Random graphs Research Topics Ideas [MS – PhD]
1. On the evolution of random graphs
2. On the chromatic number of random graphs
3. On the asymmetry of random regular graphs and random graphs
4. Pseudo-random graphs
5. The diameter of sparse random graphs
6. A critical point for random graphs with a given degree sequence
7. The average distances in random graphs with given expected degrees
8. Sparse quasi-random graphs
9. Resolvent of large random graphs
10. On large matchings and cycles in sparse random graphs
11. Concentration and regularization of random graphs
12. Poisson convergence and random graphs
13. Expansion of random graphs: New proofs, new results
14. Random graphs and branching processes
15. On factors in random graphs
16. Sparse pseudo‐random graphs are Hamiltonian
17. On the spectra of general random graphs
18. Random graphs with a given degree sequence
19. On tree census and the giant component in sparse random graphs
20. A sequential algorithm for generating random graphs
21. Critical random graphs: diameter and mixing time
22. Coloring random graphs
23. Various energies of random graphs
24. Random trees and random graphs
25. Distinguishing vertices of random graphs
26. Proper connection number of random graphs
27. The chromatic number of random graphs
28. Diameters of random graphs
29. Cutoff for nonbacktracking random walks on sparse random graphs
30. Testing for high‐dimensional geometry in random graphs
31. On the existence of hamiltonian cycles in a class of random graphs
32. Extremal subgraphs of random graphs
33. Generating simple random graphs with prescribed degree distribution
34. Spectral distributions of adjacency and Laplacian matrices of random graphs
35. General percolation and random graphs
36. Spanning subgraphs of random graphs
37. Random graphs with clustering
38. Quasi‐random graphs with given degree sequences
39. On independent sets in random graphs
40. Mantel’s theorem for random graphs
41. Graph limits and exchangeable random graphs
42. The matching energy of random graphs
43. Broadcasting in random graphs
44. Distance Estrada index of random graphs
45. The energy of random graphs
46. Random graphs and positional games on the complete graph
47. Limit theorems for complete subgraphs of random graphs
48. Differential equations for random processes and random graphs
49. Pancyclic random graphs
50. The structure of hereditary properties and colourings of random graphs
51. Strong couplings for static locally tree-like random graphs
52. Hypothesis Testing for Equality of Latent Positions in Random Graphs
53. System Structure Randomness and Integrity. Random Graphs Models
54. Convergence of Distributed Gradient-Tracking-Based Optimization Algorithms with Random Graphs
55. Warning Propagation on random graphs
56. A Central Limit Theorem for Diffusion in Sparse Random Graphs
57. Multivariate Hawkes processes on inhomogeneous random graphs
58. Quantitative Russo-Seymour-Welsh for random walk on random graphs and decorrelation of UST
59. Spread of Infection over PA random graphs with edge insertion
60. Preferential attachment random graphs with edge-step functions
61. Markovian online matching algorithms on large bipartite random graphs
62. Epidemics on critical random graphs with heavy-tailed degree distribution
63. On the eigenvalues of Erdos-Renyi random bipartite graphs
64. On random digraphs and cores
65. Convergence criteria for sampling random graphs with specified degree sequences
66. Exact asymptotic characterisation of running time for approximate gradient descent on random graphs
67. Sparse random planar graphs
68. Investigating Several Fundamental Properties of Random Lobster Trees and Random Spider Trees
69. Covering 3-Edge-Colored Random Graphs with Monochromatic Trees
70. Two modified Zagreb indices for random structures
71. Rainbow Cliques in Randomly Perturbed Dense Graphs
72. Quantum Search on Random Graphs
73. Community detection on euclidean random graphs
74. Dyads, triads, and tetrads: a multivariate simulation approach to uncovering network motifs in social graphs
75. Explicit bounds for critical infection rates and expected extinction times of the contact process on finite random graphs
