems for low-delay detection of anomalous events
- Reliability analysis of structures with multimodal distributions based on direct probability integral method
- Weak Solution and Invariant Probability Measure for McKean-Vlasov SDEs with Integrable Drifts
- Balanced systems by considering multi-state competing risks under degradation processes
- Inferring power system frequency oscillations using Gaussian processes
- Using machine learning models, remote sensing, and GIS to investigate the effects of changing climates and land uses on flood probability
- Stochastic multiscale model for HfO2-based resistive random access memories with 1T1R configuration
- Spatial statistics
- Solid waste shape description and generation based on spherical harmonics and probability density function
- Quenched convergence rates for a supercritical branching process in a random environment
- Failure Mechanisms and Probability-The Myth of MTBF
- Qualitative generalization, not to the population but to the phenomenon: Reconceptualizing variation in qualitative research.
- Determinantal point processes in randomized numerical linear algebra
- Global analysis of stochastic bifurcation in shape memory alloy supporter with the extended composite cell coordinate system method
- Vibrational and stochastic resonances in driven nonlinear systems
- Least squares estimation for the linear self-repelling diffusion driven by α-stable motions
- A new measure between sets of probability distributions with applications to erratic financial behavior
- Analysis of stochastic process to model safety risk in construction industry
- Impact of Alternative Delivery on the Response Time of Requests for Information for Highway Projects
- Large Deviations Principles for Langevin Equations in Random Environment and Applications
- Large deviations for Markov processes with stochastic resetting: analysis via the empirical density and flows or via excursions between resets
- Imprecise random field analysis for non-linear concrete damage analysis
- Spatial distribution of the mean peak age of information in wireless networks
- A new multimode process monitoring method based on a hierarchical Dirichlet process—Hidden semi-Markov model with application to the hot steel strip mill process
- An optimized deep neural network based DoS attack detection in wireless video sensor network
- Why Call Prices Decrease as the Probability of Up‐Jumps Increases‐A Riddle from the World of Jump‐Diffusion Processes
- Single Photon Avalanche Diode with Monte Carlo Simulations: PDE, Jitter and Quench Probability
- Verification of FPA and PSO algorithms for rule curve extraction and optimization of single-and multi-reservoir systems’ operations considering their specific purposes
- Testing Equality of Distributions of Random Convex Compact Sets via Theory of -Distances
- One step at a time: The origins of sequential simulation and beyond
- Looking for a proxy of the ionospheric turbulence with Swarm data
- Convex algebras of probability distributions induced by finite associative rings
- Effectiveness of Concrete-Representational-Abstract sequence of instruction in probability on select-groups of eight graders
- Pricing of Commodity and Energy Derivatives for Polynomial Processes
- Exact first-passage time distributions for three random diffusivity models
- Fractal geometry of Airy processes coupled via the Airy sheet
- Approximation of Probability Density Functions for PDEs with Random Parameters Using Truncated Series Expansions
- Random Matrices and Non-Commutative Probability
- Spiking neural networks—Part II: Detecting spatio-temporal patterns
- Bayesian multiple changepoint detection for stochastic models in continuous time
- Is eliciting dependency worth the effort? A study for the multivariate Poisson-Gamma probability model
- Blocking Probability in Obstructed Tunnels with Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface
- Parameter estimation in branching processes with almost sure extinction
- Fractal analysis of market (in) efficiency during the COVID-19
- Monitoring of zero-inflated binomial processes with a DEWMA control chart
- Autonomous temporal probability concentration: Clockworks and the second law of thermodynamics
- The expected number of viable autocatalytic sets in chemical reaction systems
- Process stress, stability and resilience in wastewater treatment processes: A novel conceptual methodology
- Reliability estimation of reinforced slopes to prioritize maintenance actions
- 30 Years of space–time covariance functions
- Effects of population co-location reduction on cross-county transmission risk of COVID-19 in the United States
- From classical to quantum walks with stochastic resetting on networks
- Stochastic Processes Generated by Observables
- On protocols for increasing the uniformity of random bits generated with noisy quantum computers
- Dissecting localization phenomena of dynamical processes on networks
- A random graph of moderate density
- Stochastic version of Henry type Gronwall’s inequality
- Stochastic Pix2pix: a new machine learning method for geophysical and well conditioning of rule-based channel reservoir models
- A sample-based iterative scheme for simulating non-stationary non-Gaussian stochastic processes
- Multiscale feedback loops in SARS-CoV-2 viral evolution
- Brownian motion
- Confidence intervals of ruin probability under L\’evy surplus
- Nearly minimax optimal reinforcement learning for linear mixture markov decision processes
- Generalized cauchy process: difference iterative forecasting model
- Correlation analysis to investigate unconscious mental processes: A critical appraisal and mini-tutorial
- Stochastic seismic analysis of geosynthetic-reinforced soil slopes using the probability density evolution method
- Hierarchical multiscale quantification of material uncertainty
- Probabilistic zero forcing on random graphs
- The local principle of large deviations for compound Poisson process with catastrophes
- Directed Hybrid Random Networks Mixing Preferential Attachment with Uniform Attachment Mechanisms
- Nonstationary and Multirate Process Monitoring by Using Common Trends and Multiple Probability Principal Component Analysis
- A mutual security authentication method for RFID-PUF circuit based on deep learning
- On the Deterministic Estimaton of Multiscale Permutation Entropy of High-Order Autoregressive-Moving-Average Processes as a Function of ARMA Parameters
- Winning the Game: Probability and Value
- Repeatability of IVIM biomarkers from diffusion‐weighted MRI in head and neck: Bayesian probability versus neural network
- The semi-Markov beta-Stacy process: a Bayesian non-parametric prior for semi-Markov processes.
