Journalism MCQs

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: November 23, 2024

1. World War II started in the year:

(A) 1939
(B) 1929
(C) 1949
(D) None of these
Answer: 1939

2. Who is Muhammad VI:

a) President of Tunis
b) King of Jordan
c) King of Morocco
d) None of these
Answer: King of Morocco

3. Who is the author of “Politics Among Nations” is:

a) Palmer and Perkins
b) Pervaiz Cheema
c) Morgenthau
d) None of these
Answer: Morgenthau

4. Select the name of the person who arose the idea of SAARC:

a) Zia-ul-Haq
b) Rajiv Gandhi
c) Zia ur Rehman
d) None of these
Answer: Zia ur Rehman

5. The 1956 charter of Pakistan came into effect on:

a) 28th February 1956
b) 14th August 1956
c) 23rd March 1956
d) None of these
Answer: 23rd March 1956

6. Select the year when the U-2 incident happened:

a) 1965
b) 1962
c) 1960
d) None of these
Answer: 1960

7. Iraq invaded Kuwait in:

a) August 1990
b) July 1990
c) December 1990
d) None of these
Answer: August 1990

8. Select the Non-Permanent member of the Security Council:

a) 10
b) 7
c) 5
d) None of these
Answer: 10

9. Select the name of the country that shares the most neighbors:

a) China
b) Russia
c) Canada
d) Both A and B
Answer: Both A and B

10. ‘Rise and Fall of Great Powers’ is the work of:

a) Morgenthau
b) Holsti
c) Paul Kennedy
d) None of these
Answer: Paul Kennedy

11. Select the year when Pakistan rejoined the Commonwealth:

a) 1988
b) 1985
c) 1989
d) None of these
Answer: 1989

12. The U.S. agreed to write off Pakistan’s debt to the tune of:

a) U.S. $ 4 billion
b) U.S. $ 1 billion
c) U.S. $ 2 billion
d) None of these
Answer: U.S. $ 4 billion

13. Select the country that Castro ruled:

a) Brazil
b) Haiti
c) Cuba
d) None of these
Answer: Cuba

14. Who was Paul Bremer?

a) U.S. Administrator in Iraq
b) A British politician
c) A Hollywood Actor
d) None of these
Answer: U.S. Administrator in Iraq

15. Who was Saeb Erekat?

a) President of Cyprus
b) Turkish Minister of Tourism
c) Palestinian negotiator
d) None of these
Answer: Palestinian negotiator

16. Who was Abdul Kalam?

a) Indian President
b) Pak. Rep in Geneva
c) Minister of Bangladesh
d) None of these
Answer: Indian President

17. Two mainstream theories of IR comprise:

(A) Professionalism and Individualism
(B) Rule of Law and Equality
(C) Realism and Idealism
(D) None of these
Answer: Realism and Idealism

18. Select the name of a person related to Realism Theory:

(A) Hans Morgenthau
(B) Karl Marx
(C) Woodrow Wilson
(D) None of these
Answer: Hans Morgenthau

19. Who was Maliha Lodhi?

a) Pak. High Commissioner to the U.K.
b) Editor of the NEWS
c) Pak. Ambassador to the U.S.A.
d) None of these
Answer: Pak. High Commissioner to the U.K.

20. Who was Gerhard Schroeder?

a) Prime Minister of Poland
b) Chancellor of Germany
c) President of Slovakia
d) None of these
Answer: Chancellor of Germany

21. Who was Javier Solana?

a) President of Argentina
b) Spanish Foreign Minister
c) Foreign Policy spokesman of the European Community
d) None of these
Answer: Spanish Foreign Minister

22. Who was Saeed-ul-Sahaf?

a) Information Minister of Ex-President Saddam
b) Palestinian leader
c) A Saudi Minister
d) None of these
Answer: Information Minister of Ex-President Saddam

23. Who was Dr. Kelly?

a) A minister of South Africa
b) U.S. Secretary of Treasury
c) British Nuclear Scientist
d) None of these
Answer: British Nuclear Scientist

24. Who was Winston Churchill?

a) British Prime Minister
b) Leader of the Scottish Labour Party
c) An American General
d) None of these
Answer: British Prime Minister

25. Select the leader of the Taliban Government in Afghanistan:

a) Mullah Umar
b) Hekmatyar
c) Hamid Karzai
d) None of these
Answer: Mullah Umar

26. Patrice Lumumba was the Prime Minister of:

a) Zimbabwe
b) Congo (Zaire)
c) Ghana
d) None of these
Answer: Congo (Zaire)

27. International Relations is the study of:

(A) Relations among states
(B) Relations among individuals
(C) Relations among citizens of a state
(D) None of these
Answer: Relations among states

28. International Relations is part of which discipline?

(A) Political Science
(B) International Law
(C) Sociology
(D) None of these
Answer: Political Science

