Research Topics of visible light communication

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: February 3, 2024

Research Area/ Research Interest: visible light communication

Research Paper Topics for: Masters and PhD Thesis and publication

  1. Visible light communication: opportunities, challenges and the path to market
  2. Visible light communication, networking, and sensing: A survey, potential and challenges
  3. Fundamental analysis for visible-light communication system using LED lights
  4. High-speed visible light communication systems
  5. Visible light communication using OFDM
  6. Visible light communication
  7. Visible light communication
  8. Visible light communication: concepts, applications and challenges
  9. Visible light communication: Applications, architecture, standardization and research challenges
  10. Visible light communication: a system perspective—overview and challenges
  11. Human sensing using visible light communication
  12. LED-to-LED visible light communication networks
  13. Visible light communication
  14. Visible light communication systems conception and VIDAS
  15. Integrated system of white LED visible-light communication and power-line communication
  16. An overview of visible light communication systems
  17. Research in visible light communication systems with OpenVLC1. 3
  18. Using a CMOS camera sensor for visible light communication
  19. Visible light communication system for outdoor applications
  20. 10m/500Mbps WDM visible light communication systems
  21. A hybrid radio frequency and broadcast visible light communication system
  22. Advances in visible light communication technologies
  23. Hybrid 3-D localization for visible light communication systems
  24. Enabling vehicular visible light communication (V2LC) networks
  25. Indoor positioning systems based on visible light communication: State of the art
  26. An in-depth survey of visible light communication based positioning systems
  27. Applications, limitations, and improvements in visible light communication systems
  28. High-speed integrated visible light communication system: Device constraints and design considerations
  29. Security in visible light communication: Novel challenges and opportunities
  30. Design and analysis of a visible-light-communication enhanced WiFi system
  31. Line-of-sight visible light communication system design and demonstration
  32. Performance characterization of underwater visible light communication
  33. Brightness control methods for illumination and visible-light communication systems
  34. Improvement of date rate by using equalization in an indoor visible light communication system
  35. Visible light communication
  36. Smartphone camera based visible light communication
  37. Visible light communication
  38. Performance analysis of a car-to-car visible light communication system
  39. Design and analysis of a hybrid radio frequency and visible light communication system
  40. An indoor visible light communication positioning system using a RF carrier allocation technique
  41. Indoor three‐dimensional location estimation based on LED visible light communication
  42. Visible light communication: opportunities, challenges and channel models
  43. Connecting networks of toys and smartphones with visible light communication
  44. IEEE 802.15. 7 visible light communication: modulation schemes and dimming support
  45. Digital signal processing for light emitting diode based visible light communication
  46. The research of indoor positioning based on visible light communication
  47. Multiple access resource allocation in visible light communication systems
  48. Visible light communication using sustainable LED lights
  49. Security of visible light communication systems—a survey
  50. Power and rate optimization for visible light communication system with lighting constraints
  51. Led-based visible light communication system: a brief survey and investigation
  52. LED modulation characteristics in a visible-light communication system
  53. An LED-to-LED Visible Light Communication system with software-based synchronization


  1. Network architecture of a high-speed visible light communication local area network
  2. Dimming schemes for visible light communication: the state of research
  3. New indoor navigation system for visually impaired people using visible light communication
  4. Visible light communication for intelligent transportation in road safety applications
  5. Fast and efficient adaptation techniques for visible light communication systems
  6. Security issues in visible light communication systems
  7. Improved decoding methods of visible light communication system for ITS using LED array and high-speed camera
  8. Visible light communication for audio systems
  9. Performance enhancement of outdoor visible-light communication system using selective combining receiver
  10. A SNR analysis of the visible light channel environment for visible light communication
  11. Coordinated broadcasting for multiuser indoor visible light communication systems
  12. Physical layer security for visible light communication systems: A survey
  13. Perovskite nanocrystals as a color converter for visible light communication
  14. Fundamental analysis of a car to car visible light communication system
  15. Lighting the wireless world: The promise and challenges of visible light communication
  16. Visible light communication-an emerging wireless communication technology
  17. Performance of a novel LED lamp arrangement to reduce SNR fluctuation for multi-user visible light communication systems
  18. Led based visible light communication: Technology, applications and challenges-a survey
  19. Experimental study on visible light communication based on LED
  20. Performance analysis of visible light communication using CMOS sensors
  21. Evaluation of visible light communication channel delay profiles for automotive applications
  22. A hybrid power line and visible light communication system for indoor hospital applications
  23. PDOA based indoor positioning using visible light communication
  24. Energy-efficient brightness control and data transmission for visible light communication
  25. 73 Gb/s visible light communication with off-the-shelf LEDs
  26. Reading lamp-based visible light communication system for in-flight entertainment