76. Generating large scale‐free networks with the Chung–Lu random graph model
77. Which graphs can be counted in -free graphs?
78. Barely supercritical percolation on Poissonian scale-free networks
79. Hamiltonicity of random graphs in the stochastic block model
80. Recent progress in combinatorial random matrix theory
81. An Experimental Approach to Exact and Random Boolean-Widths and Their Comparison with Other Width Parameters
82. From one-way streets to percolation on random mixed graphs
83. Local convergence of random planar graphs
84. Hamiltonicity in Prime Sum Graphs
85. Random Sums and Graphs
86. Analysis of graph theory–Distance correlated models in graphs
87. -factors in Quasi-random Hypergraphs
88. The Rank of the Sandpile Group of Random Directed Bipartite Graphs
89. Rainbow trees in uniformly edge-coloured graphs
90. Random subcomplexes and Betti numbers of random edge ideals
91. Singularity of the k-core of a random graph
92. Edge-disjoint spanning trees and forests of graphs
93. New lower bound on the modularity of Johnson graphs
94. Interacting thermofield doubles and critical behavior in random regular graphs
95. Analytic approach for the number statistics of non-Hermitian random matrices
96. Concentration of maximum degree in random planar graphs
97. Large deviations in random latin squares
98. Rainbow spanning trees in random edge-colored graphs
99. Ollivier-Ricci curvature convergence in random geometric graphs
100. Limiting distribution of short cycles in inhomogeneous random uniform hypergraph
101. On the connectivity of configuration graphs
102. Cycle factors in randomly perturbed graphs
103. Spanners in randomly weighted graphs: independent edge lengths
104. Bounded cutoff window for the non-backtracking random walk on Ramanujan Graphs
105. Crux and long cycles in graphs
106. Extremal independence in discrete random systems
107. On explicit random-like tournaments
108. Degree distributions in AB random geometric graphs
109. Asymptotic behavior of the edge metric dimension of the random graph.
110. Graph polynomials unimodal for almost all graphs
111. Hamiltonicity of random subgraphs of the hypercube
112. Lecture 10: Review of graph modeling and inference
113. Hamiltonicity of graphs perturbed by a random geometric graph
114. Maximum cliques in graphs with small intersection number and random intersection graphs
115. Local limit of sparse random planar graphs
116. Large Deviation Principles for Block and Step Graphon Random Graph Models
117. Limit points of spectra for first-order properties of random hypergraphs
118. Parameter tuning of a genetic algorithm for finding central vertices in graphs
119. The connectivity threshold for dense graphs
120. Spectral analysis of transient amplifiers for death–birth updating constructed from regular graphs
121. On the upper tail problem for random hypergraphs
122. Connectivity of 1d random geometric graphs
123. Several topological indices of random caterpillars
124. Large complete minors in random subgraphs
125. Branching random graph model of rough surfaces describes thermal properties of the effective molecular potential
126. Random Simplicial Complexes: Models and Phenomena
127. A framework for stability‐based module detection in correlation graphs
128. Quasirandom Graphs and the Pantograph Equation
129. Analytical and computational properties of the variable symmetric division deg index
130. The giant component after percolation of product graphs
131. Finding maximum matchings in random regular graphs in linear expected time
132. Granger Causality among Graphs and Application to Functional Brain Connectivity in Autism Spectrum Disorder
133. Almost eulerian compatible spanning circuits in edge-colored graphs
134. Short proofs for long induced paths
135. Strong identification codes for graphs
136. Upper bounds on the global offensive alliances in graphs
137. Network Robustness Based on Inverse Percolation
138. Exact modularity of line graphs of complete graphs
139. Covering a compact space by fixed-radius or growing random balls
140. On planar graphs of uniform polynomial growth
141. Network representation using graph root distributions
142. Sparse expanders have negative curvature
143. Graphs with diameter 2 and large total domination number
144. Analytical and computational study of the variable inverse sum deg index
145. Real spectra of large real asymmetric random matrices
146. A central limit theorem for singular graphons
147. The Hitting Times of Random Walks on Bicyclic Graphs
148. Zero-forcing in random regular graphs
149. Further results on the rainbow vertex-disconnection of graphs
150. Spread of epidemic disease on edge-weighted graphs from a database: A case study of covid-19
151. A tight condition for triangle factors in pseudorandom graphs
152. Probabilistic analysis of optimization problems on generalized random shortest path metrics
153. Sampling in weighted social networks using a levy flight-based learning automata
154. A tight lower bound on matching number of graphs
155. Consensus Analysis of Wireless Multi-Agent Systems over Fading Channels
156. Quasi-random words and limits of word sequences
157. Unions of random trees and applications
158. Analytical and statistical studies of Rodriguez–Velazquez indices
159. A note on the Markovian SIR epidemic on a random graph with given degrees
160. Property (T) in density-type models of random groups
161. More about sparse halves in triangle-free graphs
162. Existence of absolutely continuous spectrum for Galton-Watson random trees
163. Learning Bollobás-Riordan Graphs Under Partial Observability
164. Expansion, long cycles, and compete minors in supercritical random subgraphs of the hypercube
165. Superimposing Periodic Subgraph Mining in Dynamic Social Network
166. Invariant embeddings of unimodular random planar graphs
167. Complete minors in graphs without sparse cuts
168. Approximately counting independent sets in bipartite graphs via graph containers
169. Quantum algorithm for approximating maximum independent sets
170. A clique-free pseudorandom subgraph of the pseudo polarity graph
171. Oblivious Stacking and MAX -CUT for Circle Graphs
172. On the spectra of general random mixed graphs
173. Random-cluster dynamics on random regular graphs in tree uniqueness
174. Asymptotic Behavior of Common Connections in Sparse Random Networks
175. Minor-embedding heuristics for large-scale annealing processors with sparse hardware graphs of up to 102,400 nodes
176. Localization Game for Random Geometric Graphs
177. Threshold function of ray nonsingularity for uniformly random ray pattern matrices
178. Dirac’s theorem for random regular graphs
179. Computational and analytical studies of the harmonic index in Erdös–Rényi models
180. Combinatorial anti-concentration inequalities, with applications
181. Cliques in geometric inhomogeneous random graph
182. The expected values of Sombor indices in random hexagonal chains, phenylene chains and Sombor indices of some chemical graphs
