Special Education MCQs
Special Education MCQs
Unit 1: Basic Concepts in Special Education
- Concepts and Definitions
- Disease, Disorder, Abnormal, At-Risk, Impairment, Disability, Handicap
- Children, Special Education, Special Educational Needs
- Categories of Special Children
- Perspectives on Disabilities
Unit 2: Origins of Special Education (Historical Perspective)
- People and Ideas
- Growth of the Discipline
- Professional and Parent Organizations
- Legislation (USA, Japan, UK, India, and Pakistan)
Unit 3: Special Education System
- Screening
- Identification
- Assessment
- Placement
- Educational Planning
- Referral
- Resource Sharing
- Transitional Planning
- Parent Education
Unit 4: Current Trends and Issues
- Integration / Segregation
- Inclusive Education
- Early Intervention
- Transition from School to Work
- Labeling and Classification
- Assessment and Placement
Unit 5: Service Delivery Model
- Individualized Family Support Programme (IFSP)
- Individualized Education Programme (IEP)
- Individualized Transitional Plan (ITP)
Unit 1: Instructional Planning and Teaching
Foundations of Effective Instruction
Components of Effective Instruction
- Planning Instruction
- Managing Instruction
- Delivering Instruction
- Evaluating Instruction
Unit 2: Instructional Environment
- Classroom Management and Organization
- Instructional Materials
- Instructional Methods
- Direct Instruction
- Cooperative Learning
- Precision Teaching
- Self-learning
- Peer Tutoring
Unit 3: Instructional Adaptations
Unite 4 Assistive Devices
- Visual Impairment
- Orientation and Mobility Aids
- Listening Skills Training
- Braille
- Enhanced Image Devices
- Audio Aids
- Optical Character Recognition Devices
- Computer Software
- Mental Retardation
- Visual Impairment
Unit 5: Development at other Stages
- Development in Adolescence
- Physical, Cognitive, and Language Development
- Social and Emotional Development
- Personality Development
- The Social Context of Adolescence
- Development and Adulthood
- Developmental Changes and Old Age
Unit 1: Classification System of Exceptionalities
- U.S. Department of Education’s Classification
- International Classification of Diseases (ICD)
- Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM)
- World Health Organization Classification
Unit 2: Intellectual Exceptionalities
A. Mental Retardation
B. Gifted and Talented
Unit 3: Sensory and Motor Impairment
A. Sensory Impairment
- Hearing Impairment
- Visual Impairment
- Deaf-Blind
B. Motor Impairment
- Orthopedic Impairment
Unit 4: Other Health Impairments
- Chronic or acute health problems
- Asthma
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
- Diabetes
- Epilepsy
- Haemophilia
- Lead poisoning
- Leukemia
- Nephritis fever
- Sickle cell anemia/Tourette syndrome
Unit 5: Emotional Disturbance and Pervasive Developmental Disorders
A. Emotional Disturbance
- Definition, Concept, Prevalence, and Classification
- Pervasive mood of unhappiness or depression
- Difficulties in interpersonal relationships
- Fear-associated problems
B. Autism and other Pervasive Developmental Disorders
- Impairment in multiple nonverbal behaviors
- Failure to develop peer relationships
- Delay or lack of spoken language
- Stereotyped and repetitive language or idiosyncratic language
Unit 1: Instructional Planning and Teaching
- Foundations of Effective Instruction
- Components of Effective Instruction
- Planning Instruction
- Managing Instruction
- Delivering Instruction
- Evaluating Instruction
- Teaching Techniques
- Micro Teaching
- Mentoring
- Peer Teaching
- Competency Teaching
Unit 2: Instructional Environment
- Classroom Management and Organization
- Instructional Materials
- Instructional Methods
- Direct Instruction
- Cooperative Learning
- Precision Teaching
- Self-learning
- Peer Tutoring
Unit 3: Instructional Adaptations
- Basic Skills Instruction
- Instruction of Subject-Area
- Content Adaptations
- Considering Special Needs
Unit 4: Assistive Devices
- Visual Impairment
- Orientation and Mobility Aids
- Listening Skills Training
- Braille
- Enhanced Image Devices
- Audio Aids
- Optical Character Recognition Devices
- Computer Software
- Hearing Impairment
- Total Communication
- Cued Speech
- Assistive Learning Devices
- Oral/Aural Approach
- Information Communication Technologies (ICTs Tools)
- Sign Language
- Physical Disabilities
- Wheelchair
- Prosthesis
- Artificial Limbs
- Conductive Education
- Mental Retardation
- Montessori Teaching Methods and Material