  1. Experimental on hierarchical transmission scheme for visible light communication using LED traffic light and high-speed camera


  1. On the performance of visible light communication systems with non-orthogonal multiple access
  2. Multi-user MISO broadcasting for indoor visible light communication
  3. A 2-D non-stationary GBSM for vehicular visible light communication channels
  4. Visible light communication for IoT
  5. Visible light communication for cooperative ITS
  6. Visible light communication and positioning: Present and future
  7. Design and implementation of visible light communication system in indoor environment
  8. Comparison of hybrid optical modulation schemes for visible light communication
  9. Novel visible light communication approach based on hybrid OOK and ACO-OFDM
  10. Characterization and modeling of visible light communication channels
  11. Basic study on indoor location estimation using visible light communication platform
  12. Healthcare Visible Light Communication
  13. Physical-layer security in multiuser visible light communication networks
  14. EnLighting: An indoor visible light communication system based on networked light bulbs
  15. Improved modulation speed of LED visible light communication system integrated to main electricity network
  16. PAPR analysis for OFDM visible light communication
  17. Performance analysis and enhancement for visible light communication using CMOS sensors
  18. Visible light communication using a conventional image sensor
  19. Secure communication zone for white-light LED visible light communication
  20. Protocol design and capacity analysis in hybrid network of visible light communication and OFDMA systems
  21. A review of modulation schemes for visible light communication
  22. Design and implementation of visible light communication system using pulse width modulation
  23. Softlight: Adaptive visible light communication over screen-camera links
  24. Impact of realistic light radiation pattern on vehicular visible light communication
  25. Visible light communication for intelligent transportation systems: A review of the latest technologies
  26. Visible light communication using mobile-phone camera with data rate higher than frame rate
  27. Visible light communication in 6G: Advances, challenges, and prospects
  28. Physical-layer security for MISO visible light communication channels
  29. Mobile health–monitoring system through visible light communication
  30. Indoor positioning by LED visible light communication and image sensors
  31. Demonstration of vehicular visible light communication based on LED headlamp
  32. On the performance of non-orthogonal multiple access in visible light communication
  33. Indoor high precision three-dimensional positioning system based on visible light communication using particle swarm optimization
  34. Integrated system of white LED visible-light communication and power-line communication
  35. 6G: The next frontier: From holographic messaging to artificial intelligence using subterahertz and visible light communication
  36. Optical non-orthogonal multiple access for visible light communication
  37. Concurrent illumination and communication: a survey on visible light communication
  38. An all-organic flexible visible light communication system
  39. Power efficient visible light communication with unmanned aerial vehicles
  40. Hybrid visible light communication for cameras and low-power embedded devices
  41. Indoor location estimation based on LED visible light communication using multiple optical receivers
  42. 1-Gb/s white-LED-based visible light communication employing carrier-less amplitude and phase modulation
  43. Research and development on underwater visible light communication systems