183. Quenched local limit theorem for random walks among time-dependent ergodic degenerate weights
184. The expected values of some indices in random phenylene chains
185. Building Graphs at Scale via Sequence of Edges: Model and Generation Algorithms
186. On the size-Ramsey number of grid graphs
187. The number of perfect matchings, and the sandwich conjectures, of random regular graphs
188. On non-localization of eigenvectors of high girth graphs
189. Freeness over the diagonal for large random matrices
190. Entropic dynamics of networks
191. Optimality of Graph Scanning Statistic for Online Community Detection
192. The Flip Schelling Process on Random Geometric and Erd\” os-R\’enyi Graphs
193. Expected hitting times for random walks on the diamond hierarchical graphs involving some classical parameters
194. The expected values and variances for Sombor indices in a general random chain
195. Counting -free orientations of graphs
196. Bipartite graphs of randomly colored matchings
197. Coloring Graphs Without Bichromatic Cycles or Paths
198. The threshold for the square of a Hamilton cycle
199. Kolmogorov bounds for decomposable random variables and subgraph counting by the Stein-Tikhomirov method
200. Classical algorithms and quantum limitations for maximum cut on high-girth graphs
201. Random graphs
202. The diameter of random graphs
203. Cliques in random graphs
204. Random graphs
205. The evolution of random graphs
206. On colouring random graphs
207. Quasi-random graphs
208. Colouring random graphs.
209. Poisson cloning model for random graphs
210. On the evolution of random graphs
211. A review of random graphs
212. Factors in random graphs
213. Algorithmic theory of random graphs
214. Strongly balanced graphs and random graphs
215. The origins of the theory of random graphs
216. Elements of a theory of computer simulation I: sequential CA over random graphs
217. Degree sequences of random graphs
218. The spectra of random graphs with given expected degrees
219. Epidemics and random graphs
220. Ergodic theory on stationary random graphs
221. The number of endpoints of a random walk on a semi-infinite metric path graph
222. A note on Fokker-Planck equations and graphons
223. Sparse Random Block Matrices
224. Martin boundary of killed random walks on isoradial graphs
225. Non-linear Hamilton cycles in linear quasi-random hypergraphs
226. Spectral clustering under degree heterogeneity: a case for the random walk Laplacian
227. Approximating the cumulant generating function of triangles in the Erdös–Rényi random graph
229. Non-concentration of the chromatic number of a random graph
230. Evolution of ribosomal protein network architectures
231. Thresholds versus fractional expectation-thresholds
232. Property (T) in -gonal random groups
233. Random Schreier Graphs and Expanders
234. On the power of random greedy algorithms
235. Rank deficiency of random matrices
236. Settling the Sharp Reconstruction Thresholds of Random Graph Matching
237. On Optimization of 1/2-Approximation Path Cover Algorithm
238. Phase transition in noisy high-dimensional random geometric graphs
239. An algebraic approach to the Kuramoto model
240. Trees with extremal spectral radius of weighted adjacency matrices among trees weighted by degree-based indices
241. Parallelization of a branch-and-bound algorithm for the maximum weight clique problem
242. Loose cores and cycles in random hypergraphs
243. Combinatorial games on multi-type Galton-Watson trees
244. MSO 0-1 law for recursive random trees
245. Modeling Higher-Order Interactions in Complex Networks by Edge Product of Graphs
246. Generalized Rainbow Connection of Graphs
247. A Novel Heuristic for Estimating Two-Colorability for Conflict-Free Coloring in Simple Graphs
248. A counterexample to the Bollobás–Riordan conjectures on sparse graph limits
249. Spanning cycles in random directed graphs
250. On distance signless Laplacian Estrada index and energy of graphs
251. Isomorphism for random k-uniform hypergraphs
252. 1 An Introduction to Biological Networks
253. Graphon convergence of random cographs
254. Quantum annealing initialization of the quantum approximate optimization algorithm
255. Efficient random graph matching via degree profiles
256. Linear-sized independent sets in random cographs and increasing subsequences in separable permutations
257. A Ramsey-Tur\’an theory for tilings in graphs
258. Random Regular Bipartite Graphs Satisfy Weak Virial Positivity, for a Large Range of the Parameters
259. Analytical results for the distribution of first return times of random walks on random regular graphs
260. Constrained shortest path problems in bi-colored graphs: a label-setting approach
261. Sequences of well-distributed vertices on graphs and spectral bounds on optimal transport
262. The combination of targeted vaccination and ring vaccination
263. Long induced paths in a configuration model
264. Graph toughness from Laplacian eigenvalues
265. Modularity of minor-free graphs
266. Constructing graphs from genetic encodings
267. Perturbative quantum field theory on random trees
268. Support of closed walks and second eigenvalue multiplicity of graphs
269. Asymptotic entropy of the Gibbs state of complex networks
270. An improved lower bound for multicolor Ramsey numbers and the half-multiplicity Ramsey number problem
271. Covering graphs by monochromatic trees and Helly-type results for hypergraphs
272. Hamiltonicity of graphs perturbed by a random regular graph
273. Metastability and maximal-entropy joinings of Gibbs measures on finitely-generated groups
274. Fluctuations of Subgraph Counts in Random Graphons
275. Relative Canonical Network Ensembles–(Mis) characterizing Small-World Networks
276. Quantum magnetism on small-world networks
277. On the Number of Weakly Connected Subdigraphs in Random k NN Digraphs
278. Three-state majority-vote model on small-world networks
279. A Ramsey–Turán theory for tilings in graphs
280. Supercritical percolation on nonamenable graphs: Isoperimetry, analyticity, and exponential decay of the cluster size distribution
281. The harmonic mean formula for random processes
282. Percolation in complex networks
283. Network embedding from the line graph: Random walkers and boosted classification
284. Independent dominating sets in graphs of girth five
285. p-adic numbers encode complex networks
286. On the reduced Sombor index and its applications
287. -independent percolation on
288. Locality of Random Digraphs on Expanders
289. Primal-size neural circuits in meta-periodic interaction
290. 4 Networks from an Information-Theoretic and Algorithmic Complexity Perspective
291. On Roman Domination of Graphs Using a Genetic Algorithm
292. Random Walks on Graphs and Approximation of L2-Invariants
293. The Structure of an Outbreak on a College Campus
294. The necessity of conditions for graph quantum ergodicity and Cartesian products with an infinite graph
295. Theory of rumour spreading in complex social networks
296. Near-perfect clique-factors in sparse pseudorandom graphs
297. Symmetry violation of quantum multifractality: Gaussian fluctuations versus algebraic localization
298. Return probabilities on nonunimodular transitive graphs
299. Complexity and randomness in the Heisenberg groups (and beyond)
300. Modelling the brain with a multilevel Random Geometric Graph
301. Non-crossing monotone paths and binary trees in edge-ordered complete geometric graphs
302. Learning to Pool in Graph Neural Networks for Extrapolation
303. Choice number of Kneser graphs
304. On the chromatic number in the stochastic block model
305. Rare Events in Random Geometric Graphs
306. Edgeworth Expansions for Centered Random Walks on Covering Graphs of Polynomial Volume Growth
307. Remarks on random walks on graphs and the Floyd boundary
308. Graphon Filters: Signal Processing in Very Large Graphs
309. The Truth about Power Laws: Theory and Reality
310. The wired arboreal gas on regular trees
311. Hamiltonian Berge cycles in random hypergraphs
312. Upper tail of the spectral radius of sparse Erd\H {o} sR\'{e} nyi graphs
313. ” Spectrally gapped” random walks on networks: a Mean First Passage Time formula