- Success probability for selectively neutral invading species in the line model with a random fitness landscape
- A Complete Bibliography of Publications in ESAIM: Probability and Statistics
- Regeneration-enriched Markov processes with application to Monte Carlo
- Engineering analysis with probability boxes: a review on computational methods
- Optimal covariance change point localization in high dimensions
- Quantum algorithms with local particle-number conservation: Noise effects and error correction
- … fractal modelling: a novel insight for correlation between variables in response to changes in the underlying controlling geological-geochemical processes
- Why Probability isn’t Magic
- The joint spectrum
- A sampling algorithm for diffusion networks
- On the Analytic Structure of Second-Order Non-Commutative Probability Spaces and Functions of Bounded Fr\’echet Variation
- The rate of complete consistency for recursive probability density estimator under strong mixing samples
- Strong couplings for static locally tree-like random graphs
- From Manual Operation to Collaborative Robot Assembly: An Integrated Model of Productivity and Ergonomic Performance
- Two-dimensional Random Walk: From Path Counting to Random Interlacements
- Modeling Joint Probability of Wind and Flood Hazards in Boston
- Uncertainty handling in structural damage detection via non-probabilistic meta-models and interval mathematics, a data-analytics approach
- Short-term flood probability density forecasting using a conceptual hydrological model with machine learning techniques
- The tail process and tail measure of continuous time regularly varying stochastic processes
- Quenched invariance principle for random walks on dynamically averaging random conductances
- Probability and topic‐based data transmission protocol
- After the splits: Information flow between Bitcoin and Bitcoin family
- Persistence of hubs in growing random networks
- Glivenko–Cantelli theorems for integrated functionals of stochastic processes
- A piecewise deterministic Monte Carlo method for diffusion bridges
- Bayesian optimization using deep Gaussian processes with applications to aerospace system design
- Probability and moment inequalities for additive functionals of geometrically ergodic Markov chains
- Artificial Neural Network (ANN)-Bayesian Probability Framework (BPF) based method of dynamic force reconstruction under multi-source uncertainties
- An improved inverse Gaussian process with random effects and measurement errors for RUL prediction of hydraulic piston pump
- Linear-Phase-Type probability modelling of functional PCA with applications to resistive memories
- How is sea level change encoded in carbonate stratigraphy?
- What Mathematical Knowledge Do Prospective Teachers Reveal When Creating and Solving a Probability Problem?
- The new trend of state estimation: from model-driven to hybrid-driven methods
- Is SGD a Bayesian sampler? Well, almost
- Probability On Groups: Random Walks and Limit Theorems
- Branching processes with interactions: subcritical cooperative regime
- Extremal statistics for stochastic resetting systems
- Agent-based automated dynamic SLA negotiation framework in the cloud using the stochastic optimization approach
- A Systematic Review of Hidden Markov Models and Their Applications.
- Reliability analysis of a system with two-stage degradation using Wiener processes with piecewise linear drift
- Neutrosophic Random Variables
- Moments for Hawkes processes with gamma decay kernel functions
- Predictive inference with Fleming–Viot-driven dependent Dirichlet processes
- Quantile-based individual risk measures for rockfall-prone areas
- Extreme avalanche cycles: Return levels and probability distributions depending on snow and meteorological conditions
- A Review on Data‐Driven Learning Approaches for Fault Detection and Diagnosis in Chemical Processes
- On the Discretization of Continuous Probability Distributions Using a Probabilistic Rounding Mechanism
- Analysis of English free association network reveals mechanisms of efficient solution of Remote Association Tests
- Structural System Reliability: Overview of Theories and Applications to Optimization
- A new quantile Regression for modeling bounded data under a unit Birnbaum–Saunders distribution with applications in medicine and politics
- Kumaraswamy generalized power lomax distributionand its applications
- Asymptotics for ultimate ruin probability in a by-claim risk model
- Forecasting COVID-19 cases based on a parameter-varying stochastic SIR model
- Analyzing the renewable energy and CO2 emission levels nexus at an EU level: a panel data regression approach