  1. Analysis of optimal placement of LED arrays for visible light communication
  2. Channel modelling and performance limits of vehicular visible light communication systems
  3. Laser-diode-based visible light communication: Toward gigabit class communication
  4. A novel three-dimensional indoor positioning algorithm design based on visible light communication
  5. Outdoor visible light communication for inter-vehicle communication using controller area network
  6. A comprehensive survey of visible light communication: potential and challenges
  7. Securing visible light communication systems by beamforming in the presence of randomly distributed eavesdroppers
  8. Enhanced performance of visible light communication employing 512-QAM N-SC-FDE and DD-LMS
  9. Angle diversity for an indoor cellular visible light communication system
  10. Indoor positioning based on visible light communication: A performance-based survey of real-world prototypes
  11. Visible light communication based motion detection
  12. Characterization of light-to-frequency converter for visible light communication systems
  13. Real-time white-light phosphor-LED visible light communication (VLC) with compact size
  14. Resource allocation under delay-guarantee constraints for visible-light communication
  15. Shine: A step towards distributed multi-hop visible light communication
  16. Visible light communication with LED traffic lights using 2-dimensional image sensor
  17. Visible light communication–an architectural perspective on the applications and data rate improvement strategies
  18. Visible-light communication system enabling 73 Mb/s data streaming
  19. A high-speed bi-directional visible light communication system based on RGB-LED
  20. 915-Gbit/s white-light phosphor laser diode-based DCO-OFDM visible light communication (VLC) system with functional transmission distance
  21. Highly emissive carbon dots in solid state and their applications in light-emitting devices and visible light communication
  22. WDM for high-speed indoor visible light communication system
  23. High-speed quasi-balanced detection OFDM in visible light communication
  24. Performance comparison of OFDM signal and CAP signal over high capacity RGB-LED-based WDM visibl
  25. Impact of receiver orientation and position on visible light communication link performance
  26. Binary signaling design for visible light communication: a deep learning framework
  27. Joint LED dimming and high capacity visible light communication by overlapping PPM
  28. Going beyond 4 Gbps data rate by employing RGB laser diodes for visible light communication
  29. Secrecy-oriented transmitter optimization for visible light communication systems
  30. Multi-LED phase-shifted OOK modulation based visible light communication systems
  31. Low-cost, flexible and open platform for visible light communication networks
  32. Towards indoor localization using visible light communication for consumer electronic devices
  33. Image sensor based visible light communication and its application to pose, position, and range estimations
  34. Mitigation of inter-cell interference utilizing carrier allocation in visible light communication system
  35. A 550 Mbit/s real-time visible light communication system based on phosphorescent white light LED for practical high-speed low-complexity application
  36. Using consumer LED light bulbs for low-cost visible light communication systems
  37. Visible light communication for V2V intelligent transport system
  38. Appropriate modulation scheme for visible light communication systems considering illumination


  1. 450-nm GaN laser diode enables high-speed visible light communication with 9-Gbps QAM-OFDM


  1. New RLL decoding algorithm for multiple candidates in visible light communication


  1. High-speed-camera image processing based LED traffic light detection for road-to-vehicle visible light communication


  1. Real-time audio & video transmission system based on visible light communication
  2. Performance of indoor optical femtocell by visible light communication
  3. Optical filter designs for multi-color visible light communication
  4. Analysis of the effects of LED direction on the performance of visible light communication system
  5. Visible light communication: A smart way towards wireless communication
  6. Recent advances in the hardware of visible light communication
  7. Visible Light Communication Using a Blue GaN LED and Fluorescent Polymer Color convertor
  8. KLMS-DFE based adaptive post-distorter for visible light communication
  9. A novel visible light communication system for enhanced control of autonomous delivery robots in a hospital
  10. ShindaiSat: A visible light communication experimental micro-satellite
  11. A high-performance blue filter for a white-led-based visible light communication system


  1. Visible light communications
  2. Highly sensitive, fast response perovskite photodetectors demonstrated in weak light detection circuit and visible light communication system
  3. Generalized spatial modulation in indoor wireless visible light communication
  4. Scheduling for indoor visible light communication based on graph theory
  5. RGB visible light communication using mobile-phone camera and multi-input multi-output
  6. Color‐selective printed organic photodiodes for filterless multichannel visible light communication
  7. user grouping and power allocation for NOMA visible light communication multi-cell networks


  1. Positioning for visible light communication system exploiting multipath reflections
  2. Visible light communication and positioning using positioning cells and machine learning algorithms
  3. Visible light communication channel modeling for underwater environments with blocking and shadowing
  4. Continuous synchronization for LED-to-LED visible light communication networks
  5. Ecofriendly data transmission in visible light communication
  6. Visible light communication system technology review: Devices, architectures, and applications
  7. High-bandwidth white-light system combining a micro-LED with perovskite quantum dots for visible light communication


