Child Development and Pedagogy MCQs (NTS, FPSC, PPSC)
1. The response is most likely to ____?
A. reoccur
B. forget
C. did not occur again
D. compromised
E. Both A and C
F. None of these
Answer: A
2. Choose one of the best options. Rousseau advocated an educational method which consisted of removing the child from ____?
A. burden
B. school
C. past memory
D. society
E. Both A and B
F. None of these
Answer: D
3. Who advocated removing children from their mothers’ care?
A. Socrates
B. Plato
C. John Locke
D. Aristotle
E. Both B and C
F. None of these
Answer: B
4. Does the Waldorf education approach emphasize a balanced development of ____?
A. heart and hands
B. head and heart
C. head, heart, and hands
D. head and hands
E. Both A and D
F. None of these
Answer: C
5. Plato believed that talent and intelligence are ____?
A. distributed gender-wise
B. distributed genetically
C. not distributed gender-wise
D. not distributed genetically
E. Both A and C
F. None of these
Answer: D
6. A priori knowledge is knowledge that is known independently of ____?
A. evidence
B. analysis
C. information
D. experience
E. Both A and D
F. None of these
Answer: D
7. A posteriori knowledge is the knowledge that is known by ____?
A. evidence
B. analysis
C. information
D. experience
E. Both A and C
F. None of these
Answer: D
8. According to John, a child’s mind does not contain any ____?
A. imagination
B. memory
C. innate ideas
D. observation
E. Both A and D
F. None of these
Answer: C
9. The philosopher who first mentioned the importance of play (or sports) in education was ____?
A. Aristotle
B. Plato
C. John Locke
D. Socrates
E. Both A and C
F. None of these
Answer: A
10. They calculate the average marks of a learner in the way as we calculate ____?
A. arithmetic mean
B. variance
C. standard deviation
D. geometric mean
E. Both A and C
F. None of these
Answer: A