ASVAB Syllabus MCQs
ASVAB Syllabus MCQs
General Science (GS) Syllabus and MCQs
General Science consists of Knowledge of physical and biological sciences.
Arithmetic Reasoning (AR) Syllabus and MCQs
Arithmetic Reasoning consists of the Ability to solve basic arithmetic word problems.
Word Knowledge (WK) Syllabus and MCQs
Word Knowledge consists of the Ability to identify the best synonym for a given word.
Paragraph Comprehension (PC) Syllabus and MCQs
Paragraph Comprehension consists of the Ability to obtain information from written passages.
Mathematics Knowledge (MK) Syllabus and MCQs
Mathematics Knowledgeconsists of the Knowledge of high school mathematics principles.
Electronics Information (EI) Syllabus and MCQs
Electronics Information consists of the Knowledge of electricity and electronics.
Auto Information (AI) Syllabus and MCQs
Auto Information consists of the Knowledge of automobile technology.
Shop Information (SI) Syllabus and MCQs
Shop Information consists of the Knowledge of tools and shop terminology and practices.
Mechanical Comprehension (MC) Syllabus and MCQs
Mechanical Comprehension consists of the Knowledge of mechanical and physical principles.
Assembling Objects (AO) Syllabus and MCQs
Assembling Objects consists of the Ability to determine how an object will look when its parts are put together.