Philosophy Of Science MCQs Test (Solved)

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: July 29, 2024

Philosophy Of Science MCQs Test (Solved)

“Philosophy Of Science MCQs Test (Solved)” is the set of frequently asked Multiple Choice questions and these MCQs are asked in different test in the past in different test. Here, we are presenting those MCQs in a different style. Let’s begin with Set 1.

Set 1: Philosophy Of Science – Important MCQs  – FAQ in GRE

1. Does pedagogy mean?

A. to lead the child
B. to guide the child
C. to educate the child
D. to understand the child
E. All of these
F. None of these

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2. Pedagogy is the study of which of the followings
A. Education
B. Teaching Methods
C. Learning Process
D. Guiding Students
E.All of these
F.None of these

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3. Which of the following is used to a philosopher who worked in mathematical and scientific didactic?
A. Jean Piaget
B. John Dewey
C. Lev Vygotsky
D. Martin Wagenschein
E.All of these
F.None of these

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4.Which of the following technology to enhance the learning process is called __________ in education.
B.Information technology
D.Communication technology
E.All of these
F.None of these

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5. The quality of students is a scoring guide use to evaluate is called
A. checklists
B. rubrics
C. inventories
D. rating scales
E.All of these
F.None of these

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6.The __________ of learning declines people grow older,. Which of the following is suitable.
A. power
B. speed
C. quality
D. quantity
E.All of these
F.None of these

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Set 2: Philosophy Of Science – Important MCQs  – FAQ in GAT

7. To increase correct responses and appropriate behavior. Select anyone?
A. Strictness
B. Reward
C. Ignorance
D. Praise
E.All of these
F.None of these

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8. To decrease minor inappropriate behavior. Which from the following should be used?
A. Praise
B. Reward
C. Strictness
D. Ignorance
E.All of these
F.None of these

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9.Which of the following is written by The book Emile or “On Education” on the nature of education and man.
A. Aristotle
B. Plato
C. Rousseau
D. John Dewey
E.All of these
F. None of these

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10. According to Emile, the noblest work in education select anyone.
A. good citizen
B. thinker
C. reasoning man
D. entrepreneur
E.All of these
F.None of these

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11. According to John Dewey, schools must prepare students for____________.
A. research
B. future life
C. entrepreneurship
D. present life
E.All of these
F.None of these

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12. How many stages of Jean Piaget proposed Cognitive Development.
A. 4
B. 3
C. 5
D. 6
E.All of these
F.None of these

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Set 2: Philosophy Of Science – Important MCQs  – FAQ in GRE

13. Particular ability is used the __________ it becomes the more often .
A. stronger
B. less important
C. more important
D. weaker
E.All of these
F.None of these

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14. The longer a particular ability is unused the __________ it becomes.which of the following is correct,
A. weaker
B. less important
C. stronger
D. more important
E.All of these
F.None of these

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15. A deductive argument is a conclusion of.
A. observation
B. experience
C. certain
D. probable
E.All of these
F.None of these

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16. An inductive argument is the truth of the conclusion of
A. certain
B. experience
C. probable
D. observation
E.All of these
F.None of these

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17. The method of reasoning from one or more given statements to reach a logically certain results is called_________________

A. Inductive Reasoning
B. Deductive Reasoning

C. Qualitative Reasoning
D. Quantitative Reasoning
E.All of these
F.None of these

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18. The most recent response is most likely to which of the following
A. forget

B. reoccur
C. compromised
D. does not occur again

E.All of these
F.None of these

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19. The famous book “The Republic” was written by which of the following
A. Socrates
B. Aristotle
C. Plato
D. John Locke
E.All of these
F.None of these

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20. A posteriori knowledge is a knowledge that is known by. select anyone.

A. analysis
B. experience

C. information
D. evidence
E.All of these
F.None of these

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