Which of the following is the first step in the questionnaire design process?

Question: Which of the following is the first step in the questionnaire design process?

A  Specify the information needed

B   Selecting the target population

C  Writing the final draft of the questionnaire

D  Analyzing the survey results

Answer: Specify the information needed


          Steps description
1 Specify the information needed ·        Define the objectives and goals of the survey to determine what data you need to collect.
2 Define the target population ·        Identify the group of people to whom the questionnaire will be administered.
3 Choose the survey method and data collection tools ·        Select the appropriate methods and tools for gathering survey data.
4 Develop the questionnaire ·        Create the actual set of questions and response options to collect the required information.
5 Pretest the questionnaire ·        Conduct a trial run of the questionnaire on a small sample to identify and rectify any issues.
6 Revise and finalize the questionnaire ·        Incorporate feedback from the pretest and make necessary improvements.
7 Administer the questionnaire ·        Distribute the questionnaire is to the target population through various channels.
8 Collect and process the survey data ·        Gather and organize the completed questionnaires for data entry and analysis.
9 Analyze and interpret the survey results ·        Use statistical and qualitative methods to extract meaningful insights from data.
10 Report the findings and draw conclusions ·        Summarize the survey results and provide recommendations as needed.