314. Fubini numbers and polynomials of graphs
315. Statistical properties of mutualistic-competitive random networks
317. Random evolution equations: well-posedness, asymptotics, and applications to graphs
318. Unusually large components in near-critical Erd\H {o} sR\'{e} nyi graphs via ballot theorems
319. Entropy of Graphs in Financial Markets
320. Enhanced Forman curvature and its relation to Ollivier curvature
321. New results for MaxCut in -free graphs
322. Random walks on the discrete affine group
323. The friendship paradox in real and model networks
324. Stability and bifurcation of mixing in the Kuramoto model with inertia
325. A random hierarchical lattice: the series-parallel graph and its properties
326. Rolling backwards can move you forward: on embedding problems in sparse expanders
327. Geometry of Random Cayley Graphs of Abelian Groups
328. Extremal Laws for Laplacian Random Matrices
329. Evaluations of Tutte polynomials of regular graphs
330. A local core number based algorithm for the maximum clique problem
331. The Critical Mean-field Chayes-Machta Dynamics
332. Tilings in randomly perturbed graphs: Bridging the gap between Hajnal‐Szemerédi and Johansson‐Kahn‐Vu
333. Rainbow Thresholds
334. Testing copositivity via mixed–integer linear programming
335. Randomly wired network based on RoBERTa and dialog history attention for response selection
336. Analysis of some Epidemic Models in complex networks and some ideas about isolation strategies
337. A motif building process for simulating random networks
338. Random walks and Laplacians on hypergraphs: When do they match?
339. A survey on unbounded Laplacians and intrinsic metrics on graphs
340. Beyond the adjacency matrix: random line graphs and inference for networks with edge attributes
341. Hamiltonicity via cohomology of right-angled Artin groups
342. Household bubbles and COVID-19 transmission: insights from percolation theory
343. Network isolators inhibit failure spreading in complex networks
344. Distributed scheduling using graph neural networks
345. 3 Structural Analysis of Biological Networks
346. On Phantom Alignment Strength
347. On the distance signless Laplacian Estrada index of graphs
348. Ramsey properties of algebraic graphs and hypergraphs
349. New Benchmarks for Learning on Non-Homophilous Graphs
350. Connectedness matters: construction and exact random sampling of connected networks
351. Graphs with few trivial characteristic ideals
352. An Experimental Study of External Memory Algorithms for Connected Components
353. Triangle-free subgraphs of hypergraphs
354. Climate Field Completion via Markov Random Fields: Application to the HadCRUT4. 6 Temperature Dataset
355. Neuronal graphs: a graph theory primer for microscopic, functional networks of neurons recorded by Calcium imaging
356. fMRI functional connectivity analysis via kernel graph in Alzheimer’s disease
357. Optimal Selection of Informed Agents for Influence Opposition
358. Some results for range of random walk on graph with spectral dimension two
359. Topological modelling of gas networks for co-simulation applications in multi-energy systems
360. Critical exponents for a percolation model on transient graphs
361. Rainbow monochromatic k-edge-connection colorings of graphs
362. Random generators of Markovian evolution: A quantum-classical transition by superdecoherence
363. An inverse-type problem for cycles in local Cayley distance graphs
364. Asymptotic bounds on total domination in regular graphs
365. Extension of Alon’s and Friedman’s conjectures to Schottky surfaces
366. Making multigraphs simple by a sequence of double edge swaps
367. Graph clustering via generalized colorings
368. Detecting a planted community in an inhomogeneous random graph
369. The Analytic Evolution of Dyson–Schwinger Equations via Homomorphism Densities
370. Eigenvalue-based entropy in directed complex networks
371. On the chromatic number of the preferential attachment graph
372. Preferential attachment hypergraph with high modularity
373. The connectome predicts resting-state functional connectivity across the Drosophila brain
374. Network navigation with non-Lèvy superdiffusive random walks
375. On the minimal diameter of closed hyperbolic surfaces
376. Simple quasistationary method for simulations of epidemic processes with localized states
377. Detecting interactions in discrete-time dynamics by random variable resetting
378. Asymptotic density of graphs excluding disconnected minors
379. Detecting network anomalies using Forman–Ricci curvature and a case study for human brain networks
380. Graph coloring with no large monochromatic components
381. Efficient methods for the distance-based critical node detection problem in complex networks
382. Hierarchical effects facilitate spreading processes on synthetic and empirical multilayer networks
383. Component behaviour and excess of random bipartite graphs near the critical point
384. Structure, characteristics and connectivity analysis of the asian-australasian cruise shipping network
385. Blowup Ramsey numbers
386. Community detection in the sparse hypergraph stochastic block model
387. Large clique is hard on average for resolution
388. An Explicit Infinite Family of M -Vertex Graphs with Maximum Degree K and Diameter [ 1 + o ( 1 ) ] log K − 1 M for Each K − 1 a Prime Power
