Which of the following revolution is called as the first expression of nationalism?

Question:  Which of the following revolution is called as the first expression of nationalism?

A   French Revolution

B   Russian Revolution

C  Glorious Revolution

D The Revolution of the liberals

Answer:  French Revolution

Aspect             Description
Time Period ·        1789-1799 (approximately)
Location ·        France
Nationalism ·        The French Revolution is considered the first expression of nationalism.
Causes ·        Economic inequality

·        Political discontent

·        Enlightenment ideas

·        Financial crisis of the French monarchy

Main Events ·        Estates-General

·        Tennis Court Oath

·        Storming of the Bastille

·        Reign of Terror

·        Rise of Napoleon Bonaparte

·        Establishment of the First French Republic

Key Figures ·        Maximilien Robespierre

·        King Louis XVI

·        Marie Antoinette

·        Napoleon Bonaparte

Outcomes ·        Abolition of the monarchy

·        Rise of radical political factions

·        Execution of King Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette

·        Reign of Terror

·        Napoleonic Wars

·        Rise of Napoleon Bonaparte as Emperor

·        Spread of revolutionary ideas across Europe

Impact ·        Promotion of nationalism and republican ideals

·        Transformation of French society

·        Redrawing of national borders in Europe

·        Influence on future revolutionary movements worldwide

Legacy ·        The French Revolution had a profound and lasting impact on politics, society and culture, influencing subsequent revolutionary movements and the development of modern political ideologies.