Which of the following is the first step of sdlc?

Question:  Which of the following is the first step of sdlc?

A    Analysis

B     Design

C     Problem/Opportunity Identification

D     Development and Documentation

Answer:      Problem/Opportunity Identification


Steps of SDLC                 Description
1. Planning In this initial phase, project goals, scope, feasibility and resources are determined. A project plan is created, which outlines the entire development process.
2. Feasibility Study Assess the technical, operational, and financial aspects of the project to determine its viability. Identify potential risks and challenges.
3. System Design Develop a detailed system design based on the requirements. This includes designing system architecture, data structures, interfaces, and user experience.
4. Implementation (Coding) Write and code the actual system or software based on the design specifications. This is where programmers create the application or system functionality.
5. Testing Conduct rigorous testing to identify and rectify defects, errors, and issues in the software. Types of testing may include unit, integration, and user acceptance testing.
6. Deployment Deploy the system or software in the production environment. This includes installing, configuring, and ensuring it works seamlessly in the intended setting.
7. Maintenance and Support Provide ongoing maintenance, support, and updates to the system to address issues, improve functionality, and adapt to changing user needs and requirements.
8. Evaluation and Feedback Gather feedback from users and stakeholders to assess system performance, usability, and whether it meets the defined goals. Make improvements as needed.
9. Documentation Create comprehensive documentation, including user manuals, technical documentation, and any necessary training materials.
10. Project Closure Close out the project by ensuring all objectives have been met, conducting a final review, and releasing resources. Prepare for the transition to ongoing operations.