389. Finding tight Hamilton cycles in random hypergraphs faster
390. Characterization of robustness and resilience in graphs: a mini-review
391. Hybridization of particle swarm optimization and simulated annealing for maximum partition problem
392. Leveraging a multiple-strain model with mutations in analyzing the spread of COVID-19
393. A note on isoperimetric inequalities of Gromov hyperbolic manifolds and graphs
394. Random Matrix Theory: Eigenvalue Densities
395. Hat chromatic number of graphs
396. Lower Gaussian heat kernel bounds for the random conductance model in a degenerate ergodic environment
397. Accurately Modeling Biased Random Walks on Weighted Graphs Using
398. Principled approach to the selection of the embedding dimension of networks
399. Topological theory of resilience and failure spreading in flow networks
400. Fast and Accurate Determination of Graph Node Connectivity Leveraging Approximate Methods
401. Kr-factors in graphs with low independence number
402. Chordal graphs
403. A Central Limit Theorem for the average target hitting time for a random walk on a random graph
404. Scale-free percolation in continuous space: quenched degree and clustering coefficient
405. Graph degree heterogeneity facilitates random walker meetings
406. A metric on directed graphs and Markov chains based on hitting probabilities
407. The characteristics of cycle-nodes-ratio and its application to network classification
408. Learning by Sampling: A Deep Learning Approach to the Planted Clique Problem With Unlimited Sampling
409. Topics in Stochastic Analysis and Control
410. A Study of Connectivity on Dynamic Graphs: Computing Persistent Connected Components
411. Correlation between the continuous-time quantum walk and cliques in graphs and its application
412. p-star models, mean field random networks and the heat hierarchy
413. Node repair on connected graphs
414. Atomic subgraphs and the statistical mechanics of networks
415. Assortativity measures for weighted and directed networks
416. On the probability that a random subtree is spanning
417. A branching process approach to level- phylogenetic networks
418. The theories of Baldwin–Shi hypergraphs and their atomic models
419. A probabilistic proof of Cooper and Frieze’s” First Visit Time Lemma”
420. On the Standard (2, 2)-Conjecture
421. Construction of Simplicial Complexes with Prescribed Degree-Size Sequences
422. The bridges to consensus: Network effects in a bounded confidence opinion dynamics model
423. Mean Field Behavior during the Big Bang for Coalescing Random Walk
424. Resistance distances in vertex-weighted complete multipartite graphs
425. Phase Transitions of the Variety of Random-Field Potts Models
426. Experimental Evaluation of a Local Search Approximation Algorithm for the Multiway Cut Problem
427. Respondent-driven sampling on sparse Erdös-Rényi graphs
428. A Review of Two Network Curvature Measures
429. Eigenvalues of the non-backtracking operator detached from the bulk
430. Engineering Nearly Linear-Time Algorithms for Small Vertex Connectivity
431. Cutoff for permuted Markov chains
432. Greedy approximation for the minimum connected dominating set with labeling
433. A randomized construction of high girth regular graphs
434. Convergence of combinatorial gravity
435. Directed polymers on infinite graphs
436. Twin Peaks, a Model for Recurring Cascades
437. Chimeras unfolded
438. Neuronal avalanches in Watts-Strogatz networks of stochastic spiking neurons
439. Complete r-partite r-graphs are Sidorenko A brief exposition
440. Two remarks on graph norms
441. Paths, cycles and sprinkling in random hypergraphs
442. Tournament quasirandomness from local counting
443. Avoidance couplings on non‐complete graphs
444. Rates of multivariate normal approximation for statistics in geometric probability
445. Independent sets in subgraphs of a shift graph
446. Cutoff for non-negatively curved Markov chains
447. Hubs-biased resistance distances on graphs and networks
448. Learning network event sequences using long short‐term memory and second‐order statistic loss
449. Cycle lengths in expanding graphs
450. Girth, magnitude homology, and phase transition of diagonality
451. Independent Sets in Semi-random Hypergraphs
452. Large cliques and independent sets all over the place
453. Matérn Gaussian processes on graphs
454. Evolutionary bet-hedging in structured populations
455. A Local Search Based Approach to Solve Continuous DCOPs
456. PageRank asymptotics on directed preferential attachment networks
457. Classes of graphs embeddable in order-dependent surfaces
458. Hypergraph reconstruction from network data
459. Eigenvalues of Adjacency and Laplacian Matrices of Bracelet—Kn Graph
460. Counting and Sampling Perfect Matchings in Regular Expanding Non-Bipartite Graphs
461. How does the chromatic number of a random graph vary?
462. Efficient algorithms for abelian varieties and their moduli spaces
463. A sparse stochastic block model with two unequal communities
464. A generative model of article citation networks of a subject from a large-scale citation database
465. The product of two high-frequency Graph Laplacian eigenfunctions is smooth
466. Rankings in directed configuration models with heavy tailed in-degrees
467. A sampling method based on distributed learning automata for solving stochastic shortest path problem
468. Phases of Small Worlds: A Mean Field Formulation
469. Analysis of a parallel MCMC algorithm for graph coloring with nearly uniform balancing
470. Convergence rates of limit theorems in random chord diagrams
471. Graph Theory in Brain Networks
472. Rainbow Hamilton Cycles in Randomly Colored Randomly Perturbed Dense Graphs
473. Entropic barriers as a reason for hardness in both classical and quantum algorithms
474. Convergence towards the end space for random walks on Schreier graphs
475. Graphon signal processing
476. Accelerating Louvain community detection algorithm on graphic processing unit
477. Eigenvector statistics of Lévy matrices
478. Employing Fuzzy Logic to Analyze the Structure of Complex Biological and Epidemic Spreading Models
479. T-Spanner Problem: Genetic Algorithms for the T-Spanner Problem
480. On the limits of active module identification
481. Network analysis: An indispensable tool for curricula design. A real case-study of the degree on mathematics at the URJC in Spain
482. Order Matters: Probabilistic Modeling of Node Sequence for Graph Generation
483. On Dissemination Thresholds in Regular and Irregular Graph Classes
484. Conditional matching preclusion for regular bipartite graphs and their Cartesian product
485. Regularity method and large deviation principles for the Erd\H {o} s–R\’enyi hypergraph
486. Energies of complements of unitary one-matching bi-Cayley graphs over commutative rings
487. Bicyclic graphs with extremal cover cost
488. The component counts of random injections
489. Combinatorial necessary conditions for regular graphs to induce periodic quantum walks
490. Spectrum of Random -regular Graphs Up to the Edge
491. Urban sensing as a random search process
492. Structural Entropy Constrains Dynamics in Directed Networks
493. Link prediction in dynamic networks using random dot product graphs
494. Robustness assessment of multimodal freight transport networks
495. Learning Unknown from Correlations: Graph Neural Network for Inter-novel-protein Interaction Prediction
496. Optimisation of the coalescent hyperbolic embedding of complex networks
497. Graph Theory Approach to Detect Examinees Involved in Test Collusion
499. Cayley Graphs and Probability Isomorphic Groups
500. On the inducibility problem for random Cayley graphs of abelian groups with a few deleted vertices
501. Relaxed and approximate graph realizations
502. Step-isometries
503. A note on virtual duality and automorphism groups of right-angled Artin groups
504. Hamilton transversals in random Latin squares
505. Spectral Theory of Graphons
506. A new structure entropy of complex networks based on nonextensive statistical mechanics and similarity of nodes
507. A theoretical and experimental study of a new algorithm for minimum cost flow in dynamic graphs
508. Random homomorphisms into the orthogonality graph
509. A note on explicit constructions of designs
510. On a question of Vera T.\S\’os about size forcing of graphons
511. On maximal cliques of Cayley graphs over fields
512. A practical test for a planted community in heterogeneous networks
513. Long-term changes in the small-world organization of brain networks after concussion
