Important General Knowledge MCQs

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: November 23, 2024

1. In how much seconds the Moon light is reached to the earth?

A) 1.3 seconds
B) 0.3 seconds
C) 2.3 seconds
D) 3.3 seconds
Answer: A

2. The telegraph code was developed by __________

A) Andre Ampere
B) Jean Fourier
C) Joseph Henry
D) Samuel Morse
Answer: D

3. The numbers of chromosomes in Pea plant are __________

A) 12
B) 46
C) 14
D) 48
Answer: C

4. Plants that open its mouth when the insect sit on its lid are ________

A) Pitcher plant
B) Sunflower
C) Brassica Plant
D) None of these
Answer: A

5. What is the speed of sound in air at the sea level?

A) 300 meter per second
B) 340 meter per second
C) 320 meters per second
D) 370 meter per second
Answer: B

6. The safety pin was invented ____________

A) Charles Goodbye
B) steward Harshone
C) A.Rose
D) Walter Hunt
Answer: D

7. What is the Study of Entomology called?

A) insects
B) worms
C) Animals
D) All of these
Answer: A

8. Number of bones in our body is _________

A) 102
B) 306
C) 204
D) 206
Answer: D

9. In what that Sound cannot travel?

A) Solid
B) Liquid
C) Vaccum
D) Gases
Answer: C

10. What is the distance of mercury from sun?

A) 57.9 million km
B) 56 million km
C) 58.9 million km
D) 59.1 million
Answer: A

11. What is the study Of GLANDS called?

A) Endocrinology
B) Entomology
C) cardiology
D) None of these
Answer: A

12. What is the repetition of property after a definite interval called?

A) Electron affinity
B) periodicity of property
C) Atomic radius
D) none of these
Answer: B

13. The Reflex actions in the head region are under what control?

A) Spinal cord
B) Brain
C) both a & b
D) none of the above
Answer: B

14. By what the Short-sight defect can be corrected?

A) concave lens
B) convex lens
C) concave lens
D) none of these
Answer: C

15. What does the Deficiency of vitamin B1 cause?

A) Rickets
B) Bone Infection
C) Myopia
D) Beriberi
Answer: D

16. What is the inner most part of earth?

A) Core
B) Mental
C) Crust
D) None of these
Answer: A

17. The ozone layer is at what height from the surface of Earth?

A) 10 to 20 kilometers
B) 30 to 40 kilometers
C) 20 to 30 kilometers
D) 40 to 50 kilometers
Answer: C

18. How A Little inhalation is done?

A) cigarettes
B) pipes and cigars
C) both offer extreme inhalation
D) Both A and B offer little inhalation
Answer: D

19. The human brain uses how much percent of the total oxygen and blood in our body?

A) 48
B) 12
C) 35
D) 20
Answer: D

20. The planet which has the longest day is __________

A) Jupiter
B) Mercury
C) Venus
D) Earth
Answer: C

21. ____________ is called the “morning star”

A) Mercury
B) Mars
D) Saturn
Answer: C

22. The angle above the horizon at which the sun should be to make a rainbow is ___________

A) 40 degrees
B) 60 degrees
C) 90 degrees
D) 65 degrees
Answer: A

23. What is the study of cancer called?

A) Oncology
B) Ecology
C) Genomic
D) Zoology
Answer: A

24. The Sunlight is a Great Source of what?

A) vitamin C
B) vitamin E
C) vitamin D
D) vitamin K
Answer: C

25. The breathing rate of a human being body is __________

A) 11-13 minutes
B) 13-15 minutes
C) 16-20 minutes
D) 32-35 minutes
Answer: C

26. The number of teeth in a human mouth is _________

A) 30
B) 32
C) 33
D) 31
Answer: B

27. The correct sequence of the various layers of Atmosphere from the Earth’s surface is _____________

A) Ionosphere, Mesosphere, Stratosphere, Troposphere
B) Mesosphere, Stratosphere, Ionosphere, Troposphere
C) Troposphere, Ionosphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere
D) Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Ionosphere
Answer: D

28. The cells which are Colourless are ________

A) White blood cells
B) Red blood cells
C) Monocytes
D) platelets
Answer: A

29. What is the longest bone in human body?

A) Ulna
B) Tibia
C) Humerus
D) Femur
Answer: D

30. Shortest bone in a human body is ________

A) Tibia
B) Stapes
C) Femur
D) Humerus
Answer: B

31. How the Sodium carbonate is produced?

A) By Ammonia solvay process
B) By haber process
C) By decons process
D) By lead chamber process
Answer: A

32. What is The scientific study of teeth called?

A) Orthoepy
B) Ornithology
C) Odontology
D) Pedagogy
Answer: C

33. What is the Blood which heart pumps to lungs called?

A) lymph fluid
B) deoxygenated blood
C) atria blood
D) oxygenated blood
Answer: B

34. What is the Current stage of star ‘Sun’?

A) white dwarf
B) yellow dwarf
C) red giant
D) orange dwarf
Answer: B

35. If we reduce the length of a heater coil by 10% of its original length, then how much Power will be consumed by the heater?

A) Increase over 10%
B) Decrease by 0.5%
C) Decrease by 10%
D) Increase by 0.5%
Answer: C

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