Irrigation and Water MCQs

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: November 27, 2024

1. What is the line joining the static water levels in several wells excavated through a confined aquifer called?

(A). cone of depression
(B). hypsometric curve
(C). perched water-table
(D). piezometric surface
(E). None of these

Answer: D

2. When is the best design of the arch dam?

(A). all of the horizontal water loads are transferred horizontally to abutments
(B). load divides between the arches and the cantilevers and the deflections at the conjugal points always being equal
(C). the dam is always safe against sliding at various levels
(D). the deflections of the cantilevers are always equal at the different points
(E). None of these

Answer: B

3. The forces which are the least important in the design of arch dams are____

(A). Reservoir water force
(B). Temperature stresses
(C). Uplift pressure
(D). Ice load
(E). None of these

Answer: C

4. The thin cylinder theory to design the arch dams is based only on which of the following?

(A). temperature stresses
(B). hydrostatic water pressure
(C). yield stresses
(D). ice pressures
(E). None of these

Answer: C

5. The irrigation method in which levees are provided along the contours is____

(A). Basin Flooding
(B). Free Flooding
(C). Contour Farming
(D). Check Flooding
(E). None of these

Answer: D

6. The method of flooding, in which the water takes a circuitous route to irrigate the land is called____

(A). Zigzag Flooding
(B). Check Flooding
(C). Free Flooding
(D). Basin Flooding
(E). None of these

Answer: A

7. The method of Drip irrigation is the type of lift irrigation system.

(A). True
(B). False
(E). None of these

Answer: A

8. The quality of good irrigation method is ___

(A). Soil Erosion
(B). Increased Yield
(C). Leached Fertilizers
(D). Drainage Troubles
(E). None of these

Answer: B

9. The type of irrigation method which uses the supply ditch, borders, ridges is_____

(A). Drip Irrigation Method
(B). Check Flooding
(C). Basin Flooding
(D). Border Flooding
(E). None of these

Answer: D

10. Which of the following type of irrigation methods is called as trickle irrigation?

(A). Sprinkler Irrigation Method
(B). Furrow Irrigation Method
(C). Check Flooding
(D). Drip Irrigation Method
(E). None of these

Answer: D

11. In which of the following type of irrigation methods wasteful use of water is happened?

(A). Furrow Method
(B). Check Flooding
(C). Wild Flooding
(D). Free Flooding
(E). None of these

Answer: C

12. The type of irrigation method which is considered the most advantageous method is___

(A). Drip Irrigation Method
(B). Furrow Irrigation Method
(C). Sprinkler Irrigation Method
(D). Border flooding
(E). None of these

Answer: C

13. The type of irrigation method that is used for both flat lands and relatively steep lands is___

(A). Drip Irrigation Method
(B). Basin Flooding
(C). Furrow Method
(D). Free Flooding
(E). None of these

Answer: D

14. The type of irrigation method in which the whole land is not wetted is called___

(A). Contour Farming
(B). Free Flooding
(C). Furrow Method
(D). Basin Flooding
(E). None of these

Answer: C

15. Which of the following type of irrigation method this diagram represents?

(A). Furrow Method
(B). Contour Farming
(C). Border Flooding
(D). Free Flooding
(E). None of these

Answer: B

16. With ___type of mounting does a sprinkler irrigation network always give the best results.

(A). Open Pipes
(B). Nozzles
(C). Revolving Sprinkler Heads
(D). Pipes with holes near the crop
(E). None of these

Answer: C

17. The capacity of a channel is not considered as the function of the velocity.

(A). True
(B). False
(E). None of these

Answer: B

18. Not an advantage of the lining of the canal is____

(A). Seepage control
(B). Increased maintenance costs
(C). Increase in channel capacity
(D). Prevention of water-logging
(E). None of these

Answer: B

19. The range of value of Manning’s coefficient for the straight alignment for cast-in-situ concrete lining is____

(A). 0.012 – 0.015
(B). 0.020 – 0.025
(C). 0.018 – 0.020
(D). 0.015 – 0.018
(E). None of these

Answer: D

20. The Removal of the silt considerably reduces the annual expenditure which is required on unlined channels to desilt.

(A). True
(B). False
(E). None of these

Answer: A

21. The wrong statement is________

(A). The money spent in removing weeds is not reduced by the lining
(B). The danger of breaches of the channel is reduced by the provision of adequate lining
(C). The lined canal is not susceptible to the erosion
(D). Lining eliminates flood dangers
(E). None of these

Answer: A

22. The wrong statement is__

(A). The bringing of high areas under the command cannot be helped by the lining
(B). For unlined the channels in a good condition, value of Manning’s coefficient will be 0.015 for the concrete
(C). The Flatter slopes are provided without the silting on the lined channel
(D). Velocity is varied inversely with the help of Manning’s coefficient
(E). None of these

Answer: A

23. The cost of the lined canal is about 2 to 2.5 times as the unlined canal.

(A). True
(B). False
(E). None of these

Answer: A

24. The Lining decreases the channel capacity and consequently reduces the channel section that is required.

(A). True
(B). False
(E). None of these

Answer: B

25. The geological formation which does not contain any amount of groundwater is called ___

(A). Aquitard
(B). Aquifer
(C). Aquifuge
(D). Aquiclude
(E). None of these

Answer: C

26. Which of the following is the quantum of water that is contained in the soil pores which cannot be extracted by the gravity drainage?

(A). available water
(B). capillary water
(C). hygroscopic water
(D). pellicular water
(E). None of these

Answer: D

27. Which of the following is the geological formation that yields only the insignificant quantity of groundwater?

(A). aquitard
(B). aquifuse
(C). aquiclude
(D). aquifer
(E). None of these

Answer: A

28. The Specific retention of the groundwater is always larger in the coarse-grained soils.

(A). True
(B). False
(E). None of these

Answer: B

29. Which of the following is the geological formation that may contain water but does not contain any of the yields?

(A). aquiclude
(B). aquifers
(C). aquifer
(D). aquitard
(E). None of these

Answer: A

30. The geological formation which contains and readily yields water to our tube wells is called _____

(A). Aquifer
(B). Aquifuse
(C). Aquiclude
(D). Aquitard
(E). None of these

Answer: A

31. In the case of a flowing well, which of the following is the piezometric surface?

(A). above the ground level
(B). below the ground level
(C). at the ground level
(D). above or below the ground level
(E). None of these

Answer: A

32. The volume of the groundwater which is extracted by gravity drainage from a soil stratum when it is expressed as a percentage fraction of the volume of the soil stratum is__

(A). Pellicular water
(B). Specific yield
(C). Available water
(D). Field capacity
(E). None of these

Answer: B

33. Which of the following are the Water wells that are excavated through confined aquifers?

(A). water table wells
(B). non-artesian wells
(C). artesian wells
(D). gravity wells
(E). None of these

Answer: C

34. Which of the following is the Field capacity of a ground aquifer?

(A). specific yield
(B). field capacity
(C). 100/ specific yield
(D). specific retention
(E). None of these

Answer: B

Irrigation MCQs

  1. Irrigation and Water MCQs
  2. Irrigation and Dam MCQs
  3. Canal Irrigation MCQs
  4. Irrigation Questions Answers MCQs Solved

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