514. Dense multigraphon-valued stochastic processes and edge-changing dynamics in the configuration model
515. Tight Localizations of Feedback Sets
516. Algorithms and Complexity of Power Domination in Graphs
517. Network Analyzing by the Aid of Orbit Polynomial
518. The complexity of subtree intersection representation of chordal graphs and linear time chordal graph generation
519. Phase transition in a power-law uniform hypergraph
520. Homological scaffold via minimal homology bases
521. Around quantum ergodicity
522. Fluctuations of extreme eigenvalues of sparse Erdős–Rényi graphs
523. Large deviations for the largest eigenvalue of Gaussian networks with constant average degree
524. On distance graph coloring problems
525. Effects of pest control on a food chain in patchy environment: Species-dependent activity range on multilayer graphs
526. Aspiration can promote cooperation in well-mixed populations as in regular graphs
527. Information technologies for analysis and modeling of computer network’s development
528. Low-congestion shortcuts for graphs excluding dense minors
529. CUSUM multi-chart for detecting unknown abrupt changes under finite measure space for network observation sequences
530. A convex principle of search time for a multi-biased random walk on complex networks
531. Affiliation weighted networks with a differentially private degree sequence
532. Information flux in complex networks: Path to stylized facts
533. Evolution of networks of protein domain organization
534. Generative model for reciprocity and community detection in networks
535. DotMotif: An open-source tool for connectome subgraph isomorphism search and graph queries
536. Graphon Filters: Graph Signal Processing in the Limit
537. Quantum Walks, Feynman Propagators and Graph Topology on an IBM Quantum Computer
538. Linear-time uniform generation of random sparse contingency tables with specified marginals
539. A Review of Latent Space Models for Social Networks
540. 1-Laplacian on metric random walk spaces
541. Centralities in complex networks
542. Resistance distance and Kirchhoff index of the Q-vertex (or edge) join graphs
543. Online discriminative graph learning from multi-class smooth signals
544. A full characterization of invariant embeddability of unimodular planar graphs
546. SSDBA: the stretch shrink distance based algorithm for link prediction in social networks
547. Power up! Robust graph convolutional network via graph powering
548. Percolation on feature-enriched interconnected systems
549. Simplicial Complexes in Complex Systems: In Search for Alternatives
550. One-Step Memory Random Walk on Complex Networks: An Efficient Local Navigation Strategy
551. On formal concepts of random formal contexts
552. Upperbounds on the probability of finding marked connected components using quantum walks
553. Improving the Filtering of Branch-and-Bound MDD Solver
554. Multilevel approaches for the critical node problem
555. On Sombor index
556. Graph distances in scale-free percolation: the logarithmic case
557. Decentralized Cooperative Online Estimation With Random Observation Matrices, Communication Graphs and Time Delays
558. Agmon estimates for Schr\” odinger operators on graphs
559. On the minimal degree condition of graphs implying equality of the largest Kr-free subgraphs and (r− 1)-partite subgraphs
560. Learning Combinatorial Node Labeling Algorithms
561. Testing Triangle Freeness in the General Model in Graphs with Arboricity O (√ n)
562. Measurement error of network clustering coefficients under randomly missing nodes
563. Memory-aware framework for fast and scalable second-order random walk over billion-edge natural graphs
564. Max Cuts in Triangle-free Graphs
565. Correlations among game of thieves and other centrality measures in complex networks
566. Secure the IoT Networks as Epidemic Containment Game
567. Hamilton cycles and perfect matchings in the KPKVB model
568. A Cluster Model for Growth of Random Trees
569. Mixing time of fractional random walk on finite fields
570. Local limit theorems for occupancy models
571. Towards the 0-statement of the Kohayakawa-Kreuter conjecture
572. The many facets of the Estrada indices of graphs and networks
573. A 0.502MaxCut Approximation using Quadratic Programming
574. Majority dynamics: The power of one
575. On the derivation of mean-field percolation critical exponents from the triangle condition
576. Online network monitoring
577. NetKI: A kirchhoff index based statistical graph embedding in nearly linear time
578. Statistical-Mechanical Analysis of Structures
579. Limits and consistency of non-local and graph approximations to the Eikonal equation
580. Brief Survey on Graph Burning and Tight Bounds on the Burning Numbers of Path Forests & Spiders
581. Injective edge-coloring of graphs with given maximum degree
582. Hidden Ancestor Graphs with Assortative Vertex Attributes
583. Dynamic node packing
584. Independent sets in hypergraphs omitting an intersection
585. Ramsey-type numbers involving graphs and hypergraphs with large girth
586. Stochastic quorum percolation and noise focusing in neuronal networks
587. Efficient distributed algorithms for holistic aggregation functions on random regular graphs
588. Edge Sampling Using Local Network Information
589. Centrality in Stochastic Networks
590. Reference to Global State and Social Contagion Dynamics
592. Simulation of Online Learning Interaction Relation Network Based on BA Model
593. … decreasing with the number of players, and this is related to interesting questions regarding Hamming powers of Kneser graphs and independent sets in random …
594. Size distribution of the largest component of a random A-mapping
595. Getting directed Hamilton cycle twice faster
596. Causal graphical views of fixed effects and random effects models
597. On scaling limits of random Halin-like maps with large faces
598. Universality of nodal count distribution in large metric graphs
599. A Smoother Notion of Spread Hypergraphs
600. Approximating graphs of a class of general Sierpinski triangles and their normalized Laplacian spectra
601. Strategically positioning cooperators can facilitate the contagion of cooperation
602. Treewidth of the -Kneser graphs
603. Generalized optimal paths and weight distributions revealed through the large deviations of random walks on networks
604. Inducibility of 4-vertex tournaments
605. OONIS—Object-Oriented Network Infection Simulator
606. Effects of hidden nodes on noisy network dynamics
607. Longitudinal network models and permutation-uniform Markov chains
608. Getting the lay of the land in discrete space: A survey of metric dimension and its applications
609. Dynamic hidden-variable network models
610. Pure nash equilibria and best-response dynamics in random games
611. Artificial Benchmark for Community Detection (ABCD)—Fast random graph model with community structure
612. Some spectral properties of the non-backtracking matrix of a graph
613. The faculty hiring network for PhD-granting communication programs
614. Ranking graphs through hitting times of Markov chains
615. Mixing time of PageRank surfers on sparse random digraphs
616. Functional structure in production networks
617. Typicality and entropy of processes on infinite trees
618. Optimal couplings between sparse block models
619. Loss of structural balance in stock markets
620. Constrained Minimum Passage Time in Random Geometric Graphs
621. Finding minimum label spanning trees using cross‐entropy method
622. Forecasting elections results via the voter model with stubborn nodes
623. FAIMCS: A fast and accurate influence maximization algorithm in social networks based on community structures
624. Parameter estimation in a 3‐parameter p‐star random graph model
625. Discrete harmonic functions on infinite penny graphs
626. Declawing a graph: polyhedra and Branch-and-Cut algorithms
627. Counting partitions of with degree congruence conditions
628. Probabilistic analysis of algorithms for cost constrained minimum weighted combinatorial objects
629. Random-Walk Laplacian for Frequency Analysis in Periodic Graphs
630. Methodology to quantify robustness in networks: case study—Higher Education System in Mexico
631. Inclusivity enhances robustness and efficiency of social networks
632. Random 2-cell embeddings of multistars
633. Uniform intersecting families with large covering number
634. Advanced malware propagation on random complex networks
635. Approximation algorithms for Steiner forest: An experimental study
636. A note on the independence number, domination number and related parameters of random binary search trees and random recursive trees