  1. Turbo code-based error correction scheme for dimmable visible light communication systems
  2. Towards 10 Gb/s orthogonal frequency division multiplexing-based visible light communication using a GaN violet micro-LED
  3. Improving SINR in indoor cellular visible light communication networks
  4. Performance analysis of indoor MIMO visible light communication systems
  5. Offset and power optimization for DCO-OFDM in visible light communication system
  6. 22-Gb/s WDM visible light communication of a single RGB LED employing carrier-less amplitude and phase modulation
  7. Performance of MIMO modulation schemes with imaging receivers in visible light communication
  8. H3
  9. Visible light communication based intelligent traffic light system: designing and implementation
  10. Joint transmission in indoor visible light communication downlink cellular networks
  11. A novel receiver for ACO-OFDM in visible light communication
  12. Optimal and robust beamforming for secure transmission in MISO visible-light communication links
  13. Coordinated beamforming for downlink visible light communication networks
  14. Non-flickering 100 m RGB visible light communication transmission based on a CMOS image sensor
  15. Visible light communication–the journey so far
  16. 5-Gb/s RGB-LED based WDM visible light communication system employing CAP modulation and RLS based adaptive equalization
  17. Sniffing visible light communication through walls
  18. On the performance of single-and multi-carrie modulation schemes for indoor visible light communication systems
  19. An indoor visible light communication positioning system using dual-tone multi-frequency technique
  20. An overview of OFDM-based visible light communication systems from the perspective of energy efficiency versus spectral efficiency
  21. Dual-purpose offline LED driver for illumination and visible light communication
  22. High speed underwater visible light communication system based on LED employing maximum ratio combination with multi-PIN eception
  23. VLCnet: Deep learning based end-to-end visible light communication system
  24. The uplink visible light communication beacon system for universal traffic management
  25. Simultaneous reception of visible light communication and optical energy using a solar cell receiver
  26. Adaptive FEC codes suitable for variable dimming values in visible light communication
  27. On visible light communication using LED array with DFT-spread OFDM
  28. Performance analysis of NOMA assisted underwater visible light communication system
  29. Perovskite photo-detectors (PVSK-PDs) for visible light communication


  1. Deep reinforcement learning-enabled secure visible light communication against eavesdropping
  2. Experimental evaluation of OFDM-based underwater visible light communication system
  3. An enhanced DCO-OFDM scheme for dimming control in visible light communication systems
  4. Analysis of received power characteristics of commercial photodiodes in indoor LoS channel visible light communication
  5. Design of an indoor self-positioning system for the visually impaired-simulation with rfid and bluetooth in a visible light communication system
  6. Downlink performance of optical OFDM in outdoor visible light communication
  7. Detection of LED traffic light by image processing for visible light communication system
  8. 10 Gbps mobile visible light communication system employing angle diversity, imaging receivers, and relay nodes
  9. Mobile-phone based visible light communication using region-grow light source tracking for unstable light source
  10. Indoor Visible Light Communication: A Tutorial and Survey
  11. Discrete indoor three-dimensional localization system based on neural networks using visible light communication
  12. High-precision approach to localization scheme of visible light communication based on artificial neural networks and modified genetic algorithms
  13. Visible light communication system based on software defined radio: Performance study of intelligent transportation a indoor applications
  14. On the secrecy capacity of MISO visible light communication channels
  15. Visible light communication based indoor positioning techniques
  16. The color shift key modulation with non-uniform signaling for visible light communication
  17. Lookup: Robust and accurate indoor localization using visible light communication
  18. Equalization and pre-distorted schemes for increasing data rate in in-door visible light communication system
  19. Optimum diversity combining techniques for visible light communication systems
  20. Demonstration of 575-Mb/s downlink and 225-Mb/s uplink bi-directional SCM-WDM visible light communication using RGB LED and phosphor-based LED
  21. Visible light communication application scenarios based on Android smart devices’ LED lamp
  22. Optical interference analysis in visible light communication networks
  23. Smart LED allocation scheme for efficient multiuser visible light communication networks
  24. Wireless visible light communication technology using optical beamforming
  25. A novel modulation scheme for visible light communication
  26. Simultaneous visible light communication and distance measurement based on the automotive lighting
  27. CGH for indoor visible light communication system
  28. Tricolor visible-light laser diodes based visible light communication operated at 40.665 Gbit/s and 2 m free-space transmission
  29. Joint dimming and communication design for visible light communication