- Behavior Modification
- Functional Academic Skills
- Self-help Skills
- Teaching Kits
- Computer Software
- Psychotherapy
- Psychiatric Support
- Dietary Support
Unit 5: Collaboration and Parent-Professional Partnerships
- The Basics of Collaboration
- Special Education and Related Services
- Parent-Professional Collaboration
- Collaboration with Multi-Professional
- Team Teaching
Unit 1: Reading Difficulties: Definition and Concept
- The Classification of Reading Disability
- Organic/Neurological Explanations
- Functional Approach
- Environmentalist Explanations
- Elements of Reading; Word Recognition and Reading Comprehension
- Remediation of Specific Reading Difficulties
- Visual Motor
- Auditory Verbal
- Auditory Visual Integration
- Higher Order Conceptual and Language Problems
- Approaches of Teaching Reading
- Whole Language Instruction
- Explicit Code Emphasis Instruction
- Integrating Whole Language and Code-Emphasis Instruction
Unit 2: Writing Difficulties; Definition and Concept
- The Classification of Learning Difficulties in Writing
- The Development of Writing; Writing Process (Planning/Editing/Revising)
- Remediation of Writing and Spelling Difficulties
- Writing Difficulties
- Difficulties in Composition, Formulation, and Planning Grammatical Structure
- Difficulties with Handwriting
- Spelling and Other Difficulties
- Spelling Difficulties
- Problems with Punctuation and Space
- Writing Difficulties
- Assessment of Writing
- Informal Monitoring
- Process Measures
- Product Measures
Unit 3: Visual Motor Problems and Activity Level
- Definition and Concept
- The Classification of Visual Motor Difficulties
- Remediation of Visual Motor Difficulties
- Visual Perceptual Difficulties
- Motor Difficulties (Clumsiness)
- Difficulty with Attention and Activity Level
Unit 4: Difficulties in Mathematics
- Definition and Concept
- The Classification of Learning Difficulties in Mathematics
- Remediation of Difficulties in Mathematics
- Specific Difficulties in Mathematics
- Difficulty with Reading and Writing Numbers
- Difficulty with Calculations
- Spatial Difficulties
- Higher Order Difficulties in Mathematics
- Difficulty in Understanding Mathematics
- Difficulty with the Language of Mathematics
- Specific Difficulties in Mathematics
Unit 5: Personal and Social Skills
- Definition and Concept
- The Classification of Social Skills Problems
- Remediation of Personal and Social Skills
Unit 1: Introduction to Visual Impairment
- Definition and Classification
- Legal Definition
- Low Vision/Legally Blind
- Educational Definition
- Measurement of Vision and Low Vision
- Causes of Visual Impairment
- Prevalence and Prevention
Unit 2: Function of the Eye
- Anatomy
- Physiology
- Functions
- Diseases
Unit 3: Psychological and Behavioral Characteristics
- Language Development
- Intellectual Ability
- Mobility
- Academic Achievement
- Social Adjustment
Unit 4: Educational Considerations
- Braille
- Use of Remaining Sight
- Listening Skills and Verbalism
- Mobility Training
- Information Communication Tools (ICT’s Tools)
- Service Delivery Models
Unit 5: Transitional Planning
- Independent Living
- Vocational Training
- Resume Writing
- Employment Opportunities
- Understanding and Adjustment of Work Environment
- Assessment of Vision/Low Vision
- Case Study Recording
- Use of Residual Vision
- Braille
- Mobility Training
- Observational Visit of Centers for Visual Handicap
Unit 1: Definition and Concept of Hearing Impairment
- Hard of Hearing
- Deaf
- Classification of Hearing Impairment
- Causes of Hearing Impairment
- Conductive, Sensorineural, and Mixed Impairments
- Impairments of the Outer Ear
- Impairments of the Middle Ear
- Impairments of the Inner Ear
- Prevalence and Prevention
Unit 2: Function of the Ear
- Anatomy
- Physiology
- Functions
- Diseases
Unit 3: Measurement of Hearing Ability
- Pure-Tone Audiometry
- Free Field Audiometry
- Speech Audiometry
- Test for Young and Hard-to-Test Children
- School Screening
- Bone Conduction Test
- Tympanometry
- Auto Acoustic Test
- Distraction Test
Unit 4: Psychological and Behavioral Characteristics
- Language and Speech
- Intelligence
- Academic Achievement
- Social Adjustment
- Behavior Problems
Unit 5: Educational Considerations for Remediation
- Oral Approach: Auditory-Verbal Approach and Speech Reading
- Hearing Appliances
- Sign Language
- Cued Speech
- Total Communication
- Augmentative Communication Devices
- Makaton
- Career Education