Which of the following is the first human made object to reach the surface of the moon?

Question: Which of the following is the first human made object to reach the surface of the moon?

A    Apollo 8

B    Apollo 11

C    Luna 2

D   Chandrayaan 1

Answer:  Luna 2


Mission Name of space agency Year         Description
Luna 2 Soviet Space Program (USSR) 1959 ·        Luna 2, launched by the Soviet Union, was the first human-made object to reach the Moon.

·        It crash-landed on the lunar surface, providing important data about radiation in space and the Moon’s composition.

Apollo 8 NASA (USA) 1968 ·        Apollo 8 was the first crewed mission to orbit the Moon.

·        The crew, consisting of Frank Borman, James Lovell and William Anders,

·        It circled the Moon and provided the iconic Earthrise photograph.

·        It was a crucial step towards the Apollo 11 Moon landing.

Apollo 11 NASA (USA) 1969 ·        Apollo 11 is renowned for being the first human mission to successfully land on the Moon.
Chandrayaan 1 ISRO (India) 2008 ·        Chandrayaan 1 was India’s first lunar mission.

·        It discovered water molecules on the Moon’s surface, shedding light on lunar water resources.

·        This mission marked India’s entry into lunar exploration and contributed to our understanding of the Moon’s composition.