29. Woodrow Wilson was a promoter of:

(A) Idealism
(B) Constructivism
(C) Realism
(D) None of these
Answer: Idealism

30. International Relations is relatively _____ regulation:

(A) Ancient
(B) New
(C) Old
(D) None of these
Answer: New

31. Idealism primarily works with:

(A) War and Conflict
(B) Cold War
(C) Trade and Cooperation
(D) None of these
Answer: Trade and Cooperation

32. Select the year when Imam Khomeini came to power in Iran:

a) Jan. 1978
b) Dec. 1980
c) Feb. 1979
d) None of these
Answer: Feb. 1979

33. Select the number of Principles of Kemalism which Mustafa Kamal Pasha gave:

a) 8
b) 5
c) 6
d) None of these
Answer: 6

34. Select the name of the person who gave the idea of ‘Peaceful Co-existence’:

a) Molotov
b) Leonid Brezhnev
c) Nikita Khrushchev
d) None of these
Answer: Nikita Khrushchev

35. Select the year when the USSR fragmented:

a) April 1990
b) Jan 1992
c) Dec. 1991
d) None of these
Answer: Dec. 1991

36. Select the year when the Monroe Doctrine was stated:

a) 1923
b) 1922
c) 1924
d) 1823
Answer: 1823

37. Select the year when Pakistan became a member of CENTO:

a) 1955
b) 1954
c) 1958
d) None of these
Answer: 1955

38. Select the date when Pakistan tested its first nuclear bomb:

a) 14th August 1998
b) 28th May 1998
c) 4th April 1998
d) None of these
Answer: 28th May 1998

39. Who was Kurt Waldheim?

a) Secretary General of U.N.O
b) A Swiss politician
c) President of Germany
d) None of these
Answer: Secretary General of U.N.O

40. Who was Chou-En-Lai?

a) Governor of Hong Kong
b) Prime Minister of China
c) Vice President of Taiwan
d) None of these
Answer: Prime Minister of China

41. Select the year when OIC was set up:

a) 1969
b) 1968
c) 1967
d) None of these
Answer: 1969

42. Realism primarily works with:

(A) Trade and Cooperation
(B) War and Conflict
(C) Cold War
(D) None of these
Answer: War and Conflict

43. War is the study of:

(A) Unwanted
(B) Diplomacy by other means
(C) Both (A) & (B)
(D) None of these
Answer: Both (A) & (B)

44. Watergate Scandal developed during the departure of:

a) President Johnson
b) President Carter
c) President Nixon
d) None of these
Answer: President Nixon

45. Thomas Hobbes is known for his concept of:

a) Modern Warfare
b) Leviathan
c) Economic Nationalism
d) None of these
Answer: Leviathan


4o mini
You said:
bold all questions lines with proper numbering and give me in proper form…….Major source of revenue of the newspaper industry. a) Government b) NGOs c) Advertising d) None of these Proximity is a: a) News value b) Source of News c) Editor’s choice d) None of these Inverted pyramid is a: a) Journalism term b) Advertising term c) Reporter’s work d) None of these Government is always interested to: a) Free journalism b) Control journalism c) Stop journalism d) None of these Corrects grammar and expression in news stores a) Chief Editor b) News reporter c) Sub-editor d) None of these Journalism creates in society. a) National integrity b) Chaos c) Confusion d) None of these Who filters information in news story? a) Sub-editor b) Newspaper c) Managing editor d) None of these 8. Objectivity is core value of a) Reporting b) Advertising c) Editing d) None of these A good news reporter always report an event a) As it happens b) When it happens c) As he likes d) None of these The present day newspaper industry is experiencing a) Censorship b) Financial challenges c) Technological challenges d) None of these
ChatGPT said:

1. Major source of revenue of the newspaper industry:

a) Government
b) NGOs
c) Advertising
d) None of these
Answer: Advertising

2. Proximity is a:

a) News value
b) Source of News
c) Editor’s choice
d) None of these
Answer: News value

3. Inverted pyramid is a:

a) Journalism term
b) Advertising term
c) Reporter’s work
d) None of these
Answer: Journalism term

4. Government is always interested to:

a) Free journalism
b) Control journalism
c) Stop journalism
d) None of these
Answer: Control journalism

5. Corrects grammar and expression in news stories:

a) Chief Editor
b) News reporter
c) Sub-editor
d) None of these
Answer: Sub-editor

6. Journalism creates in society:

a) National integrity
b) Chaos
c) Confusion
d) None of these
Answer: National integrity

7. Who filters information in news story?

a) Sub-editor
b) Newspaper
c) Managing editor
d) None of these
Answer: Sub-editor

8. Objectivity is core value of:

a) Reporting
b) Advertising
c) Editing
d) None of these
Answer: Reporting

9. A good news reporter always reports an event:

a) As it happens
b) When it happens
c) As he likes
d) None of these
Answer: As it happens

10. The present-day newspaper industry is experiencing:

a) Censorship
b) Financial challenges
c) Technological challenges
d) None of these
Answer: Financial challenges