637. Random features strengthen graph neural networks
638. Constant-Time Reachability in DAGs Using Multidimensional Dominance Drawings
639. Controllability Analysis of Complex Networks Using Statistical Random Sampling
640. Unlocking heterogeneity of node activation in Boolean networks through dynamical programming
641. Recent Progress on Graphs with Fixed Smallest Adjacency Eigenvalue: A Survey
642. Instance Matching in Knowledge Graphs through random walks and semantics
643. Approximation theorems on graphs
644. Graphon-valued stochastic processes from population genetics
645. Cycle Analysis of Directed Acyclic Graphs
646. Cover Time on a Square Lattice by Two Colored Random Walkers
647. Persistency of linear programming relaxations for the stable set problem
648. The likelihood-ratio test for multi-edge network models
649. Explicit expanders of every degree and size
650. Nonbacktracking Eigenvalues under Node Removal: X-Centrality and Targeted Immunization
651. A note lower bounds for the Estrada index
652. The structure of co-publications multilayer network
653. On finite mixture modeling and model-based clustering of directed weighted multilayer networks
654. The biclique partitioning polytope
655. Prabhakar discrete-time generalization of the time-fractional Poisson process and related random walks
656. Belief propagation for networks with loops
657. Invertibility of the 3-core of Erdos Renyi Graphs with Growing Degree
658. The conjunction of the linear arboricity conjecture and Lovász’s path partition theorem
659. The effect of social distancing on the reach of an epidemic in social networks
660. Bipartite, Size, and Online Ramsey Numbers of Some Cycles and Paths
661. Lower tails via relative entropy
662. Stochastic block model in a new critical regime and the interacting multiplicative coalescent
663. Graphon particle system: Uniform-in-time concentration bounds
664. Moderate Deviations in Triangle Count
665. Toward 5G cloud radio access network: An energy and latency perspective
666. Quantum Search Algorithm for Exceptional Vertexes in Regular Graphs and its Circuit Implementation
667. Problems in arithmetic topology
668. Dynamical phases in amultifractal”Rosenzweig-Porter model
669. A Stress-Free Sum-of-Squares Lower Bound for Coloring
670. A Probabilistic Compute Fabric Based on Coupled Ring Oscillators for Solving Combinatorial Optimization Problems
671. Regional and sectoral structures of the Chinese economy: A network perspective from multi-regional input-output tables
672. Kemeny’s constant and the Kirchhoff index for the cluster of highly symmetric graphs
673. Topological indices computing on random chain structures
674. MATH 111: Introduction to Statistics and Probability
675. Swarm and Evolutionary Computation
676. Partitioning a graph into balanced connected classes: Formulations, separation and experiments
677. Motif-based tests for bipartite networks
678. A surprising symmetry for the greedy independent set on Cayley trees
679. Scaling up real networks by geometric branching growth
680. A Complete Bibliography of Publications in Annals of Probability (2020–2029)
681. Max-Cut via Kuramoto-type Oscillators
682. Distributed coloring and the local structure of unit-disk graphs
683. Study of Phases of Matter: Dipolar Dimer Liquid and Topological Metamaterials with Odd Elasticity
684. Visibility graph based temporal community detection with applications in biological time series
685. General properties on Sombor indices
686. Microscopic Numerical Simulations of Epidemic Models on Networks
687. On the minimal degree condition of graphs implying some properties of subgraphs
688. Probabilistic convergence and stability of random mapper graphs
689. Immunization of networks with limited knowledge and temporary immunity
690. Network reliability: Heading out on the highway
691. An iterative Jacobi-like algorithm to compute a few sparse eigenvalue-eigenvector pairs
692. Multifractal analysis of eigenvectors of small-world networks
693. Sparse random tensors: Concentration, regularization and applications
694. Powers of Hamiltonian cycles in multipartite graphs
695. A hybrid list-based task scheduling scheme for heterogeneous computing
696. Random Memory Walk
697. Design of Graph Signal Sampling Matrices for Arbitrary Signal Subspaces
698. Quantitative Analysis of Random Structures
699. Theoretical study of energy, inertia and nullity of phenylene and anthracene
700. Generalized spectral clustering via Gromov-Wasserstein learning
701. Treewidth-pliability and PTAS for Max-CSPs
702. Invariant spanning double rays in amenable groups
703. Bi-Polarization in Cascade Size Distributions
704. An improved procedure for colouring graphs of bounded local density
705. Graph Analysis for Simulated Neural Networks with STDP
706. Topological embeddings into random 2‐complexes
707. Disproving the normal graph conjecture
708. Integer programming for learning directed acyclic graphs from continuous data
709. Testing Triangle Freeness in the General Model in Graphs with Arboricity
710. Membership in random ratio sets
711. Accrual of functional redundancy along the lifespan and its effects on cognition
712. Constraints on Brouwer’s Laplacian spectrum conjecture
713. Representing complex networks without connectivity via spectrum series
714. Expansion in Cayley graphs, Cayley sum graphs and their twists
715. Complex Systems
716. Secure Fast Evaluation of Iterative Methods: With an Application to Secure PageRank.
717. Locally interacting diffusions as Markov random fields on path space
718. Phase transitions of Best‐of‐two and Best‐of‐three on stochastic block models
719. Expander random walks: a Fourier-analytic approach
720. Structural Disorder and Collective Behavior of Two-Dimensional Magnetic Nanostructures
721. Symmetry Parameters for Mycielskian Graphs
722. Degree centrality and root finding in growing random networks
723. Spanning trees in dense directed graphs
724. Strong modeling limits of graphs with bounded tree-width
725. Metric dimension of critical Galton–Watson trees and linear preferential attachment trees
726. The ordered median tree of hubs location problem
727. Identification of nodes influence based on global structure model in complex networks
728. ConvGraph: Community Detection of Homogeneous Relationships in Weighted Graphs
730. Tight Upper Bound of the 3-Total-Rainbow Index for 2-(Edge-) Connected Graphs
731. Reliability Engineering and System Safe
732. Generating irreducible copositive matrices using the stable set problem
733. Memetic Teaching–Learning-Based Optimization algorithms for large graph coloring problems
734. Sprinkling a few random edges doubles the power
735. Constructions of betweenness-uniform graphs from trees
736. AORM: Fast Incremental Arbitrary-Order Reachability Matrix Computation for Massive Graphs
737. A solution-driven multilevel approach for graph coloring
738. Making an -Free Graph -Colorable
739. Enumerating alternating matrix spaces over finite fields with explicit coordinates
740. Quantum mechanical model of information sharing in social networks
741. Reconstruction of 2-connected parity graphs
742. Deep Graph Spectral Evolution Networks for Graph Topological Evolution
743. Virtually fibering right-angled coxeter groups
744. Sharp Thresholds for a SIR Model on One-Dimensional Small-World Networks
745. Indicators for assessing the robustness of metapopulations against habitat loss
746. The 1–2–3 Conjecture almost holds for regular graphs
747. Decomposition algorithms for solving NP-hard problems on a quantum annealer
748. Reducing Linear Hadwiger’s Conjecture to Coloring Small Graphs
749. Community detection in signed and directed graphs
750. Strategic Evasion of Centrality Measures
751. Neumann domains on quantum graphs
752. On the eigenvalue and energy of extended adjacency matrix
753. A model of COVID-19 propagation based on a gamma subordinated negative binomial branching process
754. Scarcity of scale-free topology is universal across biochemical networks
755. Circumventing spin-glass traps by microcanonical spontaneous symmetry breaking
756. The diversity and co-occurrence network of soil bacterial and fungal communities and their implications for a new indicator of grassland degradation
757. Using machine learning for quantum annealing accuracy prediction
758. Ordered Graph Limits and Their Applications
759. Ramanujan graphs and the spectral gap of supercomputing topologies
760. Ten-tier and multi-scale supplychain network analysis of medical equipment: Random failure and intelligent attack analysis
761. Homological percolation transitions in growing simplicial complexes
762. Uniform-in-Time Continuum Limit of the Winfree Model on an Infinite Cylinder and Emergent Dynamics
763. Percolating sets in bootstrap percolation on the Hamming graphs and triangular graphs
764. Interval graph multi-coloring-based resource reservation for energy-efficient containerized cloud data centers
765. Population-scale testing can suppress the spread of infectious disease
766. Random walkers on morphological trees: A segmentation paradigm
767. On Bernstein Type Exponential Inequalities for Matrix Martingales
768. Exploring the effect of network topology, mRNA and protein dynamics on gene regulatory network stability
769. An Efficient Alternating Direction Method for Graph Learning from Smooth Signals
770. Isomorphism, canonization, and definability for graphs of bounded rank width
771. The component structure of dense random subgraphs of the hypercube
772. On the density of eigenvalues on periodic graphs
773. Inclusion total chromatic number
774. Phase transitions of the k-majority dynamics in a biased communication model
775. Level-set percolation of the Gaussian free field on regular graphs III: giant component on expanders
776. Spectral properties of hypercubes with applications
777. The planted k-factor problem
778. Série dos Seminários de Acompanhamento à Pesquisa
779. Core-GAE: Towards Generation of IoT Networks
780. Existence and uniqueness theorems for some semi-linear equations on locally finite graphs
781. A sparse model with covariates for directed networks
782. Compatibility, embedding and regularization of non-local random walks on graphs
783. A finitary structure theorem for vertex-transitive graphs of polynomial growth
784. Robust and efficient swarm communication topologies for hostile environments
785. On a problem of M. Talagrand
786. Efficient hypothesis testing for community detection in heterogeneous networks by graph dissimilarity
787. A best bound for to guarantee
788. Path to fixation of evolutionary processes in graph-structured populations
789. Tailored graph ensembles as proxies or null models for real networks I: tools for quantifying structure
790. Community Detection of Homogeneous Relationships in Weighted Graphs. Mathematics 2021, 9, 367
791. On the influence maximization problem and the percolation phase transition
792. The structure of sandpile groups of outerplanar graphs
793. Explaining the emergence of complex networks through log-normal fitness in a Euclidean node similarity space
794. Zero Training Overhead Portfolios for Learning to Solve Combinatorial Problems
795. The balanced double star has maximum exponential second Zagreb index
796. Network path convergence shapes low-level processing in the visual cortex
797. Controlling Uncertainty
798. Random Graph Matching with Improved Noise Robustness
799. Descending the Stable Matching Lattice: How Many Strategic Agents Are Required to Turn Pessimality to Optimality?
800. Convergence of the spectral radius of a random matrix through its characteristic polynomial
801. Diameters of random Cayley graphs of finite nilpotent groups
802. Denoising large-scale biological data using network filters
803. Impact of mobile botnet on long term evolution networks: a distributed denial of service attack perspective
804. Entanglement formation in continuous-variable random quantum networks
805. The role of connectivity on COVID-19 preventive approaches
806. Anomaly Detection for Big Data Using Efficient Techniques: A Review
807. Robustness of Noisy Quantum Networks
808. Your Tribe Decides Your Vibe: Analyzing Local Popularity in the US Patent Citation Network
809. MPGVAE: Improved Generation of Small Organic Molecules using Message Passing Neural Nets
810. Large deviations, a phase transition, and logarithmic Sobolev inequalities in the block spin Potts model
811. Bounding the number of cycles in a graph in terms of its degree sequence
812. Percolation thresholds for robust network connectivity
813. О генерической сложности проблемы изоморфизма конечных полугрупп
814. Hardness of variants of the graph coloring game
815. Network edge entropy decomposition with spin statistics
816. A stability result on matchings in 3-uniform hypergraphs
817. Hasse diagrams with large chromatic number
818. Interlayer connectivity reconstruction for multilayer brain networks using phase oscillator models
819. A Survey of the Bridge Between Combinatorics and Probability
820. Влияние нестационарных помех в анализе информационных моделей с модуляцией с одной и несколькими несущими
821. Discontinuous phase transitions in the multi-state noisy q-voter model: quenched vs. annealed disorder
822. Estimating Fiedler value on large networks based on random walk observations
823. Identifying vital nodes by Achlioptas process
824. Asymptotic normality of degree counts in a general preferential attachment model
825. TINB: a topical interaction network builder from WWW
826. Some Combinatorial Problems in Power-Law Graphs
827. Solving Maximal Stable Set Problem via Deep Reinforcement Learning.
828. Lower Bound on the Size-Ramsey Number of Tight Paths
829. Coherence resonance in random Erdös-Rényi neural networks: mean-field theory
830. Local elliptic law
831. Ancient caloric functions on graphs with unbounded Laplacians
832. Boltzmann Machines as Generalized Hopfield Networks: A Review of Recent Results and Outlooks
833. Finding the resistance distance and eigenvector centrality from the network’s eigenvalues
834. Exchange-based diffusion in Hb-Graphs: Highlighting complex relationships in multimedia collections (extended version).
835. Stochastic completeness of graphs: bounded Laplacians, intrinsic metrics, volume growth and curvature
836. SWFC-ART: A cost-effective approach for Fixed-Size-Candidate-Set Adaptive Random Testing through small world graphs
837. Phase transitions and assortativity in models of gene regulatory networks evolved under different selection processes
838. A low discrepancy sequence on graphs
839. Long cycles, heavy cycles and cycle decompositions in digraphs
840. When Can Liquid Democracy Unveil the Truth?
841. A Cloud-RAN based end-to-end computation offloading in Mobile Edge Computing
842. Berry–Esseen bounds for generalized statistics
843. The Explorer-Director Game on Graphs
844. An approach to explore exotic hadronic states in 24 Mg-Ag/Br interactions at 4.5 A GeV/c in framework of complex network analysis
845. The -Ramsey problem for triangle-free graphs
846. Short geodesic loops and L p norms of eigenfunctions on large genus random surfaces
847. A New Formula for the Minimum Distance of an Expander Code
848. Interacting brains revisited: A cross-brain network neuroscience perspective
849. Finding influential groups in networked systems: The most degree-central clique problem
850. Gauss sums and the maximum cliques in generalized Paley graphs of square order
851. On the subgraph query problem
852. Counting -graphs without forbidden configurations
853. Size-Ramsey numbers of powers of hypergraph trees and long subdivisions
854. Belief model of complex contagions on random networks
855. The connective eccentricity index and modified second Zagreb index of Parikh word representable graphs
856. A Concentration of Measure Approach to Correlated Graph Matching
857. Graph reliability evaluation via random -out-of- systems
858. Finite representation of reaction kinetics in unbounded biopolymer structures
859. The average order of dominating sets of a graph
860. Spectra, Hitting Times and Resistance Distances of q- Subdivision Graphs
861. On some graph densities in locally dense graphs
862. Bursting synchronization in neuronal assemblies of scale-free networks
863. Synchronization dynamics in non-normal networks: the trade-off for optimality
864. Community detection in graphs
865. VisGraphNet: A complex network interpretation of convolutional neural features
866. On the structure of graphs with integer Sombor indices
867. Failure and Communication in a Synchronized Multi-drone System
868. Bounds for the total variation distance between second degree polynomials in normal random variables
869. Erdos-Hajnal for graphs with no 5-hole
870. An empirical characterization of community structures in complex networks using a bivariate map of quality metrics